2024-01-03 12:19:35 +01:00

170 lines
5.1 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this library; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// { dg-do compile { target c++14 } }
// { dg-add-options no_pch }
#include <experimental/numeric>
#ifndef __cpp_lib_experimental_gcd_lcm
# error "Feature-test macro for gcd missing"
#elif __cpp_lib_experimental_gcd_lcm != 201411
# error "Feature-test macro for gcd has wrong value"
#include <experimental/type_traits>
using std::experimental::fundamentals_v2::gcd;
using std::experimental::is_same_v;
static_assert( gcd(1071, 462) == 21, "" );
static_assert( gcd(2000, 20) == 20, "" );
static_assert( gcd(2011, 17) == 1, "GCD of two primes is 1" );
static_assert( gcd(200, 200) == 200, "GCD of equal numbers is that number" );
static_assert( gcd(0, 13) == 13, "GCD of any number and 0 is that number" );
static_assert( gcd(29, 0) == 29, "GCD of any number and 0 is that number" );
static_assert( gcd(0, 0) == 0, "Zarro Boogs found" );
static_assert(gcd(1u, 2) == 1, "unsigned and signed");
static_assert(gcd(9, 6u) == 3, "unsigned and signed");
static_assert(gcd(3, 4u) == 1, "signed and unsigned");
static_assert(gcd(32u, 24) == 8, "signed and unsigned");
static_assert(gcd(1u, -2) == 1, "unsigned and negative");
static_assert(gcd(-21, 28u) == 7, "unsigned and negative");
static_assert(gcd(-3, 4u) == 1, "negative and unsigned");
static_assert(gcd(33u, -44) == 11, "negative and unsigned");
static_assert(gcd(5u, 6u) == 1, "unsigned and unsigned");
static_assert(gcd(54u, 36u) == 18, "unsigned and unsigned");
static_assert(gcd(-5, -6) == 1, "negative and negative");
static_assert(gcd(-50, -60) == 10, "negative and negative");
static_assert( is_same_v<decltype(gcd(1l, 1)), long>, "" );
static_assert( is_same_v<decltype(gcd(1ul, 1ull)), unsigned long long>, "" );
#include <climits>
#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
constexpr struct testcase { unsigned long long p, q, r; } testcases[] = {
{ 5, 8, 1 },
{ 6, 35, 1 },
{ 30, 42, 6 },
{ 24, 60, 12 },
{ 55, 144, 1 },
{ 105, 252, 21 },
{ 253, 22121, 11 },
{ 1386, 3213, 63 },
{ 2028, 2049, 3 },
{ 46391, 62527, 2017 },
{ 63245986, 39088169, 1 },
{ 77160074263, 47687519812, 1 },
{ 77160074264, 47687519812, 4 },
template<typename P, typename Q>
constexpr bool
check(P p, Q q, unsigned long long r)
using R = std::common_type_t<P, Q>;
static_assert( is_same_v<decltype(gcd(p, q)), R>, "" );
static_assert( is_same_v<decltype(gcd(q, p)), R>, "" );
R r1 = gcd(p, q);
// Check non-negative, so conversion to unsigned long doesn't alter value.
VERIFY( r1 >= 0 );
// Check for expected result
VERIFY( (unsigned long long)r1 == r );
// Check reversing arguments doesn't change result
VERIFY( gcd(q, p) == r1 );
P pabs = p < 0 ? -p : p;
VERIFY( gcd(p, p) == pabs );
VERIFY( gcd(0, p) == pabs );
VERIFY( gcd(p, 0) == pabs );
VERIFY( gcd(1, p) == 1 );
VERIFY( gcd(p, 1) == 1 );
Q qabs = q < 0 ? -q : q;
VERIFY( gcd(q, q) == qabs );
VERIFY( gcd(0, q) == qabs );
VERIFY( gcd(q, 0) == qabs );
VERIFY( gcd(1, q) == 1 );
VERIFY( gcd(q, 1) == 1 );
VERIFY( gcd(r, r) == r );
VERIFY( gcd(0, r) == r );
VERIFY( gcd(r, 0) == r );
VERIFY( gcd(1, r) == 1 );
VERIFY( gcd(r, 1) == 1 );
return true;
constexpr bool
for (auto t : testcases)
check(t.p, t.q, t.r);
if (t.p <= LONG_MAX && t.q <= LONG_MAX)
check( (long)t.p, (long)t.p, t.p);
check(-(long)t.p, (long)t.p, t.p);
check(-(long)t.p, -(long)t.p, t.p);
check( (long)t.p, t.q, t.r);
check(-(long)t.p, t.q, t.r);
check(t.p, (long)t.q, t.r);
check(t.p, -(long)t.q, t.r);
check( (long)t.p, (long)t.q, t.r);
check( (long)t.p, -(long)t.q, t.r);
check(-(long)t.p, (long)t.q, t.r);
check(-(long)t.p, -(long)t.q, t.r);
if (t.p <= INT_MAX && t.q <= INT_MAX)
check((long)t.p, (int)t.q, t.r);
check(-(int)t.p, (long)t.q, t.r);
check( (int)t.p, (unsigned)t.q, t.r);
check(-(int)t.p, (unsigned)t.q, t.r);
check(-(int)t.p, -(int)t.q, t.r);
check(-(int)t.p, -(long)t.q, t.r);
if (t.p <= SHRT_MAX && t.q <= SHRT_MAX)
check( (long)t.p, (short)t.q, t.r);
check(-(short)t.p, (long)t.q, t.r);
check( (short)t.p, (unsigned short)t.q, t.r);
check(-(short)t.p, (unsigned short)t.q, t.r);
check(-(short)t.p, -(short)t.q, t.r);
check(-(short)t.p, -(long)t.q, t.r);
return true;
int main()
static_assert( test01() ); // constexpr
VERIFY( test01() ); // non-constexpr