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836 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Patrick McGehearty
54f0224d55 Practical improvement to libgcc complex divide
Correctness and performance test programs used during development of
this project may be found in the attachment to:

Summary of Purpose

This patch to libgcc/libgcc2.c __divdc3 provides an
opportunity to gain important improvements to the quality of answers
for the default complex divide routine (half, float, double, extended,
long double precisions) when dealing with very large or very small exponents.

The current code correctly implements Smith's method (1962) [2]
further modified by c99's requirements for dealing with NaN (not a
number) results. When working with input values where the exponents
are greater than *_MAX_EXP/2 or less than -(*_MAX_EXP)/2, results are
substantially different from the answers provided by quad precision
more than 1% of the time. This error rate may be unacceptable for many
applications that cannot a priori restrict their computations to the
safe range. The proposed method reduces the frequency of
"substantially different" answers by more than 99% for double
precision at a modest cost of performance.

Differences between current gcc methods and the new method will be
described. Then accuracy and performance differences will be discussed.


This project started with an investigation related to  Study of Beebe[1]
provided an overview of past and recent practice for computing complex
divide. The current glibc implementation is based on Robert Smith's
algorithm [2] from 1962.  A google search found the paper by Baudin
and Smith [3] (same Robert Smith) published in 2012. Elen Kalda's
proposed patch [4] is based on that paper.

I developed two sets of test data by randomly distributing values over
a restricted range and the full range of input values. The current
complex divide handled the restricted range well enough, but failed on
the full range more than 1% of the time. Baudin and Smith's primary
test for "ratio" equals zero reduced the cases with 16 or more error
bits by a factor of 5, but still left too many flawed answers. Adding
debug print out to cases with substantial errors allowed me to see the
intermediate calculations for test values that failed. I noted that
for many of the failures, "ratio" was a subnormal. Changing the
"ratio" test from check for zero to check for subnormal reduced the 16
bit error rate by another factor of 12. This single modified test
provides the greatest benefit for the least cost, but the percentage
of cases with greater than 16 bit errors (double precision data) is
still greater than 0.027% (2.7 in 10,000).

Continued examination of remaining errors and their intermediate
computations led to the various tests of input value tests and scaling
to avoid under/overflow. The current patch does not handle some of the
rare and most extreme combinations of input values, but the random
test data is only showing 1 case in 10 million that has an error of
greater than 12 bits. That case has 18 bits of error and is due to
subtraction cancellation. These results are significantly better
than the results reported by Baudin and Smith.

Support for half, float, double, extended, and long double precision
is included as all are handled with suitable preprocessor symbols in a
single source routine. Since half precision is computed with float
precision as per current libgcc practice, the enhanced algorithm
provides no benefit for half precision and would cost performance.
Further investigation showed changing the half precision algorithm
to use the simple formula (real=a*c+b*d imag=b*c-a*d) caused no
loss of precision and modest improvement in performance.

The existing constants for each precision:
float: FLT_MAX, FLT_MIN;
double: DBL_MAX, DBL_MIN;
extended and/or long double: LDBL_MAX, LDBL_MIN
are used for avoiding the more common overflow/underflow cases.  This
use is made generic by defining appropriate __LIBGCC2_* macros in

Tests are added for when both parts of the denominator have exponents
small enough to allow shifting any subnormal values to normal values
all input values could be scaled up without risking overflow. That
gained a clear improvement in accuracy. Similarly, when either
numerator was subnormal and the other numerator and both denominator
values were not too large, scaling could be used to reduce risk of
computing with subnormals.  The test and scaling values used all fit
within the allowed exponent range for each precision required by the C

Float precision has more difficulty with getting correct answers than
double precision. When hardware for double precision floating point
operations is available, float precision is now handled in double
precision intermediate calculations with the simple algorithm the same
as the half-precision method of using float precision for intermediate
calculations. Using the higher precision yields exact results for all
tested input values (64-bit double, 32-bit float) with the only
performance cost being the requirement to convert the four input
values from float to double. If double precision hardware is not
available, then float complex divide will use the same improved
algorithm as the other precisions with similar change in performance.

Further Improvement

The most common remaining substantial errors are due to accuracy loss
when subtracting nearly equal values. This patch makes no attempt to
improve that situation.


For all of the following, the notation is:
Input complex values:
  a+bi  (a= real part, b= imaginary part)
Output complex value:
  e+fi = (a+bi)/(c+di)

For the result tables:
current = current method (SMITH)
b1div = method proposed by Elen Kalda
b2div = alternate method considered by Elen Kalda
new = new method proposed by this patch

DESCRIPTIONS of different complex divide methods:

NAIVE COMPUTATION (-fcx-limited-range):
  e = (a*c + b*d)/(c*c + d*d)
  f = (b*c - a*d)/(c*c + d*d)

Note that c*c and d*d will overflow or underflow if either
c or d is outside the range 2^-538 to 2^512.

This method is available in gcc when the switch -fcx-limited-range is
used. That switch is also enabled by -ffast-math. Only one who has a
clear understanding of the maximum range of all intermediate values
generated by an application should consider using this switch.

SMITH's METHOD (current libgcc):
  if(fabs(c)<fabs(d) {
    r = c/d;
    denom = (c*r) + d;
    e = (a*r + b) / denom;
    f = (b*r - a) / denom;
  } else {
    r = d/c;
    denom = c + (d*r);
    e = (a + b*r) / denom;
    f = (b - a*r) / denom;

Smith's method is the current default method available with __divdc3.

Elen Kalda's METHOD

Elen Kalda proposed a patch about a year ago, also based on Baudin and
Smith, but not including tests for subnormals: [4]
It is compared here for accuracy with this patch.

This method applies the most significant part of the algorithm
proposed by Baudin&Smith (2012) in the paper "A Robust Complex
Division in Scilab" [3]. Elen's method also replaces two divides by
one divide and two multiplies due to the high cost of divide on
aarch64. In the comparison sections, this method will be labeled
b1div. A variation discussed in that patch which does not replace the
two divides will be labeled b2div.

  inline void improved_internal (MTYPE a, MTYPE b, MTYPE c, MTYPE d)
    r = d/c;
    t = 1.0 / (c + (d * r));
    if (r != 0) {
        x = (a + (b * r)) * t;
        y = (b - (a * r)) * t;
    }  else {
    /* Changing the order of operations avoids the underflow of r impacting
     the result. */
        x = (a + (d * (b / c))) * t;
        y = (b - (d * (a / c))) * t;

  if (FABS (d) < FABS (c)) {
      improved_internal (a, b, c, d);
  } else {
      improved_internal (b, a, d, c);
      y = -y;

NEW METHOD (proposed by patch) to replace the current default method:

The proposed method starts with an algorithm proposed by Baudin&Smith
(2012) in the paper "A Robust Complex Division in Scilab" [3]. The
patch makes additional modifications to that method for further
reductions in the error rate. The following code shows the #define
values for double precision. See the patch for #define values used
for other precisions.

  #define RBIG ((DBL_MAX)/2.0)
  #define RMIN (DBL_MIN)
  #define RMIN2 (0x1.0p-53)
  #define RMINSCAL (0x1.0p+51)
  #define RMAX2  ((RBIG)*(RMIN2))

  if (FABS(c) < FABS(d)) {
  /* prevent overflow when arguments are near max representable */
  if ((FABS (d) > RBIG) || (FABS (a) > RBIG) || (FABS (b) > RBIG) ) {
      a = a * 0.5;
      b = b * 0.5;
      c = c * 0.5;
      d = d * 0.5;
  /* minimize overflow/underflow issues when c and d are small */
  else if (FABS (d) < RMIN2) {
      a = a * RMINSCAL;
      b = b * RMINSCAL;
      c = c * RMINSCAL;
      d = d * RMINSCAL;
  else {
    if(((FABS (a) < RMIN) && (FABS (b) < RMAX2) && (FABS (d) < RMAX2)) ||
       ((FABS (b) < RMIN) && (FABS (a) < RMAX2) && (FABS (d) < RMAX2))) {
        a = a * RMINSCAL;
        b = b * RMINSCAL;
        c = c * RMINSCAL;
        d = d * RMINSCAL;
  r = c/d; denom = (c*r) + d;
  if( r > RMIN ) {
      e = (a*r + b) / denom   ;
      f = (b*r - a) / denom
  } else {
      e = (c * (a/d) + b) / denom;
      f = (c * (b/d) - a) / denom;
[ only presenting the fabs(c) < fabs(d) case here, full code in patch. ]

Before any computation of the answer, the code checks for any input
values near maximum to allow down scaling to avoid overflow.  These
scalings almost never harm the accuracy since they are by 2. Values that
are over RBIG are relatively rare but it is easy to test for them and
allow aviodance of overflows.

