Ian Lance Taylor 798c183f7f compiler, runtime: Fix unexpected GC interfering with closure passing.
The Go frontend passes closures through to functions using the
functions __go_set_closure and __go_get_closure.  The
expectation is that there are no function calls between
set_closure and get_closure.  However, it turns out that there
can be function calls if some of the function arguments
require type conversion to an interface type.  Converting to
an interface type can allocate memory, and that can in turn
trigger a garbage collection, and that can in turn call pool
cleanup functions that may call __go_set_closure.  So the
called function can see the wrong closure value, which is bad.

This patch fixes the problem in two different ways.  First, we
move all type conversions in function arguments into temporary
variables so that they can not appear before the call to
__go_set_closure.  (This required shifting the flatten phase
after the simplify_thunk phase, since the latter expects to
work with unconverted argument types.)  Second, we fix the
memory allocation function to preserve the closure value
across any possible garbage collection.

A test case is the libgo database/sql check run with the
environment variable GOGC set to 1.

From-SVN: r213932
2014-08-13 22:31:44 +00:00

1007 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// See malloc.h for overview.
// TODO(rsc): double-check stats.
package runtime
#include <stddef.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "go-alloc.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "arch.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "go-type.h"
#include "race.h"
// Map gccgo field names to gc field names.
// Eface aka __go_empty_interface.
#define type __type_descriptor
// Type aka __go_type_descriptor
#define kind __code
#define string __reflection
#define KindPtr GO_PTR
#define KindNoPointers GO_NO_POINTERS
// There is a long comment in runtime_mallocinit about where to put the heap
// on a 64-bit system. It makes assumptions that are not valid on linux/arm64
// -- it assumes user space can choose the lower 47 bits of a pointer, but on
// linux/arm64 we can only choose the lower 39 bits. This means the heap is
// roughly a quarter of the available address space and we cannot choose a bit
// pattern that all pointers will have -- luckily the GC is mostly precise
// these days so this doesn't matter all that much. The kernel (as of 3.13)
// will allocate address space starting either down from 0x7fffffffff or up
// from 0x2000000000, so we put the heap roughly in the middle of these two
// addresses to minimize the chance that a non-heap allocation will get in the
// way of the heap.
// This all means that there isn't much point in trying 256 different
// locations for the heap on such systems.
#ifdef __aarch64__
#define HeapBase(i) ((void*)(uintptr)(0x40ULL<<32))
#define HeapBaseOptions 1
#define HeapBase(i) ((void*)(uintptr)(i<<40|0x00c0ULL<<32))
#define HeapBaseOptions 0x80
// Mark mheap as 'no pointers', it does not contain interesting pointers but occupies ~45K.
MHeap runtime_mheap;
MStats mstats;
int32 runtime_checking;
extern MStats mstats; // defined in zruntime_def_$GOOS_$GOARCH.go
extern volatile intgo runtime_MemProfileRate
__asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.MemProfileRate");
static MSpan* largealloc(uint32, uintptr*);
static void profilealloc(void *v, uintptr size);
static void settype(MSpan *s, void *v, uintptr typ);
// Allocate an object of at least size bytes.
// Small objects are allocated from the per-thread cache's free lists.
// Large objects (> 32 kB) are allocated straight from the heap.
// If the block will be freed with runtime_free(), typ must be 0.
runtime_mallocgc(uintptr size, uintptr typ, uint32 flag)
M *m;
G *g;
int32 sizeclass;
uintptr tinysize, size1;
intgo rate;
MCache *c;
MSpan *s;
MLink *v, *next;
byte *tiny;
bool incallback;
void *closure;
if(size == 0) {
// All 0-length allocations use this pointer.
// The language does not require the allocations to
// have distinct values.
return &runtime_zerobase;
m = runtime_m();
g = runtime_g();
// We should not be called in between __go_set_closure and the
// actual function call, but cope with it if we are.
closure = g->closure;
incallback = false;
if(m->mcache == nil && g->ncgo > 0) {
// For gccgo this case can occur when a cgo or SWIG function
// has an interface return type and the function
// returns a non-pointer, so memory allocation occurs
// after syscall.Cgocall but before syscall.CgocallDone.
