/** * Implementation of associative arrays. * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2015. * License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: Martin Nowak * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC rt/_aaA.d) */ module rt.aaA; /// AA version for debuggers, bump whenever changing the layout extern (C) immutable int _aaVersion = 1; import core.memory : GC; import core.internal.util.math : min, max; // grow threshold private enum GROW_NUM = 4; private enum GROW_DEN = 5; // shrink threshold private enum SHRINK_NUM = 1; private enum SHRINK_DEN = 8; // grow factor private enum GROW_FAC = 4; // growing the AA doubles it's size, so the shrink threshold must be // smaller than half the grow threshold to have a hysteresis static assert(GROW_FAC * SHRINK_NUM * GROW_DEN < GROW_NUM * SHRINK_DEN); // initial load factor (for literals), mean of both thresholds private enum INIT_NUM = (GROW_DEN * SHRINK_NUM + GROW_NUM * SHRINK_DEN) / 2; private enum INIT_DEN = SHRINK_DEN * GROW_DEN; private enum INIT_NUM_BUCKETS = 8; // magic hash constants to distinguish empty, deleted, and filled buckets private enum HASH_EMPTY = 0; private enum HASH_DELETED = 0x1; private enum HASH_FILLED_MARK = size_t(1) << 8 * size_t.sizeof - 1; /// Opaque AA wrapper struct AA { Impl* impl; alias impl this; private @property bool empty() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe { return impl is null || !impl.length; } } private struct Impl { private: this(scope const TypeInfo_AssociativeArray ti, size_t sz = INIT_NUM_BUCKETS) nothrow { keysz = cast(uint) ti.key.tsize; valsz = cast(uint) ti.value.tsize; buckets = allocBuckets(sz); firstUsed = cast(uint) buckets.length; valoff = cast(uint) talign(keysz, ti.value.talign); hashFn = &ti.key.getHash; import rt.lifetime : hasPostblit, unqualify; if (hasPostblit(unqualify(ti.key))) flags |= Flags.keyHasPostblit; if ((ti.key.flags | ti.value.flags) & 1) flags |= Flags.hasPointers; entryTI = fakeEntryTI(this, ti.key, ti.value); } Bucket[] buckets; uint used; uint deleted; TypeInfo_Struct entryTI; uint firstUsed; immutable uint keysz; immutable uint valsz; immutable uint valoff; Flags flags; // function that calculates hash of a key. Set on creation // the parameter is a pointer to the key. size_t delegate(scope const void*) nothrow hashFn; enum Flags : ubyte { none = 0x0, keyHasPostblit = 0x1, hasPointers = 0x2, } @property size_t length() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe { assert(used >= deleted); return used - deleted; } @property size_t dim() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe { return buckets.length; } @property size_t mask() const pure nothrow @nogc { return dim - 1; } // find the first slot to insert a value with hash inout(Bucket)* findSlotInsert(size_t hash) inout pure nothrow @nogc { for (size_t i = hash & mask, j = 1;; ++j) { if (!buckets[i].filled) return &buckets[i]; i = (i + j) & mask; } } // lookup a key inout(Bucket)* findSlotLookup(size_t hash, scope const void* pkey, scope const TypeInfo keyti) inout { for (size_t i = hash & mask, j = 1;; ++j) { if (buckets[i].hash == hash && keyti.equals(pkey, buckets[i].entry)) return &buckets[i]; else if (buckets[i].empty) return null; i = (i + j) & mask; } } void grow(scope const TypeInfo keyti) pure nothrow { // If there are so many deleted entries, that growing would push us // below the shrink threshold, we just purge deleted entries instead. if (length * SHRINK_DEN < GROW_FAC * dim * SHRINK_NUM) resize(dim); else resize(GROW_FAC * dim); } void shrink(scope const TypeInfo keyti) pure nothrow { if (dim > INIT_NUM_BUCKETS) resize(dim / GROW_FAC); } void resize(size_t ndim) pure nothrow { auto obuckets = buckets; buckets = allocBuckets(ndim); foreach (ref b; obuckets[firstUsed .. $]) if (b.filled) *findSlotInsert(b.hash) = b; firstUsed = 0; used -= deleted; deleted = 0; GC.free(obuckets.ptr); // safe to free b/c impossible to reference } void