libphobos: Merge upstream phobos 7948e0967.

Removes deprecated functions from std.string module.



	* src/MERGE: Merge upstream phobos 7948e0967.
This commit is contained in:
Iain Buclaw 2020-11-13 16:56:29 +01:00
parent ba009860ae
commit 4c4dfe21df
2 changed files with 1 additions and 268 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
021ae0df76727a32809a29887095ab7093489ea3 7948e096735adbc093333da789fc28feadce24b0
The first line of this file holds the git revision number of the last The first line of this file holds the git revision number of the last
merge done from the dlang/phobos repository. merge done from the dlang/phobos repository.

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@ -5174,273 +5174,6 @@ body
assert( == "h5 rd"); assert( == "h5 rd");
} }
deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in if necessary.")
bool inPattern(S)(dchar c, in S pattern) @safe pure @nogc
if (isSomeString!S)
bool result = false;
int range = 0;
dchar lastc;
foreach (size_t i, dchar p; pattern)
if (p == '^' && i == 0)
result = true;
if (i + 1 == pattern.length)
return (c == p); // or should this be an error?
else if (range)
range = 0;
if (lastc <= c && c <= p || c == p)
return !result;
else if (p == '-' && i > result && i + 1 < pattern.length)
range = 1;
else if (c == p)
return !result;
lastc = p;
return result;
@safe pure @nogc unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
assert(inPattern('x', "x") == 1);
assert(inPattern('x', "y") == 0);
assert(inPattern('x', string.init) == 0);
assert(inPattern('x', "^y") == 1);
assert(inPattern('x', "yxxy") == 1);
assert(inPattern('x', "^yxxy") == 0);
assert(inPattern('x', "^abcd") == 1);
assert(inPattern('^', "^^") == 0);
assert(inPattern('^', "^") == 1);
assert(inPattern('^', "a^") == 1);
assert(inPattern('x', "a-z") == 1);
assert(inPattern('x', "A-Z") == 0);
assert(inPattern('x', "^a-z") == 0);
assert(inPattern('x', "^A-Z") == 1);
assert(inPattern('-', "a-") == 1);
assert(inPattern('-', "^A-") == 0);
assert(inPattern('a', "z-a") == 1);
assert(inPattern('z', "z-a") == 1);
assert(inPattern('x', "z-a") == 0);
deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in if necessary.")
bool inPattern(S)(dchar c, S[] patterns) @safe pure @nogc
if (isSomeString!S)
foreach (string pattern; patterns)
if (!inPattern(c, pattern))
return false;
return true;
deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in if necessary.")
size_t countchars(S, S1)(S s, in S1 pattern) @safe pure @nogc
if (isSomeString!S && isSomeString!S1)
size_t count;
foreach (dchar c; s)
count += inPattern(c, pattern);
return count;
@safe pure @nogc unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
assert(countchars("abc", "a-c") == 3);
assert(countchars("hello world", "or") == 3);
deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in if necessary.")
S removechars(S)(S s, in S pattern) @safe pure
if (isSomeString!S)
import std.utf : encode;
Unqual!(typeof(s[0]))[] r;
bool changed = false;
foreach (size_t i, dchar c; s)
if (inPattern(c, pattern))
if (!changed)
changed = true;
r = s[0 .. i].dup;
if (changed)
encode(r, c);
if (changed)
return r;
return s;
@safe pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
assert(removechars("abc", "a-c").length == 0);
assert(removechars("hello world", "or") == "hell wld");
assert(removechars("hello world", "d") == "hello worl");
assert(removechars("hah", "h") == "a");
@safe pure unittest
assert(removechars("abc", "x") == "abc");
deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in if necessary.")
S squeeze(S)(S s, in S pattern = null)
import std.utf : encode, stride;
Unqual!(typeof(s[0]))[] r;
dchar lastc;
size_t lasti;
int run;
bool changed;
foreach (size_t i, dchar c; s)
if (run && lastc == c)
changed = true;
else if (pattern is null || inPattern(c, pattern))
run = 1;
if (changed)
if (r is null)
r = s[0 .. lasti].dup;
encode(r, c);
lasti = i + stride(s, i);
lastc = c;
run = 0;
if (changed)
if (r is null)
r = s[0 .. lasti].dup;
encode(r, c);
return changed ? ((r is null) ? s[0 .. lasti] : cast(S) r) : s;
@system pure unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
string s;
assert(squeeze("hello") == "helo");
s = "abcd";
assert(squeeze(s) is s);
s = "xyzz";
assert(squeeze(s).ptr == s.ptr); // should just be a slice
assert(squeeze("hello goodbyee", "oe") == "hello godbye");
deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in if necessary.")
S1 munch(S1, S2)(ref S1 s, S2 pattern) @safe pure @nogc
size_t j = s.length;
foreach (i, dchar c; s)
if (!inPattern(c, pattern))
j = i;
scope(exit) s = s[j .. $];
return s[0 .. j];
@safe pure @nogc unittest
string s = "123abc";
string t = munch(s, "0123456789");
assert(t == "123" && s == "abc");
t = munch(s, "0123456789");
assert(t == "" && s == "abc");
@safe pure @nogc unittest
string s = "123€abc";
string t = munch(s, "0123456789");
assert(t == "123" && s == "€abc");
t = munch(s, "0123456789");
assert(t == "" && s == "€abc");
t = munch(s, "£$€¥");
assert(t == "€" && s == "abc");
/********************************************** /**********************************************
* Return string that is the 'successor' to s[]. * Return string that is the 'successor' to s[].
* If the rightmost character is a-zA-Z0-9, it is incremented within * If the rightmost character is a-zA-Z0-9, it is incremented within