// We treat it as a callback.
m = runtime_m();
incallback = true;
flag |= FlagNoInvokeGC;
if(runtime_gcwaiting() && g != m->g0 && m->locks == 0 && !(flag & FlagNoInvokeGC)) {
m = runtime_m();
runtime_throw("malloc/free - deadlock");
// Disable preemption during settype.
// We can not use m->mallocing for this, because settype calls mallocgc.
m->mallocing = 1;
size += sizeof(uintptr);
c = m->mcache;
if(!runtime_debug.efence && size <= MaxSmallSize) {
if((flag&(FlagNoScan|FlagNoGC)) == FlagNoScan && size < TinySize) {
// Tiny allocator.
// Tiny allocator combines several tiny allocation requests
// into a single memory block. The resulting memory block
// is freed when all subobjects are unreachable. The subobjects
// must be FlagNoScan (don't have pointers), this ensures that
// the amount of potentially wasted memory is bounded.
// Size of the memory block used for combining (TinySize) is tunable.
// Current setting is 16 bytes, which relates to 2x worst case memory
// wastage (when all but one subobjects are unreachable).
// 8 bytes would result in no wastage at all, but provides less
// opportunities for combining.
// 32 bytes provides more opportunities for combining,
// but can lead to 4x worst case wastage.
// The best case winning is 8x regardless of block size.
// Objects obtained from tiny allocator must not be freed explicitly.
// So when an object will be freed explicitly, we ensure that
// its size >= TinySize.
// SetFinalizer has a special case for objects potentially coming
// from tiny allocator, it such case it allows to set finalizers
// for an inner byte of a memory block.
// The main targets of tiny allocator are small strings and
// standalone escaping variables. On a json benchmark
// the allocator reduces number of allocations by ~12% and
// reduces heap size by ~20%.
tinysize = c->tinysize;
if(size <= tinysize) {
tiny = c->tiny;
// Align tiny pointer for required (conservative) alignment.
if((size&7) == 0)
tiny = (byte*)ROUND((uintptr)tiny, 8);
else if((size&3) == 0)
tiny = (byte*)ROUND((uintptr)tiny, 4);
else if((size&1) == 0)
tiny = (byte*)ROUND((uintptr)tiny, 2);
size1 = size + (tiny - c->tiny);
if(size1 <= tinysize) {
// The object fits into existing tiny block.
v = (MLink*)tiny;
c->tiny += size1;
c->tinysize -= size1;
m->mallocing = 0;
g->closure = closure;
return v;
// Allocate a new TinySize block.
s = c->alloc[TinySizeClass];
if(s->freelist == nil)
s = runtime_MCache_Refill(c, TinySizeClass);
v = s->freelist;
next = v->next;
s->freelist = next;
if(next != nil) // prefetching nil leads to a DTLB miss
((uint64*)v)[0] = 0;
((uint64*)v)[1] = 0;
// See if we need to replace the existing tiny block with the new one
// based on amount of remaining free space.
if(TinySize-size > tinysize) {
c->tiny = (byte*)v + size;
c->tinysize = TinySize - size;
size = TinySize;
goto done;
// Allocate from mcache free lists.
// Inlined version of SizeToClass().
if(size <= 1024-8)
sizeclass = runtime_size_to_class8[(size+7)>>3];
sizeclass = runtime_size_to_class128[(size-1024+127) >> 7];
size = runtime_class_to_size[sizeclass];
s = c->alloc[sizeclass];
if(s->freelist == nil)
s = runtime_MCache_Refill(c, sizeclass);
v = s->freelist;
next = v->next;
s->freelist = next;
if(next != nil) // prefetching nil leads to a DTLB miss
if(!(flag & FlagNoZero)) {
v->next = nil;
// block is zeroed iff second word is zero ...
if(size > 2*sizeof(uintptr) && ((uintptr*)v)[1] != 0)
runtime_memclr((byte*)v, size);
c->local_cachealloc += size;
} else {
// Allocate directly from heap.