clear() pure nothrow @trusted { import core.stdc.string : memset; // clear all data, but don't change bucket array length memset(&buckets[firstUsed], 0, (buckets.length - firstUsed) * Bucket.sizeof); deleted = used = 0; firstUsed = cast(uint) dim; } } //============================================================================== // Bucket //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private struct Bucket { private pure nothrow @nogc: size_t hash; void* entry; @property bool empty() const { return hash == HASH_EMPTY; } @property bool deleted() const { return hash == HASH_DELETED; } @property bool filled() const @safe { return cast(ptrdiff_t) hash < 0; } } Bucket[] allocBuckets(size_t dim) @trusted pure nothrow { enum attr = GC.BlkAttr.NO_INTERIOR; immutable sz = dim * Bucket.sizeof; return (cast(Bucket*) GC.calloc(sz, attr))[0 .. dim]; } //============================================================================== // Entry //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void* allocEntry(scope const Impl* aa, scope const void* pkey) { import rt.lifetime : _d_newitemU; import core.stdc.string : memcpy, memset; immutable akeysz = aa.valoff; void* res = void; if (aa.entryTI) res = _d_newitemU(aa.entryTI); else { auto flags = (aa.flags & Impl.Flags.hasPointers) ? 0 : GC.BlkAttr.NO_SCAN; res = GC.malloc(akeysz + aa.valsz, flags); } memcpy(res, pkey, aa.keysz); // copy key memset(res + akeysz, 0, aa.valsz); // zero value return res; } package void entryDtor(void* p, const TypeInfo_Struct sti) { // key and value type info stored after the TypeInfo_Struct by tiEntry() auto sizeti = __traits(classInstanceSize, TypeInfo_Struct); auto extra = cast(const(TypeInfo)*)(cast(void*) sti + sizeti); extra[0].destroy(p); extra[1].destroy(p + talign(extra[0].tsize, extra[1].talign)); } private bool hasDtor(const TypeInfo ti) pure nothrow { import rt.lifetime : unqualify; if (typeid(ti) is typeid(TypeInfo_Struct)) if ((cast(TypeInfo_Struct) cast(void*) ti).xdtor) return true; if (typeid(ti) is typeid(TypeInfo_StaticArray)) return hasDtor(unqualify(ti.next)); return false; } private immutable(void)* getRTInfo(const TypeInfo ti) pure nothrow { // classes are references const isNoClass = ti && typeid(ti) !is typeid(TypeInfo_Class); return isNoClass ? ti.rtInfo() : rtinfoHasPointers; } // build type info for Entry with additional key and value fields TypeInfo_Struct fakeEntryTI(ref Impl aa, const TypeInfo keyti, const TypeInfo valti) nothrow { import rt.lifetime : unqualify; auto kti = unqualify(keyti); auto vti = unqualify(valti); // figure out whether RTInfo has to be generated (indicated by rtisize > 0) enum pointersPerWord = 8 * (void*).sizeof * (void*).sizeof; auto rtinfo = rtinfoNoPointers; size_t rtisize = 0; immutable(size_t)* keyinfo = void; immutable(size_t)* valinfo = void; if (aa.flags & Impl.Flags.hasPointers) { // classes are references keyinfo = cast(immutable(size_t)*) getRTInfo(keyti); valinfo = cast(immutable(size_t)*) getRTInfo(valti); if (keyinfo is rtinfoHasPointers && valinfo is rtinfoHasPointers) rtinfo = rtinfoHasPointers; else rtisize = 1 + (aa.valoff + aa.valsz + pointersPerWord - 1) / pointersPerWord; } bool entryHasDtor = hasDtor(kti) || hasDtor(vti); if (rtisize == 0 && !entryHasDtor) return null; // save kti and vti after type info for struct enum sizeti = __traits(classInstanceSize, TypeInfo_Struct); void* p = GC.malloc(sizeti + (2 + rtisize) * (void*).sizeof); import core.stdc.string : memcpy; memcpy(p, __traits(initSymbol, TypeInfo_Struct).ptr, sizeti); auto ti = cast(TypeInfo_Struct) p; auto extra = cast(TypeInfo*)(p + sizeti); extra[0] = cast() kti; extra[1] = cast() vti; static immutable tiMangledName = "S2rt3aaA__T5EntryZ"; ti.mangledName = tiMangledName; ti.m_RTInfo = rtisize > 0 ? rtinfoEntry(aa, keyinfo, valinfo, cast(size_t*)(extra + 2), rtisize) : rtinfo; ti.m_flags = ti.m_RTInfo is rtinfoNoPointers ? cast(TypeInfo_Struct.StructFlags)0 : TypeInfo_Struct.StructFlags.hasPointers; // we don't expect the Entry objects to be used outside of this module, so we have control // over the non-usage of the callback methods and other entries and can keep these null // xtoHash, xopEquals, xopCmp, xtoString and xpostblit immutable entrySize = aa.valoff + aa.valsz; ti.m_init = (cast(ubyte*) null)[0 .. entrySize]; // init length, but not ptr if (entryHasDtor) { // xdtor needs to be built from the dtors of key and value for the GC ti.xdtorti = &entryDtor; ti.m_flags |= TypeInfo_Struct.StructFlags.isDynamicType; } ti.m_align = cast(uint) max(kti.talign, vti.talign); return ti; } // build appropriate RTInfo at runtime immutable(void)* rtinfoEntry(ref Impl aa, immutable(size_t)* keyinfo, immutable(size_t)* valinfo, size_t* rtinfoData, size_t rtinfoSize) pure nothrow { enum bitsPerWord = 8 * size_t.sizeof; rtinfoData[0] = aa.valoff + aa.valsz; rtinfoData[1..rtinfoSize] = 0; void copyKeyInfo(string src)() { size_t pos = 1; size_t keybits = aa.keysz / (void*).sizeof; while (keybits >= bitsPerWord) { rtinfoData[pos] = mixin(src); keybits -= bitsPerWord; pos++; } if (keybits > 0) rtinfoData[pos] = mixin(src) & ((cast(size_t) 1 << keybits) - 1); } if (keyinfo is rtinfoHasPointers) copyKeyInfo!"~cast(size_t) 0"(); else if (keyinfo !is rtinfoNoPointers) copyKeyInfo!"keyinfo[pos]"(); void copyValInfo(string src)() { size_t bitpos = aa.valoff / (void*).sizeof; size_t pos = 1; size_t dstpos = 1 + bitpos / bitsPerWord; size_t begoff = bitpos % bitsPerWord; size_t valbits = aa.valsz / (void*).sizeof; size_t endoff = (bitpos + valbits) % bitsPerWord; for (;;) { const bits = bitsPerWord - begoff; size_t s = mixin(src); rtinfoData[dstpos] |= s << begoff; if (begoff > 0 && valbits > bits) rtinfoData[dstpos+1] |= s >> bits; if (valbits < bitsPerWord) break; valbits -= bitsPerWord; dstpos++; pos++; } if (endoff > 0) rtinfoData[dstpos] &= ((cast(size_t) 1 << endoff) - 1); } if (valinfo is rtinfoHasPointers) copyValInfo!"~cast(size_t) 0"(); else if (valinfo !is rtinfoNoPointers) copyValInfo!"valinfo[pos]"(); return cast(immutable(void)*) rtinfoData; } unittest { void test(K, V)() { static struct Entry { K key; V val; } auto keyti = typeid(K); auto valti = typeid(V); auto valrti = getRTInfo(valti); auto keyrti = getRTInfo(keyti); auto impl = new Impl(typeid(V[K])); if (valrti is rtinfoNoPointers && keyrti is rtinfoNoPointers) { assert(!(impl.flags & Impl.Flags.hasPointers)); assert(impl.entryTI is null); } else if (valrti is rtinfoHasPointers && keyrti is rtinfoHasPointers) { assert(impl.flags & Impl.Flags.hasPointers); assert(impl.entryTI is null); } else { auto rtInfo = cast(size_t*) impl.entryTI.rtInfo(); auto refInfo = cast(size_t*) typeid(Entry).rtInfo(); assert(rtInfo[0] == refInfo[0]); // size enum bytesPerWord = 8 * size_t.sizeof * (void*).sizeof; size_t words = (rtInfo[0] + bytesPerWord - 1) / bytesPerWord; foreach (i; 0 .. words) assert(rtInfo[1 + i] == refInfo[i + 1]); } } test!(long, int)(); test!(string, string); test!(ubyte[16], Object); static struct Small { ubyte[16] guid; string name; } test!(string, Small); static struct Large { ubyte[1024] data; string[412] names; ubyte[1024] moredata; } test!(Large, Large); } //============================================================================== // Helper functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private size_t talign(size_t tsize, size_t algn) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { immutable mask = algn - 1; assert(!(mask & algn)); return (tsize + mask) & ~mask; } // mix hash to "fix" bad hash functions private size_t mix(size_t h) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { // final mix function of MurmurHash2 enum m = 0x5bd1e995; h ^= h >> 13; h *= m; h ^= h >> 15; return h; } private size_t calcHash(scope const void *pkey, scope const Impl* impl) nothrow { immutable hash = impl.hashFn(pkey); // highest bit is set to distinguish empty/deleted from filled buckets return mix(hash) | HASH_FILLED_MARK; } private size_t nextpow2(const size_t n) pure nothrow @nogc { import core.bitop : bsr; if (!n) return 1; const isPowerOf2 = !