Testing for RMIN2 reveals when both c and d are less than [FLT|DBL]_EPSILON.
By scaling all values by 1/EPSILON, the code converts subnormals to normals,
avoids loss of accuracy and underflows in intermediate computations
that otherwise might occur. If scaling a and b by 1/EPSILON causes either
to overflow, then the computation will overflow whatever method is used.

Finally, we test for either a or b being subnormal (RMIN) and if so,
for the other three values being small enough to allow scaling.  We
only need to test a single denominator value since we have already
determined which of c and d is larger.

Next, r (the ratio of c to d) is checked for being near zero. Baudin
and Smith checked r for zero. This code improves that approach by
checking for values less than DBL_MIN (subnormal) covers roughly 12
times as many cases and substantially improves overall accuracy. If r
is too small, then when it is used in a multiplication, there is a
high chance that the result will underflow to zero, losing significant
accuracy. That underflow is avoided by reordering the computation.
When r is subnormal, the code replaces a*r (= a*(c/d)) with ((a/d)*c)
which is mathematically the same but avoids the unnecessary underflow.


Two sets of data are presented to test these methods. Both sets
contain 10 million pairs of complex values.  The exponents and
mantissas are generated using multiple calls to random() and then
combining the results. Only values which give results to complex
divide that are representable in the appropriate precision after
being computed in quad precision are used.

The first data set is labeled "moderate exponents".
The exponent range is limited to -DBL_MAX_EXP/2 to DBL_MAX_EXP/2
for Double Precision (use FLT_MAX_EXP or LDBL_MAX_EXP for the
appropriate precisions.
The second data set is labeled "full exponents".
The exponent range for these cases is the full exponent range
including subnormals for a given precision.

ACCURACY Test results:

Note: The following accuracy tests are based on IEEE-754 arithmetic.

Note: All results reporteed are based on use of fused multiply-add. If
fused multiply-add is not used, the error rate increases, giving more
1 and 2 bit errors for both current and new complex divide.
Differences between using fused multiply and not using it that are
greater than 2 bits are less than 1 in a million.

The complex divide methods are evaluated by determining the percentage
of values that exceed differences in low order bits.  If a "2 bit"
test results show 1%, that would mean that 1% of 10,000,000 values
(100,000) have either a real or imaginary part that differs from the
quad precision result by more than the last 2 bits.

Results are reported for differences greater than or equal to 1 bit, 2
bits, 8 bits, 16 bits, 24 bits, and 52 bits for double precision.  Even
when the patch avoids overflows and underflows, some input values are
expected to have errors due to the potential for catastrophic roundoff
from floating point subtraction. For example, when b*c and a*d are
nearly equal, the result of subtraction may lose several places of
accuracy. This patch does not attempt to detect or minimize this type
of error, but neither does it increase them.

I only show the results for Elen Kalda's method (with both 1 and
2 divides) and the new method for only 1 divide in the double
precision table.

In the following charts, lower values are better.

current - current complex divide in libgcc
b1div - Elen Kalda's method from Baudin & Smith with one divide
b2div - Elen Kalda's method from Baudin & Smith with two divides
new   - This patch which uses 2 divides

Errors   Moderate Dataset
gtr eq     current    b1div      b2div        new
======    ========   ========   ========   ========
 1 bit    0.24707%   0.92986%   0.24707%   0.24707%
 2 bits   0.01762%   0.01770%   0.01762%   0.01762%
 8 bits   0.00026%   0.00026%   0.00026%   0.00026%
16 bits   0.00000%   0.00000%   0.00000%   0.00000%
24 bits         0%         0%         0%         0%
52 bits         0%         0%         0%         0%
Table 1: Errors with Moderate Dataset (Double Precision)

Note in Table 1 that both the old and new methods give identical error
rates for data with moderate exponents. Errors exceeding 16 bits are
exceedingly rare. There are substantial increases in the 1 bit error
rates for b1div (the 1 divide/2 multiplys method) as compared to b2div
(the 2 divides method). These differences are minimal for 2 bits and
larger error measurements.

Errors   Full Dataset
gtr eq     current    b1div      b2div        new
======    ========   ========   ========   ========
 1 bit      2.05%   1.23842%    0.67130%   0.16664%
 2 bits     1.88%   0.51615%    0.50354%   0.00900%
 8 bits     1.77%   0.42856%    0.42168%   0.00011%
16 bits     1.63%   0.33840%    0.32879%   0.00001%
24 bits     1.51%   0.25583%    0.24405%   0.00000%
52 bits     1.13%   0.01886%    0.00350%   0.00000%
Table 2: Errors with Full Dataset (Double Precision)

Table 2 shows significant differences in error rates. First, the
difference between b1div and b2div show a significantly higher error
rate for the b1div method both for single bit errros and well
beyond. Even for 52 bits, we see the b1div method gets completely
wrong answers more than 5 times as often as b2div. To retain
comparable accuracy with current complex divide results for small
exponents and due to the increase in errors for large exponents, I
choose to use the more accurate method of two divides.

The current method has more 1.6% of cases where it is getting results
where the low 24 bits of the mantissa differ from the correct
answer. More than 1.1% of cases where the answer is completely wrong.
The new method shows less than one case in 10,000 with greater than
two bits of error and only one case in 10 million with greater than
16 bits of errors. The new patch reduces 8 bit errors by
a factor of 16,000 and virtually eliminates completely wrong

As noted above, for architectures with double precision
hardware, the new method uses that hardware for the
intermediate calculations before returning the
result in float precision. Testing of the new patch
has shown zero errors found as seen in Tables 3 and 4.

Correctness for float
Errors   Moderate Dataset
gtr eq     current     new
======    ========   ========
 1 bit   28.68070%         0%
 2 bits   0.64386%         0%
 8 bits   0.00401%         0%
16 bits   0.00001%         0%
24 bits         0%         0%
Table 3: Errors with Moderate Dataset (float)

Errors   Full Dataset
gtr eq     current     new
======    ========   ========
 1 bit     19.98%         0%
 2 bits     3.20%         0%
 8 bits     1.97%         0%
16 bits     1.08%         0%
24 bits     0.55%         0%
Table 4: Errors with Full Dataset (float)

As before, the current method shows an troubling rate of extreme

There very minor changes in accuracy for half-precision since the code
changes from Smith's method to the simple method. 5 out of 1 million
test cases show correct answers instead of 1 or 2 bit errors.
libgcc computes half-precision functions in float precision
allowing the existing methods to avoid overflow/underflow issues
for the allowed range of exponents for half-precision.

Extended precision (using x87 80-bit format on x86) and Long double
(using IEEE-754 128-bit on x86 and aarch64) both have 15-bit exponents
as compared to 11-bit exponents in double precision. We note that the
C standard also allows Long Double to be implemented in the equivalent
range of Double. The RMIN2 and RMINSCAL constants are selected to work
within the Double range as well as with extended and 128-bit ranges.
We will limit our performance and accurancy discussions to the 80-bit
and 128-bit formats as seen on x86 here.

The extended and long double precision investigations were more
limited. Aarch64 does not support extended precision but does support
the software implementation of 128-bit long double precision. For x86,
long double defaults to the 80-bit precision but using the
-mlong-double-128 flag switches to using the software implementation
of 128-bit precision. Both 80-bit and 128-bit precisions have the same
exponent range, with the 128-bit precision has extended mantissas.
Since this change is only aimed at avoiding underflow/overflow for
extreme exponents, I studied the extended precision results on x86 for
100,000 values. The limited exponent dataset showed no differences.
For the dataset with full exponent range, the current and new values
showed major differences (greater than 32 bits) in 567 cases out of
100,000 (0.56%). In every one of these cases, the ratio of c/d or d/c
(as appropriate) was zero or subnormal, indicating the advantage of
the new method and its continued correctness where needed.

PERFORMANCE Test results

In order for a library change to be practical, it is necessary to show
the slowdown is tolerable. The slowdowns observed are much less than
would be seen by (for example) switching from hardware double precison
to a software quad precision, which on the tested machines causes a
slowdown of around 100x).

The actual slowdown depends on the machine architecture. It also
depends on the nature of the input data. If underflow/overflow is
rare, then implementations that have strong branch prediction will
only slowdown by a few cycles. If underflow/overflow is common, then
the branch predictors will be less accurate and the cost will be

Results from two machines are presented as examples of the overhead
for the new method. The one labeled x86 is a 5 year old Intel x86
processor and the one labeled aarch64 is a 3 year old arm64 processor.