s = largealloc(flag, &size);
v = (void*)(s->start << PageShift);
if(flag & FlagNoGC)
else if(!(flag & FlagNoScan))
*(uintptr*)((uintptr)v+size-sizeof(uintptr)) = typ;
m->mallocing = 0;
// TODO: save type even if FlagNoScan? Potentially expensive but might help
// heap profiling/tracing.
if(UseSpanType && !(flag & FlagNoScan) && typ != 0)
settype(s, v, typ);
runtime_racemalloc(v, size);
runtime_tracealloc(v, size, typ);
if(!(flag & FlagNoProfiling) && (rate = runtime_MemProfileRate) > 0) {
if(size < (uintptr)rate && size < (uintptr)(uint32)c->next_sample)
c->next_sample -= size;
profilealloc(v, size);
if(!(flag & FlagNoInvokeGC) && mstats.heap_alloc >= mstats.next_gc)
g->closure = closure;
return v;
static MSpan*
largealloc(uint32 flag, uintptr *sizep)
uintptr npages, size;
MSpan *s;
void *v;
// Allocate directly from heap.
size = *sizep;
if(size + PageSize < size)
runtime_throw("out of memory");
npages = size >> PageShift;
if((size & PageMask) != 0)
s = runtime_MHeap_Alloc(&runtime_mheap, npages, 0, 1, !(flag & FlagNoZero));
if(s == nil)
runtime_throw("out of memory");
s->limit = (byte*)(s->start<<PageShift) + size;
*sizep = npages<<PageShift;
v = (void*)(s->start << PageShift);
// setup for mark sweep
runtime_markspan(v, 0, 0, true);
return s;
static void
profilealloc(void *v, uintptr size)
uintptr rate;
int32 next;
MCache *c;
c = runtime_m()->mcache;
rate = runtime_MemProfileRate;
if(size < rate) {
// pick next profile time
// If you change this, also change allocmcache.
if(rate > 0x3fffffff) // make 2*rate not overflow
rate = 0x3fffffff;
next = runtime_fastrand1() % (2*rate);
// Subtract the "remainder" of the current allocation.
// Otherwise objects that are close in size to sampling rate
// will be under-sampled, because we consistently discard this remainder.
next -= (size - c->next_sample);
if(next < 0)
next = 0;
c->next_sample = next;
runtime_MProf_Malloc(v, size);
__go_alloc(uintptr size)
return runtime_mallocgc(size, 0, FlagNoInvokeGC);
// Free the object whose base pointer is v.
__go_free(void *v)
M *m;
int32 sizeclass;
MSpan *s;
MCache *c;
uintptr size;
if(v == nil)
// If you change this also change mgc0.c:/^sweep,
// which has a copy of the guts of free.
m = runtime_m();
runtime_throw("malloc/free - deadlock");
m->mallocing = 1;
if(!runtime_mlookup(v, nil, nil, &s)) {
runtime_printf("free %p: not an allocated block\n", v);
runtime_throw("free runtime_mlookup");
size = s->elemsize;
sizeclass = s->sizeclass;
// Objects that are smaller than TinySize can be allocated using tiny alloc,
// if then such object is combined with an object with finalizer, we will crash.
if(size < TinySize)
runtime_throw("freeing too small block");
runtime_tracefree(v, size);
// Ensure that the span is swept.
// If we free into an unswept span, we will corrupt GC bitmaps.
if(s->specials != nil)
runtime_freeallspecials(s, v, size);
c = m->mcache;
if(sizeclass == 0) {
// Large object.
s->needzero = 1;
// Must mark v freed before calling unmarkspan and MHeap_Free:
// they might coalesce v into other spans and change the bitmap further.
runtime_unmarkspan(v, 1<<PageShift);
// NOTE(rsc,dvyukov): The original implementation of efence
// in CL 22060046 used SysFree instead of SysFault, so that
// the operating system would eventually give the memory
// back to us again, so that an efence program could run
// longer without running out of memory. Unfortunately,
// calling SysFree here without any kind of adjustment of the
// heap data structures means that when the memory does
// come back to us, we have the wrong metadata for it, either in
// the MSpan structures or in the garbage collection bitmap.
