re PR c++/42358 ([C++0x] Assembler failure on libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/multimap/ with -O0)
PR c++/42358 * pt.c (iterative_hash_template_arg): Completely ignore ARGUMENT_PACK_SELECT. From-SVN: r155267
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 427 additions and 5 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
2009-12-15 Jason Merrill <>
PR c++/42358
* pt.c (iterative_hash_template_arg): Completely ignore
2009-12-15 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR c++/41183
@ -1457,6 +1457,11 @@ iterative_hash_template_arg (tree arg, hashval_t val)
if (!TYPE_P (arg))
/* We can get one of these when re-hashing a previous entry in the middle
of substituting into a pack expansion. Just look through it. */
code = TREE_CODE (arg);
tclass = TREE_CODE_CLASS (code);
@ -1482,11 +1487,6 @@ iterative_hash_template_arg (tree arg, hashval_t val)
return iterative_hash_template_arg (PACK_EXPANSION_PATTERN (arg), val);
/* We can get one of these when re-hashing a previous entry in the middle
of substituting into a pack expansion. Just look through it... */
/* ...and fall through. */
return iterative_hash_template_arg (ARGUMENT_PACK_ARGS (arg), val);
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2009-12-15 Jason Merrill <>
PR c++/42358
* g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic98.C: New.
2009-12-14 Jason Merrill <>
PR c++/42373
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
// PR c++/42358
// { dg-do assemble }
// { dg-options -std=c++0x }
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
namespace std __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default"))) {
using ::size_t;
namespace std __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default"))) {
struct __sfinae_types {
typedef char __one;
typedef struct {
} __two;
template<typename _Tp, _Tp __v> struct integral_constant {
static const _Tp value = __v;
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef integral_constant<_Tp, __v> type;
typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
template<typename> struct remove_cv;
template<typename> struct __is_void_helper : public false_type {
template<typename _Tp> struct is_void : public integral_constant<bool, (__is_void_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::value)> {
template<typename> struct is_array : public false_type {
template<typename> struct is_function : public false_type {
template<typename, unsigned _Uint = 0> struct extent : public integral_constant<std::size_t, 0> {
template<typename _Tp> struct remove_const {
typedef _Tp type;
template<typename _Tp> struct remove_volatile {
typedef _Tp type;
template<typename _Tp> struct remove_cv {
typedef typename remove_const<typename remove_volatile<_Tp>::type>::type type;
template<typename> struct is_lvalue_reference : public false_type {
template<typename> struct is_rvalue_reference : public false_type {
template<typename _Tp> struct is_reference : public integral_constant<bool, (is_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::value || is_rvalue_reference<_Tp>::value)> {
template<typename _Tp> struct remove_reference {
typedef _Tp type;
template<typename _Tp, bool = !is_reference<_Tp>::value && !is_void<_Tp>::value> struct __add_rvalue_reference_helper {
typedef _Tp type;
template<typename _Tp> struct add_rvalue_reference : public __add_rvalue_reference_helper<_Tp> {
template<typename _Tp> typename add_rvalue_reference<_Tp>::type declval();
template<typename _From, typename _To, bool = (is_void<_From>::value || is_void<_To>::value || is_function<_To>::value || is_array<_To>::value)> struct __is_convertible_helper {
template<typename _From, typename _To> struct __is_convertible_helper<_From, _To, false> : public __sfinae_types {
static __one __test(_To);
static __two __test(...);
static const bool __value = sizeof(__test(declval<_From>())) == 1;
template<typename _From, typename _To> struct is_convertible : public integral_constant<bool, __is_convertible_helper<_From, _To>::__value> {
template<bool, typename _Tp = void> struct enable_if {
template<typename _Tp> struct enable_if<true, _Tp> {
typedef _Tp type;
template<typename _Tp> struct identity {
typedef _Tp type;
template<typename _Tp> inline typename enable_if<!is_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::value, _Tp&&>::type forward(typename std::identity<_Tp>::type& __t) {
template<typename _Tp> inline typename enable_if<is_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::value, _Tp>::type forward(typename std::identity<_Tp>::type __t) {
template<typename _Tp> inline typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&& move(_Tp&& __t) {
template<class _T1, class _T2> struct pair {
typedef _T1 first_type;
typedef _T2 second_type;
_T1 first;
_T2 second;
template<class _U1, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<_U1, _T1>::value>::type> pair(_U1&& __x, const _T2& __y) : first(std::forward<_U1>(__x)), second(__y) {
template<class _U2, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<_U2, _T2>::value>::type> pair(const _T1& __x, _U2&& __y) : first(__x), second(std::forward<_U2>(__y)) {
