Rather than rubber-stamp whatever requested vs. actual device kernel launch configuration happens, actually (again) verify the requested values (modulo expected variations). This better highlights that "AMD GCN has an upper limit of 'num_workers(16)'", and the deficiency that "AMD GCN uses the autovectorizer for the vector dimension: the use of a function call in vector-partitioned code [...] is not currently supported". And, this removes several instances of race conditions, where variables are concurrently written to in OpenACC gang-redundant mode. libgomp/ * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-gwv-1.c: Strengthen. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-gwv-2.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-red-gwv-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-red-v-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-red-v-2.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-red-w-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-red-w-2.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-red-wv-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-v-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-w-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/loop-wv-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/routine-gwv-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/routine-v-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/routine-w-1.c: Likewise. * testsuite/libgomp.oacc-c-c++-common/routine-wv-1.c: Likewise.
83 lines
1.8 KiB
83 lines
1.8 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <openacc.h>
#include <gomp-constants.h>
#define N (32*32*32+17)
#pragma acc routine gang
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) gang (int ary[N])
#pragma acc loop gang worker vector
for (unsigned ix = 0; ix < N; ix++)
if (acc_on_device (acc_device_not_host))
int g, w, v;
g = __builtin_goacc_parlevel_id (GOMP_DIM_GANG);
w = __builtin_goacc_parlevel_id (GOMP_DIM_WORKER);
v = __builtin_goacc_parlevel_id (GOMP_DIM_VECTOR);
ary[ix] = (g << 16) | (w << 8) | v;
ary[ix] = ix;
int main ()
int ary[N];
int ix;
int exit = 0;
int ondev = 0;
int gangsize, workersize, vectorsize;
for (ix = 0; ix < N;ix++)
ary[ix] = -1;
#define NG 32
#define NW 32
#define VL 32
#pragma acc parallel num_gangs(NG) num_workers(NW) vector_length(VL) \
copy(ary) copy(ondev)
ondev = acc_on_device (acc_device_not_host);
gang (ary);
gangsize = NG;
workersize = NW;
vectorsize = VL;
#ifdef ACC_DEVICE_TYPE_radeon
/* AMD GCN has an upper limit of 'num_workers(16)'. */
if (workersize > 16)
workersize = 16;
/* AMD GCN uses the autovectorizer for the vector dimension: the use
of a function call in vector-partitioned code in this test is not
currently supported. */
vectorsize = 1;
for (ix = 0; ix < N; ix++)
int expected = ix;
int chunk_size = (N + gangsize * workersize * vectorsize - 1)
/ (gangsize * workersize * vectorsize);
int g = ix / (chunk_size * vectorsize * workersize);
int w = (ix / vectorsize) % workersize;
int v = ix % vectorsize;
expected = (g << 16) | (w << 8) | v;
if (ary[ix] != expected)
exit = 1;
printf ("ary[%d]=%x expected %x\n", ix, ary[ix], expected);
return exit;