// Using SysFault here means that the program will run out of
// memory fairly quickly in efence mode, but at least it won't
// have mysterious crashes due to confused memory reuse.
// It should be possible to switch back to SysFree if we also
// implement and then call some kind of MHeap_DeleteSpan.
runtime_SysFault((void*)(s->start<<PageShift), size);
runtime_MHeap_Free(&runtime_mheap, s, 1);
c->local_largefree += size;
} else {
// Small object.
if(size > 2*sizeof(uintptr))
((uintptr*)v)[1] = (uintptr)0xfeedfeedfeedfeedll; // mark as "needs to be zeroed"
else if(size > sizeof(uintptr))
((uintptr*)v)[1] = 0;
// Must mark v freed before calling MCache_Free:
// it might coalesce v and other blocks into a bigger span
// and change the bitmap further.
c->local_cachealloc -= size;
if(c->alloc[sizeclass] == s) {
// We own the span, so we can just add v to the freelist
((MLink*)v)->next = s->freelist;
s->freelist = v;
} else {
// Someone else owns this span. Add to free queue.
runtime_MCache_Free(c, v, sizeclass, size);
m->mallocing = 0;
runtime_mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, MSpan **sp)
M *m;
uintptr n, i;
byte *p;
MSpan *s;
m = runtime_m();
if (sizeof(void*) == 4 && m->mcache->local_nlookup >= (1<<30)) {
// purge cache stats to prevent overflow
s = runtime_MHeap_LookupMaybe(&runtime_mheap, v);
*sp = s;
if(s == nil) {
runtime_checkfreed(v, 1);
*base = nil;
*size = 0;
return 0;
p = (byte*)((uintptr)s->start<<PageShift);
if(s->sizeclass == 0) {
// Large object.
*base = p;
*size = s->npages<<PageShift;
return 1;
n = s->elemsize;
if(base) {
i = ((byte*)v - p)/n;
*base = p + i*n;
*size = n;
return 1;
runtime_purgecachedstats(MCache *c)
MHeap *h;
int32 i;
// Protected by either heap or GC lock.
h = &runtime_mheap;
mstats.heap_alloc += c->local_cachealloc;
c->local_cachealloc = 0;
mstats.nlookup += c->local_nlookup;
c->local_nlookup = 0;
h->largefree += c->local_largefree;
c->local_largefree = 0;
h->nlargefree += c->local_nlargefree;
c->local_nlargefree = 0;
for(i=0; i<(int32)nelem(c->local_nsmallfree); i++) {
h->nsmallfree[i] += c->local_nsmallfree[i];
c->local_nsmallfree[i] = 0;
extern uintptr runtime_sizeof_C_MStats
__asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.Sizeof_C_MStats");
// Size of the trailing by_size array differs between Go and C,
// NumSizeClasses was changed, but we can not change Go struct because of backward compatibility.
// sizeof_C_MStats is what C thinks about size of Go struct.
// Initialized in mallocinit because it's defined in go/runtime/mem.go.
#define MaxArena32 (2U<<30)
byte *p, *p1;
uintptr arena_size, bitmap_size, spans_size, p_size;
extern byte _end[];
uintptr limit;
uint64 i;
bool reserved;
runtime_sizeof_C_MStats = sizeof(MStats) - (NumSizeClasses - 61) * sizeof(mstats.by_size[0]);
p = nil;
p_size = 0;
arena_size = 0;
bitmap_size = 0;
spans_size = 0;
reserved = false;
// for 64-bit build
if(runtime_class_to_size[TinySizeClass] != TinySize)
runtime_throw("bad TinySizeClass");
// limit = runtime_memlimit();
// See https://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=5049
// TODO(rsc): Fix after 1.1.
limit = 0;
// Set up the allocation arena, a contiguous area of memory where
// allocated data will be found. The arena begins with a bitmap large
// enough to hold 4 bits per allocated word.
if(sizeof(void*) == 8 && (limit == 0 || limit > (1<<30))) {
// On a 64-bit machine, allocate from a single contiguous reservation.
