/* Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Altera and Mentor Graphics, Inc. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see . */ #include "lib2-gcn.h" /* 16-bit V64HI divide and modulo as used in gcn. This is a simple conversion from lib2-divmod.c. */ #define MASKMODE v64hi #include "amdgcn_veclib.h" static v64udi __udivmodv64hi4_aux (v64uhi num, v64uhi den, v64hi __mask) { v64uhi bit = VECTOR_INIT ((unsigned short)1U); v64uhi res = VECTOR_INIT ((unsigned short)0U); VECTOR_WHILE ((den < num) & (bit != 0) & ((den & (1L<<15)) == 0), cond, NO_COND) VECTOR_COND_MOVE (den, den << 1, cond); VECTOR_COND_MOVE (bit, bit << 1, cond); VECTOR_ENDWHILE VECTOR_WHILE (bit != 0, loopcond, NO_COND) VECTOR_IF2 (num >= den, ifcond, loopcond) VECTOR_COND_MOVE (num, num - den, ifcond); VECTOR_COND_MOVE (res, res | bit, ifcond); VECTOR_ENDIF VECTOR_COND_MOVE (bit, bit >> 1, loopcond); VECTOR_COND_MOVE (den, den >> 1, loopcond); VECTOR_ENDWHILE return PACK_SI_PAIR (res, num); } static v64udi __divmodv64hi4_aux (v64hi a, v64hi b, v64hi __mask) { v64hi nega = VECTOR_INIT ((short)0); v64hi negb = VECTOR_INIT ((short)0); VECTOR_IF (a < 0, cond) VECTOR_COND_MOVE (a, -a, cond); nega = cond; VECTOR_ENDIF VECTOR_IF (b < 0, cond) VECTOR_COND_MOVE (b, -b, cond); negb = cond; VECTOR_ENDIF v64uhi ua = __builtin_convertvector (a, v64uhi); v64uhi ub = __builtin_convertvector (b, v64uhi); v64udi pair = __udivmodv64hi4_aux (ua, ub, __mask); v64hi quot = UNPACK_SI_LOW (v64hi, pair); v64hi rem = UNPACK_SI_HIGH (v64hi, pair); VECTOR_COND_MOVE (quot, -quot, nega ^ negb); VECTOR_COND_MOVE (rem, -rem, nega); pair = PACK_SI_PAIR (quot, rem); return pair; } static inline v64hi __divv64hi3_aux (v64hi a, v64hi b, v64hi __mask) { v64udi pair = __divmodv64hi4_aux (a, b, __mask); return UNPACK_SI_LOW (v64hi, pair); } static inline v64hi __modv64hi3_aux (v64hi a, v64hi b, v64hi __mask) { v64udi pair = __divmodv64hi4_aux (a, b, __mask); return UNPACK_SI_HIGH (v64hi, pair); } static inline v64uhi __udivv64hi3_aux (v64uhi a, v64uhi b, v64hi __mask) { v64udi pair = __udivmodv64hi4_aux (a, b, __mask); return UNPACK_SI_LOW (v64uhi, pair); } static inline v64uhi __umodv64hi3_aux (v64uhi a, v64uhi b, v64hi __mask) { v64udi pair = __udivmodv64hi4_aux (a, b, __mask); return UNPACK_SI_HIGH (v64uhi, pair); } DEF_VARIANTS (__div, hi3, hi) DEF_VARIANTS (__mod, hi3, hi) DEF_VARIANTS_B (__divmod, hi4, udi, hi) DEF_VARIANTS (__udiv, hi3, uhi) DEF_VARIANTS (__umod, hi3, uhi) DEF_VARIANTS_B (__udivmod, hi4, udi, uhi)