Consider Signed-off-by lines as part of the ending of the initial commit to avoid having these in the middle of the log when the changelog part is injected after. This is particularly usefull with: $ git gcc-commit-mklog --amend -s that can be used to create the changelog and add the Signed-off-by line. Also applies most of the shellcheck suggestions on the prepare-commit-msg hook. contrib/ChangeLog: * mklog.py: Leave SOB lines after changelog. * prepare-commit-msg: Apply most shellcheck suggestions. Signed-off-by: Marc Poulhiès <dkm@kataplop.net>
448 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
448 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GCC.
# GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# This script parses a .diff file generated with 'diff -up' or 'diff -cp'
# and adds a skeleton ChangeLog file to the file. It does not try to be
# too smart when parsing function names, but it produces a reasonable
# approximation.
# Author: Martin Liska <mliska@suse.cz>
import argparse
import datetime
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from itertools import takewhile
import requests
from unidiff import PatchSet
# Initial commit:
# +--------------------------------------------------+
# | gccrs: Some title |
# | | This is the "start"
# | This is some text explaining the commit. |
# | There can be several lines. |
# | |<------------------->
# | Signed-off-by: My Name <my@mail.com> | This is the "end"
# +--------------------------------------------------+
# Results in:
# +--------------------------------------------------+
# | gccrs: Some title |
# | |
# | This is some text explaining the commit. | This is the "start"
# | There can be several lines. |
# | |<------------------->
# | gcc/rust/ChangeLog: |
# | | This is the generated
# | * some_file (bla): | ChangeLog part
# | (foo): |
# | |<------------------->
# | Signed-off-by: My Name <my@mail.com> | This is the "end"
# +--------------------------------------------------+
# this regex matches the first line of the "end" in the initial commit message
FIRST_LINE_OF_END_RE = re.compile('(?i)^(signed-off-by:|co-authored-by:|#)')
pr_regex = re.compile(r'(\/(\/|\*)|[Cc*!])\s+(?P<pr>PR [a-z+-]+\/[0-9]+)')
prnum_regex = re.compile(r'PR (?P<comp>[a-z+-]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)')
dr_regex = re.compile(r'(\/(\/|\*)|[Cc*!])\s+(?P<dr>DR [0-9]+)')
dg_regex = re.compile(r'{\s+dg-(error|warning)')
pr_filename_regex = re.compile(r'(^|[\W_])[Pp][Rr](?P<pr>\d{4,})')
identifier_regex = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9_#].*)')
comment_regex = re.compile(r'^\/\*')
struct_regex = re.compile(r'^(class|struct|union|enum)\s+'
macro_regex = re.compile(r'#\s*(define|undef)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)')
super_macro_regex = re.compile(r'^DEF[A-Z0-9_]+\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)')
fn_regex = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z_][^()\s]*)\s*\([^*]')
template_and_param_regex = re.compile(r'<[^<>]*>')
md_def_regex = re.compile(r'\(define.*\s+"(.*)"')
bugzilla_url = 'https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/rest.cgi/bug?id=%s&' \
function_extensions = {'.c', '.cpp', '.C', '.cc', '.h', '.inc', '.def', '.md'}
# NB: Makefile.in isn't listed as it's not always generated.
generated_files = {'aclocal.m4', 'config.h.in', 'configure'}
help_message = """\
Generate ChangeLog template for PATCH.
PATCH must be generated using diff(1)'s -up or -cp options
(or their equivalent in git).
script_folder = os.path.realpath(__file__)
root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(script_folder))
def find_changelog(path):
folder = os.path.split(path)[0]
while True:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, folder, 'ChangeLog')):
return folder
folder = os.path.dirname(folder)
if folder == '':
return folder
raise AssertionError()
def extract_function_name(line):
if comment_regex.match(line):
return None
m = struct_regex.search(line)
if m:
# Struct declaration
return m.group(1) + ' ' + m.group(3)
m = macro_regex.search(line)
if m:
# Macro definition
return m.group(2)
m = super_macro_regex.search(line)
if m:
# Supermacro
return m.group(1)
m = fn_regex.search(line)
if m:
