/** The exception module defines all system-level exceptions and provides a mechanism to alter system-level error handling. Copyright: Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2013. License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). Authors: Sean Kelly and $(HTTP jmdavisprog.com, Jonathan M Davis) Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/_exception.d) */ module core.exception; // Compiler lowers final switch default case to this (which is a runtime error) void __switch_errorT()(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) @trusted { // Consider making this a compile time check. version (D_Exceptions) throw staticError!SwitchError("No appropriate switch clause found", file, line, null); else assert(0, "No appropriate switch clause found"); } /* * Make sure template __switch_errorT is always instantiated when building * druntime. This works around https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20802. * When druntime and phobos are compiled with -release, the instance for * __switch_errorT is not needed. An application compiled with -release * could need the instance for __switch_errorT, but the compiler would * not generate code for it, because it assumes, that it was already * generated for druntime. Always including the instance in a compiled * druntime allows to use an application without -release with druntime * with -release. */ private alias dummy__switch_errorT = __switch_errorT!(); /** * Thrown on a range error. */ class RangeError : Error { this( string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null ) @nogc nothrow pure @safe { super( "Range violation", file, line, next ); } protected this( string msg, string file, size_t line, Throwable next = null ) @nogc nothrow pure @safe { super( msg, file, line, next ); } } unittest { { auto re = new RangeError(); assert(re.file == __FILE__); assert(re.line == __LINE__ - 2); assert(re.next is null); assert(re.msg == "Range violation"); } { auto re = new RangeError("hello", 42, new Exception("It's an Exception!")); assert(re.file == "hello"); assert(re.line == 42); assert(re.next !is null); assert(re.msg == "Range violation"); } } /** * Thrown when an out of bounds array index is accessed. */ class ArrayIndexError : RangeError { /// Index into array const size_t index; /// Length of indexed array const size_t length; // Buffer to avoid GC allocations private immutable char[100] msgBuf = '\0'; this(size_t index, size_t length, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null) @nogc nothrow pure @safe { this.index = index; this.length = length; // Constructing the message is a bit clumsy: // It's essentially `printf("index [%zu] is out of bounds for array of length [%zu]", index, length)`, // but even `snprintf` isn't `pure`. // Also string concatenation isn't `@nogc`, and casting to/from immutable isn't `@safe` import core.internal.string : unsignedToTempString; char[msgBuf.length] buf = void; char[20] tmpBuf = void; char[] sink = buf[]; sink.rangeMsgPut("index ["); sink.rangeMsgPut(unsignedToTempString!10(index, tmpBuf)); sink.rangeMsgPut("] is out of bounds for array of length "); sink.rangeMsgPut(unsignedToTempString!10(length, tmpBuf)); this.msgBuf = buf; super(msgBuf[0..$-sink.length], file, line, next); } } @safe pure unittest { assert(new ArrayIndexError(900, 700).msg == "index [900] is out of bounds for array of length 700"); // Ensure msg buffer doesn't overflow on large numbers assert(new ArrayIndexError(size_t.max, size_t.max-1).msg); } unittest { try { _d_arraybounds_indexp("test", 400, 9, 3); assert(0, "no ArrayIndexError thrown"); } catch (ArrayIndexError re) { assert(re.file == "test"); assert(re.line == 400); assert(re.index == 9); assert(re.length == 3); } } /** * Thrown when an out of bounds array slice is created */ class ArraySliceError : RangeError { /// Lower/upper bound passed to slice: `array[lower .. upper]` const size_t lower, upper; /// Length of sliced array const size_t length; private immutable char[120] msgBuf = '\0'; this(size_t lower, size_t upper, size_t length, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null) @nogc nothrow pure @safe { this.lower = lower; this.upper = upper; this.length = length; // Constructing the message is a bit clumsy for the same reasons as ArrayIndexError import core.internal.string : unsignedToTempString; char[msgBuf.length] buf = void; char[20] tmpBuf = void; char[] sink = buf; sink.rangeMsgPut("slice ["); sink.rangeMsgPut(unsignedToTempString!10(lower, tmpBuf)); sink.rangeMsgPut(" .. "); sink.rangeMsgPut(unsignedToTempString!10(upper, tmpBuf)); sink.rangeMsgPut("] "); if (lower > upper) { sink.rangeMsgPut("has a larger lower index than upper index"); } else { sink.rangeMsgPut("extends past source array of length "); sink.rangeMsgPut(unsignedToTempString!10(length, tmpBuf)); } this.msgBuf = buf; super(msgBuf[0..