gfc_omp_predetermined_sharing cases the associate-name pointer variable to be OMP_CLAUSE_DEFAULT_FIRSTPRIVATE, which is fine. However, the associated selector is shared. Thus, the target of associate-name pointer should not get copied. (It was before but because of gfc_omp_privatize_by_reference returning false, the selector was not only wrongly copied but this was also not done properly.) gcc/fortran/ChangeLog: PR fortran/103039 * trans-openmp.cc (gfc_omp_clause_copy_ctor, gfc_omp_clause_dtor): Only privatize pointer for associate names. libgomp/ChangeLog: PR fortran/103039 * testsuite/libgomp.fortran/associate4.f90: New test.
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! PR fortran/51722
module m
implicit none
subroutine seltype
type :: a
integer :: p = 2
end type a
type, extends(a) :: b
integer :: cnt = 0
end type b
integer :: k, s
class(a), pointer :: x
allocate(a :: x)
s = 0
select type (y => x)
class is (a)
!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(k) reduction(+:s)
do k = 1,10
s = s + k*y%p
end do
!$omp end parallel do
end select
if (s /= 110) error stop
allocate(b :: x)
s = 0
select type (y => x)
class is (b)
!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(k) reduction(+:s)
do k = 1,10
s = s + k*y%p
!$omp atomic update
y%cnt = y%cnt + 2
end do
!$omp end parallel do
if (s /= 110) error stop
if (y%p /= 2) error stop
if (y%cnt /= 10*2) error stop
end select
end subroutine seltype
subroutine assoc
type :: b
integer :: r = 3
end type b
type :: a
integer :: p = 2
class(b), pointer :: u => null()
end type a
integer :: k, s
class(a), pointer :: x
s = 0
allocate(a :: x)
allocate(b :: x%u)
associate(f => x%u)
!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(k) reduction(+:s)
do k = 1,10
s = s + k*f%r
end do
!$omp end parallel do
end associate
if (s /= 165) error stop
end subroutine assoc
end module m
use m
implicit none (type, external)
call seltype
call assoc