# Discard template and function parameters.
fn = m.group(1)
fn = re.sub(template_and_param_regex, '', fn)
return fn.rstrip()
return None
def try_add_function(functions, line):
fn = extract_function_name(line)
if fn and fn not in functions:
return bool(fn)
def sort_changelog_files(changed_file):
return (changed_file.is_added_file, changed_file.is_removed_file)
def get_pr_titles(prs):
output = []
for idx, pr in enumerate(prs):
pr_id = pr.split('/')[-1]
r = requests.get(bugzilla_url % pr_id)
bugs = r.json()['bugs']
if len(bugs) == 1:
prs[idx] = 'PR %s/%s' % (bugs[0]['component'], pr_id)
out = '%s - %s\n' % (prs[idx], bugs[0]['summary'])
if out not in output:
if output:
return '\n'.join(output)
def append_changelog_line(out, relative_path, text):
line = f'\t* {relative_path}:'
if len(line.replace('\t', ' ' * TAB_WIDTH) + ' ' + text) <= LINE_LIMIT:
out += f'{line} {text}\n'
out += f'{line}\n'
out += f'\t{text}\n'
return out
def get_rel_path_if_prefixed(path, folder):
if path.startswith(folder):
return path[len(folder):].lstrip('/')
return path
def generate_changelog(data, no_functions=False, fill_pr_titles=False,
global prs
prs = []
changelogs = {}
changelog_list = []
out = ''
diff = PatchSet(data)
if additional_prs:
for apr in additional_prs:
if not apr.startswith('PR ') and '/' in apr:
apr = 'PR ' + apr
if apr not in prs:
for file in diff:
# skip files that can't be parsed
if file.path == '/dev/null':
changelog = find_changelog(file.path)
if changelog not in changelogs:
changelogs[changelog] = []
# Extract PR entries from newly added tests
if 'testsuite' in file.path and file.is_added_file:
# Only search first ten lines as later lines may
# contains commented code which a note that it
# has not been tested due to a certain PR or DR.
this_file_prs = []
hunks = list(file)
if hunks:
for line in hunks[0][0:10]:
m = pr_regex.search(line.value)
if m:
pr = m.group('pr')
if pr not in prs:
m = dr_regex.search(line.value)
if m:
dr = m.group('dr')
if dr not in prs:
elif dg_regex.search(line.value):
# Found dg-warning/dg-error line
# PR number in the file name
fname = os.path.basename(file.path)
m = pr_filename_regex.search(fname)
if m:
pr = m.group('pr')
pr2 = 'PR ' + pr
if pr not in this_file_prs and pr2 not in prs:
if fill_pr_titles:
out += get_pr_titles(prs)
# print list of PR entries before ChangeLog entries
if prs:
if not out:
out += '\n'
for pr in prs:
out += '\t%s\n' % pr
out += '\n'
# sort ChangeLog so that 'testsuite' is at the end
for changelog in sorted(changelog_list, key=lambda x: 'testsuite' in x):
files = changelogs[changelog]
out += '%s:\n' % os.path.join(changelog, 'ChangeLog')
out += '\n'
# new and deleted files should be at the end
for file in sorted(files, key=sort_changelog_files):
assert file.path.startswith(changelog)
in_tests = 'testsuite' in changelog or 'testsuite' in file.path
relative_path = get_rel_path_if_prefixed(file.path, changelog)
functions = []
if file.is_added_file:
msg = 'New test.' if in_tests else 'New file.'
out = append_changelog_line(out, relative_path, msg)
elif file.is_removed_file:
out = append_changelog_line(out, relative_path, 'Removed.')
elif hasattr(file, 'is_rename') and file.is_rename:
# A file can be theoretically moved to a location that
# belongs to a different ChangeLog. Let user fix it.
# Since unidiff 0.7.0, path.file == path.target_file[2:],
# it used to be path.source_file[2:]
relative_path = get_rel_path_if_prefixed(file.source_file[2:],
out = append_changelog_line(out, relative_path, 'Moved to...')
new_path = get_rel_path_if_prefixed(file.target_file[2:],
out += f'\t* {new_path}: ...here.\n'
elif os.path.basename(file.path) in generated_files:
out += '\t* %s: Regenerate.\n' % (relative_path)
append_changelog_line(out, relative_path, 'Regenerate.')