$-sink.length], file, line, next); } } @safe pure unittest { assert(new ArraySliceError(40, 80, 20).msg == "slice [40 .. 80] extends past source array of length 20"); assert(new ArraySliceError(90, 70, 20).msg == "slice [90 .. 70] has a larger lower index than upper index"); // Ensure msg buffer doesn't overflow on large numbers assert(new ArraySliceError(size_t.max, size_t.max, size_t.max-1).msg); } unittest { try { _d_arraybounds_slicep("test", 400, 1, 7, 3); assert(0, "no ArraySliceError thrown"); } catch (ArraySliceError re) { assert(re.file == "test"); assert(re.line == 400); assert(re.lower == 1); assert(re.upper == 7); assert(re.length == 3); } } /// Mini `std.range.primitives: put` for constructor of ArraySliceError / ArrayIndexError private void rangeMsgPut(ref char[] r, scope const(char)[] e) @nogc nothrow pure @safe { assert(r.length >= e.length); // don't throw ArraySliceError inside ArrayIndexError ctor r[0 .. e.length] = e[]; r = r[e.length .. $]; } /** * Thrown on an assert error. */ class AssertError : Error { @safe pure nothrow @nogc this( string file, size_t line ) { this(cast(Throwable)null, file, line); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc this( Throwable next, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ ) { this( "Assertion failure", file, line, next); } @safe pure nothrow @nogc this( string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null ) { super( msg, file, line, next ); } } unittest { { auto ae = new AssertError("hello", 42); assert(ae.file == "hello"); assert(ae.line == 42); assert(ae.next is null); assert(ae.msg == "Assertion failure"); } { auto ae = new AssertError(new Exception("It's an Exception!")); assert(ae.file == __FILE__); assert(ae.line == __LINE__ - 2); assert(ae.next !is null); assert(ae.msg == "Assertion failure"); } { auto ae = new AssertError(new Exception("It's an Exception!"), "hello", 42); assert(ae.file == "hello"); assert(ae.line == 42); assert(ae.next !is null); assert(ae.msg == "Assertion failure"); } { auto ae = new AssertError("msg"); assert(ae.file == __FILE__); assert(ae.line == __LINE__ - 2); assert(ae.next is null); assert(ae.msg == "msg"); } { auto ae = new AssertError("msg", "hello", 42); assert(ae.file == "hello"); assert(ae.line == 42); assert(ae.next is null); assert(ae.msg == "msg"); } { auto ae = new AssertError("msg", "hello", 42, new Exception("It's an Exception!")); assert(ae.file == "hello"); assert(ae.line == 42); assert(ae.next !is null); assert(ae.msg == "msg"); } } /** * Thrown on finalize error. */ class FinalizeError : Error { TypeInfo info; this( TypeInfo ci, Throwable next, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ ) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { this(ci, file, line, next); } this( TypeInfo ci, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null ) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { super( "Finalization error", file, line, next ); info = ci; } override string toString() const @safe { return "An exception was thrown while finalizing an instance of " ~ info.toString(); } } unittest { ClassInfo info = new ClassInfo; info.name = "testInfo"; { auto fe = new FinalizeError(info); assert(fe.file == __FILE__); assert(fe.line == __LINE__ - 2); assert(fe.next is null); assert(fe.msg == "Finalization error"); assert(fe.info == info); } { auto fe = new FinalizeError(info, new Exception("It's an Exception!")); assert(fe.file == __FILE__); assert(fe.line == __LINE__ - 2); assert(fe.next !is null); assert(fe.msg == "Finalization error"); assert(fe.info == info); } { auto fe = new FinalizeError(info, "hello", 42); assert(fe.file == "hello"); assert(fe.line == 42); assert(fe.next is null); assert(fe.msg == "Finalization error"); assert(fe.info == info); } { auto fe = new FinalizeError(info, "hello", 42, new Exception("It's an Exception!")); assert(fe.file == "hello"); assert(fe.line == 42); assert(fe.next !is null); assert(fe.msg == "Finalization error"); assert(fe.info == info); } } /** * Thrown on an out of memory error. */ class OutOfMemoryError : Error { this(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null ) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { this(true, file, line, next); } this(bool trace, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null ) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { super("Memory allocation failed", file, line, next); if (!trace) this.info = SuppressTraceInfo.instance; } override string toString() const @trusted { return msg.length ? (cast()this).superToString() : "Memory allocation failed"; } // kludge to call non-const super.toString private string superToString() @trusted { return