In the following chart, the times are averaged over a one million
value data set. All values are scaled to set the time of the current
method to be 1.0. Lower values are better. A value of less than 1.0
would be faster than the current method and a value greater than 1.0
would be slower than the current method.

               Moderate set          full set
               x86  aarch64        x86  aarch64
========     ===============     ===============
float         0.59    0.79        0.45    0.81
double        1.04    1.24        1.38    1.56
long double   1.13    1.24        1.29    1.25
Table 5: Performance Comparisons (ratio new/current)

The above tables omit the timing for the 1 divide and 2 multiply
comparison with the 2 divide approach.

The float results show clear performance improvement due to using the
simple method with double precision for intermediate calculations.

The double results with the newer method show less overhead for the
moderate dataset than for the full dataset. That's because the moderate
dataset does not ever take the new branches which protect from
under/overflow. The better the branch predictor, the lower the cost
for these untaken branches. Both platforms are somewhat dated, with
the x86 having a better branch predictor which reduces the cost of the
additional branches in the new code. Of course, the relative slowdown
may be greater for some architectures, especially those with limited
branch prediction combined with a high cost of misprediction.

The long double results are fairly consistent in showing the moderate
additional cost of the extra branches and calculations for all cases.

The observed cost for all precisions is claimed to be tolerable on the
grounds that:

(a) the cost is worthwhile considering the accuracy improvement shown.
(b) most applications will only spend a small fraction of their time
    calculating complex divide.
(c) it is much less than the cost of extended precision
(d) users are not forced to use it (as described below)

Those users who find this degree of slowdown unsatisfactory may use
the gcc switch -fcx-fortran-rules which does not use the library
routine, instead inlining Smith's method without the C99 requirement
for dealing with NaN results. The proposed patch for libgcc complex
divide does not affect the code generated by -fcx-fortran-rules.


When input data to complex divide has exponents whose absolute value
is less than half of *_MAX_EXP, this patch makes no changes in
accuracy and has only a modest effect on performance.  When input data
contains values outside those ranges, the patch eliminates more than
99.9% of major errors with a tolerable cost in performance.

In comparison to Elen Kalda's method, this patch introduces more
performance overhead but reduces major errors by a factor of
greater than 4000.


[1] Nelson H.F. Beebe, "The Mathematical-Function Computation Handbook.
Springer International Publishing AG, 2017.

[2] Robert L. Smith. Algorithm 116: Complex division.  Commun. ACM,
 5(8):435, 1962.

[3] Michael Baudin and Robert L. Smith. "A robust complex division in
Scilab," October 2012, available at

[4] Elen Kalda: Complex division improvements in libgcc

2020-12-08  Patrick McGehearty  <>

	* c-cppbuiltin.c (c_cpp_builtins): Add supporting macros for new
	complex divide
	(__divsc3, __divdc3, __divxc3, __divtc3): Improve complex divide.
	* config/rs6000/_divkc3.c (RBIG, RMIN, RMIN2, RMINSCAL, RMAX2):
	(__divkc3): Improve complex divide.
	* gcc.c-torture/execute/ieee/cdivchkd.c: New test.
	* gcc.c-torture/execute/ieee/cdivchkf.c: Likewise.
	* gcc.c-torture/execute/ieee/cdivchkld.c: Likewise.
2021-04-28 21:54:44 +02:00
Michael Meissner
9a30a3f06b Fix logic error in 32-bit trampolines.
The test in the PowerPC 32-bit trampoline support is backwards.  It aborts
if the trampoline size is greater than the expected size.  It should abort
when the trampoline size is less than the expected size.  I fixed the test
so the operands are reversed.  I then folded the load immediate into the
compare instruction.

I verified this by creating a 32-bit trampoline program and manually
changing the size of the trampoline to be 48 instead of 40.  The program
aborted with the larger size.  I updated this code and ran the test again
and it passed.

I added a test case that runs on PowerPC 32-bit Linux systems and it calls
the __trampoline_setup function with a larger buffer size than the
compiler uses.  The test is not run on 64-bit systems, since the function
__trampoline_setup is not called.  I also limited the test to just Linux
systems, in case trampolines are handled differently in other systems.

2021-04-23  Michael Meissner  <>

	PR target/98952
	* config/rs6000/tramp.S (__trampoline_setup, elfv1 #ifdef): Fix
	trampoline size comparison in 32-bit by reversing test and
	combining load immediate with compare.
	(__trampoline_setup, elfv2 #ifdef): Fix trampoline size comparison
	in 32-bit by reversing test and combining load immediate with

2021-04-23  Michael Meissner  <>

	PR target/98952
	* New test.
2021-04-23 18:16:03 -04:00
Michael Meissner
f1d012911b Honor --disable-decimal-float on PowerPC Decimal/Float128 conversions
This patch fixes the problem that the Decimal <-> Float128 conversions
were built even if the user configured GCC with --disable-decimal-float.

2021-04-05  Florian Weimer  <>

	* config/rs6000/t-float128 (fp128_ppc_funcs): Add decimal floating
	point functions for $(decimal_float) only.

Co-Authored-By: Michael Meissner  <>
2021-04-05 13:33:16 -04:00
Jakub Jelinek
cda41ce0e8 rs6000: Fix up libgcc ABI when built with --with-long-double-format=ieee [PR97653]
__floatunditf and __fixtfdi and a couple of other libgcc{.a,}
entrypoints for backwards compatibility should mean IBM double double
handling (i.e. IFmode), gcc emits such calls for that format and
form IEEE long double emits *kf* instead.
When gcc is configured without --with-long-double-format=ieee ,
everything is fine, but when it is not, we need to compile those
libgcc sources with -mno-gnu-attribute -mabi=ibmlongdouble.
The following snippet in libgcc/config/rs6000/t-linux was attempting
to ensure that, and for some routines it works fine (e.g. for _powitf2).
But, due to 4 different types of bugs it doesn't work for most of those
functions, which means that in --with-long-double-format=ieee
configured gcc those *tf* entrypoints instead handle the long double
arguments as if they were KFmode.

The bugs are:
1) the first few objs properly use $(objext) as suffix, but
   several other contain a typo and use $(object) instead,
   which is a variable that isn't set to anything, so we don't
   add .o etc. extensions
2) while unsigned fix are properly called _fixuns*, unsigned float
   are called _floatun* (without s), but the var was using there
   the extra s and so didn't match
3) the variable didn't cover any of the TF <-> TI conversions,
   only TF <-> DI conversions
4) nothing in was handled, as those object files are
   called *_s.o rather than *.o and IBM128_SHARED_OBJS used wrong
   syntax of the GNU make substitution reference, which should be
   $(var:a=b) standing for $(patsubst a,b,$(var)) but it used
   $(var🅰️b) instead

2021-04-03  Jakub Jelinek  <>

	PR target/97653
	* config/rs6000/t-linux (IBM128_STATIC_OBJS): Fix spelling, use
	$(objext) instead of $(object).  Use _floatunditf instead of
	_floatunsditf.  Add tf <-> ti conversion objects.
	(IBM128_SHARED_OBJS): Use proper substitution reference syntax.
2021-04-03 10:05:32 +02:00
Michael Meissner
645bfc1619 Require GLIBC 2.32 for Decimal/_Float128 conversions.
In the patch that I applied on March 2nd, I had code to provide support for
Decimal/_Float128 conversions if the user did not use at least GLIBC 2.32.  It
did this by using __ibm128 as an intermediate type.  The trouble is __ibm128
cannot represent all of the numbers that _Float128 can, and you lose if you do
this conversion.

This patch removes this support.  The dfp-bit.c functions now call the the
__sprintfieee128 and __strtoieee128 functions to do the conversion.  If the
user does not have GLIBC, they will get a linker error that these functions do
not exist.

The float128 support functions are only built into the static libgcc, so there
isn't an issue with having references to __strtoieee128 and __sprintfieee128
with older GLIBC libraries.

