From 67e6357041db4186f994489810191259421576de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joseph Myers
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 12:45:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update gcc_release for move to git.
This patch updates the gcc_release script, used for snapshots and
releases, to use git instead of SVN.
The parts of the changes used in building snapshots have been tested.
The parts used for building releases have not, so it's likely further
fixes may turn out to be needed there when releases are first built
from git.
* gcc_release: Use git instead of SVN.
* crontab: Update gcc_release calls.
maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog | 5 ++
maintainer-scripts/crontab | 6 +-
maintainer-scripts/gcc_release | 107 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
3 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
diff --git a/maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog b/maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog
index dafbbd714f0..cadcad35a1a 100644
--- a/maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog
+++ b/maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2020-01-13 Joseph Myers
+ * gcc_release: Use git instead of SVN.
+ * crontab: Update gcc_release calls.
2020-01-13 Joseph Myers
* update_version_git: New file.
diff --git a/maintainer-scripts/crontab b/maintainer-scripts/crontab
index f064d6fb45e..0cf342fdf3a 100644
--- a/maintainer-scripts/crontab
+++ b/maintainer-scripts/crontab
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
16 0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_version_git
50 0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_web_docs_svn
55 0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_web_docs_libstdcxx_svn
-32 22 * * 5 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 8:branches/gcc-8-branch -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
-32 22 * * 6 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 9:branches/gcc-9-branch -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
-32 22 * * 7 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 10:trunk -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
+32 22 * * 5 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 8:releases/gcc-8 -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
+32 22 * * 6 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 9:releases/gcc-9 -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
+32 22 * * 7 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 10:master -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
diff --git a/maintainer-scripts/gcc_release b/maintainer-scripts/gcc_release
index 10da704f95f..8be870154f7 100755
--- a/maintainer-scripts/gcc_release
+++ b/maintainer-scripts/gcc_release
@@ -64,19 +64,19 @@ inform() {
usage() {
cat < BASE-VER) || \
error "Could not update BASE-VER"
- svnciargs="${svnciargs} gcc/BASE-VER"
+ commit_files="${commit_files} gcc/BASE-VER"
error "Release number ${RELEASE} does not immediately follow BASE-VER"
@@ -177,16 +178,15 @@ EOF
(changedir ${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/gcc && \
: > DEV-PHASE) || \
error "Could not update DEV-PHASE"
- svnciargs="${svnciargs} gcc/DEV-PHASE"
+ commit_files="${commit_files} gcc/DEV-PHASE"
(changedir ${SOURCE_DIRECTORY} && \
- ${SVN} -q ci -m 'Update ChangeLog and version files for release' ${svnciargs}) || \
+ ${GIT} commit -q -m 'Update ChangeLog and version files for release' ${commit_files} && \
+ ${GIT} push) || \
error "Could not commit ChangeLog and version file updates"
# Make sure we tag the sources for a final release.
- TAG="tags/gcc_`echo ${RELEASE} | tr . _`_release"
+ TAG="releases/gcc-${RELEASE}"
# Tag the sources.
@@ -195,30 +195,43 @@ EOF
# We don't want to overwrite an existing tag. So, if the tag
# already exists, issue an error message; the release manager can
# manually remove the tag if appropriate.
- echo "${SVN} ls ${SVNROOT}/${TAG}/ChangeLog"
- if ${SVN} ls "${SVNROOT}/${TAG}/ChangeLog"; then
+ if (changedir ${SOURCE_DIRECTORY} && \
+ ${GIT} rev-parse "refs/tags/${TAG}" > /dev/null 2>&1); then
error "Tag ${TAG} already exists"
- ${SVN} -m "Tagging source as ${TAG}" cp "${SVNROOT}/${SVNBRANCH}" "${SVNROOT}/${TAG}" || \
+ (changedir ${SOURCE_DIRECTORY} && \
+ ${GIT} tag -s -m "GCC ${RELEASE} release" "${TAG}" && \
+ ${GIT} push origin tag "${TAG}") || \
error "Could not tag sources"
- SVNREV=`${SVN} info "${SVNROOT}/${SVNBRANCH}"|awk '/Revision:/ {print $2}'`
- # Export the current sources.
