mlib-tgt-vms-ia64.adb, [...] (Is_Interface): Change Ada bind file prefix on VMS from b$ to b__.
2005-12-05 Doug Rupp <> * mlib-tgt-vms-ia64.adb, mlib-tgt-vms-alpha.adb (Is_Interface): Change Ada bind file prefix on VMS from b$ to b__. (Build_Dynamic_Library): Change Init file suffix on VMS from $init to __init. * prj-nmsc.adb: Change some Hostparm.OpenVMS checks to Targparm.OpenVMS_On_Target. (Object_Suffix): Initialize with target object suffix. (Get_Unit): Change Ada bind file prefix on VMS from b$ to b__. * butil.adb: Change some Hostparm.OpenVMS checks to Targparm.OpenVMS_On_Target. * clean.adb: Change some Hostparm.OpenVMS checks to Targparm.OpenVMS_On_Target. (Object_Suffix): Initialize with call to Get_Target_Object_Suffix. ({declaraction},Delete_Binder_Generated_Files,{initialization}): Change Ada bind file prefix on VMS from b$ to b__. * gnatlink.adb (Process_Args): Call Add_Src_Search_Dir for -I in --GCC so that Get_Target_Parameters can find (Gnatlink): Call Get_Target_Parameters in mainline. Initialize standard packages for Targparm. Change some Hostparm.OpenVMS checks to Targparm.OpenVMS_On_Target. (Process_Args): Also Check for object files with target object extension. (Make_Binder_File_Names): Create with target object extension. (Make_Binder_File_Names): Change Ada bind file prefix on VMS from b$ to b__. * mlib-prj.adb: Change some Hostparm.OpenVMS checks to Targparm.OpenVMS_On_Target. ({declaration},Build_Library,Check_Library): Change Ada bind file prefix on VMS from b$ to b__. * osint-b.adb: Change some Hostparm.OpenVMS checks to Targparm.OpenVMS_On_Target. (Create_Binder_Output): Change Ada bind file prefix on VMS from b$ to b__. * targext.c: New file. * add support for vxworks653 builds (../../vxaddr2line): gnatlink with targext.o. (TOOLS_LIBS): Move targext.o to precede libgnat. (init.o, initialize.o): Minor clean up in dependencies. (GNATLINK_OBJS): Add targparm.o, snames.o Add rules fo building targext.o and linking it explicitly with all tools. Also add targext.o to gnatlib. * Add rules for building targext.o and linking it in with gnat1 and gnatbind. Add entry for exp_sel.o. * osint.adb Change some Hostparm.OpenVMS checks to Targparm.OpenVMS_On_Target. (Object_File_Name): Use target object suffix. * (Object_Suffix): Remove, no longer used. (Target_Object_Suffix): Initialize with target object suffix. * Add special exception to license. * targparm.adb (Get_Target_Parameters): Set the value of Multi_Unit_Index_Character after OpenVMS_On_Target gets its definitive value. (Get_Target_Parameters): Set OpenVMS_On_Target if openvms. * Add special exception to license. *, g-os_lib.adb (Get_Target_Debuggable_Suffix): New function. (Copy_File): Make sure from file is closed if error on to file (Get_Target_Executable_Suffix, Get_Target_Object_Suffix): New functions. * make.adb (Object_Suffix): Intialize with Get_Target_Object_Suffix. (Executable_Suffix): Intialize with Get_Target_Executable_Suffix. * osint-c.adb (Set_Output_Object_File_Name): Initialize extension with target object suffix. From-SVN: r108282
This commit is contained in:
34 changed files with 27105 additions and 277 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Makefile.rtl for GNU Ada Compiler (GNAT).
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#This file is part of GCC.
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ GNATRTL_TASKING_OBJS= \
a-sytaco$(objext) \
a-tasatt$(objext) \
a-taside$(objext) \
a-taster$(objext) \
g-boubuf$(objext) \
g-boumai$(objext) \
g-semaph$(objext) \
@ -279,6 +280,13 @@ GNATRTL_NONTASKING_OBJS= \
a-zzunio$(objext) \
ada$(objext) \
calendar$(objext) \
g-allein$(objext) \
g-alleve$(objext) \
g-altcon$(objext) \
g-altive$(objext) \
g-alveop$(objext) \
g-alvety$(objext) \
g-alvevi$(objext) \
g-arrspl$(objext) \
g-awk$(objext) \
g-bubsor$(objext) \
@ -497,6 +505,7 @@ GNATRTL_NONTASKING_OBJS= \
s-sopco4$(objext) \
s-sopco5$(objext) \
s-stache$(objext) \
s-stausa$(objext) \
s-stchop$(objext) \
s-stalib$(objext) \
s-stoele$(objext) \
@ -38,6 +38,11 @@
-- Default version for most targets
with System.Standard_Library; use System.Standard_Library;
-- Used for Adafinal
with System.Soft_Links;
-- Used for Task_Termination_Handler
-- Task_Termination_NT
procedure Ada.Exceptions.Last_Chance_Handler
(Except : Exception_Occurrence)
@ -72,6 +77,14 @@ is
-- Convenient shortcut
-- Do not execute any task termination code when shutting down the system.
-- The Adafinal procedure would execute the task termination routine for
-- normal termination, but we have already executed the task termination
-- procedure because of an unhandled exception.
System.Soft_Links.Task_Termination_Handler :=
-- Let's shutdown the runtime now. The rest of the procedure needs to be
-- careful not to use anything that would require runtime support. In
-- particular, functions returning strings are banned since the sec stack
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ package body Exception_Traces is
-- Hook for GDB to support "break exception unhandled"
-- For "break exception", GDB uses __gnat_raise_nodefer_with_msg, which
-- is not in this section because it fullfills other purposes than a mere
-- is not in this section because it functions as more than simply a
-- debugger interface.
@ -161,8 +161,18 @@ package body Exception_Traces is
procedure Notify_Unhandled_Exception is
Excep : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
Notify_Exception (Get_Current_Excep.all, Is_Unhandled => True);
-- Check whether there is any termination handler to be executed for
-- the environment task, and execute it if needed. Here we handle both
-- the Abnormal and Unhandled_Exception task termination. Normal
-- task termination routine is executed elsewhere (either in the
-- Task_Wrapper or in the Adafinal routine for the environment task).
Task_Termination_Handler.all (Excep.all);
Notify_Exception (Excep, Is_Unhandled => True);
end Notify_Unhandled_Exception;
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ pragma Warnings (Off);
-- package will be categorized as Preelaborate. See AI-362 for details.
-- It is safe in the context of the run-time to violate the rules!
with System.Tasking.Stages;
with System.Tasking.Utilities;
-- Used for Abort_Tasks
pragma Warnings (On);
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ package body Ada.Task_Identification is
if T = Null_Task_Id then
raise Program_Error;
(System.Tasking.Task_List'(1 => Convert_Ids (T)));
end if;
end Abort_Task;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
-- --
-- --
-- A D A . T A S K _ T E R M I N A T I O N --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
-- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
-- apply solely to the contents of the part following the private keyword. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
-- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with System.Tasking;
-- used for Task_Id
with System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
-- used for Self
with Unchecked_Conversion;
package body Ada.Task_Termination is
use type Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id;
package STPO renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
-- Local subprograms --
function To_TT is new Unchecked_Conversion
(System.Tasking.Termination_Handler, Termination_Handler);
function To_ST is new Unchecked_Conversion
(Termination_Handler, System.Tasking.Termination_Handler);
function To_Task_Id is new Unchecked_Conversion
(Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id, System.Tasking.Task_Id);
-- Current_Task_Fallback_Handler --
function Current_Task_Fallback_Handler return Termination_Handler is
return To_TT (System.Tasking.Self.Common.Fall_Back_Handler);
end Current_Task_Fallback_Handler;
-- Set_Dependents_Fallback_Handler --
procedure Set_Dependents_Fallback_Handler
(Handler : Termination_Handler)
STPO.Self.Common.Fall_Back_Handler := To_ST (Handler);
end Set_Dependents_Fallback_Handler;
-- Set_Specific_Handler --
procedure Set_Specific_Handler
(T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id;
Handler : Termination_Handler)
-- Tasking_Error is raised if the task identified by T has already
-- terminated. Program_Error is raised if the value of T is
-- Null_Task_Id.
if T = Ada.Task_Identification.Null_Task_Id then
raise Program_Error;
elsif Ada.Task_Identification.Is_Terminated (T) then
raise Tasking_Error;
To_Task_Id (T).Common.Specific_Handler := To_ST (Handler);
end if;
end Set_Specific_Handler;
-- Specific_Handler --
function Specific_Handler
(T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id) return Termination_Handler
-- Tasking_Error is raised if the task identified by T has already
-- terminated. Program_Error is raised if the value of T is
-- Null_Task_Id.
if T = Ada.Task_Identification.Null_Task_Id then
raise Program_Error;
elsif Ada.Task_Identification.Is_Terminated (T) then
raise Tasking_Error;
return To_TT (To_Task_Id (T).Common.Specific_Handler);
end if;
end Specific_Handler;
end Ada.Task_Termination;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-- --
-- --
-- A D A . T A S K _ T E R M I N A T I O N --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
-- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
-- apply solely to the contents of the part following the private keyword. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Ada.Task_Identification;
with Ada.Exceptions;
package Ada.Task_Termination is
pragma Preelaborate (Task_Termination);
type Cause_Of_Termination is (Normal, Abnormal, Unhandled_Exception);
type Termination_Handler is access protected procedure
(Cause : Cause_Of_Termination;
T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id;
X : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence);
procedure Set_Dependents_Fallback_Handler
(Handler : Termination_Handler);
function Current_Task_Fallback_Handler return Termination_Handler;
procedure Set_Specific_Handler
(T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id;
Handler : Termination_Handler);
function Specific_Handler
(T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id) return Termination_Handler;
end Ada.Task_Termination;
@ -1268,6 +1268,22 @@ package body Bindgen is
WBI (" pragma Import (C, finalize, ""__gnat_finalize"");");
end if;
-- If we want to analyze the stack, we have to import corresponding
-- symbols
if Dynamic_Stack_Measurement then
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure Output_Results;");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, Output_Results, " &
WBI ("");
WBI (" " &
"procedure Initialize_Stack_Analysis (Buffer_Size : Natural);");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, Initialize_Stack_Analysis, " &
end if;
-- Deal with declarations for main program case
if not No_Main_Subprogram then
@ -1360,6 +1376,13 @@ package body Bindgen is
end if;
if Dynamic_Stack_Measurement then
Set_String (" Initialize_Stack_Analysis (");
Set_Int (Dynamic_Stack_Measurement_Array_Size);
Set_String (");");
end if;
if not Cumulative_Restrictions.Set (No_Finalization) then
if not No_Main_Subprogram
@ -1398,6 +1421,12 @@ package body Bindgen is
end if;
end if;
-- Prints the result of static stack analysis
if Dynamic_Stack_Measurement then
WBI (" Output_Results;");
end if;
-- Finalize is only called if we have a run time
if not Cumulative_Restrictions.Set (No_Finalization) then
@ -1506,6 +1535,15 @@ package body Bindgen is
end if;
-- Initializes dynamic stack measurement if needed
if Dynamic_Stack_Measurement then
Set_String (" __gnat_stack_usage_initialize (");
Set_Int (Dynamic_Stack_Measurement_Array_Size);
Set_String (");");
end if;
-- The __gnat_initialize routine is used only if we have a run-time
if not Suppress_Standard_Library_On_Target then
@ -1552,6 +1590,12 @@ package body Bindgen is
WBI (" system__standard_library__adafinal ();");
end if;
-- Outputs the dynamic stack measurement if needed
if Dynamic_Stack_Measurement then
WBI (" __gnat_stack_usage_output_results ();");
end if;
-- The finalize routine is used only if we have a run-time
if not Suppress_Standard_Library_On_Target then
@ -1681,7 +1725,7 @@ package body Bindgen is
-- filename object is seen. Multiply defined symbols will
-- result.
if Hostparm.OpenVMS
if OpenVMS_On_Target
and then Is_Internal_File_Name
(Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).My_ALI).Sfile)
@ -2244,6 +2288,12 @@ package body Bindgen is
WBI ("extern void __gnat_install_handler (void);");
end if;
if Dynamic_Stack_Measurement then
WBI ("");
WBI ("extern void __gnat_stack_usage_output_results (void);");
WBI ("extern void __gnat_stack_usage_initialize (int size);");
end if;
WBI ("");
@ -2780,7 +2830,7 @@ package body Bindgen is
With_GNARL := True;
end if;
if Hostparm.OpenVMS and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 5) = "dec%s" then
if OpenVMS_On_Target and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 5) = "dec%s" then
With_DECGNAT := True;
end if;
end loop;
@ -214,6 +214,12 @@ begin
Write_Str (" -Tn Set time slice value to n milliseconds (n >= 0)");
-- Line for -u switch
Write_Str (" -un Enable dynamic stack analysis, with n results ");
Write_Str ("stored");
-- Line for -v switch
Write_Str (" -v Verbose mode. Error messages, ");
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
-- --
-- --
-- G N A T . A L T I V E C . L O W _ L E V E L _ V E C T O R S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- (Soft Binding Version) --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This unit exposes the low level vector support for the Soft binding,
-- intended for non AltiVec capable targets. See Altivec.Design for a
-- description of what is expected to be exposed.
with GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views; use GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views;
package GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Vectors is
-- Low level vector type declarations --
type LL_VUC is private;
type LL_VSC is private;
type LL_VBC is private;
type LL_VUS is private;
type LL_VSS is private;
type LL_VBS is private;
type LL_VUI is private;
type LL_VSI is private;
type LL_VBI is private;
type LL_VF is private;
type LL_VP is private;
-- Low level functional interface --
function abs_v16qi (A : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function abs_v8hi (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function abs_v4si (A : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function abs_v4sf (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function abss_v16qi (A : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function abss_v8hi (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function abss_v4si (A : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vaddubm (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vadduhm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vadduwm (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vaddfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vaddcuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vaddubs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vaddsbs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vadduhs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vaddshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vadduws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vaddsws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vand (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vandc (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vavgub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vavgsb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vavguh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vavgsh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vavguw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vavgsw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vcmpbfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VSI;
function vcmpequb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vcmpequh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vcmpequw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vcmpeqfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VSI;
function vcmpgefp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VSI;
function vcmpgtub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vcmpgtsb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vcmpgtuh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vcmpgtsh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vcmpgtuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vcmpgtsw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vcmpgtfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VSI;
function vcfux (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int) return LL_VF;
function vcfsx (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int) return LL_VF;
function vctsxs (A : LL_VF; B : c_int) return LL_VSI;
function vctuxs (A : LL_VF; B : c_int) return LL_VSI;
procedure dss (A : c_int);
procedure dssall;
procedure dst (A : c_ptr; B : c_int; C : c_int);
procedure dstst (A : c_ptr; B : c_int; C : c_int);
procedure dststt (A : c_ptr; B : c_int; C : c_int);
procedure dstt (A : c_ptr; B : c_int; C : c_int);
function vexptefp (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vrfim (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function lvx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSI;
function lvebx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSC;
function lvehx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSS;
function lvewx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSI;
function lvxl (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSI;
function vlogefp (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function lvsl (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSC;
function lvsr (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSC;
function vmaddfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vmhaddshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vmaxub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vmaxsb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vmaxuh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vmaxsh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vmaxuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vmaxsw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vmaxfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vmrghb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vmrghh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vmrghw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vmrglb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vmrglh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vmrglw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function mfvscr return LL_VSS;
function vminfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vminsb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vminsh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vminsw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vminub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vminuh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vminuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vmladduhm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vmhraddshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vmsumubm (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vmsummbm (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vmsumuhm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vmsumshm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vmsumuhs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vmsumshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
procedure mtvscr (A : LL_VSI);
function vmuleub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS;
function vmuleuh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI;
function vmulesb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS;
function vmulesh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI;
function vmulosb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS;
function vmulosh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI;
function vmuloub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS;
function vmulouh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI;
function vnmsubfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vxor (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vnor (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vor (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vpkuhum (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSC;
function vpkuwum (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS;
function vpkpx (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS;
function vpkuhus (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSC;
function vpkuwus (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS;
function vpkshss (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSC;
function vpkswss (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS;
function vpkshus (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSC;
function vpkswus (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS;
function vperm_4si (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSC) return LL_VSI;
function vrefp (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vrlb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vrlh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vrlw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vrfin (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vrfip (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vrfiz (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vrsqrtefp (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vsel_4si (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vslb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vslh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vslw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsldoi_4si (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI; C : c_int) return LL_VSI;
function vsldoi_8hi (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : c_int) return LL_VSS;
function vsldoi_16qi (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC; C : c_int) return LL_VSC;
function vsldoi_4sf (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF; C : c_int) return LL_VF;
function vsl (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vslo (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vspltb (A : LL_VSC; B : c_int) return LL_VSC;
function vsplth (A : LL_VSS; B : c_int) return LL_VSS;
function vspltw (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int) return LL_VSI;
function vspltisb (A : c_int) return LL_VSC;
function vspltish (A : c_int) return LL_VSS;
function vspltisw (A : c_int) return LL_VSI;
function vsrb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vsrh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vsrw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsrab (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vsrah (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vsraw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsr (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsro (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
procedure stvx (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int; C : c_ptr);
procedure stvebx (A : LL_VSC; B : c_int; C : c_ptr);
procedure stvehx (A : LL_VSS; B : c_int; C : c_ptr);
procedure stvewx (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int; C : c_ptr);
procedure stvxl (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int; C : c_ptr);
function vsububm (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vsubuhm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vsubuwm (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsubfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VF;
function vsubcuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsububs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vsubsbs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC;
function vsubuhs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vsubshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS;
function vsubuws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsubsws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsum4ubs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsum4sbs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsum4shs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsum2sws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vsumsws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI;
function vupkhsb (A : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS;
function vupkhsh (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI;
function vupkhpx (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI;
function vupklsb (A : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS;
function vupklsh (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI;
function vupklpx (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI;
function vcmpequb_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSC) return c_int;
function vcmpequh_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return c_int;
function vcmpequw_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSI) return c_int;
function vcmpeqfp_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return c_int;
function vcmpgtub_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSC) return c_int;
function vcmpgtuh_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return c_int;
function vcmpgtuw_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSI) return c_int;
function vcmpgtsb_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSC) return c_int;
function vcmpgtsh_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return c_int;
function vcmpgtsw_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSI) return c_int;
function vcmpgtfp_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return c_int;
function vcmpgefp_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return c_int;
function vcmpbfp_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return c_int;
-- Low level vector type definitions --
-- We simply use the natural array definitions corresponding to each
-- user-level vector type.
type LL_VUI is new VUC_View;
type LL_VSI is new VUC_View;
type LL_VUS is new VUC_View;
type LL_VSS is new VUC_View;
type LL_VUC is new VUC_View;
type LL_VSC is new VUC_View;
type LL_VF is new VUC_View;
type LL_VBC is new VUC_View;
type LL_VBS is new VUC_View;
type LL_VBI is new VUC_View;
type LL_VP is new VUC_View;
-- Low level functional interface --
pragma Convention_Identifier (LL_Altivec, C);
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, dss, "__builtin_altivec_dss");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, dssall, "__builtin_altivec_dssall");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, dst, "__builtin_altivec_dst");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, dstst, "__builtin_altivec_dstst");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, dststt, "__builtin_altivec_dststt");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, dstt, "__builtin_altivec_dstt");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, mtvscr, "__builtin_altivec_mtvscr");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, mfvscr, "__builtin_altivec_mfvscr");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, stvebx, "__builtin_altivec_stvebx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, stvehx, "__builtin_altivec_stvehx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, stvewx, "__builtin_altivec_stvewx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, stvx, "__builtin_altivec_stvx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, stvxl, "__builtin_altivec_stvxl");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, lvebx, "__builtin_altivec_lvebx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, lvehx, "__builtin_altivec_lvehx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, lvewx, "__builtin_altivec_lvewx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, lvx, "__builtin_altivec_lvx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, lvxl, "__builtin_altivec_lvxl");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, lvsl, "__builtin_altivec_lvsl");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, lvsr, "__builtin_altivec_lvsr");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, abs_v16qi, "__builtin_altivec_abs_v16qi");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, abs_v8hi, "__builtin_altivec_abs_v8hi");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, abs_v4si, "__builtin_altivec_abs_v4si");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, abs_v4sf, "__builtin_altivec_abs_v4sf");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, abss_v16qi, "__builtin_altivec_abss_v16qi");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, abss_v8hi, "__builtin_altivec_abss_v8hi");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, abss_v4si, "__builtin_altivec_abss_v4si");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vaddcuw, "__builtin_altivec_vaddcuw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vaddfp, "__builtin_altivec_vaddfp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vaddsbs, "__builtin_altivec_vaddsbs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vaddshs, "__builtin_altivec_vaddshs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vaddsws, "__builtin_altivec_vaddsws");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vaddubm, "__builtin_altivec_vaddubm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vaddubs, "__builtin_altivec_vaddubs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vadduhm, "__builtin_altivec_vadduhm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vadduhs, "__builtin_altivec_vadduhs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vadduwm, "__builtin_altivec_vadduwm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vadduws, "__builtin_altivec_vadduws");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vand, "__builtin_altivec_vand");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vandc, "__builtin_altivec_vandc");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vavgsb, "__builtin_altivec_vavgsb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vavgsh, "__builtin_altivec_vavgsh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vavgsw, "__builtin_altivec_vavgsw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vavgub, "__builtin_altivec_vavgub");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vavguh, "__builtin_altivec_vavguh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vavguw, "__builtin_altivec_vavguw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcfsx, "__builtin_altivec_vcfsx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcfux, "__builtin_altivec_vcfux");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpbfp, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpbfp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpeqfp, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpeqfp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpequb, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpequb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpequh, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpequh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpequw, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpequw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgefp, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgefp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtfp, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtfp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtsb, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtsh, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtsw, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtub, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtub");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtuh, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtuw, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vctsxs, "__builtin_altivec_vctsxs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vctuxs, "__builtin_altivec_vctuxs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vexptefp, "__builtin_altivec_vexptefp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vlogefp, "__builtin_altivec_vlogefp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmaddfp, "__builtin_altivec_vmaddfp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmaxfp, "__builtin_altivec_vmaxfp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmaxsb, "__builtin_altivec_vmaxsb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmaxsh, "__builtin_altivec_vmaxsh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmaxsw, "__builtin_altivec_vmaxsw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmaxub, "__builtin_altivec_vmaxub");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmaxuh, "__builtin_altivec_vmaxuh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmaxuw, "__builtin_altivec_vmaxuw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmhaddshs, "__builtin_altivec_vmhaddshs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmhraddshs, "__builtin_altivec_vmhraddshs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vminfp, "__builtin_altivec_vminfp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vminsb, "__builtin_altivec_vminsb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vminsh, "__builtin_altivec_vminsh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vminsw, "__builtin_altivec_vminsw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vminub, "__builtin_altivec_vminub");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vminuh, "__builtin_altivec_vminuh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vminuw, "__builtin_altivec_vminuw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmladduhm, "__builtin_altivec_vmladduhm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmrghb, "__builtin_altivec_vmrghb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmrghh, "__builtin_altivec_vmrghh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmrghw, "__builtin_altivec_vmrghw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmrglb, "__builtin_altivec_vmrglb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmrglh, "__builtin_altivec_vmrglh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmrglw, "__builtin_altivec_vmrglw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmsummbm, "__builtin_altivec_vmsummbm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmsumshm, "__builtin_altivec_vmsumshm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmsumshs, "__builtin_altivec_vmsumshs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmsumubm, "__builtin_altivec_vmsumubm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmsumuhm, "__builtin_altivec_vmsumuhm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmsumuhs, "__builtin_altivec_vmsumuhs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmulesb, "__builtin_altivec_vmulesb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmulesh, "__builtin_altivec_vmulesh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmuleub, "__builtin_altivec_vmuleub");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmuleuh, "__builtin_altivec_vmuleuh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmulosb, "__builtin_altivec_vmulosb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmulosh, "__builtin_altivec_vmulosh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmuloub, "__builtin_altivec_vmuloub");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vmulouh, "__builtin_altivec_vmulouh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vnmsubfp, "__builtin_altivec_vnmsubfp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vnor, "__builtin_altivec_vnor");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vxor, "__builtin_altivec_vxor");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vor, "__builtin_altivec_vor");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vperm_4si, "__builtin_altivec_vperm_4si");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vpkpx, "__builtin_altivec_vpkpx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vpkshss, "__builtin_altivec_vpkshss");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vpkshus, "__builtin_altivec_vpkshus");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vpkswss, "__builtin_altivec_vpkswss");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vpkswus, "__builtin_altivec_vpkswus");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vpkuhum, "__builtin_altivec_vpkuhum");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vpkuhus, "__builtin_altivec_vpkuhus");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vpkuwum, "__builtin_altivec_vpkuwum");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vpkuwus, "__builtin_altivec_vpkuwus");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vrefp, "__builtin_altivec_vrefp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vrfim, "__builtin_altivec_vrfim");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vrfin, "__builtin_altivec_vrfin");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vrfip, "__builtin_altivec_vrfip");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vrfiz, "__builtin_altivec_vrfiz");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vrlb, "__builtin_altivec_vrlb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vrlh, "__builtin_altivec_vrlh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vrlw, "__builtin_altivec_vrlw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vrsqrtefp, "__builtin_altivec_vrsqrtefp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsel_4si, "__builtin_altivec_vsel_4si");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsldoi_4si, "__builtin_altivec_vsldoi_4si");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsldoi_8hi, "__builtin_altivec_vsldoi_8hi");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsldoi_16qi, "__builtin_altivec_vsldoi_16qi");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsldoi_4sf, "__builtin_altivec_vsldoi_4sf");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsl, "__builtin_altivec_vsl");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vslb, "__builtin_altivec_vslb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vslh, "__builtin_altivec_vslh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vslo, "__builtin_altivec_vslo");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vslw, "__builtin_altivec_vslw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vspltb, "__builtin_altivec_vspltb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsplth, "__builtin_altivec_vsplth");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vspltisb, "__builtin_altivec_vspltisb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vspltish, "__builtin_altivec_vspltish");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vspltisw, "__builtin_altivec_vspltisw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vspltw, "__builtin_altivec_vspltw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsr, "__builtin_altivec_vsr");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsrab, "__builtin_altivec_vsrab");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsrah, "__builtin_altivec_vsrah");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsraw, "__builtin_altivec_vsraw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsrb, "__builtin_altivec_vsrb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsrh, "__builtin_altivec_vsrh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsro, "__builtin_altivec_vsro");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsrw, "__builtin_altivec_vsrw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsubcuw, "__builtin_altivec_vsubcuw");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsubfp, "__builtin_altivec_vsubfp");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsubsbs, "__builtin_altivec_vsubsbs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsubshs, "__builtin_altivec_vsubshs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsubsws, "__builtin_altivec_vsubsws");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsububm, "__builtin_altivec_vsububm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsububs, "__builtin_altivec_vsububs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsubuhm, "__builtin_altivec_vsubuhm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsubuhs, "__builtin_altivec_vsubuhs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsubuwm, "__builtin_altivec_vsubuwm");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsubuws, "__builtin_altivec_vsubuws");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsum2sws, "__builtin_altivec_vsum2sws");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsum4sbs, "__builtin_altivec_vsum4sbs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsum4shs, "__builtin_altivec_vsum4shs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsum4ubs, "__builtin_altivec_vsum4ubs");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vsumsws, "__builtin_altivec_vsumsws");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vupkhpx, "__builtin_altivec_vupkhpx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vupkhsb, "__builtin_altivec_vupkhsb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vupkhsh, "__builtin_altivec_vupkhsh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vupklpx, "__builtin_altivec_vupklpx");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vupklsb, "__builtin_altivec_vupklsb");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vupklsh, "__builtin_altivec_vupklsh");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpbfp_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpbfp_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpeqfp_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpeqfp_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgefp_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgefp_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtfp_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtfp_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpequw_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpequw_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtsw_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsw_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtuw_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuw_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtuh_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtuh_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtsh_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsh_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpequh_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpequh_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpequb_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpequb_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtsb_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtsb_p");
pragma Export (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtub_p, "__builtin_altivec_vcmpgtub_p");
end GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Vectors;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
-- --
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-- G N A T . A L T I V E C . C O N V E R S I O N S --
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-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with System; use System;
with GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Interface; use GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Interface;
with GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Vectors; use GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Vectors;
package body GNAT.Altivec.Conversions is
function To_Varray_unsigned_char is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_signed_char,
function To_Varray_unsigned_char is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_bool_char,
function To_Varray_unsigned_short is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_signed_short,
function To_Varray_unsigned_short is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_bool_short,
function To_Varray_unsigned_short is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_pixel,
function To_Varray_unsigned_int is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_signed_int,
function To_Varray_unsigned_int is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_bool_int,
function To_Varray_unsigned_int is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_float,
function To_Varray_signed_char is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_unsigned_char,
function To_Varray_bool_char is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_unsigned_char,
function To_Varray_signed_short is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_unsigned_short,
function To_Varray_bool_short is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_unsigned_short,
function To_Varray_pixel is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_unsigned_short,
function To_Varray_signed_int is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_unsigned_int,
function To_Varray_bool_int is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_unsigned_int,
function To_Varray_float is
new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Varray_unsigned_int,
function To_VUC is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VUC_View, VUC);
function To_VSC is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VSC_View, VSC);
function To_VBC is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VBC_View, VBC);
function To_VUS is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VUS_View, VUS);
function To_VSS is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VSS_View, VSS);
function To_VBS is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VBS_View, VBS);
function To_VUI is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VUI_View, VUI);
function To_VSI is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VSI_View, VSI);
function To_VBI is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VBI_View, VBI);
function To_VF is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VF_View, VF);
function To_VP is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VP_View, VP);
function To_VUC_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VUC, VUC_View);
function To_VSC_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VSC, VSC_View);
function To_VBC_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VBC, VBC_View);
function To_VUS_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VUS, VUS_View);
function To_VSS_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VSS, VSS_View);
function To_VBS_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VBS, VBS_View);
function To_VUI_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VUI, VUI_View);
function To_VSI_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VSI, VSI_View);
function To_VBI_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VBI, VBI_View);
function To_VF_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VF, VF_View);
function To_VP_View is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VP, VP_View);
pragma Warnings (Off, Default_Bit_Order);
-- To_Vector --
function To_Vector (S : VSC_View) return VSC is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VSC (S);
Result : LL_VUC;
VS : constant VUC_View :=
(Values => To_Varray_unsigned_char (S.Values));
Result := To_Vector (VS);
return To_LL_VSC (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VBC_View) return VBC is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VBC (S);
Result : LL_VUC;
VS : constant VUC_View :=
(Values => To_Varray_unsigned_char (S.Values));
Result := To_Vector (VS);
return To_LL_VBC (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VSS_View) return VSS is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VSS (S);
Result : LL_VUS;
VS : constant VUS_View :=
(Values => To_Varray_unsigned_short (S.Values));
Result := To_Vector (VS);
return VSS (To_LL_VSS (Result));
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VBS_View) return VBS is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VBS (S);
Result : LL_VUS;
VS : constant VUS_View :=
(Values => To_Varray_unsigned_short (S.Values));
Result := To_Vector (VS);
return To_LL_VBS (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VP_View) return VP is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VP (S);
Result : LL_VUS;
VS : constant VUS_View :=
(Values => To_Varray_unsigned_short (S.Values));
Result := To_Vector (VS);
return To_LL_VP (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VSI_View) return VSI is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VSI (S);
Result : LL_VUI;
VS : constant VUI_View :=
(Values => To_Varray_unsigned_int (S.Values));
Result := To_Vector (VS);
return To_LL_VSI (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VBI_View) return VBI is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VBI (S);
Result : LL_VUI;
VS : constant VUI_View :=
(Values => To_Varray_unsigned_int (S.Values));
Result := To_Vector (VS);
return To_LL_VBI (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VF_View) return VF is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VF (S);
Result : LL_VUI;
VS : constant VUI_View :=
(Values => To_Varray_unsigned_int (S.Values));
Result := To_Vector (VS);
return To_LL_VF (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VUC_View) return VUC is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VUC (S);
Result : VUC_View;
for J in Vchar_Range'Range loop
Result.Values (J) :=
S.Values (Vchar_Range'Last - J + Vchar_Range'First);
end loop;
return To_VUC (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VUS_View) return VUS is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VUS (S);
Result : VUS_View;
for J in Vshort_Range'Range loop
Result.Values (J) :=
S.Values (Vshort_Range'Last - J + Vshort_Range'First);
end loop;
return To_VUS (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector (S : VUI_View) return VUI is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VUI (S);
Result : VUI_View;
for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
Result.Values (J) :=
S.Values (Vint_Range'Last - J + Vint_Range'First);
end loop;
return To_VUI (Result);
end if;
end To_Vector;
-- To_View --
function To_View (S : VSC) return VSC_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VSC_View (S);
Result : VUC_View;
Result := To_View (To_LL_VUC (S));
return (Values => To_Varray_signed_char (Result.Values));
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VBC) return VBC_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VBC_View (S);
Result : VUC_View;
Result := To_View (To_LL_VUC (S));
return (Values => To_Varray_bool_char (Result.Values));
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VSS) return VSS_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VSS_View (S);
Result : VUS_View;
Result := To_View (To_LL_VUS (S));
return (Values => To_Varray_signed_short (Result.Values));
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VBS) return VBS_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VBS_View (S);
Result : VUS_View;
Result := To_View (To_LL_VUS (S));
return (Values => To_Varray_bool_short (Result.Values));
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VP) return VP_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VP_View (S);
Result : VUS_View;
Result := To_View (To_LL_VUS (S));
return (Values => To_Varray_pixel (Result.Values));
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VSI) return VSI_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VSI_View (S);
Result : VUI_View;
Result := To_View (To_LL_VUI (S));
return (Values => To_Varray_signed_int (Result.Values));
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VBI) return VBI_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VBI_View (S);
Result : VUI_View;
Result := To_View (To_LL_VUI (S));
return (Values => To_Varray_bool_int (Result.Values));
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VF) return VF_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VF_View (S);
Result : VUI_View;
Result := To_View (To_LL_VUI (S));
return (Values => To_Varray_float (Result.Values));
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VUC) return VUC_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VUC_View (S);
VS : constant VUC_View := To_VUC_View (S);
Result : VUC_View;
for J in Vchar_Range'Range loop
Result.Values (J) :=
VS.Values (Vchar_Range'Last - J + Vchar_Range'First);
end loop;
return Result;
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VUS) return VUS_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VUS_View (S);
VS : constant VUS_View := To_VUS_View (S);
Result : VUS_View;
for J in Vshort_Range'Range loop
Result.Values (J) :=
VS.Values (Vshort_Range'Last - J + Vshort_Range'First);
end loop;
return Result;
end if;
end To_View;
function To_View (S : VUI) return VUI_View is
if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
return To_VUI_View (S);
VS : constant VUI_View := To_VUI_View (S);
Result : VUI_View;
for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
Result.Values (J) :=
VS.Values (Vint_Range'Last - J + Vint_Range'First);
end loop;
return Result;
end if;
end To_View;
end GNAT.Altivec.Conversions;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
-- --
-- --
-- G N A T . A L T I V E C . C O N V E R S I O N S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This unit provides the Vector/Views conversions
with GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types; use GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types;
with GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views; use GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views;
package GNAT.Altivec.Conversions is
-- char components --
function To_Vector (S : VUC_View) return VUC;
function To_Vector (S : VSC_View) return VSC;
function To_Vector (S : VBC_View) return VBC;
function To_View (S : VUC) return VUC_View;
function To_View (S : VSC) return VSC_View;
function To_View (S : VBC) return VBC_View;
-- short components --
function To_Vector (S : VUS_View) return VUS;
function To_Vector (S : VSS_View) return VSS;
function To_Vector (S : VBS_View) return VBS;
function To_View (S : VUS) return VUS_View;
function To_View (S : VSS) return VSS_View;
function To_View (S : VBS) return VBS_View;
-- int components --
function To_Vector (S : VUI_View) return VUI;
function To_Vector (S : VSI_View) return VSI;
function To_Vector (S : VBI_View) return VBI;
function To_View (S : VUI) return VUI_View;
function To_View (S : VSI) return VSI_View;
function To_View (S : VBI) return VBI_View;
-- float components --
function To_Vector (S : VF_View) return VF;
function To_View (S : VF) return VF_View;
-- pixel components --
function To_Vector (S : VP_View) return VP;
function To_View (S : VP) return VP_View;
-- We want the above subprograms to always be inlined in the case of the
-- hard PowerPC AltiVec support in order to avoid the unnecessary function
-- call. On the other hand there is no problem with inlining these
-- subprograms on little-endian targets.
pragma Inline_Always (To_Vector);
pragma Inline_Always (To_View);
end GNAT.Altivec.Conversions;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
-- --
-- --
-- G N A T . A L T I V E C --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- General description --
-- This is the root of a package hierarchy offering an Ada binding to the
-- PowerPC AltiVec extensions. These extensions basically consist in a set of
-- 128bit vector types together with a set of subprograms operating on such
-- vectors. On a real Altivec capable target, vector objects map to hardware
-- vector registers and the subprograms map to a set of specific hardware
-- instructions.
-- Relevant documents are:
-- o AltiVec Technology, Programming Interface Manual (1999-06)
-- to which we will refer as [PIM], describes the data types, the
-- functional interface and the ABI conventions.
-- o AltiVec Technology, Programming Environments Manual (2002-02)
-- to which we will refer as [PEM], describes the hardware architecture
-- and instruction set.
-- These documents, as well as a number of others of general interest on the
-- AltiVec technology, are available from the Motorola/AltiVec Web site at
-- We offer two versions of this binding: one for real AltiVec capable
-- targets, and one for other targets. In the latter case, everything is
-- emulated in software. We will refer to the two bindings as:
-- o The Hard binding for AltiVec capable targets (with the appropriate
-- hardware support and corresponding instruction set)
-- o The Soft binding for other targets (with the low level primitives
-- emulated in software).
-- The two versions of the binding are expected to be equivalent from the
-- functional standpoint. The same client application code should observe no
-- difference in operation results, even if the Soft version is used on a
-- non-powerpc target. The Hard binding is naturally expected to run faster
-- than the Soft version on the same target.
-- We also offer interfaces not strictly part of the base AltiVec API, such
-- as vector conversions to/from array representations, which are of interest
-- for client applications (e.g. for vector initialization purposes) and may
-- also be used as implementation facilities.
-- General package architecture survey --
-- The various vector representations are all "containers" of elementary
-- values, the possible types of which are declared in this root package to
-- be generally accessible.
-- From the user standpoint, the two versions of the binding are available
-- through a consistent hierarchy of units providing identical services:
-- GNAT.Altivec
-- (component types)
-- |
-- o----------------o----------------o-------------o
-- | | | |
-- Vector_Types Vector_Operations Vector_Views Conversions
-- The user can manipulate vectors through two families of types: Vector
-- types and View types.
-- Vector types are defined in the GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types package
-- On these types, the user can apply the Altivec operations defined in
-- GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Operations. Their layout is opaque and may vary across
-- configurations, for it is typically target-endianness dependant.
-- Vector_Types and Vector_Operations implement the core binding to the
-- AltiVec API, as described in [PIM-2.1 data types] and [PIM-4 AltiVec
-- operations and predicates].
-- View types are defined in the GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views package
-- These types do not represent Altivec vectors per se, in the sense that the
-- Altivec_Operations are not available for them. They are intended to allow
-- Vector initializations as well as access to the Vector component values.
-- The GNAT.Altivec.Conversions package is provided to convert a View to the
-- corresponding Vector and vice-versa.
-- The two versions of the binding rely on a low level internal interface,
-- and switching from one version to the other amounts to select one low
-- level implementation instead of the other.
-- The bindings are provided as a set of sources together with a project file
-- (altivec.gpr). The hard/soft binding selection is controlled by a project
-- variable on targets where switching makes sense. See the example usage
-- section below.