// 128 GB (MaxMem) should be big enough for now.
// The code will work with the reservation at any address, but ask
// SysReserve to use 0x0000XXc000000000 if possible (XX=00...7f).
// Allocating a 128 GB region takes away 37 bits, and the amd64
// doesn't let us choose the top 17 bits, so that leaves the 11 bits
// in the middle of 0x00c0 for us to choose. Choosing 0x00c0 means
// that the valid memory addresses will begin 0x00c0, 0x00c1, ..., 0x00df.
// In little-endian, that's c0 00, c1 00, ..., df 00. None of those are valid
// UTF-8 sequences, and they are otherwise as far away from
// ff (likely a common byte) as possible. If that fails, we try other 0xXXc0
// addresses. An earlier attempt to use 0x11f8 caused out of memory errors
// on OS X during thread allocations. 0x00c0 causes conflicts with
// AddressSanitizer which reserves all memory up to 0x0100.
// These choices are both for debuggability and to reduce the
// odds of the conservative garbage collector not collecting memory
// because some non-pointer block of memory had a bit pattern
// that matched a memory address.
// Actually we reserve 136 GB (because the bitmap ends up being 8 GB)
// but it hardly matters: e0 00 is not valid UTF-8 either.
// If this fails we fall back to the 32 bit memory mechanism
arena_size = MaxMem;
bitmap_size = arena_size / (sizeof(void*)*8/4);
spans_size = arena_size / PageSize * sizeof(runtime_mheap.spans[0]);
spans_size = ROUND(spans_size, PageSize);
for(i = 0; i < HeapBaseOptions; i++) {
p = HeapBase(i);
p_size = bitmap_size + spans_size + arena_size + PageSize;
p = runtime_SysReserve(p, p_size, &reserved);
if(p != nil)
if (p == nil) {
// On a 32-bit machine, we can't typically get away
// with a giant virtual address space reservation.
// Instead we map the memory information bitmap
// immediately after the data segment, large enough
// to handle another 2GB of mappings (256 MB),
// along with a reservation for another 512 MB of memory.
// When that gets used up, we'll start asking the kernel
// for any memory anywhere and hope it's in the 2GB
// following the bitmap (presumably the executable begins
// near the bottom of memory, so we'll have to use up
// most of memory before the kernel resorts to giving out
// memory before the beginning of the text segment).
// Alternatively we could reserve 512 MB bitmap, enough
// for 4GB of mappings, and then accept any memory the
// kernel threw at us, but normally that's a waste of 512 MB
// of address space, which is probably too much in a 32-bit world.
bitmap_size = MaxArena32 / (sizeof(void*)*8/4);
arena_size = 512<<20;
spans_size = MaxArena32 / PageSize * sizeof(runtime_mheap.spans[0]);
if(limit > 0 && arena_size+bitmap_size+spans_size > limit) {
bitmap_size = (limit / 9) & ~((1<<PageShift) - 1);
arena_size = bitmap_size * 8;
spans_size = arena_size / PageSize * sizeof(runtime_mheap.spans[0]);
spans_size = ROUND(spans_size, PageSize);
// SysReserve treats the address we ask for, end, as a hint,
// not as an absolute requirement. If we ask for the end
// of the data segment but the operating system requires
// a little more space before we can start allocating, it will
// give out a slightly higher pointer. Except QEMU, which
// is buggy, as usual: it won't adjust the pointer upward.
// So adjust it upward a little bit ourselves: 1/4 MB to get
// away from the running binary image and then round up
// to a MB boundary.
p = (byte*)ROUND((uintptr)_end + (1<<18), 1<<20);
p_size = bitmap_size + spans_size + arena_size + PageSize;
p = runtime_SysReserve(p, p_size, &reserved);
if(p == nil)
runtime_throw("runtime: cannot reserve arena virtual address space");
// PageSize can be larger than OS definition of page size,
// so SysReserve can give us a PageSize-unaligned pointer.