- inform "Retrieving sources (svn export -r ${SVNREV} ${SVNROOT}/${SVNBRANCH})"
+ GITREV=`cd ${SOURCE_DIRECTORY} && ${GIT} rev-parse HEAD`
+ inform "Sources are commit ${GITREV}"
- ${SVN} -q export -r${SVNREV} "${SVNROOT}/${SVNBRANCH}" "`basename ${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}`" ||\
- error "Could not retrieve sources"
+ # Make sure there are no uncommitted changes in the sources.
+ status=${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/gitstatus.$$
+ (changedir ${SOURCE_DIRECTORY} && \
+ ${GIT} status --porcelain --ignored > "$status") || \
+ error "Could not get source directory status"
+ if [ -s "$status" ]; then
+ cat "$status"
+ error "Source directory has unexpected changes"
+ fi
+ rm "$status"
+ # Remove .git from the sources.
+ rm -rf "${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/.git" || \
+ error "Could not remove .git from sources"
# Run gcc_update on them to set up the timestamps nicely, and (re)write
- # the LAST_UPDATED file containing the SVN tag/revision used.
+ # the LAST_UPDATED file containing the git tag/revision used.
changedir "gcc-${RELEASE}"
contrib/gcc_update --touch
- echo "Obtained from SVN: ${SVNBRANCH} revision ${SVNREV}" > LAST_UPDATED
+ echo "Obtained from git: ${GITBRANCH} revision ${GITREV}" > LAST_UPDATED
# For a prerelease or real release, we need to generate additional
- # files not present in SVN.
+ # files not present in git.
changedir "${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}"
if [ $SNAPSHOT -ne 1 ]; then
# Generate the documentation.
@@ -433,8 +446,8 @@ announce_snapshot() {"${RELEASE}"/
and on various mirrors, see for details.
-This snapshot has been generated from the GCC "${BRANCH}" SVN branch
-with the following options: "svn://${SVNBRANCH} revision ${SVNREV}"
+This snapshot has been generated from the GCC "${BRANCH}" git branch
+with the following options: "git:// branch ${GITBRANCH} revision ${GITREV}"
You'll find:
@@ -457,8 +470,8 @@ for testing purposes.
we highly recommend you join the GCC developers list. Details for
how to sign up can be found on the GCC project home page.
-This snapshot has been generated from the GCC "${BRANCH}" SVN branch
-with the following options: "svn://${SVNBRANCH} revision ${SVNREV}"
+This snapshot has been generated from the GCC "${BRANCH}" git branch
+with the following options: "git:// branch ${GITBRANCH} revision ${GITREV}"
@@ -511,13 +524,13 @@ export LC_ALL
DATE=`date "+%Y%m%d"`
LONG_DATE=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
-# The CVS server containing the GCC repository.
+# The server containing the GCC repository.
# The path to the repository on that server.
# The username to use when connecting to the server.
# The machine to which files will be uploaded.
@@ -546,7 +559,7 @@ BRANCH=""
# The name of the branch from which the release should be made, as used
# for our version control system.
# The tag to apply to the sources used for the release.
@@ -605,11 +618,11 @@ while getopts "d:fr:u:t:p:s:l" ARG; do
t) TAG="${OPTARG}";;
f) FINAL=1;;
l) LOCAL=1
@@ -643,7 +656,7 @@ while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
# Perform consistency checking.
-if [ ${LOCAL} -eq 0 ] && [ -z ${SVN_USERNAME} ]; then
+if [ ${LOCAL} -eq 0 ] && [ -z ${GIT_USERNAME} ]; then
error "No username specified"
@@ -673,12 +686,8 @@ if [ $SNAPSHOT -eq 0 ]; then
# Compute the name of the branch, which is based solely on the major
- # and minor release numbers.
- if [ ${RELEASE_MAJOR} -ge 5 ]; then
- SVNBRANCH="branches/gcc-${RELEASE_MAJOR}-branch"
- else
- SVNBRANCH="branches/gcc-${RELEASE_MAJOR}_${RELEASE_MINOR}-branch"
- fi
+ # release number.
+ GITBRANCH="releases/gcc-${RELEASE_MAJOR}"
# If this is not a final release, set various parameters accordingly.
if [ ${FINAL} -ne 1 ]; then
@@ -707,13 +716,13 @@ fi
-# Set up SVNROOT.
+# Set up GITROOT.
if [ $LOCAL -eq 0 ]; then
- SVNROOT="file:///svn/gcc"
+ GITROOT="/git/gcc.git"
-export SVNROOT
+export GITROOT
# Main Program