As an added bonus, this patch eliminates the __sprintfkf function which
included stdio.h to get a definition for the sprintf library function.  This
allows for building cross compilers without having to have a target stdio.h

2021-03-29  Michael Meissner  <>

	* config/rs6000/t-float128 (fp128_decstr_funcs): Delete.
	(fp128_ppc_funcs): Do not add $(fp128_decstr_funcs).
	(fp128_decstr_objs): Delete.
	* dfp-bit.h: Call __sprintfieee128 to do conversions from
	_Float128 to a Decimal type.  Call __strtoieee128 to do
	conversions from a Decimal type to _Float128.
	* config/rs6000/_sprintfkf.c: Delete file.
	* config/rs6000/_sprintfkf.h: Delete file.
	* config/rs6000/_strtokf.c: Delete file.
	* config/rs6000/_strtokf.h: Delete file.
2021-03-29 16:43:14 -04:00
Marcus Comstedt
f1af1326d2 RISC-V: Update soft-fp config for big-endian
	* config/riscv/sfp-machine.h (__BYTE_ORDER): Set according
	to __BYTE_ORDER__.
2021-03-23 17:31:13 +08:00
Michael Meissner
76c99cb113 Fix __sprintfkf prototype in libgcc.
The prototype of __sprintfkf in _sprintfkf.h did not match the function in
_sprintfkf.c.  This patch fixes the prototype.  I also included the
_sprintfkf.h file in _sprintfkf.c to make sure the prototype is correct and to
eliminate a warning about declaring the function without a previous

2021-03-01  Michael Meissner  <>

	* config/rs6000/_sprintfkf.h (__sprintfkf): Fix prototype to match
	the function.
	* config/rs6000/_sprintfkf.c: Include _sprintfkf.h.
2021-03-01 22:13:33 -05:00
Christophe Lyon
be30dd8992 arm: Fix CMSE support detection in libgcc (PR target/99157)
As discussed in the PR, the Makefile fragment lacks a double '$' to
get the return-code from GCC invocation, resulting is CMSE support
missing from multilibs.

I checked that the simple patch proposed in the PR fixes the problem.

2021-02-23  Christophe Lyon  <>
	    Hau Hsu  <>

	PR target/99157
	* config/arm/t-arm: Fix cmse support detection.
2021-02-24 16:00:21 +00:00
Michael Meissner
781183595a Add conversions between _Float128 and Decimal.
This patch implements conversions between _Float128 and the 3 Decimal floating
types.  It does this by extendending the dfp-bit conversions to add a new
binary floating point type (KF), and doing the conversions in the same manner
as the other binary/decimal conversions.

For conversions from _Float128 to Decimal, this patch uses a function
(__sprintfkf) instead of the sprintf function to convert long double values to
strings.  The __sprintfkf function determines if GLIBC 2.32 or newer is used
and calls the IEEE 128-bit version of sprintf (__sprintfieee128).  If the GLIBC
is earlier than 2.32, the code will convert _Float128 to __ibm128 and then use
the normal sprintf to convert this value.

For conversions from Decimal to _Float128, this patch uses a function
(__strtokf) instead of strtold to convert the strings from the Decimal
conversion to long double.  The __strtokf function determines if GLIBC 2.32 or
newer is used, and if it is, calls the IEEE 128-bit version (__strtoieee128).
If the GLIBC is earlier than 2.32, the code will call strtold and convert the
__ibm128 value to _Float128.

These functions will primarily be used if/when the default PowerPC long double
type is changed to IEEE 128-bit, but they could also be used if the user
explicitly converts _Float128 to/from a Decimal type.

2021-02-22  Michael Meissner  <>

	* config/rs6000/_dd_to_kf.c: New file.
	* config/rs6000/_kf_to_dd.c: New file.
	* config/rs6000/_kf_to_sd.c: New file.
	* config/rs6000/_kf_to_td.c: New file.
	* config/rs6000/_sd_to_kf.c: New file.
	* config/rs6000/_sprintfkf.c: New file.
	* config/rs6000/_sprintfkf.h: New file.
	* config/rs6000/_strtokf.h: New file.
	* config/rs6000/_strtokf.c: New file.
	* config/rs6000/_td_to_kf.c: New file.
	* config/rs6000/quad-float128.h: Add new declarations.
	* config/rs6000/t-float128 (fp128_dec_funcs): New macro.
	(fp128_decstr_funcs): New macro.
	(ibm128_dec_funcs): New macro.
	(fp128_ppc_funcs): Add the new conversions.
	(fp128_dec_objs): Force Decimal <-> __float128 conversions to be
	compiled with -mabi=ieeelongdouble.
	(fp128_decstr_objs): Force __float128 <-> string conversions to be
	compiled with -mabi=ibmlongdouble.
	(ibm128_dec_objs): Force Decimal <-> __float128 conversions to be
	compiled with -mabi=ieeelongdouble.
	(FP128_CFLAGS_DECIMAL): New macro.
	(IBM128_CFLAGS_DECIMAL): New macro.
	* dfp-bit.c (DFP_TO_BFP): Add PowerPC _Float128 support.
	(BFP_TO_DFP): Add PowerPC _Float128 support.
	* dfp-bit.h (BFP_KIND): Add new binary floating point kind for
	IEEE 128-bit floating point.
	(DFP_TO_BFP): Add PowerPC _Float128 support.
	(BFP_TO_DFP): Add PowerPC _Float128 support.
	(BFP_SPRINTF): New macro.
2021-02-22 15:33:29 -05:00
Jakub Jelinek
686b1cdfdc libgcc, i386: Add .note.GNU-stack sections to the ms sse/avx sav/res
On Linux, GCC emits .note.GNU-stack sections when compiling code to mark
the code as not needing or needing executable stack, missing section means
unknown.  But assembly files need to be marked manually.  We already
mark various *.S files in libgcc manually, but the
files aren't marked, so when something links it in, it will require
executable stack.  Nothing in the assembly requires executable stack though.

2021-01-27  Jakub Jelinek  <>

	* config/i386/savms64.h: Add .note.GNU-stack section on Linux.
	* config/i386/savms64f.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/resms64.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/resms64f.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/resms64x.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/resms64fx.h: Likewise.
2021-01-27 11:50:13 +01:00
Stafford Horne
b77f6d2fa8 or1k: Support for softfloat to emulate hw exceptions
This allows the openrisc softfloat implementation to set exceptions.
This also sets the correct tininess after rounding value to be
consistent with hardware and simulator implementations.


	* config/or1k/sfp-machine.h (FP_RND_NEAREST, FP_RND_ZERO,
	FP_EX_ALL): New constant macros.
2021-01-14 08:45:01 +09:00
Samuel Thibault
2b356e689c hurd: libgcc unwinding over signal trampolines with SIGINFO
When the application sets SA_SIGINFO, the signal trampoline parameters
are different to follow POSIX.

	* config/i386/gnu-unwind.h (x86_gnu_fallback_frame_state): Add the
	posix siginfo case to struct handler_args. Detect between legacy
	and siginfo from the second parameter, which is a small sigcode in
	the legacy case, and a pointer in the siginfo case.
2021-01-13 11:54:54 +01:00
Jakub Jelinek
99dee82307 Update copyright years. 2021-01-04 10:26:59 +01:00
Jakub Jelinek
c48514bea6 Update Copyright in ChangeLog files
Do this separately from all other Copyright updates, as ChangeLog files
can be modified only separately.
2021-01-04 09:35:45 +01:00
Max Filippov
18e86fae2a gcc: xtensa: implement bswapsi2, bswapdi2 and helpers
2020-12-20  Max Filippov  <>
	* config/xtensa/ (bswapsi2, bswapdi2): New patterns.

	* New test.

	* config/xtensa/lib1funcs.S (__bswapsi2, __bswapdi2): New
	* config/xtensa/t-xtensa (LIB1ASMFUNCS): Add _bswapsi2 and
2020-12-20 14:02:26 -08:00
Michael Meissner
9f1a650199 PowerPC: PR libgcc/97543 and libgcc/97643, fix long double issues
If you use a compiler with long double defaulting to 64-bit instead of 128-bit
with IBM extended double, you get linker warnings about mis-matches in the gnu
attributes for long double (PR libgcc/97543).  Even if the compiler is
configured to have long double be 64 bit as the default with the configuration
option '--without-long-double-128' you get the warnings.

You also get the same issues if you use a compiler with long double defaulting
to IEEE 128-bit instead of IBM extended double (PR libgcc/97643).

The issue is the way libgcc.a/ is built.  Right now when building
libgcc under Linux, the long double size is set to 128-bits when building
libgcc.  However, the gnu attributes are set, leading to the warnings.

One feature of the current GNU attribute implementation is if you have a shared
library (such as, the GNU attributes for the shared library is an
inclusive OR of all of the objects within the library.  This means if any
object file that uses the -mlong-double-128 option and uses long double, the GNU
attributes for the library will indicate that it uses 128-bit IBM long
doubles.  If you have a static library, you will get the warning only if you
actually reference an object file  with the attribute set.

This patch does two things:

    1)	All of the object files that support IBM 128-bit long doubles
	explicitly set the ABI to IBM extended double.

    2)	I turned off GNU attributes for building the shared library or for
        building the IBM 128-bit long double support.