-- Underlying principles --
-- The general organization sketched above has been devised from a number
-- of driving ideas:
-- o From the clients standpoint, the two versions of the binding should be
-- as easily exchangable as possible,
-- o From the maintenance standpoint, we want to avoid as much code
-- duplication as possible.
-- o From both standpoints above, we want to maintain a clear interface
-- separation between the base bindings to the Motorola API and the
-- additional facilities.
-- The identification of the low level interface is directly inspired by the
-- the base API organization, basically consisting of a rich set of functions
-- around a core of low level primitives mapping to AltiVec instructions.
-- See for instance "vec_add" in [PIM-4.4 Generic and Specific AltiVec
-- operations]: no less than six result/arguments combinations of byte vector
-- types map to "vaddubm".
-- The "hard" version of the low level primitives map to real AltiVec
-- instructions via the corresponding GCC builtins. The "soft" version is
-- a software emulation of those.
-- Example usage --
-- Here is a sample program declaring and initializing two vectors, 'add'ing
-- them and displaying the result components:
-- with GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types; use GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types;
-- with GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Operations; use GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Operations;
-- with GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views; use GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views;
-- with GNAT.Altivec.Conversions; use GNAT.Altivec.Conversions;
-- use GNAT.Altivec;
-- procedure Sample is
-- Va : Vector_Unsigned_Int := To_Vector ((Values => (1, 2, 3, 4)));
-- Vb : Vector_Unsigned_Int := To_Vector ((Values => (1, 2, 3, 4)));
-- Vs : Vector_Unsigned_Int;
-- Vs_View : VUI_View;
-- begin
-- Vs := Vec_Add (Va, Vb);
-- Vs_View := To_View (Vs);
-- for I in Vs_View.Values'Range loop
-- Put_Line (Unsigned_Int'Image (Vs_View.Values (I)));
-- end loop;
-- end;
-- This currently requires the GNAT project management facilities to compile,
-- to automatically retrieve the set of necessary sources and switches
-- depending on your configuration. For the example above, customizing the
-- switches to include -g also, this would be something like:
-- sample.gpr
-- with "altivec.gpr";
-- project Sample is
-- for Source_Dirs use (".");
-- for Main use ("sample");
-- package Compiler is
-- for Default_Switches ("Ada") use
-- Altivec.Compiler'Default_Switches ("Ada") & "-g";
-- end Compiler;
-- end Sample;
-- $ gnatmake -Psample
-- [...]
-- $ ./sample
-- 2
-- 4
-- 6
-- 8
with System;
package GNAT.Altivec is
-- Definitions of constants and vector/array component types common to all
-- the versions of the binding.
-- All the vector types are 128bits
VECTOR_BIT : constant := 128;
-- [PIM-2.3.1 Alignment of vector types] --
-- "A defined data item of any vector data type in memory is always
-- aligned on a 16-byte boundary. A pointer to any vector data type always
-- points to a 16-byte boundary. The compiler is responsible for aligning
-- vector data types on 16-byte boundaries."
VECTOR_ALIGNMENT : constant := 16;
-- [PIM-2.1] Data Types - Interpretation of contents --
-- char components --
CHAR_BIT : constant := 8;
SCHAR_MIN : constant := -2 ** (CHAR_BIT - 1);
SCHAR_MAX : constant := 2 ** (CHAR_BIT - 1) - 1;
UCHAR_MAX : constant := 2 ** CHAR_BIT - 1;
type unsigned_char is mod UCHAR_MAX + 1;
for unsigned_char'Size use CHAR_BIT;
type signed_char is range SCHAR_MIN .. SCHAR_MAX;
for signed_char'Size use CHAR_BIT;
subtype bool_char is unsigned_char;
-- ??? There is a difference here between what the Altivec Technology
-- Programming Interface Manual says and what GCC says. In the manual,
-- vector_bool_char is a vector_unsigned_char, while in altivec.h it
-- is a vector_signed_char.
bool_char_True : constant bool_char := bool_char'Last;
bool_char_False : constant bool_char := 0;
-- short components --
SHORT_BIT : constant := 16;
SSHORT_MIN : constant := -2 ** (SHORT_BIT - 1);
SSHORT_MAX : constant := 2 ** (SHORT_BIT - 1) - 1;
USHORT_MAX : constant := 2 ** SHORT_BIT - 1;
type unsigned_short is mod USHORT_MAX + 1;
for unsigned_short'Size use SHORT_BIT;
subtype unsigned_short_int is unsigned_short;
type signed_short is range SSHORT_MIN .. SSHORT_MAX;
for signed_short'Size use SHORT_BIT;
subtype signed_short_int is signed_short;
subtype bool_short is unsigned_short;
-- ??? See bool_char
bool_short_True : constant bool_short := bool_short'Last;
bool_short_False : constant bool_short := 0;
subtype bool_short_int is bool_short;
-- int components --
INT_BIT : constant := 32;
SINT_MIN : constant := -2 ** (INT_BIT - 1);
SINT_MAX : constant := 2 ** (INT_BIT - 1) - 1;
UINT_MAX : constant := 2 ** INT_BIT - 1;
type unsigned_int is mod UINT_MAX + 1;
for unsigned_int'Size use INT_BIT;
type signed_int is range SINT_MIN .. SINT_MAX;
for signed_int'Size use INT_BIT;
subtype bool_int is unsigned_int;
-- ??? See bool_char
bool_int_True : constant bool_int := bool_int'Last;
bool_int_False : constant bool_int := 0;
-- float components --
FLOAT_BIT : constant := 32;
FLOAT_DIGIT : constant := 6;
FLOAT_MIN : constant := -16#0.FFFF_FF#E+32;
FLOAT_MAX : constant := 16#0.FFFF_FF#E+32;
type C_float is digits FLOAT_DIGIT range FLOAT_MIN .. FLOAT_MAX;
for C_float'Size use FLOAT_BIT;
-- pixel components --
subtype pixel is unsigned_short;
-- Subtypes for variants found in the GCC implementation --
subtype c_int is signed_int;
subtype c_short is c_int;
LONG_BIT : constant := 32;
-- Some of the GCC builtins are built with "long" arguments and
-- expect SImode to come in.
SLONG_MIN : constant := -2 ** (LONG_BIT - 1);
SLONG_MAX : constant := 2 ** (LONG_BIT - 1) - 1;
ULONG_MAX : constant := 2 ** LONG_BIT - 1;
type signed_long is range SLONG_MIN .. SLONG_MAX;
type unsigned_long is mod ULONG_MAX + 1;
subtype c_long is signed_long;
subtype c_ptr is System.Address;
-- Access types, for the sake of some argument passing --
type signed_char_ptr is access all signed_char;
type unsigned_char_ptr is access all unsigned_char;
type short_ptr is access all c_short;
type signed_short_ptr is access all signed_short;
type unsigned_short_ptr is access all unsigned_short;
type int_ptr is access all c_int;
type signed_int_ptr is access all signed_int;
type unsigned_int_ptr is access all unsigned_int;
type long_ptr is access all c_long;
type signed_long_ptr is access all signed_long;
type unsigned_long_ptr is access all unsigned_long;
type float_ptr is access all Float;
type const_signed_char_ptr is access constant signed_char;
type const_unsigned_char_ptr is access constant unsigned_char;
type const_short_ptr is access constant c_short;
type const_signed_short_ptr is access constant signed_short;
type const_unsigned_short_ptr is access constant unsigned_short;
type const_int_ptr is access constant c_int;
type const_signed_int_ptr is access constant signed_int;
type const_unsigned_int_ptr is access constant unsigned_int;
type const_long_ptr is access constant c_long;
type const_signed_long_ptr is access constant signed_long;
type const_unsigned_long_ptr is access constant unsigned_long;
type const_float_ptr is access constant Float;
-- Access to const volatile arguments need specialized types
type volatile_float is new Float;
pragma Volatile (volatile_float);
type volatile_signed_char is new signed_char;
pragma Volatile (volatile_signed_char);
type volatile_unsigned_char is new unsigned_char;
pragma Volatile (volatile_unsigned_char);
type volatile_signed_short is new signed_short;
pragma Volatile (volatile_signed_short);
type volatile_unsigned_short is new unsigned_short;
pragma Volatile (volatile_unsigned_short);
type volatile_signed_int is new signed_int;
pragma Volatile (volatile_signed_int);
type volatile_unsigned_int is new unsigned_int;
pragma Volatile (volatile_unsigned_int);
type volatile_signed_long is new signed_long;
pragma Volatile (volatile_signed_long);
type volatile_unsigned_long is new unsigned_long;
pragma Volatile (volatile_unsigned_long);
type constv_char_ptr is access constant volatile_signed_char;
type constv_signed_char_ptr is access constant volatile_signed_char;
type constv_unsigned_char_ptr is access constant volatile_unsigned_char;
type constv_short_ptr is access constant volatile_signed_short;
type constv_signed_short_ptr is access constant volatile_signed_short;
type constv_unsigned_short_ptr is access constant volatile_unsigned_short;
type constv_int_ptr is access constant volatile_signed_int;
type constv_signed_int_ptr is access constant volatile_signed_int;
type constv_unsigned_int_ptr is access constant volatile_unsigned_int;
type constv_long_ptr is access constant volatile_signed_long;
type constv_signed_long_ptr is access constant volatile_signed_long;
type constv_unsigned_long_ptr is access constant volatile_unsigned_long;
type constv_float_ptr is access constant volatile_float;
-- Various constants --
CR6_EQ : constant := 0;
CR6_EQ_REV : constant := 1;
CR6_LT : constant := 2;
CR6_LT_REV : constant := 3;
end GNAT.Altivec;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
-- --
-- --
-- G N A T . A L T I V E C . V E C T O R _ T Y P E S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This unit exposes the various vector types part of the Ada binding to
-- Altivec facilities.
with GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Vectors;
package GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types is
use GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Vectors;
-- Vector type declarations [PIM-2.1 Data Types] --
-- Except for assignments and pointer creation/dereference, operations
-- on vectors are only performed via subprograms. The vector types are
-- then private, and non-limited since assignments are allowed.
-- The Hard/Soft binding type-structure differentiation is achieved in
-- Low_Level_Vectors. Each version only exposes private vector types, that
-- we just sub-type here. This is fine from the design standpoint and
-- reduces the amount of explicit conversion required in various places
-- internally.
subtype vector_unsigned_char is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VUC;
subtype vector_signed_char is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VSC;
subtype vector_bool_char is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VBC;
subtype vector_unsigned_short is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VUS;
subtype vector_signed_short is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VSS;
subtype vector_bool_short is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VBS;
subtype vector_unsigned_int is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VUI;
subtype vector_signed_int is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VSI;
subtype vector_bool_int is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VBI;
subtype vector_float is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VF;
subtype vector_pixel is Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VP;
-- [PIM-2.1] shows groups of declarations with exact same component types,
-- e.g. vector unsigned short together with vector unsigned short int. It
-- so appears tempting to define subtypes for those matches here.
-- [PIM-2.1] does not qualify items in those groups as "the same types",
-- though, and [PIM-2.4.2 Assignments] reads: "if either the left hand
-- side or the right hand side of an expression has a vector type, then
-- both sides of the expression must be of the same vector type".
-- Not so clear what is exactly right, then. We go with subtypes for now
-- and can adjust later if need be.
subtype vector_unsigned_short_int is vector_unsigned_short;
subtype vector_signed_short_int is vector_signed_short;
subtype vector_char is vector_signed_char;
subtype vector_short is vector_signed_short;
subtype vector_int is vector_signed_int;
-- Corresponding access types --
type vector_unsigned_char_ptr is access all vector_unsigned_char;
type vector_signed_char_ptr is access all vector_signed_char;
type vector_bool_char_ptr is access all vector_bool_char;
type vector_unsigned_short_ptr is access all vector_unsigned_short;
type vector_signed_short_ptr is access all vector_signed_short;
type vector_bool_short_ptr is access all vector_bool_short;
type vector_unsigned_int_ptr is access all vector_unsigned_int;
type vector_signed_int_ptr is access all vector_signed_int;
type vector_bool_int_ptr is access all vector_bool_int;
type vector_float_ptr is access all vector_float;
type vector_pixel_ptr is access all vector_pixel;
-- Additional access types, for the sake of some argument passing --
-- ... because some of the operations expect pointers to possibly
-- constant objects.
type const_vector_bool_char_ptr is access constant vector_bool_char;
type const_vector_signed_char_ptr is access constant vector_signed_char;
type const_vector_unsigned_char_ptr is access constant vector_unsigned_char;
type const_vector_bool_short_ptr is access constant vector_bool_short;
type const_vector_signed_short_ptr is access constant vector_signed_short;
type const_vector_unsigned_short_ptr is access
constant vector_unsigned_short;
type const_vector_bool_int_ptr is access constant vector_bool_int;
type const_vector_signed_int_ptr is access constant vector_signed_int;
type const_vector_unsigned_int_ptr is access constant vector_unsigned_int;
type const_vector_float_ptr is access constant vector_float;
type const_vector_pixel_ptr is access constant vector_pixel;
-- Useful shortcuts --
subtype VUC is vector_unsigned_char;
subtype VSC is vector_signed_char;
subtype VBC is vector_bool_char;
subtype VUS is vector_unsigned_short;
subtype VSS is vector_signed_short;
subtype VBS is vector_bool_short;
subtype VUI is vector_unsigned_int;
subtype VSI is vector_signed_int;
subtype VBI is vector_bool_int;
subtype VP is vector_pixel;
subtype VF is vector_float;
end GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
-- --
-- --
-- G N A T . A L T I V E C . V E C T O R _ V I E W S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This unit provides public 'View' data types from/to which private vector
-- representations can be converted via Altivec.Conversions. This allows
-- convenient access to individual vector elements and provides a simple way
-- to initialize vector objects.