template<class _U1, class _U2, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<_U1, _T1>::value && std::is_convertible<_U2, _T2>::value>::type> pair(_U1&& __x, _U2&& __y) : first(std::forward<_U1>(__x)), second(std::forward<_U2>(__y)) {
template<class _U1, class _U2> pair(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __p) : first(std::move(__p.first)), second(std::move(__p.second)) {
template<class _U1, class _U2> pair& operator=(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __p) {
struct input_iterator_tag {
struct output_iterator_tag {
struct forward_iterator_tag : public input_iterator_tag {
struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : public forward_iterator_tag {
template<typename _Category, typename _Tp, typename _Distance = ptrdiff_t, typename _Pointer = _Tp*, typename _Reference = _Tp&> struct iterator {
typedef _Category iterator_category;
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef _Distance difference_type;
typedef _Pointer pointer;
typedef _Reference reference;
template<typename _Iterator> struct iterator_traits {
typedef typename _Iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
typedef typename _Iterator::value_type value_type;
typedef typename _Iterator::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _Iterator::pointer pointer;
typedef typename _Iterator::reference reference;
template<typename _Iter> inline typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category __iterator_category(const _Iter&) {
template<typename _InputIterator> inline typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type __distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, input_iterator_tag) {
template<typename _InputIterator> inline typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) {
return std::__distance(__first, __last, std::__iterator_category(__first));
template<typename _Iterator> class reverse_iterator : public iterator<typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::iterator_category, typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type, typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::difference_type, typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::pointer, typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::reference> {
template<typename _Container> class back_insert_iterator : public iterator<output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> {
namespace __gnu_cxx __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default"))) {
template<typename _Tp> class new_allocator {
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef _Tp* pointer;
typedef const _Tp* const_pointer;
typedef _Tp& reference;
typedef const _Tp& const_reference;
typedef _Tp value_type;
new_allocator() throw() {
new_allocator(const new_allocator&) throw() {
template<typename _Tp1> new_allocator(const new_allocator<_Tp1>&) throw() {
template<typename... _Args> void construct(pointer __p, _Args&&... __args) {
namespace std __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default"))) {
template<typename _Tp> class allocator: public __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<_Tp> {
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef _Tp* pointer;
typedef const _Tp* const_pointer;
typedef _Tp& reference;
typedef const _Tp& const_reference;
typedef _Tp value_type;
template<typename _Tp1> struct rebind {
typedef allocator<_Tp1> other;
allocator() throw() {
template<typename _Tp1> allocator(const allocator<_Tp1>&) throw() {
extern template class allocator<char>;
extern template class allocator<wchar_t>;
template<typename _Arg, typename _Result> struct unary_function {
typedef _Arg argument_type;
typedef _Result result_type;
template<typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Result> struct binary_function {
typedef _Arg1 first_argument_type;
typedef _Arg2 second_argument_type;
typedef _Result result_type;
template<typename _Tp> struct less : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool> {
bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const {
template<typename _Pair> struct _Select1st : public unary_function<_Pair, typename _Pair::first_type> {
const typename _Pair::first_type& operator()(const _Pair& __x) const {
struct _Rb_tree_node_base {
typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
typedef const _Rb_tree_node_base* _Const_Base_ptr;
template<typename _Val> struct _Rb_tree_node : public _Rb_tree_node_base {
typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Val>* _Link_type;
_Val _M_value_field;
template<typename... _Args> _Rb_tree_node(_Args&&... __args) : _Rb_tree_node_base(), _M_value_field(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...) {
template<typename _Tp> struct _Rb_tree_iterator {
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef _Tp& reference;
typedef _Tp* pointer;
typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<_Tp> _Self;
typedef _Rb_tree_node_base::_Base_ptr _Base_ptr;
typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Tp>* _Link_type;