super.toString(); } } unittest { { auto oome = new OutOfMemoryError(); assert(oome.file == __FILE__); assert(oome.line == __LINE__ - 2); assert(oome.next is null); assert(oome.msg == "Memory allocation failed"); assert(oome.toString.length); } { auto oome = new OutOfMemoryError("hello", 42, new Exception("It's an Exception!")); assert(oome.file == "hello"); assert(oome.line == 42); assert(oome.next !is null); assert(oome.msg == "Memory allocation failed"); } } /** * Thrown on an invalid memory operation. * * An invalid memory operation error occurs in circumstances when the garbage * collector has detected an operation it cannot reliably handle. The default * D GC is not re-entrant, so this can happen due to allocations done from * within finalizers called during a garbage collection cycle. */ class InvalidMemoryOperationError : Error { this(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null ) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { super( "Invalid memory operation", file, line, next ); } override string toString() const @trusted { return msg.length ? (cast()this).superToString() : "Invalid memory operation"; } // kludge to call non-const super.toString private string superToString() @trusted { return super.toString(); } } unittest { { auto oome = new InvalidMemoryOperationError(); assert(oome.file == __FILE__); assert(oome.line == __LINE__ - 2); assert(oome.next is null); assert(oome.msg == "Invalid memory operation"); assert(oome.toString.length); } { auto oome = new InvalidMemoryOperationError("hello", 42, new Exception("It's an Exception!")); assert(oome.file == "hello"); assert(oome.line == 42); assert(oome.next !is null); assert(oome.msg == "Invalid memory operation"); } } /** * Thrown on a configuration error. */ class ForkError : Error { this( string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null ) @nogc nothrow pure @safe { super( "fork() failed", file, line, next ); } } /** * Thrown on a switch error. */ class SwitchError : Error { @safe pure nothrow @nogc this( string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null ) { super( msg, file, line, next ); } } unittest { { auto se = new SwitchError("No appropriate switch clause found"); assert(se.file == __FILE__); assert(se.line == __LINE__ - 2); assert(se.next is null); assert(se.msg == "No appropriate switch clause found"); } { auto se = new SwitchError("No appropriate switch clause found", "hello", 42, new Exception("It's an Exception!")); assert(se.file == "hello"); assert(se.line == 42); assert(se.next !is null); assert(se.msg == "No appropriate switch clause found"); } } /** * Thrown on a unicode conversion error. */ class UnicodeException : Exception { size_t idx; this( string msg, size_t idx, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null ) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { super( msg, file, line, next ); this.idx = idx; } } unittest { { auto ue = new UnicodeException("msg", 2); assert(ue.file == __FILE__); assert(ue.line == __LINE__ - 2); assert(ue.next is null); assert(ue.msg == "msg"); assert(ue.idx == 2); } { auto ue = new UnicodeException("msg", 2, "hello", 42, new Exception("It's an Exception!")); assert(ue.file == "hello"); assert(ue.line == 42); assert(ue.next !is null); assert(ue.msg == "msg"); assert(ue.idx == 2); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Overrides /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NOTE: One assert handler is used for all threads. Thread-local // behavior should occur within the handler itself. This delegate // is __gshared for now based on the assumption that it will only // set by the main thread during program initialization. private __gshared AssertHandler _assertHandler = null; /** Gets/sets assert hander. null means the default handler is used. */ alias AssertHandler = void function(string file, size_t line, string msg) nothrow; /// ditto @property AssertHandler assertHandler() @trusted nothrow @nogc { return _assertHandler; } /// ditto @property void assertHandler(AssertHandler handler) @trusted nothrow @nogc { _assertHandler = handler; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Overridable Callbacks /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A callback for assert errors in D. The user-supplied assert handler will * be called if one has been supplied, otherwise an $(LREF AssertError) will be * thrown. * * Params: * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. */ extern (C) void onAssertError( string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ ) nothrow { if ( _assertHandler is null ) throw staticError!AssertError(file, line); _assertHandler( file, line, null); } /** * A callback for assert errors in D. The user-supplied assert handler will * be called if one has been