-- Accessing vector contents with direct memory overlays should be avoided
-- because actual vector representations may vary across configurations, for
-- instance to accomodate different target endianness.
-- The natural representation of a vector is an array indexed by vector
-- component number, which is materialized by the Varray type definitions
-- below. The 16byte alignment constraint is unfortunately sometimes not
-- properly honored for constant array aggregates, so the View types are
-- actually records enclosing such arrays.
package GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views is
-- char components --
type Vchar_Range is range 1 .. 16;
type Varray_unsigned_char is array (Vchar_Range) of unsigned_char;
for Varray_unsigned_char'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VUC_View is record
Values : Varray_unsigned_char;
end record;
type Varray_signed_char is array (Vchar_Range) of signed_char;
for Varray_signed_char'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VSC_View is record
Values : Varray_signed_char;
end record;
type Varray_bool_char is array (Vchar_Range) of bool_char;
for Varray_bool_char'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VBC_View is record
Values : Varray_bool_char;
end record;
-- short components --
type Vshort_Range is range 1 .. 8;
type Varray_unsigned_short is array (Vshort_Range) of unsigned_short;
for Varray_unsigned_short'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VUS_View is record
Values : Varray_unsigned_short;
end record;
type Varray_signed_short is array (Vshort_Range) of signed_short;
for Varray_signed_short'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VSS_View is record
Values : Varray_signed_short;
end record;
type Varray_bool_short is array (Vshort_Range) of bool_short;
for Varray_bool_short'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VBS_View is record
Values : Varray_bool_short;
end record;
-- int components --
type Vint_Range is range 1 .. 4;
type Varray_unsigned_int is array (Vint_Range) of unsigned_int;
for Varray_unsigned_int'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VUI_View is record
Values : Varray_unsigned_int;
end record;
type Varray_signed_int is array (Vint_Range) of signed_int;
for Varray_signed_int'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VSI_View is record
Values : Varray_signed_int;
end record;
type Varray_bool_int is array (Vint_Range) of bool_int;
for Varray_bool_int'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VBI_View is record
Values : Varray_bool_int;
end record;
-- float components --
type Vfloat_Range is range 1 .. 4;
type Varray_float is array (Vfloat_Range) of C_float;
for Varray_float'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VF_View is record
Values : Varray_float;
end record;
-- pixel components --
type Vpixel_Range is range 1 .. 8;
type Varray_pixel is array (Vpixel_Range) of pixel;
for Varray_pixel'Alignment use VECTOR_ALIGNMENT;
type VP_View is record
Values : Varray_pixel;
end record;
end GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views;
@ -195,6 +195,11 @@ package body Impunit is
-- GNAT Library Units --
"g-altive", -- GNAT.Altivec
"g-alvety", -- GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types
"g-alvevi", -- GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views
"g-alveop", -- GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Operations
"g-altcon", -- GNAT.Altivec.Conversions
"g-arrspl", -- GNAT.Array_Split
"g-awk ", -- GNAT.AWK
"g-boubuf", -- GNAT.Bounded_Buffers
@ -359,12 +364,13 @@ package body Impunit is
"a-stzmap", -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Maps
"a-stzunb", -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded
"a-swuwha", -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Hash
"a-szmzco", -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Constants;
"a-szmzco", -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Maps.Wide_Wide_Constants
"a-szuzha", -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Wide_Hash
"a-tgdico", -- Ada.Tags.Generic_Dispatching_Constructor;
"a-tiunio", -- Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
"a-taster", -- Ada.Task_Termination
"a-tgdico", -- Ada.Tags.Generic_Dispatching_Constructor
"a-tiunio", -- Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO
"a-wichun", -- Ada.Wide_Characters.Unicode
"a-wwunio", -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Wide_Unbounded_IO;
"a-wwunio", -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Wide_Unbounded_IO
"a-zchara", -- Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters
"a-zttest", -- Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Text_Streams
"a-ztexio", -- Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO
@ -344,6 +344,17 @@ package Opt is
-- Set True for dynamic elaboration checking mode, as set by the -gnatE
-- switch or by the use of pragma Elaboration_Checks (Dynamic).
Dynamic_Stack_Measurement : Boolean := False;
-- Set True to enable dynamic stack measurement (-u flag for gnatbind)
Dynamic_Stack_Measurement_Array_Size : Nat := 100;
-- Number of measurements we want to store during dynamic stack analysis.
-- When the buffer is full, non-storable results will be output on the fly.
-- The value is relevant only if Dynamic_Stack_Measurement is set. Set
-- by processing of -u flag for gnatbind.
Elab_Dependency_Output : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True to output complete list of elaboration constraints
@ -687,15 +698,6 @@ package Opt is
-- extension, as set by the appropriate switch. If no switch is given,
-- then this value is initialized by Osint to the appropriate value.
Max_Line_Length : Int := Hostparm.Max_Line_Length;
-- This is a copy of Max_Line_Length used by the scanner. It is usually
-- set to be a copy of Hostparm.Max_Line_Length, and is used to check
-- the maximum line length in the scanner when style checking is inactive.
-- The only time it is set to a different value is during the scanning of
-- configuration pragma files, where we want to turn off all checking and
-- in particular we want to allow long lines. So we reset this value to
-- Column_Number'Last during scanning of configuration pragma files.
Maximum_Processes : Positive := 1;
-- Maximum number of processes that should be spawned to carry out
@ -594,6 +594,6 @@ package body System.Finalization_Implementation is
-- Initialization of package, set Adafinal soft link
SSL.Adafinal := Finalize_Global_List'Access;
SSL.Finalize_Global_List := Finalize_Global_List'Access;
end System.Finalization_Implementation;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
package body System.IO is
Current_Out : File_Type := Stdout;
pragma Atomic (Current_Out);
-- Current output file (modified by Set_Output)
-- New_Line --
@ -49,21 +53,35 @@ package body System.IO is
procedure Put (X : Integer) is
procedure Put_Int (X : Integer);
pragma Import (C, Put_Int, "put_int");
procedure Put_Int_Err (X : Integer);
pragma Import (C, Put_Int_Err, "put_int_stderr");
Put_Int (X);
case Current_Out is
when Stdout =>
Put_Int (X);
when Stderr =>
Put_Int_Err (X);
end case;
end Put;
procedure Put (C : Character) is
procedure Put_Char (C : Character);
pragma Import (C, Put_Char, "put_char");
procedure Put_Char_Stderr (C : Character);
pragma Import (C, Put_Char_Stderr, "put_char_stderr");
Put_Char (C);
case Current_Out is
when Stdout =>
Put_Char (C);
when Stderr =>
Put_Char_Stderr (C);
end case;
end Put;
procedure Put (S : String) is
@ -83,4 +101,31 @@ package body System.IO is
end Put_Line;
-- Standard_Output --
function Standard_Output return File_Type is
return Stdout;
end Standard_Output;
-- Standard_Error --
function Standard_Error return File_Type is
return Stderr;
end Standard_Error;
-- Set_Output --
procedure Set_Output (File : in File_Type) is
Current_Out := File;
end Set_Output;
end System.IO;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
@ -48,4 +48,19 @@ package System.IO is
procedure New_Line (Spacing : Positive := 1);
type File_Type is limited private;
function Standard_Error return File_Type;
function Standard_Output return File_Type;
procedure Set_Output (File : in File_Type);
type File_Type is (Stdout, Stderr);
-- Stdout = Standard_Output, Stderr = Standard_Error
pragma Inline (Standard_Error);
pragma Inline (Standard_Output);
end System.IO;
@ -83,6 +83,25 @@ package body System.Soft_Links is
end Abort_Undefer_NT;
-- Adafinal_NT --
procedure Adafinal_NT is
-- Handle normal task termination by the environment task, but only
-- for the normal task termination. In the case of Abnormal and
-- Unhandled_Exception they must have been handled before, and the
-- task termination soft link must have been changed so the task
-- termination routine is not executed twice.
Task_Termination_Handler.all (Ada.Exceptions.Null_Occurrence);
-- Finalize the global list for controlled objects if needed
end Adafinal_NT;
-- Check_Abort_Status_NT --
@ -226,14 +245,14 @@ package body System.Soft_Links is
return NT_TSD.Pri_Stack_Info'Access;
end Get_Stack_Info_NT;
-- Null_Adafinal --
-- Null_Finalize_Global_List --
procedure Null_Adafinal is
procedure Null_Finalize_Global_List is
end Null_Adafinal;
end Null_Finalize_Global_List;
-- Set_Jmpbuf_Address_NT --
@ -285,6 +304,16 @@ package body System.Soft_Links is
end Task_Unlock_NT;
-- Task_Termination_NT --
procedure Task_Termination_NT (Excep : EO) is
pragma Warnings (Off, Excep);
end Task_Termination_NT;
-- Update_Exception_NT --
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ package System.Soft_Links is
type No_Param_Proc is access procedure;
type Addr_Param_Proc is access procedure (Addr : Address);
type EO_Param_Proc is access procedure (Excep : EO);
type Get_Address_Call is access function return Address;
type Set_Address_Call is access procedure (Addr : Address);
@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ package System.Soft_Links is
pragma Suppress (Access_Check, No_Param_Proc);
pragma Suppress (Access_Check, Addr_Param_Proc);
pragma Suppress (Access_Check, EO_Param_Proc);
pragma Suppress (Access_Check, Get_Address_Call);
pragma Suppress (Access_Check, Set_Address_Call);
pragma Suppress (Access_Check, Set_Address_Call2);
@ -139,9 +141,15 @@ package System.Soft_Links is
procedure Task_Unlock_NT;
-- Release lock set by Task_Lock (non-tasking case, does nothing)
procedure Null_Adafinal;
-- Shuts down the runtime system (non-tasking no-finalization case,
-- does nothing)
procedure Task_Termination_NT (Excep : EO);
-- Handle task termination routines for the environment task (non-tasking
-- case, does nothing).
procedure Null_Finalize_Global_List;
-- Finalize global list for controlled objects (does nothing)
procedure Adafinal_NT;
-- Shuts down the runtime system (non-tasking case)
Abort_Defer : No_Param_Proc := Abort_Defer_NT'Access;
pragma Suppress (Access_Check, Abort_Defer);
@ -197,7 +205,13 @@ package System.Soft_Links is
-- This ensures that the lock is not left set if an exception is raised
-- explicitly or implicitly during the critical locked region.
Adafinal : No_Param_Proc := Null_Adafinal'Access;
Task_Termination_Handler : EO_Param_Proc := Task_Termination_NT'Access;
-- Handle task termination routines (task/non-task case as appropriate)
Finalize_Global_List : No_Param_Proc := Null_Finalize_Global_List'Access;
-- Performs finalization of global list for controlled objects
Adafinal : No_Param_Proc := Adafinal_NT'Access;
-- Performs the finalization of the Ada Runtime
function Get_Jmpbuf_Address_NT return Address;
@ -46,12 +46,25 @@ with System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
with System.Tasking;
-- Used for Task_Id
-- Cause_Of_Termination
with Ada.Exceptions;
-- Used for Exception_Id
-- Exception_Occurrence
-- Save_Occurrence
with Ada.Exceptions.Is_Null_Occurrence;
package body System.Soft_Links.Tasking is
package STPO renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
package SSL renames System.Soft_Links;
use Ada.Exceptions;
use type System.Tasking.Task_Id;
use type System.Tasking.Termination_Handler;
-- Local Data --
@ -78,6 +91,9 @@ package body System.Soft_Links.Tasking is
procedure Timed_Delay_T (Time : Duration; Mode : Integer);
-- Task-safe version of SSL.Timed_Delay
procedure Task_Termination_Handler_T (Excep : SSL.EO);
-- Task-safe version of the task termination procedure
-- Soft-Link Get Bodies --
@ -134,6 +150,48 @@ package body System.Soft_Links.Tasking is
end if;
end Timed_Delay_T;
-- Task_Termination_Handler_T --
procedure Task_Termination_Handler_T (Excep : SSL.EO) is
Self_Id : constant System.Tasking.Task_Id := STPO.Self;
Cause : System.Tasking.Cause_Of_Termination;
EO : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence;
-- We can only be here because we are terminating the environment task.
-- Task termination for the rest of the tasks is handled in the
-- Task_Wrapper.
pragma Assert (Self_Id = STPO.Environment_Task);
-- Normal task termination
if Is_Null_Occurrence (Excep) then
Cause := System.Tasking.Normal;
Ada.Exceptions.Save_Occurrence (EO, Ada.Exceptions.Null_Occurrence);
-- Abnormal task termination
elsif Exception_Identity (Excep) = Standard'Abort_Signal'Identity then
Cause := System.Tasking.Abnormal;
Ada.Exceptions.Save_Occurrence (EO, Ada.Exceptions.Null_Occurrence);
-- Termination because of an unhandled exception
Cause := System.Tasking.Unhandled_Exception;
Ada.Exceptions.Save_Occurrence (EO, Excep);
end if;
if Self_Id.Common.Specific_Handler /= null then
Self_Id.Common.Specific_Handler.all (Cause, Self_Id, EO);
elsif Self_Id.Common.Fall_Back_Handler /= null then
Self_Id.Common.Fall_Back_Handler.all (Cause, Self_Id, EO);
end if;
end Task_Termination_Handler_T;
-- Init_Tasking_Soft_Links --
@ -151,12 +209,13 @@ package body System.Soft_Links.Tasking is
-- The application being executed uses tasking so that the tasking
-- version of the following soft links need to be used.