2020-12-03  Michael Meissner  <>

	PR libgcc/97543
	PR libgcc/97643
	* config/rs6000/t-linux (IBM128_STATIC_OBJS): New make variable.
	(IBM128_SHARED_OBJS): New make variable.
	(IBM128_OBJS): New make variable.  Set all objects to use the
	explicit IBM format, and disable gnu attributes.
	(IBM128_CFLAGS): New make variable.
	(gcc_s_compile): Add -mno-gnu-attribute to all shared library
2020-12-03 14:50:26 -05:00
Alexandre Oliva
c05ece92c6 introduce overridable clear_cache emitter
This patch introduces maybe_emit_call_builtin___clear_cache for the
builtin expander machinery and the trampoline initializers to use to
clear the instruction cache, removing a source of inconsistencies and
subtle errors in low-level machinery.

I've adjusted all trampoline_init implementations that used to issue
explicit calls to __clear_cache or similar to use this new primitive.

Specifically on vxworks targets, we needed to drop the __clear_cache
symbol in libgcc, for reasons related with linking that I didn't need
to understand, and we wanted to call cacheTextUpdate directly, despite
the different calling conventions: the second argument is a length
rather than the end address.

So I introduced a target hook to enable target OS-level overriding of
builtin __clear_cache call emission, retaining nearly (*) the same
logic to govern the decision on whether to emit a call (or nothing, or
a machine-dependent insn) but enabling a call to a target
system-defined function with different calling conventions to be
issued, without having to modify .md files of the various
architectures supported by the target system to introduce or modify
clear_cache insns.

(*) I write "nearly" mainly because, when not optimizing, we'd issue a
call regardless, but since the call may now be overridden, I added it
to the set of builtins that are not directly turned into calls when
not optimizing, following the normal expansion path instead.  It
wouldn't be hard to skip the emission of cache-clearing insns when not
optimizing, but it didn't seem very important, especially for the new
uses from trampoline init.

    Another difference that might be relevant is that now we expand
the begin and end arguments unconditionally.  This might make a
difference if they have side effects.  That's prettty much impossible
at expand time, but I thought I'd mention it.

I have NOT modified targets that did not issue cache-clearing calls in
trampoline init to use the new clear_cache-calling infrastructure even
if it would expand to nothing.  I have considered doing so, to have
__builtin___clear_cache and trampoline init call cacheTextUpdate on
all vxworks targets, but decided not to, since on targets that don't
do any cache clearing, cacheTextUpdate ought to be a no-op, even
though rs6000 seems to use icbi and dcbf instructions in the function
called to initialize a trampoline, but AFAICT not in the __clear_cache
builtin.  Hopefully target maintainers will have a look and take
advantage of this new piece of infrastructure to remove such
(apparent?) inconsistencies.  Not rs6000 and other that call asm-coded
trampoline setup instructions, for sure, but they might wish to
introduce a CLEAR_INSN_CACHE macro or a clear_cache expander if they
don't have one.

for  gcc/ChangeLog

	* builtins.c (default_emit_call_builtin___clear_cache): New.
	(maybe_emit_call_builtin___clear_cache): New.
	(expand_builtin___clear_cache): Split into the above.
	(expand_builtin): Do not issue clear_cache call any more.
	* builtins.h (maybe_emit_call_builtin___clear_cache): Declare.
	* config/aarch64/aarch64.c (aarch64_trampoline_init): Use
	* config/arc/arc.c (arc_trampoline_init): Likewise.
	* config/arm/arm.c (arm_trampoline_init): Likewise.
	* config/c6x/c6x.c (c6x_initialize_trampoline): Likewise.
	* config/csky/csky.c (csky_trampoline_init): Likewise.
	* config/m68k/linux.h (FInALIZE_TRAMPOLINE): Likewise.
	* config/tilegx/tilegx.c (tilegx_trampoline_init): Likewise.
	* config/tilepro/tilepro.c (tilepro_trampoline_init): Ditto.
	* config/vxworks.c: Include rtl.h, memmodel.h, and optabs.h.
	(vxworks_emit_call_builtin___clear_cache): New.
	* config/vxworks.h (CLEAR_INSN_CACHE): Drop.
	* target.def (trampoline_init): In the documentation, refer to
	(emit_call_builtin___clear_cache): New.
	* doc/ Add new hook point.
	(CLEAR_CACHE_INSN): Remove duplicate 'both'.
	* doc/tm.texi: Rebuilt.
	* targhooks.h (default_meit_call_builtin___clear_cache):
	* tree.h (BUILTIN_ASM_NAME_PTR): New.

for  libgcc/ChangeLog

	* config/t-vxworks (LIB2ADD): Drop.
	* config/t-vxworks7 (LIB2ADD): Likewise.
	* config/vxcache.c: Remove.
2020-12-02 22:10:32 -03:00
Jozef Lawrynowicz
bf7b94d407 MSP430: Add 64-bit hardware multiply support
Hardware multipliers that support widening 32-bit multiplication can
be used to perform a 64-bit * 64-bit multiplication more efficiently
than a software implementation.

The following equation is used to perform 64-bit multiplication for
devices with "32bit" or "f5series" hardware multiply versions:

  64bit_result = (low32_op0 * lop32_op1)
    + ((low32_op0 * high32_op1) << 32)
       + ((high32_op0 * low32_op1) << 32)


	* config/msp430/lib2hw_mul.S (mult64_hw): New.
	(if MUL_32): Use mult64_hw for __muldi3.
	(if MUL_F5): Use mult64_hw for __muldi3.
	* config/msp430/lib2mul.c (__muldi3): New.
	* config/msp430/t-msp430 (LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE): Define.
2020-11-18 11:05:27 +00:00
Alan Modra
948ef14225 [RS6000] Use LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS in place of ppc64-fp.c
This patch retires ppc64-fp.c in favour of using
"LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS = yes", which is a lot better solution than
having a copy of selected libgcc2.c functions.

	* config/rs6000/t-ppc64-fp (LIB2ADD): Delete.
	* config/rs6000/ppc64-fp.c: Delete file.
2020-11-17 10:39:01 +10:30
Jozef Lawrynowicz
c746fc40f4 MSP430: Fix inconsistent naming of hwmult libfuncs
The naming scheme used by GCC to reference MSP430 hardware multiply
library functions is inconsistent.

Sometimes the "GCC" names (e.g. mulsi2) are used, other times the
"MSPABI" names (e.g. __mspabi_mpyl) are used.

Also, sometimes an identifier for the hardware multiply support is
appended to the GCC name, when the functions are defined, but this is
not required.

This patch fixes those issues, so the names used to refer to the
hardware multiply library functions follow a consistent pattern.


	* config/msp430/msp430.c (msp430_output_labelref): Don't process mspabi
	hwmult library function names into GCC-style names.


	* config/msp430/lib2hw_mul.S: Omit _hw* suffix from GCC names for
	hwmult library functions.


	* Adjust test to use new
	hwmult library function name.
2020-11-15 21:04:56 +00:00
Olivier Hainque
9df44b9403 Fix the logic conditioning VX_ENTER/LEAVE_TLS_DTOR
Fix a basic #if/#ifdef confusion which leads to improper
choices in some configurations.

2020-10-28  Olivier Hainque  <>

	* config/gthr-vxworks-tls.c: Fix preprocessor logic
	controlling the definition of VX_ENTER_TLS_DTOR and
	VX_LEAVE_TLS_DTOR based on a version major check.
2020-10-29 10:59:11 +00:00
Olivier Hainque
291d920395 Fix conditional inclusion guard in gthr-vxworks-thread.c
This fixes the name of the macro used to condition the
inclusion of an actual implementation of some of the gthread
support services for VxWorks, to agree with the side
defining that macro based on tests against the targetted
VxWorks version major.

2020-10-28  Olivier Hainque  <>

	* config/gthr-vxworks-thread.c: Fix name of macro used
	to condition the inclusion of an actual implementation.
2020-10-29 10:59:11 +00:00
GCC Administrator
efe71fcc4c Daily bump. 2020-10-24 00:16:29 +00:00
Rasmus Villemoes
ad1a9afc60 Fix overzealous gthread support inhibition for vxworks
The tests for macros possibly defined in gthr.h needs to
be performed after the corresponding #include. This was tested
together with the previous updates to gthr-vxworks-thread.c
and gthr-vxworks-cond.c and was meant to be squashed with them.