((n - 1) & n); return 1 << (bsr(n) + !isPowerOf2); } pure nothrow @nogc unittest { // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 foreach (const n, const pow2; [1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16]) assert(nextpow2(n) == pow2); } //============================================================================== // API Implementation //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Allocate associative array data. * Called for `new SomeAA` expression. * Params: * ti = TypeInfo for the associative array * Returns: * A new associative array. */ extern (C) Impl* _aaNew(const TypeInfo_AssociativeArray ti) { return new Impl(ti); } /// Determine number of entries in associative array. extern (C) size_t _aaLen(scope const AA aa) pure nothrow @nogc { return aa ? aa.length : 0; } /****************************** * Lookup *pkey in aa. * Called only from implementation of (aa[key]) expressions when value is mutable. * Params: * paa = associative array opaque pointer * ti = TypeInfo for the associative array * valsz = ignored * pkey = pointer to the key value * Returns: * if key was in the aa, a mutable pointer to the existing value. * If key was not in the aa, a mutable pointer to newly inserted value which * is set to all zeros */ extern (C) void* _aaGetY(scope AA* paa, const TypeInfo_AssociativeArray ti, const size_t valsz, scope const void* pkey) { bool found; return _aaGetX(paa, ti, valsz, pkey, found); } /****************************** * Lookup *pkey in aa. * Called only from implementation of require * Params: * paa = associative array opaque pointer * ti = TypeInfo for the associative array * valsz = ignored * pkey = pointer to the key value * found = true if the value was found * Returns: * if key was in the aa, a mutable pointer to the existing value. * If key was not in the aa, a mutable pointer to newly inserted value which * is set to all zeros */ extern (C) void* _aaGetX(scope AA* paa, const TypeInfo_AssociativeArray ti, const size_t valsz, scope const void* pkey, out bool found) { // lazily alloc implementation AA aa = *paa; if (aa is null) { aa = new Impl(ti); *paa = aa; } // get hash and bucket for key immutable hash = calcHash(pkey, aa); // found a value => return it if (auto p = aa.findSlotLookup(hash, pkey, ti.key)) { found = true; return p.entry + aa.valoff; } auto p = aa.findSlotInsert(hash); if (p.deleted) --aa.deleted; // check load factor and possibly grow else if (++aa.used * GROW_DEN > aa.dim * GROW_NUM) { aa.grow(ti.key); p = aa.findSlotInsert(hash); assert(p.empty); } // update search cache and allocate entry aa.firstUsed = min(aa.firstUsed, cast(uint)(p - aa.buckets.ptr)); p.hash = hash; p.entry = allocEntry(aa, pkey); // postblit for key if (aa.flags & Impl.Flags.keyHasPostblit) { import rt.lifetime : __doPostblit, unqualify; __doPostblit(p.entry, aa.keysz, unqualify(ti.key)); } // return pointer to value return p.entry + aa.valoff; } /****************************** * Lookup *pkey in aa. * Called only from implementation of (aa[key]) expressions when value is not mutable. * Params: * aa = associative array opaque pointer * keyti = TypeInfo for the key * valsz = ignored * pkey = pointer to the key value * Returns: * pointer to value if present, null otherwise */ extern (C) inout(void)* _aaGetRvalueX(inout AA aa, scope const TypeInfo keyti, const size_t valsz, scope const void* pkey) { return _aaInX(aa, keyti, pkey); } /****************************** * Lookup *pkey in aa. * Called only from implementation of (key in aa) expressions. * Params: * aa = associative array opaque pointer * keyti = TypeInfo for the key * pkey = pointer to the key value * Returns: * pointer to value if present, null otherwise */ extern (C) inout(void)* _aaInX(inout AA aa, scope const TypeInfo