SSL.Get_Jmpbuf_Address := Get_Jmpbuf_Address'Access;
SSL.Set_Jmpbuf_Address := Set_Jmpbuf_Address'Access;
SSL.Get_Sec_Stack_Addr := Get_Sec_Stack_Addr'Access;
SSL.Set_Sec_Stack_Addr := Set_Sec_Stack_Addr'Access;
SSL.Get_Current_Excep := Get_Current_Excep'Access;
SSL.Timed_Delay := Timed_Delay_T'Access;
SSL.Get_Jmpbuf_Address := Get_Jmpbuf_Address'Access;
SSL.Set_Jmpbuf_Address := Set_Jmpbuf_Address'Access;
SSL.Get_Sec_Stack_Addr := Get_Sec_Stack_Addr'Access;
SSL.Set_Sec_Stack_Addr := Set_Sec_Stack_Addr'Access;
SSL.Get_Current_Excep := Get_Current_Excep'Access;
SSL.Timed_Delay := Timed_Delay_T'Access;
SSL.Task_Termination_Handler := Task_Termination_Handler_T'Access;
-- No need to create a new Secondary Stack, since we will use the
-- default one created in s-secsta.adb
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ with System.Storage_Elements;
with System.Address_To_Access_Conversions;
package System.Stack_Usage is
pragma Preelaborate;
package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements;
@ -46,46 +47,43 @@ package System.Stack_Usage is
for Word_32'Alignment use 4;
subtype Stack_Address is SSE.Integer_Address;
-- Address on the stack.
-- Address on the stack
-- NOTE:
-- *****
-- in this package, when comparing two addresses on the
-- stack, the comments use the terms "outer", "inner", "outermost"
-- and "innermost" instead of the ambigous "higher", "lower",
-- "highest" and "lowest". "inner" means "closer to the bottom of
-- stack" and is the contrary of "outer". "innermost" means "closest
-- address to the bottom of stack". The stack is growing from the
-- innermost addresses to the outermost addresses.
-- Note: in this package, when comparing two addresses on the stack, the
-- comments use the terms "outer", "inner", "outermost" and "innermost"
-- instead of the ambigous "higher", "lower", "highest" and "lowest".
-- "inner" means "closer to the bottom of stack" and is the contrary of
-- "outer". "innermost" means "closest address to the bottom of stack". The
-- stack is growing from the inner to the outer.
function To_Stack_Address (Value : Address) return Stack_Address
renames System.Storage_Elements.To_Integer;
-- Top/Bottom would be much better than inner and outer ???
function To_Stack_Address (Value : System.Address) return Stack_Address
renames System.Storage_Elements.To_Integer;
type Stack_Analyzer is private;
-- Type of the stack analyzer tool. It is used to fill a portion of
-- the stack with Pattern, and to compute the stack used after some
-- execution.
-- ******
-- -- A typical use of the package is something like:
-- Usage:
-- A typical use of the package is something like:
-- A : Stack_Analyzer;
-- task T is
-- pragma Storage_Size (A_Storage_Size);
-- end T;
-- [...]
-- Bottom_Of_Stack : aliased Integer;
-- -- Bottom_Of_Stack'Address will be used as an approximation of
-- -- the bottom of stack. A good practise is to avoid allocating
-- -- other local variables on this stack, as it would degrade
-- -- the quality of this approximation.
-- begin
-- Initialize_Analyzer (A,
-- "Task t",
@ -96,92 +94,112 @@ package System.Stack_Usage is
-- Compute_Result (A);
-- Report_Result (A);
-- end T;
-- Errors:
-- *******
-- We are instrumenting the code to measure the stack used by the user
-- code. This method has a number of systematic errors, but several
-- methods can be used to evaluate or reduce those errors. Here are
-- those errors and the strategy that we use to deal with them:
-- * Bottom offset:
-- - Description: The procedure used to fill the stack with a given
-- pattern will itself have a stack frame. The value of the stack pointer
-- in this procedure is, therefore, different from the value before the
-- call to the instrumentation procedure.
-- - Strategy: The user of this package shall measure the bottom of stack
-- before the call to Fill_Stack and pass it in parameter.
-- * Instrumentation threshold at writing:
-- - Description: The procedure used to fill the stack with a given
-- pattern will itself have a stack frame. Therefore, it will
-- fill the stack after this stack frame. This part of the stack will
-- appear as used in the final measure.
-- - Strategy: As the user pass the value of the bottom of stack to
-- the instrumentation to deal with the bottom offset error, and as
-- as the instrumentation procedure knows where the pattern filling
-- start on the stack, the difference between the two values is the
-- minimum stack usage that the method can measure. If, when the results
-- are computed, the pattern zone has been left untouched, we conclude
-- that the stack usage is inferior to this minimum stack usage.
-- * Instrumentation threshold at reading:
-- - Description: The procedure used to read the stack at the end of the
-- execution clobbers the stack by allocating its stack frame. If this
-- stack frame is bigger than the total stack used by the user code at
-- this point, it will increase the measured stack size.
-- - Strategy: We could augment this stack frame and see if it changes the
-- measure. However, this error should be negligeable.
-- * Pattern zone overflow:
-- - Description: The stack grows outer than the outermost bound of the
-- pattern zone. In that case, the outermost region modified in the
-- pattern is not the maximum value of the stack pointer during the
-- execution.
-- - Strategy: At the end of the execution, the difference between the
-- outermost memory region modified in the pattern zone and the
-- outermost bound of the pattern zone can be understood as the
-- biggest allocation that the method could have detect, provided
-- that there is no "Untouched allocated zone" error and no "Pattern
-- usage in user code" error. If no object in the user code is likely
-- to have this size, this is not likely to happen.
-- * Pattern usage in user code:
-- - Description: The pattern can be found in the object of the user
-- code. Therefore, the address space where this object has been
-- allocated will appear as untouched.
-- - Strategy: Choose a pattern that is uncommon. 16#0000_0000# is the
-- worst choice; 16#DEAD_BEEF# can be a good one. A good choice is an
-- address which is not a multiple of 2, and which is not in the
-- target address space. You can also change the pattern to see if
-- it changes the measure. Note that this error *very* rarely influence
-- the measure of the total stack usage: to have some influence, the
-- pattern has to be used in the object that has been allocated on the
-- outermost address of the used stack.
-- * Stack overflow:
-- - Description: The pattern zone does not fit on the stack.
-- This may lead to an erroneous execution.
-- - Strategy: Specify a storage size that is bigger than the
-- size of the pattern. 2 times bigger should be enough.
-- * Augmentation of the user stack frames:
-- - Description: The use of instrumentation object or procedure may
-- augment the stack frame of the caller.
-- - Strategy: Do *not* inline the instrumentation procedures. Do *not*
-- allocate the Stack_Analyzer object on the stack.
-- * Untouched allocated zone:
-- - Description: The user code may allocate objects that it will never
-- touch. In that case, the pattern will not be changed.
-- - Strategy: There are no way to detect this error. Fortunately, this
-- error is really rare, and it is most probably a bug in the user code,
-- e.g. some uninitialized variable. It is (most of the time) harmless:
-- it influences the measure only if the untouched allocated zone
-- happens to be located at the outermost value of the stack pointer
-- for the whole execution.
-- Bottom offset:
-- Description: The procedure used to fill the stack with a given
-- pattern will itself have a stack frame. The value of the stack
-- pointer in this procedure is, therefore, different from the value
-- before the call to the instrumentation procedure.
-- Strategy: The user of this package should measure the bottom of stack
-- before the call to Fill_Stack and pass it in parameter.
-- Instrumentation threshold at writing:
-- Description: The procedure used to fill the stack with a given
-- pattern will itself have a stack frame. Therefore, it will
-- fill the stack after this stack frame. This part of the stack will
-- appear as used in the final measure.
-- Strategy: As the user passes the value of the bottom of stack to
-- the instrumentation to deal with the bottom offset error, and as as
-- the instrumentation procedure knows where the pattern filling start
-- on the stack, the difference between the two values is the minimum
-- stack usage that the method can measure. If, when the results are
-- computed, the pattern zone has been left untouched, we conclude
-- that the stack usage is inferior to this minimum stack usage.
-- Instrumentation threshold at reading:
-- Description: The procedure used to read the stack at the end of the
-- execution clobbers the stack by allocating its stack frame. If this
-- stack frame is bigger than the total stack used by the user code at
-- this point, it will increase the measured stack size.
-- Strategy: We could augment this stack frame and see if it changes the
-- measure. However, this error should be negligeable.
-- Pattern zone overflow:
-- Description: The stack grows outer than the outermost bound of the
-- pattern zone. In that case, the outermost region modified in the
-- pattern is not the maximum value of the stack pointer during the
-- execution.
-- Strategy: At the end of the execution, the difference between the
-- outermost memory region modified in the pattern zone and the
-- outermost bound of the pattern zone can be understood as the
-- biggest allocation that the method could have detect, provided
-- that there is no "Untouched allocated zone" error and no "Pattern
-- usage in user code" error. If no object in the user code is likely
-- to have this size, this is not likely to happen.
-- Pattern usage in user code:
-- Description: The pattern can be found in the object of the user code.
-- Therefore, the address space where this object has been allocated
-- will appear as untouched.
-- Strategy: Choose a pattern that is uncommon. 16#0000_0000# is the
-- worst choice; 16#DEAD_BEEF# can be a good one. A good choice is an
-- address which is not a multiple of 2, and which is not in the
-- target address space. You can also change the pattern to see if it
-- changes the measure. Note that this error *very* rarely influence
-- the measure of the total stack usage: to have some influence, the
-- pattern has to be used in the object that has been allocated on the
-- outermost address of the used stack.
-- Stack overflow:
-- Description: The pattern zone does not fit on the stack. This may
-- lead to an erroneous execution.
-- Strategy: Specify a storage size that is bigger than the size of the
-- pattern. 2 times bigger should be enough.
-- Augmentation of the user stack frames:
-- Description: The use of instrumentation object or procedure may
-- augment the stack frame of the caller.
-- Strategy: Do *not* inline the instrumentation procedures. Do *not*
-- allocate the Stack_Analyzer object on the stack.
-- Untouched allocated zone:
-- Description: The user code may allocate objects that it will never
-- touch. In that case, the pattern will not be changed.
-- Strategy: There are no way to detect this error. Fortunately, this
-- error is really rare, and it is most probably a bug in the user
-- code, e.g. some uninitialized variable. It is (most of the time)
-- harmless: it influences the measure only if the untouched allocated
-- zone happens to be located at the outermost value of the stack
-- pointer for the whole execution.
procedure Initialize (Buffer_Size : Natural);
pragma Export (C, Initialize, "__gnat_stack_usage_initialize");
-- Initializes the size of the buffer that stores the results. Only the
-- first Buffer_Size results are stored. Any results that do not fit in
-- this buffer will be displayed on the fly.
procedure Fill_Stack (Analyzer : in out Stack_Analyzer);
-- Fill an area of the stack with the pattern Analyzer.Pattern. The size
@ -200,13 +218,26 @@ package System.Stack_Usage is
-- Analyzer.Inner_Pattern_Mark ^
-- Analyzer.Outer_Pattern_Mark
procedure Initialize_Analyzer
(Analyzer : in out Stack_Analyzer;
Task_Name : String;
Size : Natural;
Bottom : Stack_Address;
Pattern : Word_32 := 16#DEAD_BEEF#);
-- Should be called before any use of a Stack_Analyzer, to initialize it.
-- Size is the size of the pattern zone. Bottom should be a close
-- approximation of the caller base frame address.
Is_Enabled : Boolean := False;
-- When this flag is true, then stack analysis is enabled
procedure Compute_Result (Analyzer : in out Stack_Analyzer);
-- Read the patern zone and deduce the stack usage. It should
-- be called from the same frame as Fill_Stack. If Analyzer.Probe is not
-- null, an array of Word_32 with Analyzer.Probe elements is allocated on
-- Compute_Result's stack frame. Probe can be used to detect an
-- "instrumentation threshold at reading" error; See above.
-- After the call to this procedure, the memory will look like:
-- Read the patern zone and deduce the stack usage. It should be called
-- from the same frame as Fill_Stack. If Analyzer.Probe is not null, an
-- array of Word_32 with Analyzer.Probe elements is allocated on
-- Compute_Result's stack frame. Probe can be used to detect the error:
-- "instrumentation threshold at reading". See above. After the call
-- to this procedure, the memory will look like:
-- Stack growing
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------->
@ -224,45 +255,38 @@ package System.Stack_Usage is
procedure Report_Result (Analyzer : Stack_Analyzer);
-- Store the results of the computation in memory, at the address
-- corresponding to the symbol __gnat_stack_usage_results.
type Parameterless_Procedure is access procedure;
procedure Initialize_Analyzer
(Analyzer : in out Stack_Analyzer;
Task_Name : String;
Size : Natural;
Bottom : Stack_Address;
Pattern : Word_32 := 16#DEAD_BEEF#);
-- Should be called before any use of a Stack_Analyzer, to initialize it.
-- Size is the size of the pattern zone.
-- Bottom should be a close approximation of the caller base
-- frame address.