2010-10-23  Rasmus Villemoes  <>

	* config/gthr-vxworks-thread.c: #include gthr.h before
	testing the guard defined there.
	* config/gthr-vxworks-cond.c: Likewise.
2020-10-23 15:23:33 +00:00
Jakub Jelinek
50bc94898f stor-layout: Reject forming arrays with elt sizes not divisible by elt alignment [PR97164]
As mentioned in the PR, since 2005 we reject if array elements are smaller
than their alignment (i.e. overaligned elements), because such arrays don't
make much sense, only their first element is guaranteed to be aligned as
user requested, but the next element can't be.
The following testcases show something we've been silent about but is
equally bad, the 2005 case is just the most common special case of that
the array element size is not divisible by the alignment.  In those arrays
too only the first element is guaranteed to be properly aligned and the
second one can't be.

This patch rejects those cases too, but keeps the existing wording for the
old common case.

Unfortunately, the patch breaks bootstrap, because libbid uses this mess
(forms arrays with 24 byte long elements with 16 byte element alignment).
I don't really see justification for that, so I've decreased the alignment
to 8 bytes instead.

2020-10-23  Jakub Jelinek  <>

	PR tree-optimization/97164
	* stor-layout.c (layout_type): Also reject arrays where element size
	is constant, but not a multiple of element alignment.
	* c-c++-common/pr97164.c: New test.
	* gcc.c-torture/execute/pr36093.c: Move ...
	* gcc.dg/pr36093.c: ... here.  Add dg-do compile and dg-error
	* gcc.c-torture/execute/pr43783.c: Move ...
	* gcc.dg/pr43783.c: ... here.  Add dg-do compile, dg-options and
	dg-error directives.
	* bid_functions.h (UINT192): Decrease alignment to 8 bytes.
2020-10-23 10:07:36 +02:00
Rasmus Villemoes
a6590686f7 Inhibit support for C++0x threads on VxWorks < 6
As for condition variables, the C++0x threads support relies on
VxWorks entry points not available in VxWorks versions prior to 6.

We just expose absence of support for C++0x threads on such systems.

2020-10-15  Rasmus Villemoes  <>

	* config/gthr-vxworks.h: Condition the ___GTHREADS_CXX0X
	section on VxWorks >= 6.
	* config/gthr-vxworks-thread.c: Condition the entire
	implementation on __GTHREAD_CXX0X.
2020-10-16 16:16:17 +00:00
Rasmus Villemoes
e94d5836e5 Inhibit support for gthread condvars on VxWorks < 6
The condition variables support relies on kernel entry points
to enforce critical aspects of it's expected behavior.

Some of these entry points are not available prior to VxWorks 6,
so we just expose absence of support for condition variables on
such systems.

2020-10-15  Rasmus Villemoes  <>

	* config/gthr-vxworks.h: Condition the __GTHREAD_HAS_COND
	section on VxWorks >= 6.
	* config/gthr-vxworks-cond.c: Condition the entire
	implementation on __GTHREAD_HAS_COND.
2020-10-16 16:14:52 +00:00
Rasmus Villemoes
0aeeda8fc2 Add missing #include <taskLib.h> in gthr-vxworks.c
This fixes an oversight and addresses a few build time warnings.

2020-10-15  Rasmus Villemoes  <>

	* config/gthr-vxworks.c: #include <taskLib.h>.
2020-10-16 16:14:52 +00:00
Rasmus Villemoes
21295f44f3 Fix leftover _VXW_PRE_69 in gthr-vxworks.h
2020-10-15  Rasmus Villemoes  <>

	* config/gthr-vxworks.h: Rewrite remaining occurrence
	of _VXW_PRE_69 as _VXWORKS_PRE(6,9).
2020-10-16 16:14:52 +00:00
Rasmus Villemoes
4cde835fd7 Stub out VX_ENTER_TLS_DTOR for VxWorks != 6
As of today, the __gthread_enter/leave entry points are
only meaningful on VxWorks 6. Refactor the VX_ENTER_TLS_DTOR
macros accordingly.

2020-10-15  Rasmus Villemoes  <>

	* config/gthr-vxworks-tls.c (VX_ENTER_TLS_DTOR): Nil
	except on VxWorks 6.

Co-authored-by:  Olivier Hainque  <>
2020-10-16 16:14:52 +00:00
Olivier Hainque
2d23fd23bb Fix the vxworks crtstuff handling of kernel/rtp variations
The ports that support RTPs achieve the kernel/rtp compilation
and link distinction through the multilib mechanism.

This patch just removes the bogus explicit extraneous
materialization of this distinction in the common VxWorks
configuration files and leaves the rtp specialization all
to the multilib machinery.

2020-10-15  Olivier Hainque  <>

	* config/t-vxcrtstuff: Remove the -kernel/-rtp specialization.

	* config/vxworks.h (VX_CRTBEGIN_SPEC): Likewise.
2020-10-16 15:33:35 +00:00
Alexandre Oliva
8f8cba46b8 Rework the condition variables support for VxWorks
This change reworks the condition variables support for VxWorks
to address the very legit points raised by Rasmus in

While some of the issues were taken care of by the use of semFlush,
a few others were indeed calling for adjustments.

We first considered resorting to the condvarLib library available
in VxWorks7. Unfortunately, it is vx7 only and we wanted something working
for at least vx 6.9 as well. It also turned out requiring the use of
recursive mutexes for condVarWait, which seemed unnecessarily constraining.

Instead, this change corrects the sequencing logic in a few places and
leverages the semExchange API to ensure the key atomicity requirement on
cond_wait operations.

2020-10-14  Alexandre Oliva  <>

	* config/gthr-vxworks-thread.c: Include stdlib.h.
	(tls_delete_hook): Prototype it.
	(__gthread_cond_signal): Return early if no waiters.  Consume
	signal in case the semaphore got full.  Use semInfoGet instead
	of kernel-mode-only semInfo.
	(__gthread_cond_timedwait): Use semExchange.  Always take the
	mutex again before returning.
	* config/gthr-vxworks-cond.c (__ghtread_cond_wait): Likewise.
2020-10-14 19:24:45 +00:00
Olivier Hainque
69d6b3f650 Honor $(MULTISUBDIR) in -I directives for libgcc on VxWorks
This is useful to handle ports where we might arrange to use
different sets of fixed headers for different multilibs, typically
for kernel vs rtp modes.

2020-10-14  Olivier Hainque  <>

	* config/t-vxworks (LIBGCC2_INCLUDES): Append
	$(MULTISUBDIR) to the -I path for fixed headers, as we
	arrange to have different sets of such headers for different
	multilibs when they are activated.
	* config/t-vxworks7: Likewise.
2020-10-14 17:38:37 +00:00
Olivier Hainque
e4b887cb76 Add include-fixed to include search paths for libgcc on VxWorks
The special vxworks rules for the compilation of libgcc had
-I.../gcc/include and not .../gcc/include-fixed, causing build
failure of our arm-vxworks7r2 port because of indirect dependencies
on limits.h.

The omission was just an oversight and this change just adds the
missing -I.

2020-10-14  Olivier Hainque  <>

	* config/t-vxworks: Add include-fixed to include search
	paths for libgcc on VxWorks.
	* config/t-vxworks7: Likewise.
2020-10-14 17:38:37 +00:00
H.J. Lu
59a95143dd x86: Add <x86gprintrin.h>
For sources which can't use any vector instructions, <x86intrin.h> and
<immintrin.h> cannot be included for compiler intrinsics:

$ echo "#include <x86intrin.h>" | gcc -S -O2 -mno-sse -mno-mmx -x c -
In file included from /usr/include/stdlib.h:1013,
                 from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/10/include/mm_malloc.h:27,
                 from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/10/include/xmmintrin.h:34,
                 from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/10/include/immintrin.h:29,
                 from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/10/include/x86intrin.h:32,
                 from <stdin>:1:
/usr/include/bits/stdlib-float.h: In function ‘atof’:
/usr/include/bits/stdlib-float.h:26:1: error: SSE register return with SSE disabled
   26 | {
      | ^

libgcc/config/i386/shadow-stack-unwind.h has a workaround:

/* NB: We need _get_ssp and _inc_ssp from <cetintrin.h>.  But we can't
   include <x86intrin.h> which ends up including <mm_malloc.h>, which
   includes <stdlib.h> and <errno.h> unconditionally.  But we can't
   include any libc system headers unconditionally from libgcc.  Avoid
   including <mm_malloc.h> here by defining _IMMINTRIN_H_INCLUDED.  */
 #include <cetintrin.h>

Add a standalone intrinsic header file, <x86gprintrin.h>, to provide
integer only intrinsics.  All integer only intrinsics are placed in
<x86gprintrin.h>.  <x86intrin.h> and <immintrin.h> simply include