_Base_ptr _M_node;
template<typename _Tp> struct _Rb_tree_const_iterator {
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef const _Tp& reference;
typedef const _Tp* pointer;
typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<_Tp> iterator;
typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef _Rb_tree_const_iterator<_Tp> _Self;
typedef _Rb_tree_node_base::_Const_Base_ptr _Base_ptr;
typedef const _Rb_tree_node<_Tp>* _Link_type;
explicit _Rb_tree_const_iterator(_Link_type __x) : _M_node(__x) {
_Rb_tree_const_iterator(const iterator& __it) : _M_node(__it._M_node) {
_Base_ptr _M_node;
template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Compare, typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val> > class _Rb_tree {
typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Rb_tree_node<_Val> >::other _Node_allocator;
typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
typedef const _Rb_tree_node_base* _Const_Base_ptr;
typedef _Key key_type;
typedef _Val value_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Val>* _Link_type;
typedef const _Rb_tree_node<_Val>* _Const_Link_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef _Alloc allocator_type;
_Node_allocator& _M_get_Node_allocator() {
_Link_type _M_get_node() {
template<typename... _Args> _Link_type _M_create_node(_Args&&... __args) {
_Link_type __tmp = _M_get_node();
try {
_M_get_Node_allocator().construct(__tmp, std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
catch(...) {
template<typename _Key_compare, bool _Is_pod_comparator = __is_pod(_Key_compare)> struct _Rb_tree_impl : public _Node_allocator {
_Key_compare _M_key_compare;
_Rb_tree_node_base _M_header;
size_type _M_node_count;
_Rb_tree_impl(const _Key_compare& __comp, const _Node_allocator& __a) : _Node_allocator(__a), _M_key_compare(__comp), _M_header(), _M_node_count(0) {
void _M_initialize() {
_Rb_tree_impl<_Compare> _M_impl;
_Base_ptr& _M_rightmost() {
_Link_type _M_begin() {
_Link_type _M_end() {
_Const_Link_type _M_end() const {
static _Link_type _S_right(_Base_ptr __x) {
static const_reference _S_value(_Const_Base_ptr __x) {
static const _Key& _S_key(_Const_Base_ptr __x) {
return _KeyOfValue()(_S_value(__x));
typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<value_type> iterator;
typedef _Rb_tree_const_iterator<value_type> const_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
iterator _M_insert_(_Const_Base_ptr __x, _Const_Base_ptr __y, const value_type& __v);
iterator _M_insert_lower(_Base_ptr __x, _Base_ptr __y, const value_type& __v);
iterator _M_insert_equal_lower(const value_type& __x);
iterator _M_lower_bound(_Link_type __x, _Link_type __y, const _Key& __k);
iterator _M_upper_bound(_Link_type __x, _Link_type __y, const _Key& __k);
_Rb_tree(const _Compare& __comp, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _M_impl(__comp, __a) {
iterator end() {
iterator _M_insert_equal_(const_iterator __position, const value_type& __x);
template<typename _InputIterator> void _M_insert_unique(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
template<typename _InputIterator> void _M_insert_equal(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
size_type count(const key_type& __k) const;
pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& __k);
pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& __k) const;
template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Compare, typename _Alloc> typename _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>:: _M_insert_(_Const_Base_ptr __x, _Const_Base_ptr __p, const _Val& __v) {
_Link_type __z = _M_create_node(__v);
template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Compare, typename _Alloc> typename _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>:: _M_insert_lower(_Base_ptr __x, _Base_ptr __p, const _Val& __v) {
_Link_type __z = _M_create_node(__v);
template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Compare, typename _Alloc> typename _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>:: _M_insert_equal_lower(const _Val& __v) {
_Link_type __x = _M_begin();
_Link_type __y = _M_end();
return _M_insert_lower(__x, __y, __v);
template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Compare, typename _Alloc> pair<typename _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator, typename _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator> _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>:: equal_range(const _Key& __k) {
_Link_type __x = _M_begin();
_Link_type __y = _M_end();
while (__x != 0) {
if (_M_impl._M_key_compare(_S_key(__x), __k)) __x = _S_right(__x);
else {
_Link_type __xu(__x), __yu(__y);
return pair<iterator, iterator>(_M_lower_bound(__x, __y, __k), _M_upper_bound(__xu, __yu, __k));
template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Compare, typename _Alloc> pair<typename _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::const_iterator, typename _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::const_iterator> _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>:: equal_range(const _Key& __k) const {
