/* Software floating-point emulation. Convert _Decimal32 to signed or unsigned _BitInt. Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GCC. GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see . */ #include "soft-fp.h" #include "bitint.h" #ifdef __BITINT_MAXWIDTH__ extern void __bid_fixsdbitint (UBILtype *, SItype, _Decimal32); void __bid_fixsdbitint (UBILtype *r, SItype rprec, _Decimal32 a) { FP_DECL_EX; USItype arprec = rprec < 0 ? -rprec : rprec; USItype rn = (arprec + BIL_TYPE_SIZE - 1) / BIL_TYPE_SIZE; union { _Decimal32 d; USItype u; } u; USItype mantissa, t; SItype sgn; SItype exponent; USItype exp_bits, mant_bits; UBILtype *pow10v, *resv; USItype pow10_limbs, res_limbs, min_limbs, mant_limbs, low_zeros; FP_INIT_EXCEPTIONS; u.d = a; t = u.u >> 21; sgn = (SItype) u.u < 0; if ((t & (3 << 8)) != (3 << 8)) { mantissa = u.u & ((((USItype) 1) << 23) - 1); exponent = (t >> 2) & 0xff; } else if ((t & (3 << 6)) != (3 << 6)) { mantissa = u.u & ((((USItype) 1) << 21) - 1); mantissa |= ((USItype) 1) << 23; exponent = t & 0xff; if (mantissa > (USItype) 9999999) mantissa = 0; } else { FP_SET_EXCEPTION (FP_EX_INVALID | FP_EX_INVALID_CVI | ((FP_EX_INVALID_SNAN && ((t & 0x20)) != 0) ? FP_EX_INVALID_SNAN : 0)); ovf: if (!sgn) __builtin_memset (r, -1, rn * sizeof (UBILtype)); else __builtin_memset (r, 0, rn * sizeof (UBILtype)); if (sgn ^ (rprec >= 0)) r[BITINT_END (0, rn - 1)] |= (UBILtype) -1 << ((arprec - 1) % BIL_TYPE_SIZE); else r[BITINT_END (0, rn - 1)] &= ~((UBILtype) -1 << ((arprec - 1) % BIL_TYPE_SIZE)); goto done; } exponent -= 101; if (mantissa == 0) { /* Zero (with any exponent). */ zero: __builtin_memset (r, 0, rn * sizeof (UBILtype)); goto done; } if (exponent <= -7) { FP_SET_EXCEPTION (FP_EX_INEXACT); goto zero; } else if (exponent < 0) { UBILtype limbs[64 / BIL_TYPE_SIZE]; USItype rem; UDItype d; __bid_pow10bitint (limbs, 64, -exponent); #if BIL_TYPE_SIZE == 64 d = limbs[0]; #elif BIL_TYPE_SIZE == 32 d = (UDItype) limbs[BITINT_END (0, 1)] << 32 | limbs[BITINT_END (1, 0)]; #else # error Unsupported BIL_TYPE_SIZE #endif rem = mantissa % (USItype) d; mantissa /= (USItype) d; if (rem) FP_SET_EXCEPTION (FP_EX_INEXACT); if (mantissa == 0) goto zero; exponent = 0; } if (rprec >= 0 && sgn) { ovf_ex: FP_SET_EXCEPTION (FP_EX_INVALID | FP_EX_INVALID_CVI); goto ovf; } /* Lower estimate for number of bits needed for pow10 (exponent). */ exp_bits = exponent / 3; exp_bits = exp_bits * 10 - exp_bits / 29; mant_bits = sizeof (0ULL) * __CHAR_BIT__ - __builtin_clzll (mantissa); if (exp_bits + mant_bits > arprec + 1) goto ovf_ex; /* Upper estimate for number of bits needed for pow10 (exponent). */ exp_bits = (exponent + 2) / 3; exp_bits = exp_bits * 10 - exp_bits / 30; if (exp_bits == 0) exp_bits = 1; pow10_limbs = (exp_bits + BIL_TYPE_SIZE - 1) / BIL_TYPE_SIZE; pow10v = __builtin_alloca (pow10_limbs * sizeof (UBILtype)); low_zeros = __bid_pow10bitint (pow10v, exp_bits, exponent); res_limbs = ((exp_bits + mant_bits + BIL_TYPE_SIZE - 1) / BIL_TYPE_SIZE) - low_zeros; mant_limbs = 1; resv = __builtin_alloca ((res_limbs + mant_limbs) * sizeof (UBILtype)); resv[res_limbs] = mantissa; __mulbitint3 (resv, exp_bits + mant_bits - low_zeros * BIL_TYPE_SIZE, resv + res_limbs, mant_bits, pow10v + BITINT_END (0, low_zeros), exp_bits - low_zeros * BIL_TYPE_SIZE); if (res_limbs + low_zeros >= rn) { if (res_limbs + low_zeros > rn && resv[BITINT_END (0, res_limbs - 1)]) goto ovf_ex; if ((arprec % BIL_TYPE_SIZE) != 0 && (resv[BITINT_END (rn - res_limbs, rn - 1) - low_zeros] & ((UBILtype) -1 << (arprec % BIL_TYPE_SIZE))) != 0) goto ovf_ex; min_limbs = rn - low_zeros; } else min_limbs = res_limbs; if (low_zeros) __builtin_memset (r + BITINT_END (rn - low_zeros, 0), '\0', low_zeros * sizeof (UBILtype)); if (sgn) bitint_negate (r + BITINT_END (rn - low_zeros - 1, low_zeros), resv + BITINT_END (res_limbs - 1, 0), min_limbs); else __builtin_memcpy (r + BITINT_END (rn - low_zeros - min_limbs, low_zeros), resv + BITINT_END (res_limbs - min_limbs, 0), min_limbs * sizeof (UBILtype)); if (res_limbs + low_zeros < rn) { if (sgn) __builtin_memset (r + BITINT_END (0, res_limbs + low_zeros), -1, (rn - res_limbs - low_zeros) * sizeof (UBILtype)); else __builtin_memset (r + BITINT_END (0, res_limbs + low_zeros), '\0', (rn - res_limbs - low_zeros) * sizeof (UBILtype)); } else if (sgn) { if ((r[BITINT_END (0, rn - 1)] & ((UBILtype) 1 << ((arprec - 1) % BIL_TYPE_SIZE))) == 0) goto ovf_ex; } else if (rprec < 0 && (r[BITINT_END (0, rn - 1)] & ((UBILtype) 1 << ((arprec - 1) % BIL_TYPE_SIZE))) != 0) goto ovf_ex; done: FP_HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS; } #endif