	PR target/97148
	* config.gcc (extra_headers): Add x86gprintrin.h.
	* config/i386/adxintrin.h: Check _X86GPRINTRIN_H_INCLUDED for
	* config/i386/bmi2intrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/bmiintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/cetintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/cldemoteintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/clflushoptintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/clwbintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/enqcmdintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/fxsrintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/ia32intrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/lwpintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/lzcntintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/movdirintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/pconfigintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/pkuintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/rdseedintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/rtmintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/serializeintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/tbmintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/tsxldtrkintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/waitpkgintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/wbnoinvdintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/xsavecintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/xsaveintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/xsaveoptintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/xsavesintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/xtestintrin.h: Likewise.
	* config/i386/immintrin.h: Include <x86gprintrin.h> instead of
	<fxsrintrin.h>, <xsaveintrin.h>, <xsaveoptintrin.h>,
	<xsavesintrin.h>, <xsavecintrin.h>, <lzcntintrin.h>,
	<bmiintrin.h>, <bmi2intrin.h>, <xtestintrin.h>, <cetintrin.h>,
	<movdirintrin.h>, <sgxintrin.h, <pconfigintrin.h>,
	<waitpkgintrin.h>, <cldemoteintrin.h>, <enqcmdintrin.h>,
	<serializeintrin.h>, <tsxldtrkintrin.h>, <adxintrin.h>,
	<clwbintrin.h>, <clflushoptintrin.h>, <wbnoinvdintrin.h> and
	(_wbinvd): Moved to config/i386/x86gprintrin.h.
	(_rdrand16_step): Likewise.
	(_rdrand32_step): Likewise.
	(_rdpid_u32): Likewise.
	(_readfsbase_u32): Likewise.
	(_readfsbase_u64): Likewise.
	(_readgsbase_u32): Likewise.
	(_readgsbase_u64): Likewise.
	(_writefsbase_u32): Likewise.
	(_writefsbase_u64): Likewise.
	(_writegsbase_u32): Likewise.
	(_writegsbase_u64): Likewise.
	(_rdrand64_step): Likewise.
	(_ptwrite64): Likewise.
	(_ptwrite32): Likewise.
	* config/i386/x86gprintrin.h: New file.
	* config/i386/x86intrin.h: Include <x86gprintrin.h>.  Don't
	include <ia32intrin.h>, <lwpintrin.h>, <tbmintrin.h>,
	<popcntintrin.h>, <mwaitxintrin.h> and <clzerointrin.h>.


	* (__builtin_ia32_lwpval32): New to
	support <lwpintrin.h> included in <x86gprintrin.h>.
	(__builtin_ia32_lwpval64): Likewise.
	(__builtin_ia32_lwpins32): Likewise.
	(__builtin_ia32_lwpins64): Likewise.
	(__builtin_ia32_bextri_u32): New to support <tbmintrin.h>
	included in <x86gprintrin.h>.
	(__builtin_ia32_bextri_u64): Likewise.
	* New test.
	* Likewise.
	* Likewise.
	* Likewise.
	* Likewise.
	* Likewise.
	* Likewise.
	* Likewise.
	* Likewise.


	PR target/97148
	* config/i386/shadow-stack-unwind.h: Include <x86gprintrin.h>
	instead of <cetintrin.h>.
2020-10-09 05:08:41 -07:00
Alan Modra
2dd7b93778 [RS6000] Adjust gcc asm for power10
Generate assembly with .localentry,1 functions using @notoc calls.
This patch makes libgcc.a asm look the same as power10 pcrel as far as
toc/notoc is concerned.

Otherwise calling between functions that advertise as using the TOC
and those that don't, will require linker call stubs in statically
linked code.

	* config/rs6000/ppc-asm.h: Support __PCREL__ code.
	* config/rs6000/morestack.S,
	* config/rs6000/tramp.S: Support __PCREL__ code.
	* config/powerpc/sjlj.S: Support __PCREL__ code.
2020-10-01 10:34:48 +09:30
Alan Modra
c6be439b37 [RS6000] -mno-minimal-toc vs. power10 pcrelative
We've had this hack in the libgcc config to build libgcc with
-mcmodel=small for powerpc64 for a long time.  It wouldn't be a bad
thing if someone who knows the multilib machinery well could arrange
for -mcmodel=small to be passed just for ppc64 when building for
earlier than power10.  But for now, make -mno-minimal-toc do nothing
when pcrel.  Which will do the right thing for any project that has
copied libgcc's trick.

We want this if configuring using --with-cpu=power10 to build a
power10 pcrel libgcc.  --mcmodel=small turns off pcrel.

	* config/rs6000/linux64.h (SUBSUBTARGET_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS): Don't
	set -mcmodel=small for -mno-minimal-toc when pcrel.
	* config/rs6000/t-linux: Document purpose of -mno-minimal-toc.
2020-10-01 10:34:48 +09:30
Maciej W. Rozycki
090d3f5ab3 RISC-V/libgcc: Use `-fasynchronous-unwind-tables' for LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS
Use `-fasynchronous-unwind-tables' rather than `-fexceptions
-fnon-call-exceptions' in LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS compilation flags so as to
provide unwind tables for the affected functions while not pulling the
unwinder proper, which is not required here.

Beyond saving program space it fixes a RISC-V glibc build error due to
unsatisfied `malloc' and `free' references from the unwinder causing
link errors with `' where libgcc has been built at -O0.

	* config/riscv/t-elf (LIB2_DIVMOD_EXCEPTION_FLAGS): New
2020-09-29 01:20:01 +01:00
Richard Sandiford
1923f615f7 aarch64: Add HF routines to
The libgcc HF support routines were being linked into,
but weren't being exported.

	* config/aarch64/libgcc-softfp.ver: New file.
	* config/aarch64/t-softfp (SHLIB_MAPFILES): Add it.
2020-09-28 11:26:53 +01:00
Clément Chigot
3c11f25fb8 aix: Use $(AR) without -X32_64 to build FAT libraries.
AIX FAT libraries should be built with the version of AR chosen by configure.
The GNU Make $(AR) variable includes the AIX -X32_64 option needed
by the default Makefile rules to accept both 32 bit and 64 bit object files.
The -X32_64 option conflicts with ar archiving objects of the same name
used to build FAT libraries.

This patch changes the Makefile fragments for AIX FAT libraries to use $(AR),
but strips the -X32_64 option from the Make variable.


2020-09-27  Clement Chigot  <>

	* config/rs6000/t-slibgcc-aix: Use $(AR) without -X32_64.


2020-09-27  Clement Chigot  <>

	* config/t-aix: Use $(AR) without -X32_64.


2020-09-27  Clement Chigot  <>

	* config/t-aix: Use $(AR) without -X32_64.


2020-09-27  Clement Chigot  <>

	* config/os/aix/t-aix: Use $(AR) without -X32_64.


2020-09-27  Clement Chigot  <>

	* config/t-aix: Use $(AR) without -X32_64.
2020-09-27 12:43:29 -04:00
Christophe Lyon
9fcedcc391 libgcc/config/arm/fp16.c: Make _internal functions static inline
This patch makes the *_internal functions 'static inline' to avoid these warnings during the build:
/libgcc/config/arm/fp16.c:169:1: warning: no previous prototype for '__gnu_h2f_internal' [-Wmissing-prototypes]
/libgcc/config/arm/fp16.c:194:1: warning: no previous prototype for '__gnu_f2h_ieee' [-Wmissing-prototypes]
/libgcc/config/arm/fp16.c:200:1: warning: no previous prototype for '__gnu_h2f_ieee' [-Wmissing-prototypes]
/libgcc/config/arm/fp16.c:206:1: warning: no previous prototype for '__gnu_f2h_alternative' [-Wmissing-prototypes]
/libgcc/config/arm/fp16.c:212:1: warning: no previous prototype for '__gnu_h2f_alternative' [-Wmissing-prototypes]
/libgcc/config/arm/fp16.c:218:1: warning: no previous prototype for '__gnu_d2h_ieee' [-Wmissing-prototypes]
/libgcc/config/arm/fp16.c:224:1: warning: no previous prototype for '__gnu_d2h_alternative' [-Wmissing-prototypes]

2020-09-11  Torbjörn SVENSSON  <>
	    Christophe Lyon  <>

	* config/arm/fp16.c (__gnu_h2f_internal): Add 'static inline'
	(__gnu_f2h_ieee, __gnu_h2f_ieee, __gnu_f2h_alternative)
	(__gnu_h2f_alternative,__gnu_d2h_ieee, __gnu_d2h_alternative): Add
	missing prototypes.
2020-09-17 12:23:36 +00:00
Wei Wentao
ec7ef30421 aarch64: Fixed unused variable warning in aarch64-unwind.h
	* config/aarch64/aarch64-unwind.h (aarch64_demangle_return_addr): Fix
	unused variable warning.
2020-09-17 10:40:23 +01:00
Tom de Vries
7b9c26519e [nvptx, libgcc] Fix Wbuiltin-declaration-mismatch in atomic.c
When building for target nvptx, we get this and similar warnings for libgcc:
src/libgcc/config/nvptx/atomic.c:39:1: warning: conflicting types for \
  built-in function ‘__sync_val_compare_and_swap_1’; expected \
  ‘unsigned char(volatile void *, unsigned char,  unsigned char)’ \

Fix this by making sure in atomic.c that the pointers used are of type
'volatile void *'.