_Const_Link_type __y = _M_end();
return pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>(const_iterator(__y), const_iterator(__y));
template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Compare, typename _Alloc> typename _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>:: _M_insert_equal_(const_iterator __position, const _Val& __v) {
if (__position._M_node == _M_end()) {
if (__position._M_node == _M_rightmost()) return _M_insert_(0, _M_rightmost(), __v);
else return _M_insert_equal_lower(__v);
template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _KoV, typename _Cmp, typename _Alloc> template<class _II> void _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KoV, _Cmp, _Alloc>:: _M_insert_equal(_II __first, _II __last) {
for (;
__first != __last;
++__first) _M_insert_equal_(end(), *__first);
template<typename _Key, typename _Val, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Compare, typename _Alloc> typename _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::size_type _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>:: count(const _Key& __k) const {
pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> __p = equal_range(__k);
const size_type __n = std::distance(__p.first, __p.second);
template<class _E> class initializer_list {
typedef _E value_type;
typedef const _E& reference;
typedef const _E& const_reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef const _E* iterator;
typedef const _E* const_iterator;
iterator _M_array;
size_type _M_len;
initializer_list(const_iterator __a, size_type __l) : _M_array(__a), _M_len(__l) {
const_iterator begin() const {
const_iterator end() const {
template <typename _Key, typename _Tp, typename _Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Alloc = std::allocator<std::pair<const _Key, _Tp> > > class multimap {
typedef _Key key_type;
typedef _Tp mapped_type;
typedef std::pair<const _Key, _Tp> value_type;
typedef _Compare key_compare;
typedef _Alloc allocator_type;
typedef typename _Alloc::value_type _Alloc_value_type;
typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<value_type>::other _Pair_alloc_type;
typedef _Rb_tree<key_type, value_type, _Select1st<value_type>, key_compare, _Pair_alloc_type> _Rep_type;
_Rep_type _M_t;
typedef typename _Pair_alloc_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename _Pair_alloc_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename _Pair_alloc_type::reference reference;
typedef typename _Pair_alloc_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename _Rep_type::iterator iterator;
typedef typename _Rep_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename _Rep_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename _Rep_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _Rep_type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef typename _Rep_type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
multimap(initializer_list<value_type> __l, const _Compare& __comp = _Compare(), const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _M_t(__comp, __a) {
_M_t._M_insert_equal(__l.begin(), __l.end());
template<typename _InputIterator> multimap(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) : _M_t() {
template<typename _InputIterator> multimap(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const _Compare& __comp, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _M_t(__comp, __a) {
template<typename _InputIterator> void insert(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) {
size_type count(const key_type& __x) const {
return _M_t.count(__x);
std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& __x) {
return _M_t.equal_range(__x);
template<typename _K1, typename _T1, typename _C1, typename _A1> friend bool operator==(const multimap<_K1, _T1, _C1, _A1>&, const multimap<_K1, _T1, _C1, _A1>&);
template<typename _K1, typename _T1, typename _C1, typename _A1> friend bool operator<(const multimap<_K1, _T1, _C1, _A1>&, const multimap<_K1, _T1, _C1, _A1>&);
extern "C" {
extern void __assert_fail (__const char *__assertion, __const char *__file, unsigned int __line, __const char *__function) throw () __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
using namespace std;
int test01() {
typedef multimap<int,double> Container;
typedef Container::iterator iterator;
typedef pair<iterator,iterator> itpair;
Container m({
1, 1.0 }
itpair ip = m.equal_range(1);
((distance(ip.first, ip.second) == 3) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail ("distance(ip.first, ip.second) == 3", "/home/richard/src/trunk/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/multimap/", 36, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__));
((m.count(7) == 2) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail ("m.count(7) == 2", "/home/richard/src/trunk/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/multimap/", 54, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__));
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