-- corresponding to the symbol __gnat_stack_usage_results. This is not
-- done inside Compute_Resuls in order to use as less stack as possible
-- within a task.
procedure Output_Results;
-- Print the results computed so far on the standard output. Should be
-- called when all tasks are dead.
pragma Export (C, Output_Results, "__gnat_stack_usage_output_results");
Task_Name_Length : constant := 32;
package Word_32_Addr is
new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Word_32);
new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Word_32);
type Result_Array_Id is range 0 .. 1_023;
type Stack_Analyzer is record
Task_Name : String (1 .. Task_Name_Length);
-- Name of the task
type Stack_Analyzer
is record
Size : Natural;
-- Size of the pattern zone.
Size : Natural;
-- Size of the pattern zone
Pattern : Word_32 := 16#DEAD_BEEF#;
-- Pattern used to recognize untouched memory.
Pattern : Word_32;
-- Pattern used to recognize untouched memory
Inner_Pattern_Mark : Stack_Address;
-- Innermost bound of the pattern area on the stack.
Inner_Pattern_Mark : Stack_Address;
-- Innermost bound of the pattern area on the stack
Outer_Pattern_Mark : Stack_Address;
-- Outermost bound of the pattern area on the stack.
Outer_Pattern_Mark : Stack_Address;
-- Outermost bound of the pattern area on the stack
Outermost_Touched_Mark : Stack_Address;
-- Outermost address of the pattern area whose value it is pointing
@ -270,20 +294,50 @@ private
-- compensated, it is the outermost value of the stack pointer during
-- the execution.
Bottom_Of_Stack : Stack_Address;
Bottom_Of_Stack : Stack_Address;
-- Address of the bottom of the stack, as given by the caller of
-- Initialize_Analyzer.
Array_Address : Address;
-- Address of the array of Word_32 that represents the pattern zone.
Array_Address : System.Address;
-- Address of the array of Word_32 that represents the pattern zone
First_Is_Outermost : Boolean;
First_Is_Outermost : Boolean;
-- Set to true if the first element of the array of Word_32 that
-- represents the pattern zone is at the outermost address of the
-- pattern zone; false if it is the innermost address.
Result_Id : Result_Array_Id;
-- Location in the result array of the result for the current task.
Result_Id : Positive;
-- Id of the result. If less than value given to gnatbind -u corresponds
-- to the location in the result array of result for the current task.
end record;
Environment_Task_Analyzer : Stack_Analyzer;
Compute_Environment_Task : Boolean;
type Task_Result is record
Task_Name : String (1 .. Task_Name_Length);
Measure : Natural;
Max_Size : Natural;
end record;
type Result_Array_Type is array (Positive range <>) of Task_Result;
type Result_Array_Ptr is access all Result_Array_Type;
Result_Array : Result_Array_Ptr;
pragma Export (C, Result_Array, "__gnat_stack_usage_results");
-- Exported in order to have an easy accessible symbol in when debugging
Next_Id : Positive := 1;
-- Id of the next stack analyzer
function Stack_Size
(SP_Low : Stack_Address;
SP_High : Stack_Address) return Natural;
pragma Inline (Stack_Size);
-- Return the size of a portion of stack delimeted by SP_High and SP_Low
-- (), i.e. the difference between SP_High and SP_Low. The storage element
-- pointed by SP_Low is not included in the size. Inlined to reduce the
-- size of the stack used by the instrumentation code.
end System.Stack_Usage;
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ pragma Polling (Off);
-- Turn off polling, we do not want ATC polling to take place during
-- tasking operations. It causes infinite loops and other problems.
with Ada.Exceptions;
-- used for Exception_Occurrence
with System.Parameters;
-- used for Size_Type
-- Single_Lock
@ -83,6 +86,8 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements;
package SST renames System.Secondary_Stack;
use Ada.Exceptions;
use Parameters;
use Task_Primitives.Operations;
use Task_Info;
@ -133,8 +138,15 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
procedure Task_Lock is
Self_ID : constant Task_Id := STPO.Self;
STPO.Write_Lock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting :=
Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting + 1;
if Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1 then
STPO.Write_Lock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
end if;
end Task_Lock;
@ -142,8 +154,16 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
procedure Task_Unlock is
Self_ID : constant Task_Id := STPO.Self;
STPO.Unlock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
pragma Assert (Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting > 0);
Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting :=
Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting - 1;
if Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 0 then
STPO.Unlock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
end if;
end Task_Unlock;
@ -162,21 +182,40 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
procedure Task_Wrapper (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
ID : Task_Id := Self_ID;
pragma Volatile (ID);
pragma Warnings (Off, ID);
-- Turn off warnings (stand alone volatile constant has to be
-- imported, so we cannot just make ID constant).
-- Do not delete this variable.
-- In some targets, we need this variable to implement a fast Self.
-- Variable used on some targets to implement a fast self. We turn off
-- warnings because a stand alone volatile constant has to be imported,
-- so we don't want warnings about ID not being referenced, and volatile
-- having no effect.
-- DO NOT delete ID. As noted, it is needed on some targets.
use type System.Parameters.Size_Type;
use type SSE.Storage_Offset;
Secondary_Stack : aliased SSE.Storage_Array
(1 .. Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data.Pri_Stack_Info.Size *
SSE.Storage_Offset (Parameters.Sec_Stack_Ratio) / 100);
SSE.Storage_Offset (Parameters.Sec_Stack_Ratio) / 100);
pragma Warnings (Off);
Secondary_Stack_Address : System.Address := Secondary_Stack'Address;
pragma Warnings (On);
-- Address of secondary stack. In the fixed secondary stack case, this
-- value is not modified, causing a warning, hence the bracketing with
-- Warnings (Off/On).
Cause : Cause_Of_Termination := Normal;
-- Indicates the reason why this task terminates. Normal corresponds to
-- a task terminating due to completing the last statement of its body.
-- If the task terminates because of an exception raised by the
-- execution of its task body, then Cause is set to Unhandled_Exception.
-- Aborts are not allowed in the restriced profile to which this file
-- belongs.
EO : Exception_Occurrence;
-- If the task terminates because of an exception raised by the
-- execution of its task body, then EO will contain the associated
-- exception occurrence. Otherwise, it will contain Null_Occurrence.
if not Parameters.Sec_Stack_Dynamic then
@ -190,25 +229,53 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
Enter_Task (Self_ID);
-- Call the task body procedure.
-- Call the task body procedure
-- We are separating the following portion of the code in order to
-- place the exception handlers in a different block.
-- In this way we do not call Set_Jmpbuf_Address (which needs
-- Self) before we set Self in Enter_Task.
-- place the exception handlers in a different block. In this way we
-- do not call Set_Jmpbuf_Address (which needs Self) before we set
-- Self in Enter_Task.
-- Note that in the case of Ravenscar HI-E where there are no
-- exception handlers, the exception handler is suppressed.
-- Call the task body procedure.
-- Call the task body procedure
Self_ID.Common.Task_Entry_Point (Self_ID.Common.Task_Arg);
Terminate_Task (Self_ID);
-- Normal task termination
Cause := Normal;
Save_Occurrence (EO, Ada.Exceptions.Null_Occurrence);
when others =>
Terminate_Task (Self_ID);
when E : others =>
-- Task terminating because of an unhandled exception
Cause := Unhandled_Exception;
Save_Occurrence (EO, E);
-- Look for a fall-back handler. It can be either in the task itself
-- or in the environment task. Note that this code is always executed
-- by a task whose master is the environment task. The task termination
-- code for the environment task is executed by
-- SSL.Task_Termination_Handler.
-- This package is part of the restricted run time which supports
-- neither task hierarchies (No_Task_Hierarchy) nor specific task
-- termination handlers (No_Specific_Termination_Handlers).
if Self_ID.Common.Fall_Back_Handler /= null then
Self_ID.Common.Fall_Back_Handler.all (Cause, Self_ID, EO);
elsif Self_ID.Common.Parent.Common.Fall_Back_Handler /= null then
(Cause, Self_ID, EO);
end if;
Terminate_Task (Self_ID);
end Task_Wrapper;
@ -219,11 +286,11 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
-- Activate_Restricted_Tasks --
-- Note that locks of activator and activated task are both locked
-- here. This is necessary because C.State and Self.Wait_Count
-- have to be synchronized. This is safe from deadlock because
-- the activator is always created before the activated task.
-- That satisfies our in-order-of-creation ATCB locking policy.
-- Note that locks of activator and activated task are both locked here.
-- This is necessary because C.State and Self.Wait_Count have to be
-- synchronized. This is safe from deadlock because the activator is always
-- created before the activated task. That satisfies our
-- in-order-of-creation ATCB locking policy.
procedure Activate_Restricted_Tasks
(Chain_Access : Activation_Chain_Access)
@ -241,14 +308,13 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
end if;
-- Lock self, to prevent activated tasks
-- from racing ahead before we finish activating the chain.
-- Lock self, to prevent activated tasks from racing ahead before we
-- finish activating the chain.
Write_Lock (Self_ID);
-- Activate all the tasks in the chain.
-- Creation of the thread of control was deferred until
-- activation. So create it now.
-- Activate all the tasks in the chain. Creation of the thread of
-- control was deferred until activation. So create it now.
C := Chain_Access.T_ID;
@ -286,9 +352,8 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
Self_ID.Common.State := Activator_Sleep;
-- Wait for the activated tasks to complete activation.
-- It is unsafe to abort any of these tasks until the count goes to
-- zero.
-- Wait for the activated tasks to complete activation. It is unsafe to
-- abort any of these tasks until the count goes to zero.
exit when Self_ID.Common.Wait_Count = 0;
@ -302,7 +367,7 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
end if;
-- Remove the tasks from the chain.
-- Remove the tasks from the chain
Chain_Access.T_ID := null;
end Activate_Restricted_Tasks;
@ -328,14 +393,13 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
Write_Lock (Activator);
Write_Lock (Self_ID);
-- Remove dangling reference to Activator,
-- since a task may outlive its activator.
-- Remove dangling reference to Activator, since a task may outlive its
-- activator.
Self_ID.Common.Activator := null;
-- Wake up the activator, if it is waiting for a chain
-- of tasks to activate, and we are the last in the chain
-- to complete activation
-- Wake up the activator, if it is waiting for a chain of tasks to
-- activate, and we are the last in the chain to complete activation
if Activator.Common.State = Activator_Sleep then
Activator.Common.Wait_Count := Activator.Common.Wait_Count - 1;
@ -352,9 +416,9 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
end if;
-- After the activation, active priority should be the same
-- as base priority. We must unlock the Activator first,
-- though, since it should not wait if we have lower priority.
-- After the activation, active priority should be the same as base
-- priority. We must unlock the Activator first, though, since it should
-- not wait if we have lower priority.
if Get_Priority (Self_ID) /= Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority then
Set_Priority (Self_ID, Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority);
@ -391,8 +455,8 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
Success : Boolean;
-- Stack is not preallocated on this target, so that
-- Stack_Address must be null.
-- Stack is not preallocated on this target, so that Stack_Address must
-- be null.
pragma Assert (Stack_Address = Null_Address);
@ -415,9 +479,9 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
(Self_ID, State, Discriminants, Self_ID, Elaborated, Base_Priority,
Task_Info, Size, Created_Task, Success);
-- If we do our job right then there should never be any failures,
-- which was probably said about the Titanic; so just to be safe,
-- let's retain this code for now
-- If we do our job right then there should never be any failures, which
-- was probably said about the Titanic; so just to be safe, let's retain
-- this code for now
if not Success then
Unlock (Self_ID);
@ -468,6 +532,22 @@ package body System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
end if;
-- Handle normal task termination by the environment task, but only for
-- the normal task termination. In the case of Abnormal and
-- Unhandled_Exception they must have been handled before, and the task
-- termination soft link must have been changed so the task termination
-- routine is not executed twice.
-- Note that in the "normal" implementation in s-tassta.adb the task
-- termination procedure for the environment task should be executed
-- after termination of library-level tasks. However, this
-- implementation is to be used when the Ravenscar restrictions are in
-- effect, and AI-394 says that if there is a fall-back handler set for
-- the partition it should be called when the first task (including the
-- environment task) attempts to terminate.
SSL.Task_Termination_Handler.all (Ada.Exceptions.Null_Occurrence);
Write_Lock (Self_ID);
Sleep (Self_ID, Master_Completion_Sleep);
Unlock (Self_ID);
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ package body System.Tasking.Initialization is
procedure Final_Task_Unlock (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
pragma Assert (Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1);
pragma Assert (Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1);
Unlock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
end Final_Task_Unlock;
@ -624,9 +624,10 @@ package body System.Tasking.Initialization is
procedure Task_Lock (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting := Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting + 1;
Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting :=
Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting + 1;
if Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1 then
if Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1 then
Defer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID);
Write_Lock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
end if;
@ -654,10 +655,11 @@ package body System.Tasking.Initialization is
procedure Task_Unlock (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
pragma Assert (Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting > 0);
Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting := Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting - 1;
pragma Assert (Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting > 0);
Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting :=
Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting - 1;
if Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 0 then
if Self_ID.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 0 then
Unlock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True);
Undefer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID);
end if;
@ -107,6 +107,9 @@ package body System.Tasking is
T.Common.Elaborated := Elaborated;
T.Common.Activation_Failed := False;
T.Common.Task_Info := Task_Info;
T.Common.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting := 0;
T.Common.Fall_Back_Handler := null;
T.Common.Specific_Handler := null;
if T.Common.Parent = null then
-- For the environment task, the adjusted stack size is
@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
-- Any changes to this interface may require corresponding compiler changes.
with Ada.Exceptions;
-- Used for: Exception_Id
-- Used for Exception_Id
-- Exception_Occurrence
with System.Parameters;
-- used for Size_Type
@ -51,6 +52,9 @@ with System.Soft_Links;
with System.Task_Primitives;
-- used for Private_Data
with System.Stack_Usage;
-- used for Stack_Analyzer
with Unchecked_Conversion;
package System.Tasking is
@ -329,6 +333,32 @@ package System.Tasking is
end record;
pragma Suppress_Initialization (Restricted_Entry_Call_Record);
-- Task termination procedure definition --
-- We need to redefine here these types (already defined in
-- Ada.Task_Termination) for avoiding circular dependencies.
type Cause_Of_Termination is (Normal, Abnormal, Unhandled_Exception);
-- Possible causes for task termination:
-- Normal means that the task terminates due to completing the
-- last sentence of its body, or as a result of waiting on a
-- terminate alternative.