Tested by rebuilding atomic.c.


	* config/nvptx/atomic.c (__SYNC_SUBWORD_COMPARE_AND_SWAP): Fix
2020-09-09 19:22:07 +02:00
Jozef Lawrynowicz
703e049aa7 MSP430: Simplify and extend shift instruction patterns
The implementation of define_expand and define_insn patterns to handle
shifts in the MSP430 backend is inconsistent, resulting in missed
opportunities to make best use of the architecture's features.

There's now a single define_expand used as the entry point for all valid
shifts, and the decision to either use a helper function to perform the
shift (often required for the 430 ISA), or fall through to the
define_insn patterns can be made from that expander function.

Shifts by a constant amount have been grouped into one define_insn for
each type of shift, instead of having different define_insn patterns for
shifts by different amounts.

A new target option "-mmax-inline-shift=" has been added to allow tuning
of the number of shift instructions to emit inline, instead of using
a library helper function.


	* config/msp430/ (K): Change unused constraint to
	constraint to a const_int between 1 and 19.
	(P): New constraint.
	* config/msp430/msp430-protos.h (msp430x_logical_shift_right): Remove.
	(msp430_expand_shift): New.
	(msp430_output_asm_shift_insns): New.
	* config/msp430/msp430.c (msp430_rtx_costs): Remove shift costs.
	(CSH): Remove.
	(msp430_expand_helper): Remove hard-coded generation of some inline
	shift insns.
	(use_helper_for_const_shift): New.
	(msp430_expand_shift): New.
	(msp430_output_asm_shift_insns): New.
	(msp430_print_operand): Add new 'W' operand selector.
	(msp430x_logical_shift_right): Remove.
	* config/msp430/ (HPSI): New define_mode_iterator.
	(HDI): Likewise.
	(any_shift): New define_code_iterator.
	(shift_insn): New define_code_attr.
	Adjust unnamed insn patterns searched for by combine.
	(ashlhi3): Remove.
	(slli_1): Remove.
	(430x_shift_left): Remove.
	(slll_1): Remove.
	(slll_2): Remove.
	(ashlsi3): Remove.
	(ashldi3): Remove.
	(ashrhi3): Remove.
	(srai_1): Remove.
	(430x_arithmetic_shift_right): Remove.
	(srap_1): Remove.
	(srap_2): Remove.
	(sral_1): Remove.
	(sral_2): Remove.
	(ashrsi3): Remove.
	(ashrdi3): Remove.
	(lshrhi3): Remove.
	(srli_1): Remove.
	(430x_logical_shift_right): Remove.
	(srlp_1): Remove.
	(srll_1): Remove.
	(srll_2x): Remove.
	(lshrsi3): Remove.
	(lshrdi3): Remove.
	(<shift_insn><mode>3): New define_expand.
	(<shift_insn>hi3_430): New define_insn.
	(<shift_insn>si3_const): Likewise.
	(ashl<mode>3_430x): Likewise.
	(ashr<mode>3_430x): Likewise.
	(lshr<mode>3_430x): Likewise.
	(*bitbranch<mode>4_z): Replace renamed predicate msp430_bitpos with
	* config/msp430/msp430.opt: New option -mmax-inline-shift=.
	* config/msp430/ (const_1_to_8_operand): New predicate.
	(const_0_to_15_operand): Rename msp430_bitpos predicate.
	(const_1_to_19_operand): New predicate.
	* doc/invoke.texi: Document -mmax-inline-shift=.


	* config/msp430/slli.S (__gnu_mspabi_sllp): New.
	* config/msp430/srai.S (__gnu_mspabi_srap): New.
	* config/msp430/srli.S (__gnu_mspabi_srlp): New.


	* Fix expected assembler text.
	* New test.
	* New test.
	* New test.
2020-08-26 20:50:58 +01:00
Kwok Cheung Yeung
17dc08edc2 nvptx: Add support for subword compare-and-swap
This adds support for __sync_val_compare_and_swap and
__sync_bool_compare_and_swap for 1-byte and 2-byte long
values, which are not natively supported on nvptx.

Build and reg-tested on nvptx.
Build and reg-tested libgomp on x86_64 with nvptx accelerator.

2020-07-16  Kwok Cheung Yeung  <>

	* config/nvptx/atomic.c: New.
	* config/nvptx/t-nvptx (LIB2ADD): Add atomic.c.

	* New.

	* testsuite/libgomp.c-c++-common/reduction-16.c: New.
2020-08-13 11:11:55 +02:00
Ian Lance Taylor
2b6a53238f libgcc: increase required stack space for x86_64 -fsplit-stack
This accomodates increased space required by use of the xsavec
instruction in the dynamic linker trampoline.


	* config/i386/morestack.S (BACKOFF) [x86_64]: Add 2048 bytes.
2020-08-03 16:01:59 -07:00
Jakub Jelinek
90b43856fd aarch64: Fix up __aarch64_cas16_acq_rel fallback
As mentioned in the PR, the fallback path when LSE is unavailable writes
incorrect registers to the memory if the previous content compares equal
to x0, x1 - it writes copy of x0, x1 from the start of function, but it
should write x2, x3.

2020-08-03  Jakub Jelinek  <>

	PR target/96402
	* config/aarch64/lse.S (__aarch64_cas16_acq_rel): Use x2, x3 instead
	of x(tmp0), x(tmp1) in STXP arguments.

	* New test.
2020-08-03 22:55:28 +02:00
Maciej W. Rozycki
9fa4023c7a RISC-V/libgcc: Reduce the size of RV64 millicode by 6 bytes
Rewrite code sequences throughout the 64-bit RISC-V `__riscv_save_*'
routines replacing `li t1, -48', `li t1, -64', and `li t1, -80',
instructions, which do not have a compressed encoding, respectively with
`li t1, 3', `li t1, 4', and `li t1, 4', which do, and then adjusting the
remaining code accordingly observing that `sub sp, sp, t1' takes the
same amount of space as an `slli t1, t1, 4'/`add sp, sp, t1' instruction
pair does, again due to the use of compressed encodings, saving 6 bytes

This change does increase code size by 4 bytes for RISC-V processors
lacking the compressed instruction set, however their users couldn't
care about the code size or they would have chosen an implementation
that does have the compressed instructions, wouldn't they?

	* config/riscv/save-restore.S [__riscv_xlen == 64]
	(__riscv_save_10, __riscv_save_8, __riscv_save_6, __riscv_save_4)
	(__riscv_save_2): Replace negative immediates used for the final
	stack pointer adjustment with positive ones, right-shifted by 4.
2020-07-31 23:52:20 +01:00
Szabolcs Nagy
edfb3a30a6 aarch64: add PAC GNU property note to libgcc lse.S
This note is not used anywhere currently but it is supposed to mark
objects if the return address is protected with PAC on the stack.
Since lse.S only has leaf functions the return address is never
saved on the stack so we can add the note.

The note is only added if pac-ret is enabled because it can cause
problems with old linkers and we don't have checks for that. This
can be changed later to be unconditional, for now it is consistent
with how gcc generates the notes.


	* config/aarch64/lse.S: Add PAC property note.
2020-07-24 11:44:43 +01:00
David Edelsohn
4f97bed9a7 aix: FAT libraries: test native compiler mode directly
The FAT libraries config fragments need to know which library is native
and which is a multilib to choose the correct multilib from which to
append the additional object file or shared object file.  Testing the
top-level archive is fragile because it will fail if rebuilding.  This
patch tests the compiler preprocessing macros for the 64 bit AIX specific
__64BIT__ to determine the native mode of the compiler in MULTILIBTOP.

2020-07-14  David Edelsohn  <>


	* config/t-aix: Set BITS from compiler cpp macro.


	* config/rs6000/t-slibgcc-aix: Set BITS from compiler cpp macro.


	* config/t-aix: Set BITS from compiler cpp macro.


	* config/t-aix: Set BITS from compiler cpp macro.


	* config/os/aix/t-aix: Set BITS from compiler cpp macro.
2020-07-14 10:41:40 -04:00