// To overcome this we ask for PageSize more and round up the pointer.
p1 = (byte*)ROUND((uintptr)p, PageSize);
runtime_mheap.spans = (MSpan**)p1;
runtime_mheap.bitmap = p1 + spans_size;
runtime_mheap.arena_start = p1 + spans_size + bitmap_size;
runtime_mheap.arena_used = runtime_mheap.arena_start;
runtime_mheap.arena_end = p + p_size;
runtime_mheap.arena_reserved = reserved;
if(((uintptr)runtime_mheap.arena_start & (PageSize-1)) != 0)
runtime_throw("misrounded allocation in mallocinit");
// Initialize the rest of the allocator.
runtime_m()->mcache = runtime_allocmcache();
// See if it works.
runtime_MHeap_SysAlloc(MHeap *h, uintptr n)
byte *p, *p_end;
uintptr p_size;
bool reserved;
if(n > (uintptr)(h->arena_end - h->arena_used)) {
// We are in 32-bit mode, maybe we didn't use all possible address space yet.
// Reserve some more space.
byte *new_end;
p_size = ROUND(n + PageSize, 256<<20);
new_end = h->arena_end + p_size;
if(new_end <= h->arena_start + MaxArena32) {
// TODO: It would be bad if part of the arena
// is reserved and part is not.
p = runtime_SysReserve(h->arena_end, p_size, &reserved);
if(p == h->arena_end) {
h->arena_end = new_end;
h->arena_reserved = reserved;
else if(p+p_size <= h->arena_start + MaxArena32) {
// Keep everything page-aligned.
// Our pages are bigger than hardware pages.
h->arena_end = p+p_size;
h->arena_used = p + (-(uintptr)p&(PageSize-1));
h->arena_reserved = reserved;
} else {
uint64 stat;
stat = 0;
runtime_SysFree(p, p_size, &stat);
if(n <= (uintptr)(h->arena_end - h->arena_used)) {
// Keep taking from our reservation.
p = h->arena_used;
runtime_SysMap(p, n, h->arena_reserved, &mstats.heap_sys);
h->arena_used += n;
runtime_racemapshadow(p, n);
if(((uintptr)p & (PageSize-1)) != 0)
runtime_throw("misrounded allocation in MHeap_SysAlloc");
return p;
// If using 64-bit, our reservation is all we have.
if((uintptr)(h->arena_end - h->arena_start) >= MaxArena32)
return nil;
// On 32-bit, once the reservation is gone we can
// try to get memory at a location chosen by the OS
// and hope that it is in the range we allocated bitmap for.
p_size = ROUND(n, PageSize) + PageSize;
p = runtime_SysAlloc(p_size, &mstats.heap_sys);
if(p == nil)
return nil;
if(p < h->arena_start || (uintptr)(p+p_size - h->arena_start) >= MaxArena32) {
runtime_printf("runtime: memory allocated by OS (%p) not in usable range [%p,%p)\n",
p, h->arena_start, h->arena_start+MaxArena32);
runtime_SysFree(p, p_size, &mstats.heap_sys);
return nil;
p_end = p + p_size;
p += -(uintptr)p & (PageSize-1);
if(p+n > h->arena_used) {
h->arena_used = p+n;
if(p_end > h->arena_end)
h->arena_end = p_end;
runtime_racemapshadow(p, n);
if(((uintptr)p & (PageSize-1)) != 0)
runtime_throw("misrounded allocation in MHeap_SysAlloc");
return p;
static struct
byte* pos;
byte* end;
} persistent;
PersistentAllocChunk = 256<<10,
PersistentAllocMaxBlock = 64<<10, // VM reservation granularity is 64K on windows
// Wrapper around SysAlloc that can allocate small chunks.
// There is no associated free operation.
// Intended for things like function/type/debug-related persistent data.