-- Abnormal means that the task terminates because it is being aborted
-- handled_Exception means that the task terminates because of exception
-- raised by by the execution of its task_body.
type Termination_Handler is access protected procedure
(Cause : in Cause_Of_Termination;
T : in Task_Id;
X : in Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence);
-- Used to represent protected procedures to be executed when task
-- terminates.
-- Task related other definitions --
@ -539,6 +569,32 @@ package System.Tasking is
Task_Info : System.Task_Info.Task_Info_Type;
-- System-specific attributes of the task as specified by the
-- Task_Info pragma.
Analyzer : System.Stack_Usage.Stack_Analyzer;
-- For storing informations used to measure the stack usage.
Global_Task_Lock_Nesting : Natural;
-- This is the current nesting level of calls to
-- System.Tasking.Initialization.Lock_Task. This allows a task to call
-- Lock_Task multiple times without deadlocking. A task only locks
-- Global_Task_Lock when its Global_Task_Lock_Nesting goes from 0 to 1,
-- and only unlocked when it goes from 1 to 0.
-- Protection: Only accessed by Self
Fall_Back_Handler : Termination_Handler;
pragma Atomic (Fall_Back_Handler);
-- This is the fall-back handler that applies to the dependent tasks of
-- the task.
-- Protection: atomic access
Specific_Handler : Termination_Handler;
pragma Atomic (Specific_Handler);
-- This is the specific handler that applies only to this task, and not
-- any of its dependent tasks.
-- Protection: atomic access
end record;
@ -796,15 +852,6 @@ package System.Tasking is
-- Protection: Self.L
Global_Task_Lock_Nesting : Natural := 0;
-- This is the current nesting level of calls to
-- System.Tasking.Stages.Lock_Task_T. This allows a task to call
-- Lock_Task_T multiple times without deadlocking. A task only locks
-- All_Task_Lock when its All_Tasks_Nesting goes from 0 to 1, and only
-- unlocked when it goes from 1 to 0.
-- Protection: Only accessed by Self
Open_Accepts : Accept_List_Access;
-- This points to the Open_Accepts array of accept alternatives passed
-- to the RTS by the compiler-generated code to Selective_Wait. It is
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ with System.Soft_Links;
-- specific data. In the absence of tasking, these routines refer to global
-- data. In the presense of tasking, they must be replaced with pointers to
-- task-specific versions. Also used for Create_TSD, Destroy_TSD,
-- Get_Current_Excep
-- Get_Current_Excep, Finalize_Global_List, Task_Termination, Handler.
with System.Tasking.Initialization;
-- Used for Remove_From_All_Tasks_List
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ pragma Elaborate_All (System.Tasking.Initialization);
with System.Tasking.Utilities;
-- Used for Make_Passive
-- Abort_One_Task
-- Abort_Tasks
with System.Tasking.Queuing;
-- Used for Dequeue_Head
@ -94,9 +95,6 @@ with System.Tasking.Rendezvous;
with System.OS_Primitives;
-- Used for Delay_Modes
with System.Finalization_Implementation;
-- Used for System.Finalization_Implementation.Finalize_Global_List
with System.Secondary_Stack;
-- Used for SS_Init
@ -115,6 +113,8 @@ with System.Traces.Tasking;
with Unchecked_Deallocation;
-- To recover from failure of ATCB initialization
with System.Stack_Usage;
package body System.Tasking.Stages is
package STPO renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
@ -232,17 +232,6 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
procedure Abort_Tasks (Tasks : Task_List) is
-- If pragma Detect_Blocking is active then Program_Error must be
-- raised if this potentially blocking operation is called from a
-- protected action.
if System.Tasking.Detect_Blocking
and then STPO.Self.Common.Protected_Action_Nesting > 0
(Program_Error'Identity, "potentially blocking operation");
end if;
Utilities.Abort_Tasks (Tasks);
end Abort_Tasks;
@ -826,7 +815,19 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
Vulnerable_Complete_Task (Self_ID);
-- Handle normal task termination by the environment task, but only
-- for the normal task termination. In the case of Abnormal and
-- Unhandled_Exception they must have been handled before, and the
-- task termination soft link must have been changed so the task
-- termination routine is not executed twice.
SSL.Task_Termination_Handler.all (Ada.Exceptions.Null_Occurrence);
-- Finalize the global list for controlled objects if needed
-- Reset the soft links to non-tasking
SSL.Abort_Defer := SSL.Abort_Defer_NT'Access;
SSL.Abort_Undefer := SSL.Abort_Undefer_NT'Access;
@ -890,14 +891,32 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
use type System.Parameters.Size_Type;
use type SSE.Storage_Offset;
use System.Standard_Library;
use System.Stack_Usage;
Bottom_Of_Stack : aliased Integer;
Secondary_Stack_Size :
constant SSE.Storage_Offset :=
Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data.Pri_Stack_Info.Size *
SSE.Storage_Offset (Parameters.Sec_Stack_Ratio) / 100;
Secondary_Stack :
aliased SSE.Storage_Array
(1 .. Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data.Pri_Stack_Info.Size *
SSE.Storage_Offset (Parameters.Sec_Stack_Ratio) / 100);
(1 .. Secondary_Stack_Size);
pragma Warnings (Off);
Secondary_Stack_Address : System.Address := Secondary_Stack'Address;
Overflow_Guard : constant := 16#1_000#;
Size :
Natural := Natural (Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data.Pri_Stack_Info.Size);
pragma Warnings (On);
-- Address of secondary stack. In the fixed secondary stack case, this
-- value is not modified, causing a warning, hence the bracketing with
-- Warnings (Off/On).
SEH_Table : aliased SSE.Storage_Array (1 .. 8);
-- Structured Exception Registration table (2 words)
@ -905,6 +924,43 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
pragma Import (C, Install_SEH_Handler, "__gnat_install_SEH_handler");
-- Install the SEH (Structured Exception Handling) handler
Cause : Cause_Of_Termination := Normal;
-- Indicates the reason why this task terminates. Normal corresponds to
-- a task terminating due to completing the last statement of its body,
-- or as a result of waiting on a terminate alternative. If the task
-- terminates because it is being aborted then Cause will be set to
-- Abnormal. If the task terminates because of an exception raised by
-- the execution of its task body, then Cause is set to
-- Unhandled_Exception.
EO : Exception_Occurrence;
-- If the task terminates because of an exception raised by the
-- execution of its task body, then EO will contain the associated
-- exception occurrence. Otherwise, it will contain Null_Occurrence.
procedure Search_Fall_Back_Handler (ID : Task_Id);
-- Procedure that searches recursively a fall-back handler through the
-- master relationship.
procedure Search_Fall_Back_Handler (ID : Task_Id) is
-- If there is a fall back handler, execute it
if ID.Common.Fall_Back_Handler /= null then
ID.Common.Fall_Back_Handler.all (Cause, Self_ID, EO);
-- Otherwise look for a fall back handler in the parent
elsif ID.Common.Parent /= null then
Search_Fall_Back_Handler (ID.Common.Parent);
-- Otherwise, do nothing
end if;
end Search_Fall_Back_Handler;
pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 1);
@ -912,10 +968,24 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
Self_ID.Common.Compiler_Data.Sec_Stack_Addr :=
SST.SS_Init (Secondary_Stack_Address, Integer (Secondary_Stack'Last));
Size := Size - Natural (Secondary_Stack_Size);
end if;
-- Set the guard page at the bottom of the stack. The call to
-- unprotect the page is done in Terminate_Task
Size := Size - Overflow_Guard;
if System.Stack_Usage.Is_Enabled then
Initialize_Analyzer (Self_ID.Common.Analyzer,
(1 .. Self_ID.Common.Task_Image_Len),
SSE.To_Integer (Bottom_Of_Stack'Address));
Fill_Stack (Self_ID.Common.Analyzer);
end if;
-- Set the guard page at the bottom of the stack. The call to unprotect
-- the page is done in Terminate_Task
Stack_Guard (Self_ID, True);
@ -930,9 +1000,13 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
Install_SEH_Handler (SEH_Table'Address);
-- We lock RTS_Lock to wait for activator to finish activating
-- the rest of the chain, so that everyone in the chain comes out
-- in priority order.
-- Initialize exception occurrence
Save_Occurrence (EO, Ada.Exceptions.Null_Occurrence);
-- We lock RTS_Lock to wait for activator to finish activating the rest
-- of the chain, so that everyone in the chain comes out in priority
-- order.
-- This also protects the value of
-- Self_ID.Common.Activator.Common.Wait_Count.
@ -980,6 +1054,17 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
when Standard'Abort_Signal =>
Initialization.Defer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID);
-- Update the cause that motivated the task termination so that
-- the appropriate information is passed to the task termination
-- procedure. Task termination as a result of waiting on a
-- terminate alternative is a normal termination, although it is
-- implemented using the abort mechanisms.
if Self_ID.Terminate_Alternative then
Cause := Normal;
Cause := Abnormal;
end if;
when others =>
-- ??? Using an E : others here causes CD2C11A to fail on
-- DEC Unix, see 7925-005.
@ -998,8 +1083,33 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
if Exception_Trace = Unhandled_Raise then
Trace_Unhandled_Exception_In_Task (Self_ID);
end if;
-- Update the cause that motivated the task termination so that
-- the appropriate information is passed to the task termination
-- procedure, as well as the associated Exception_Occurrence.
Cause := Unhandled_Exception;
Save_Occurrence (EO, SSL.Get_Current_Excep.all.all);
-- Look for a task termination handler. This code is for all tasks but
-- the environment task. The task termination code for the environment
-- task is executed by SSL.Task_Termination_Handler.
if Self_ID.Common.Specific_Handler /= null then
Self_ID.Common.Specific_Handler.all (Cause, Self_ID, EO);
-- Look for a fall-back handler following the master relationship
-- for the task.
Search_Fall_Back_Handler (Self_ID);
end if;
if System.Stack_Usage.Is_Enabled then
Compute_Result (Self_ID.Common.Analyzer);
Report_Result (Self_ID.Common.Analyzer);
end if;
Terminate_Task (Self_ID);
end Task_Wrapper;
@ -1021,16 +1131,16 @@ package body System.Tasking.Stages is
-- We can't call Destroy_TSD while we are holding any other locks, because
-- it locks Global_Task_Lock, and our deadlock prevention rules require
-- that to be the outermost lock. Our first "solution" was to just lock
-- Global_Task_Lock in addition to the other locks, and force the parent
-- to also lock this lock between its wakeup and its freeing of the ATCB.
-- See Complete_Task for the parent-side of the code that has the matching
-- Global_Task_Lock in addition to the other locks, and force the parent to
-- also lock this lock between its wakeup and its freeing of the ATCB. See
-- Complete_Task for the parent-side of the code that has the matching
-- calls to Task_Lock and Task_Unlock. That was not really a solution,
-- since the operation Task_Unlock continued to access the ATCB after
-- unlocking, after which the parent was observed to race ahead,
-- deallocate the ATCB, and then reallocate it to another task. The
-- call to Undefer_Abortion in Task_Unlock by the "terminated" task was
-- overwriting the data of the new task that reused the ATCB! To solve
-- this problem, we introduced the new operation Final_Task_Unlock.
-- unlocking, after which the parent was observed to race ahead, deallocate
-- the ATCB, and then reallocate it to another task. The call to
-- Undefer_Abortion in Task_Unlock by the "terminated" task was overwriting
-- the data of the new task that reused the ATCB! To solve this problem, we
-- introduced the new operation Final_Task_Unlock.
procedure Terminate_Task (Self_ID : Task_Id) is
Environment_Task : constant Task_Id := STPO.Environment_Task;
@ -117,9 +117,6 @@ package body System.Tasking.Utilities is
-- Abort_Tasks --
-- Compiler interface only: Do not call from within the RTS,
-- except in the implementation of Ada.Task_Identification.
-- This must be called to implement the abort statement.
-- Much of the actual work of the abort is done by the abortee,
-- via the Abort_Handler signal handler, and propagation of the
@ -131,6 +128,17 @@ package body System.Tasking.Utilities is
P : Task_Id;
-- If pragma Detect_Blocking is active then Program_Error must be
-- raised if this potentially blocking operation is called from a
-- protected action.
if System.Tasking.Detect_Blocking
and then Self_Id.Common.Protected_Action_Nesting > 0
(Program_Error'Identity, "potentially blocking operation");
end if;
Initialization.Defer_Abort_Nestable (Self_Id);
-- ?????
@ -286,6 +286,18 @@ package body Switch.B is
Scan_Nat (Switch_Chars, Max, Ptr, Time_Slice_Value, C);
Time_Slice_Value := Time_Slice_Value * 1_000;
-- Processing for u switch
when 'u' =>
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
Dynamic_Stack_Measurement := True;
-- Processing for v switch
when 'v' =>
Add table
Reference in a new issue