supplied, otherwise an $(LREF AssertError) will be * thrown. * * Params: * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. * msg = An error message supplied by the user. */ extern (C) void onAssertErrorMsg( string file, size_t line, string msg ) nothrow { if ( _assertHandler is null ) throw staticError!AssertError(msg, file, line); _assertHandler( file, line, msg ); } /** * A callback for unittest errors in D. The user-supplied unittest handler * will be called if one has been supplied, otherwise the error will be * written to stderr. * * Params: * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. * msg = An error message supplied by the user. */ extern (C) void onUnittestErrorMsg( string file, size_t line, string msg ) nothrow { onAssertErrorMsg( file, line, msg ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal Error Callbacks /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A callback for general array bounds errors in D. A $(LREF RangeError) will be thrown. * * Params: * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. * * Throws: * $(LREF RangeError). */ extern (C) noreturn onRangeError( string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ ) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { throw staticError!RangeError(file, line, null); } /** * A callback for array slice out of bounds errors in D. * * Params: * lower = the lower bound of the index passed of a slice * upper = the upper bound of the index passed of a slice or the index if not a slice * length = length of the array * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. * * Throws: * $(LREF ArraySliceError). */ extern (C) noreturn onArraySliceError( size_t lower = 0, size_t upper = 0, size_t length = 0, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ ) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { throw staticError!ArraySliceError(lower, upper, length, file, line, null); } /** * A callback for array index out of bounds errors in D. * * Params: * index = index in the array * length = length of the array * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. * * Throws: * $(LREF ArrayIndexError). */ extern (C) noreturn onArrayIndexError( size_t index = 0, size_t length = 0, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ ) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { throw staticError!ArrayIndexError(index, length, file, line, null); } /** * A callback for finalize errors in D. A $(LREF FinalizeError) will be thrown. * * Params: * info = The TypeInfo instance for the object that failed finalization. * e = The exception thrown during finalization. * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. * * Throws: * $(LREF FinalizeError). */ extern (C) noreturn onFinalizeError( TypeInfo info, Throwable e, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ ) @trusted nothrow { // This error is thrown during a garbage collection, so no allocation must occur while // generating this object. So we use a preallocated instance throw staticError!FinalizeError(info, e, file, line); } version (D_BetterC) { // When compiling with -betterC we use template functions so if they are // used the bodies are copied into the user's program so there is no need // for the D runtime during linking. // In the future we might want to convert all functions in this module to // templates even for ordinary builds instead of providing them as an // extern(C) library. noreturn onOutOfMemoryError()(void* pretend_sideffect = null) @nogc nothrow pure @trusted { assert(0, "Memory allocation failed"); } alias onOutOfMemoryErrorNoGC = onOutOfMemoryError; noreturn onInvalidMemoryOperationError()(void* pretend_sideffect = null) @nogc nothrow pure @trusted { assert(0, "Invalid memory operation"); } } else { /** * A callback for out of memory errors in D. An $(LREF OutOfMemoryError) will be * thrown. * * Throws: * $(LREF OutOfMemoryError). */ extern (C) noreturn onOutOfMemoryError(void* pretend_sideffect = null, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc /* dmd @@@BUG11461@@@ */ { // NOTE: Since an out of memory condition exists, no allocation must occur // while generating this object. throw staticError!OutOfMemoryError(file, line); } extern (C) noreturn onOutOfMemoryErrorNoGC(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) @trusted nothrow @nogc { // suppress stacktrace until they are @nogc throw staticError!OutOfMemoryError(false, file, line); } } /** * A callback for invalid memory operations in D. An * $(LREF InvalidMemoryOperationError) will be thrown. * * Throws: * $(LREF InvalidMemoryOperationError). */ extern (C) noreturn onInvalidMemoryOperationError(void* pretend_sideffect = null, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc /* dmd @@@BUG11461@@@ */ { // The same restriction