// If align is 0, uses default align (currently 8).
runtime_persistentalloc(uintptr size, uintptr align, uint64 *stat)
byte *p;
if(align != 0) {
runtime_throw("persistentalloc: align is not a power of 2");
if(align > PageSize)
runtime_throw("persistentalloc: align is too large");
} else
align = 8;
if(size >= PersistentAllocMaxBlock)
return runtime_SysAlloc(size, stat);
persistent.pos = (byte*)ROUND((uintptr)persistent.pos, align);
if(persistent.pos + size > persistent.end) {
persistent.pos = runtime_SysAlloc(PersistentAllocChunk, &mstats.other_sys);
if(persistent.pos == nil) {
runtime_throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory");
persistent.end = persistent.pos + PersistentAllocChunk;
p = persistent.pos;
persistent.pos += size;
if(stat != &mstats.other_sys) {
// reaccount the allocation against provided stat
runtime_xadd64(stat, size);
runtime_xadd64(&mstats.other_sys, -(uint64)size);
return p;
static void
settype(MSpan *s, void *v, uintptr typ)
uintptr size, ofs, j, t;
uintptr ntypes, nbytes2, nbytes3;
uintptr *data2;
byte *data3;
if(s->sizeclass == 0) {
s->types.compression = MTypes_Single;
s->types.data = typ;
size = s->elemsize;
ofs = ((uintptr)v - (s->start<<PageShift)) / size;
switch(s->types.compression) {
case MTypes_Empty:
ntypes = (s->npages << PageShift) / size;
nbytes3 = 8*sizeof(uintptr) + 1*ntypes;
data3 = runtime_mallocgc(nbytes3, 0, FlagNoProfiling|FlagNoScan|FlagNoInvokeGC);
s->types.compression = MTypes_Bytes;
s->types.data = (uintptr)data3;
((uintptr*)data3)[1] = typ;
data3[8*sizeof(uintptr) + ofs] = 1;
case MTypes_Words:
((uintptr*)s->types.data)[ofs] = typ;
case MTypes_Bytes:
data3 = (byte*)s->types.data;
for(j=1; j<8; j++) {
if(((uintptr*)data3)[j] == typ) {
if(((uintptr*)data3)[j] == 0) {
((uintptr*)data3)[j] = typ;
if(j < 8) {
data3[8*sizeof(uintptr) + ofs] = j;
} else {
ntypes = (s->npages << PageShift) / size;
nbytes2 = ntypes * sizeof(uintptr);
data2 = runtime_mallocgc(nbytes2, 0, FlagNoProfiling|FlagNoScan|FlagNoInvokeGC);
s->types.compression = MTypes_Words;
s->types.data = (uintptr)data2;
// Move the contents of data3 to data2. Then deallocate data3.
for(j=0; j<ntypes; j++) {
t = data3[8*sizeof(uintptr) + j];
t = ((uintptr*)data3)[t];
data2[j] = t;
data2[ofs] = typ;
runtime_gettype(void *v)
MSpan *s;
uintptr t, ofs;
byte *data;
s = runtime_MHeap_LookupMaybe(&runtime_mheap, v);
if(s != nil) {
t = 0;
switch(s->types.compression) {
case MTypes_Empty:
case MTypes_Single:
t = s->types.data;
case MTypes_Words:
ofs = (uintptr)v - (s->start<<PageShift);
t = ((uintptr*)s->types.data)[ofs/s->elemsize];
case MTypes_Bytes:
ofs = (uintptr)v - (s->start<<PageShift);
data = (byte*)s->types.data;
t = data[8*sizeof(uintptr) + ofs/s->elemsize];
t = ((uintptr*)data)[t];
runtime_throw("runtime_gettype: invalid compression kind");
if(0) {
runtime_printf("%p -> %d,%X\n", v, (int32)s->types.compression, (int64)t);
return t;
return 0;
// Runtime stubs.