if not no_functions:
for hunk in file:
# Do not add function names for testsuite files
extension = os.path.splitext(relative_path)[1]
if not in_tests and extension in function_extensions:
last_fn = None
modified_visited = False
success = False
for line in hunk:
m = identifier_regex.match(line.value)
if line.is_added or line.is_removed:
# special-case definition in .md files
m2 = md_def_regex.match(line.value)
if extension == '.md' and m2:
fn = m2.group(1)
if fn not in functions:
last_fn = None
success = True
if not line.value.strip():
modified_visited = True
if m and try_add_function(functions,
last_fn = None
success = True
elif line.is_context:
if last_fn and modified_visited:
try_add_function(functions, last_fn)
last_fn = None
modified_visited = False
success = True
elif m:
last_fn = m.group(1)
modified_visited = False
if not success:
if functions:
out += '\t* %s (%s):\n' % (relative_path, functions[0])
for fn in functions[1:]:
out += '\t(%s):\n' % fn
out += '\t* %s:\n' % relative_path
out += '\n'
return out
def update_copyright(data):
current_timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
username = subprocess.check_output('git config user.name', shell=True,
email = subprocess.check_output('git config user.email', shell=True,
changelogs = set()
diff = PatchSet(data)
for file in diff:
changelog = os.path.join(find_changelog(file.path), 'ChangeLog')
if changelog not in changelogs:
with open(changelog) as f:
content = f.read()
with open(changelog, 'w+') as f:
f.write(f'{current_timestamp} {username} <{email}>\n\n')
f.write('\tUpdate copyright years.\n\n')
def skip_line_in_changelog(line):
return FIRST_LINE_OF_END_RE.match(line) == None
if __name__ == '__main__':
extra_args = os.getenv('GCC_MKLOG_ARGS')
if extra_args:
sys.argv += json.loads(extra_args)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=help_message)
parser.add_argument('input', nargs='?',
help='Patch file (or missing, read standard input)')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--pr-numbers', action='store',
type=lambda arg: arg.split(','), nargs='?',
help='Add the specified PRs (comma separated)')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--no-functions', action='store_true',
help='Do not generate function names in ChangeLogs')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--fill-up-bug-titles', action='store_true',
help='Download title of mentioned PRs')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory',
help='Root directory where to search for ChangeLog '
parser.add_argument('-c', '--changelog',
help='Append the ChangeLog to a git commit message '
parser.add_argument('--update-copyright', action='store_true',
help='Update copyright in ChangeLog files')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--append', action='store_true',
help='Append the generate ChangeLog to the patch file')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.input == '-':
args.input = None
if args.directory:
root = args.directory
data = open(args.input, newline='\n') if args.input else sys.stdin
if args.update_copyright:
output = generate_changelog(data, args.no_functions,
args.fill_up_bug_titles, args.pr_numbers)
if args.append:
if (not args.input):
raise Exception("`-a or --append` option not support standard "
lines = []
with open(args.input, 'r', newline='\n') as f:
# 1 -> not find the possible start of diff log
# 2 -> find the possible start of diff log
# 3 -> finish add ChangeLog to the patch file
maybe_diff_log = 1
for line in f:
if maybe_diff_log == 1 and line == "---\n":
maybe_diff_log = 2
elif (maybe_diff_log == 2 and
re.match(r"\s[^\s]+\s+\|\s+\d+\s[+\-]+\n", line)):
lines += [output, "---\n", line]
maybe_diff_log = 3
# the possible start is not the true start.
if maybe_diff_log == 2:
maybe_diff_log = 1
with open(args.input, "w") as f:
elif args.changelog:
lines = open(args.changelog).read().split('\n')
start = list(takewhile(skip_line_in_changelog, lines))
end = lines[len(start):]
with open(args.changelog, 'w') as f:
if not start or not start[0]:
if len(prs) == 1:
# initial commit subject line 'component: [PRnnnnn]'
m = prnum_regex.match(prs[0])
if m:
title = f'{m.group("comp")}: [PR{m.group("num")}]'
start.insert(0, title)
if start:
# append empty line
if start[-1] != '':
# append 2 empty lines
start = 2 * ['']
print(output, end='')