applies as for onOutOfMemoryError. The GC is in an // undefined state, thus no allocation must occur while generating this object. throw staticError!InvalidMemoryOperationError(file, line); } /** * A callback for errors in the case of a failed fork in D. A $(LREF ForkError) will be thrown. * * Params: * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. * * Throws: * $(LREF ConfigurationError). */ extern (C) noreturn onForkError( string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ ) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { throw staticError!ForkError( file, line, null ); } /** * A callback for unicode errors in D. A $(LREF UnicodeException) will be thrown. * * Params: * msg = Information about the error. * idx = String index where this error was detected. * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. * * Throws: * $(LREF UnicodeException). */ extern (C) noreturn onUnicodeError( string msg, size_t idx, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__ ) @safe pure { throw new UnicodeException( msg, idx, file, line ); } /*********************************** * These functions must be defined for any D program linked * against this library. */ /+ extern (C) void onAssertError(string file, size_t line); extern (C) void onAssertErrorMsg(string file, size_t line, string msg); extern (C) void onUnittestErrorMsg(string file, size_t line, string msg); extern (C) void onRangeError(string file, size_t line); extern (C) void onHiddenFuncError(Object o); +/ /*********************************** * Function calls to these are generated by the compiler and inserted into * the object code. */ extern (C) { /* One of these three is called upon an assert() fail. */ void _d_assertp(immutable(char)* file, uint line) { import core.stdc.string : strlen; onAssertError(file[0 .. strlen(file)], line); } void _d_assert_msg(string msg, string file, uint line) { onAssertErrorMsg(file, line, msg); } void _d_assert(string file, uint line) { onAssertError(file, line); } /* One of these three is called upon an assert() fail inside of a unittest block */ void _d_unittestp(immutable(char)* file, uint line) { import core.stdc.string : strlen; _d_unittest(file[0 .. strlen(file)], line); } void _d_unittest_msg(string msg, string file, uint line) { onUnittestErrorMsg(file, line, msg); } void _d_unittest(string file, uint line) { _d_unittest_msg("unittest failure", file, line); } /// Called when an invalid array index/slice or associative array key is accessed void _d_arrayboundsp(immutable(char*) file, uint line) { import core.stdc.string : strlen; onRangeError(file[0 .. strlen(file)], line); } /// ditto void _d_arraybounds(string file, uint line) { onRangeError(file, line); } /// Called when an out of range slice of an array is created void _d_arraybounds_slicep(immutable(char*) file, uint line, size_t lower, size_t upper, size_t length) { import core.stdc.string : strlen; onArraySliceError(lower, upper, length, file[0 .. strlen(file)], line); } /// ditto void _d_arraybounds_slice(string file, uint line, size_t lower, size_t upper, size_t length) { onArraySliceError(lower, upper, length, file, line); } /// Called when an out of range array index is accessed void _d_arraybounds_indexp(immutable(char*) file, uint line, size_t index, size_t length) { import core.stdc.string : strlen; onArrayIndexError(index, length, file[0 .. strlen(file)], line); } /// ditto void _d_arraybounds_index(string file, uint line, size_t index, size_t length) { onArrayIndexError(index, length, file, line); } } // TLS storage shared for all errors, chaining might create circular reference private align(2 * size_t.sizeof) void[256] _store; // only Errors for now as those are rarely chained package T staticError(T, Args...)(auto ref Args args) if (is(T : Error)) { // pure hack, what we actually need is @noreturn and allow to call that in pure functions static T get() { static assert(__traits(classInstanceSize, T) <= _store.length, T.stringof ~ " is too large for staticError()"); return cast(T) _store.ptr; } auto res = (cast(T function() @trusted pure nothrow @nogc) &get)(); import core.lifetime : emplace; emplace(res, args); return res; } // Suppress traceinfo generation when the GC cannot be used. Workaround for // Bugzilla 14993. We should make stack traces @nogc instead. package class SuppressTraceInfo : Throwable.TraceInfo { override int opApply(scope int delegate(ref const(char[]))) const { return 0; } override int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t, ref const(char[]))) const { return 0; } override string toString() const { return null; } static SuppressTraceInfo instance() @trusted @nogc pure nothrow { static immutable SuppressTraceInfo it = new SuppressTraceInfo; return cast(SuppressTraceInfo)it; } }