runtime_mal(uintptr n)
return runtime_mallocgc(n, 0, 0);
func new(typ *Type) (ret *uint8) {
ret = runtime_mallocgc(typ->__size, (uintptr)typ | TypeInfo_SingleObject, typ->kind&KindNoPointers ? FlagNoScan : 0);
static void*
cnew(const Type *typ, intgo n, int32 objtyp)
if((objtyp&(PtrSize-1)) != objtyp)
runtime_throw("runtime: invalid objtyp");
if(n < 0 || (typ->__size > 0 && (uintptr)n > (MaxMem/typ->__size)))
runtime_panicstring("runtime: allocation size out of range");
return runtime_mallocgc(typ->__size*n, (uintptr)typ | objtyp, typ->kind&KindNoPointers ? FlagNoScan : 0);
// same as runtime_new, but callable from C
runtime_cnew(const Type *typ)
return cnew(typ, 1, TypeInfo_SingleObject);
runtime_cnewarray(const Type *typ, intgo n)
return cnew(typ, n, TypeInfo_Array);
func GC() {
runtime_gc(2); // force GC and do eager sweep
func SetFinalizer(obj Eface, finalizer Eface) {
byte *base;
uintptr size;
const FuncType *ft;
const Type *fint;
const PtrType *ot;
if(obj.__type_descriptor == nil) {
runtime_printf("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is nil interface\n");
goto throw;
if(obj.__type_descriptor->__code != GO_PTR) {
runtime_printf("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is %S, not pointer\n", *obj.__type_descriptor->__reflection);
goto throw;
ot = (const PtrType*)obj.type;
// As an implementation detail we do not run finalizers for zero-sized objects,
// because we use &runtime_zerobase for all such allocations.
if(ot->__element_type != nil && ot->__element_type->__size == 0)
// The following check is required for cases when a user passes a pointer to composite literal,
// but compiler makes it a pointer to global. For example:
// var Foo = &Object{}
// func main() {
// runtime.SetFinalizer(Foo, nil)
// }
// See issue 7656.
if((byte*)obj.__object < runtime_mheap.arena_start || runtime_mheap.arena_used <= (byte*)obj.__object)
if(!runtime_mlookup(obj.__object, &base, &size, nil) || obj.__object != base) {
// As an implementation detail we allow to set finalizers for an inner byte
// of an object if it could come from tiny alloc (see mallocgc for details).
if(ot->__element_type == nil || (ot->__element_type->__code&KindNoPointers) == 0 || ot->__element_type->__size >= TinySize) {
runtime_printf("runtime.SetFinalizer: pointer not at beginning of allocated block (%p)\n", obj.__object);
goto throw;
if(finalizer.__type_descriptor != nil) {
if(finalizer.__type_descriptor->__code != GO_FUNC)
goto badfunc;
ft = (const FuncType*)finalizer.__type_descriptor;
if(ft->__dotdotdot || ft->__in.__count != 1)
goto badfunc;
fint = *(Type**)ft->__in.__values;
if(__go_type_descriptors_equal(fint, obj.__type_descriptor)) {
// ok - same type
} else if(fint->__code == GO_PTR && (fint->__uncommon == nil || fint->__uncommon->__name == nil || obj.type->__uncommon == nil || obj.type->__uncommon->__name == nil) && __go_type_descriptors_equal(((const PtrType*)fint)->__element_type, ((const PtrType*)obj.type)->__element_type)) {
// ok - not same type, but both pointers,
// one or the other is unnamed, and same element type, so assignable.
} else if(fint->kind == GO_INTERFACE && ((const InterfaceType*)fint)->__methods.__count == 0) {
// ok - satisfies empty interface
} else if(fint->kind == GO_INTERFACE && __go_convert_interface_2(fint, obj.__type_descriptor, 1) != nil) {
// ok - satisfies non-empty interface
} else
goto badfunc;
ot = (const PtrType*)obj.__type_descriptor;
if(!runtime_addfinalizer(obj.__object, *(FuncVal**)finalizer.__object, ft, ot)) {
runtime_printf("runtime.SetFinalizer: finalizer already set\n");
goto throw;
} else {
// NOTE: asking to remove a finalizer when there currently isn't one set is OK.
runtime_printf("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass %S to finalizer %S\n", *obj.__type_descriptor->__reflection, *finalizer.__type_descriptor->__reflection);