keyti, scope const void* pkey) { if (aa.empty) return null; immutable hash = calcHash(pkey, aa); if (auto p = aa.findSlotLookup(hash, pkey, keyti)) return p.entry + aa.valoff; return null; } /// Delete entry scope const AA, return true if it was present extern (C) bool _aaDelX(AA aa, scope const TypeInfo keyti, scope const void* pkey) { if (aa.empty) return false; immutable hash = calcHash(pkey, aa); if (auto p = aa.findSlotLookup(hash, pkey, keyti)) { // clear entry p.hash = HASH_DELETED; p.entry = null; ++aa.deleted; // `shrink` reallocates, and allocating from a finalizer leads to // InvalidMemoryError: https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21442 if (aa.length * SHRINK_DEN < aa.dim * SHRINK_NUM && !GC.inFinalizer()) aa.shrink(keyti); return true; } return false; } /// Remove all elements from AA. extern (C) void _aaClear(AA aa) pure nothrow @safe { if (!aa.empty) { aa.clear(); } } /// Rehash AA extern (C) void* _aaRehash(AA* paa, scope const TypeInfo keyti) pure nothrow { AA aa = *paa; if (!aa.empty) aa.resize(nextpow2(INIT_DEN * aa.length / INIT_NUM)); return aa; } /// Return a GC allocated array of all values extern (C) inout(void[]) _aaValues(inout AA aa, const size_t keysz, const size_t valsz, const TypeInfo tiValueArray) pure nothrow { if (aa.empty) return null; import rt.lifetime : _d_newarrayU; auto res = _d_newarrayU(tiValueArray, aa.length).ptr; auto pval = res; immutable off = aa.valoff; foreach (b; aa.buckets[aa.firstUsed .. $]) { if (!b.filled) continue; pval[0 .. valsz] = b.entry[off .. valsz + off]; pval += valsz; } // postblit is done in object.values return (cast(inout(void)*) res)[0 .. aa.length]; // fake length, return number of elements } /// Return a GC allocated array of all keys extern (C) inout(void[]) _aaKeys(inout AA aa, const size_t keysz, const TypeInfo tiKeyArray) pure nothrow { if (aa.empty) return null; import rt.lifetime : _d_newarrayU; auto res = _d_newarrayU(tiKeyArray, aa.length).ptr; auto pkey = res; foreach (b; aa.buckets[aa.firstUsed .. $]) { if (!b.filled) continue; pkey[0 .. keysz] = b.entry[0 .. keysz]; pkey += keysz; } // postblit is done in object.keys return (cast(inout(void)*) res)[0 .. aa.length]; // fake length, return number of elements } // opApply callbacks are extern(D) extern (D) alias dg_t = int delegate(void*); extern (D) alias dg2_t = int delegate(void*, void*); /// foreach opApply over all values extern (C) int _aaApply(AA aa, const size_t keysz, dg_t dg) { if (aa.empty) return 0; immutable off = aa.valoff; foreach (b; aa.buckets) { if (!b.filled) continue; if (auto res = dg(b.entry + off)) return res; } return 0; } /// foreach opApply over all key/value pairs extern (C) int _aaApply2(AA aa, const size_t keysz, dg2_t dg) { if (aa.empty) return 0; immutable off = aa.valoff; foreach (b; aa.buckets) { if (!b.filled) continue; if (auto res = dg(b.entry, b.entry + off)) return res; } return 0; } /** Construct an associative array of type ti from corresponding keys and values. * Called for an AA literal `[k1:v1, k2:v2]`. * Params: * ti = TypeInfo for the associative array * keys = array of keys * vals = array of values * Returns: * A new associative array opaque pointer, or null if `keys` is empty. */ extern (C) Impl* _d_assocarrayliteralTX(const TypeInfo_AssociativeArray ti, void[] keys, void[] vals) { assert(keys.length == vals.length); immutable keysz = ti.key.tsize; immutable valsz = ti.value.tsize; immutable length = keys.length; if (!length) return null; auto aa = new Impl(ti, nextpow2(INIT_DEN * length / INIT_NUM)); void* pkey = keys.ptr; void* pval = vals.ptr; immutable off = aa.valoff; uint actualLength = 0; foreach (_; 0 .. length) { immutable hash = calcHash(pkey, aa); auto p = aa.findSlotLookup(hash, pkey, ti.key); if (p is null) { p = aa.findSlotInsert(hash); p.hash = hash; p.entry = allocEntry(aa, pkey); // move key, no postblit aa.firstUsed = min(aa.firstUsed, cast(uint)(p - aa.buckets.ptr)); actualLength++; } else if (aa.entryTI && hasDtor(ti.value)) { // destroy existing value before overwriting it ti.value.destroy(p.entry + off); } // set hash and blit value auto pdst = p.entry + off; pdst[0 .. valsz] = pval[0 .. valsz]; // move value, no postblit pkey += keysz; pval += valsz; } aa.used = actualLength; return aa; } /// compares 2 AAs for equality extern (C) int _aaEqual(scope const TypeInfo tiRaw, scope const AA aa1, scope const AA aa2) { if (aa1 is aa2) return true; immutable len = _aaLen(aa1); if (len != _aaLen(aa2)) return false; if (!len) // both empty return true; import rt.lifetime : unqualify; auto uti = unqualify(tiRaw); auto ti = *cast(TypeInfo_AssociativeArray*)&uti; // compare the entries immutable off = aa1.valoff; foreach (b1; aa1.buckets) { if (!b1.filled) continue; auto pb2 = aa2.findSlotLookup(b1.hash, b1.entry, ti.key); if (pb2 is null || !ti.value.equals(b1.entry + off, pb2.entry + off)) return false; } return true; } /// compute a hash extern (C) hash_t _aaGetHash(scope const AA* paa, scope const TypeInfo tiRaw) nothrow { const AA aa = *paa; if (aa.empty) return 0; import rt.lifetime : unqualify; auto uti = unqualify(tiRaw); auto ti = *cast(TypeInfo_AssociativeArray*)&uti; immutable off = aa.valoff; auto keyHash = &ti.key.getHash; auto valHash = &ti.value.getHash; size_t h; foreach (b; aa.buckets) { // use addition here, so that hash is independent of element order if (b.filled) h += hashOf(valHash(b.entry + off), keyHash(b.entry)); } return h; } /** * _aaRange implements a ForwardRange */ struct Range { Impl* impl; size_t idx; alias impl this; } extern (C) pure nothrow @nogc @safe { Range _aaRange(return scope AA aa) { if (!aa) return Range(); foreach (i; aa.firstUsed .. aa.dim) { if (aa.buckets[i].filled) return Range(aa, i); } return Range(aa, aa.dim); } bool _aaRangeEmpty(Range r) { return r.impl is null || r.idx >= r.dim; } void* _aaRangeFrontKey(Range r) { assert(!_aaRangeEmpty(r)); if (r.idx >= r.dim) return null; return r.buckets[r.idx].entry; } void* _aaRangeFrontValue(Range r) { assert(!_aaRangeEmpty(r)); if (r.idx >= r.dim) return null; auto entry = r.buckets[r.idx].entry; return entry is null ? null : (() @trusted { return entry + r.valoff; } ()); } void _aaRangePopFront(ref Range r) { if (r.idx >= r.dim) return; for (++r.idx; r.idx < r.dim; ++r.idx) { if (r.buckets[r.idx].filled) break; } } } // Most tests are now in test_aa.d // test postblit for AA literals unittest { static struct T { ubyte field; static size_t postblit, dtor; this(this) { ++postblit; } ~this() { ++dtor; } } T t; auto aa1 = [0 : t, 1 : t]; assert(T.dtor == 0 && T.postblit == 2); aa1[0] = t; assert(T.dtor == 1 && T.postblit == 3); T.dtor = 0; T.postblit = 0; auto aa2 = [0 : t, 1 : t, 0 : t]; // literal with duplicate key => value overwritten assert(T.dtor == 1 && T.postblit == 3); T.dtor = 0; T.postblit = 0; auto aa3 = [t : 0]; assert(T.dtor == 0 && T.postblit == 1); aa3[t] = 1; assert(T.dtor == 0 && T.postblit == 1); aa3.remove(t); assert(T.dtor == 0 && T.postblit == 1); aa3[t] = 2; assert(T.dtor == 0 && T.postblit == 2); // dtor will be called by GC finalizers aa1 = null; aa2 = null; aa3 = null; GC.runFinalizers((cast(char*)(&entryDtor))[0 .. 1]); assert(T.dtor == 6 && T.postblit == 2); } // Ensure the newaa struct layout (used for static initialization) is in sync unittest { import newaa = core.internal.newaa; static assert(newaa.Impl.sizeof == Impl.sizeof); // ensure compatible types and offsets static foreach (i; 0 .. Impl.tupleof.length) { // for bucket array and Flags, we "compatible" types, not exactly the same types. static if (__traits(identifier, Impl.tupleof[i]) == "buckets" || __traits(identifier, Impl.tupleof[i]) == "flags") static assert(Impl.tupleof[i].sizeof == newaa.Impl.tupleof[i].sizeof); else static assert(is(typeof(Impl.tupleof[i]) == typeof(newaa.Impl.tupleof[i]))); static assert(Impl.tupleof[i].offsetof == newaa.Impl.tupleof[i].offsetof); } }