New Language: Ada

From-SVN: r45956
This commit is contained in:
Richard Kenner 2001-10-02 10:23:52 -04:00
parent 38cbfe40a0
commit 19235870ad
57 changed files with 38371 additions and 0 deletions

gcc/ada/par-ch10.adb Normal file

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gcc/ada/par-ch11.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . C H 1 1 --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.22 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
-- Turn off subprogram body ordering check. Subprograms are in order
-- by RM section rather than alphabetical
with Sinfo.CN; use Sinfo.CN;
separate (Par)
package body Ch11 is
-- Local functions, used only in this chapter
function P_Exception_Handler return Node_Id;
function P_Exception_Choice return Node_Id;
-- 11.1 Exception Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Identifier_Declaration (3.3.1)
-- 11.2 Handled Sequence Of Statements --
-- [exception
-- Error_Recovery : Cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements return Node_Id is
Handled_Stmt_Seq_Node : Node_Id;
Handled_Stmt_Seq_Node :=
New_Node (N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements, Token_Ptr);
(Handled_Stmt_Seq_Node, P_Sequence_Of_Statements (SS_Extm_Sreq));
if Token = Tok_Exception then
Scan; -- past EXCEPTION
(Handled_Stmt_Seq_Node, Parse_Exception_Handlers);
end if;
return Handled_Stmt_Seq_Node;
end P_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements;
-- 11.2 Exception Handler --
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Exception_Handler return Node_Id is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
Handler_Node : Node_Id;
Choice_Param_Node : Node_Id;
Handler_Node := New_Node (N_Exception_Handler, Token_Ptr);
-- Test for possible choice parameter present
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Choice_Param_Node := Token_Node;
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at identifier
Scan; -- past identifier
if Token = Tok_Colon then
if Ada_83 then
Error_Msg_SP ("(Ada 83) choice parameter not allowed!");
end if;
Scan; -- past :
Change_Identifier_To_Defining_Identifier (Choice_Param_Node);
Set_Choice_Parameter (Handler_Node, Choice_Param_Node);
elsif Token = Tok_Others then
Error_Msg_AP ("missing "":""");
Change_Identifier_To_Defining_Identifier (Choice_Param_Node);
Set_Choice_Parameter (Handler_Node, Choice_Param_Node);
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to identifier
end if;
end if;
-- Loop through exception choices
Set_Exception_Choices (Handler_Node, New_List);
Append (P_Exception_Choice, Exception_Choices (Handler_Node));
exit when Token /= Tok_Vertical_Bar;
Scan; -- past vertical bar
end loop;
Set_Statements (Handler_Node, P_Sequence_Of_Statements (SS_Sreq_Whtm));
return Handler_Node;
end P_Exception_Handler;
-- 11.2 Choice Parameter Specification --
-- Parsed by P_Exception_Handler (11.2)
-- 11.2 Exception Choice --
-- EXCEPTION_CHOICE ::= exception_NAME | others
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync. If an error occurs, then the
-- scan pointer is advanced to the next arrow or vertical bar or semicolon.
function P_Exception_Choice return Node_Id is
if Token = Tok_Others then
Scan; -- past OTHERS
return New_Node (N_Others_Choice, Prev_Token_Ptr);
return P_Name; -- exception name
end if;
when Error_Resync =>
return Error;
end P_Exception_Choice;
-- 11.3 Raise Statement --
-- RAISE_STATEMENT ::= raise [exception_NAME];
-- The caller has verified that the initial token is RAISE
-- Error recovery: can raise Error_Resync
function P_Raise_Statement return Node_Id is
Raise_Node : Node_Id;
Raise_Node := New_Node (N_Raise_Statement, Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past RAISE
if Token /= Tok_Semicolon then
Set_Name (Raise_Node, P_Name);
end if;
return Raise_Node;
end P_Raise_Statement;
-- Parse_Exception_Handlers --
-- This routine scans out a list of exception handlers appearing in a
-- construct as:
-- exception
-- The caller has scanned out the EXCEPTION keyword
-- Control returns after scanning the last exception handler, presumably
-- at the keyword END, but this is not checked in this routine.
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function Parse_Exception_Handlers return List_Id is
Handler : Node_Id;
Handlers_List : List_Id;
Pragmas_List : List_Id;
Handlers_List := New_List;
P_Pragmas_Opt (Handlers_List);
if Token = Tok_End then
Error_Msg_SC ("must have at least one exception handler!");
Handler := P_Exception_Handler;
Pragmas_List := No_List;
Append (Handler, Handlers_List);
-- Note: no need to check for pragmas here. Although the
-- syntax officially allows them in this position, they
-- will have been swallowed up as part of the statement
-- sequence of the handler we just scanned out.
exit when Token /= Tok_When;
end loop;
end if;
return Handlers_List;
end Parse_Exception_Handlers;
end Ch11;

gcc/ada/par-ch12.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . C H 1 2 --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.46 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
-- Turn off subprogram body ordering check. Subprograms are in order
-- by RM section rather than alphabetical
separate (Par)
package body Ch12 is
-- Local functions, used only in this chapter
function P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Package_Declaration return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Type_Declaration return Node_Id;
function P_Formal_Type_Definition return Node_Id;
function P_Generic_Association return Node_Id;
procedure P_Formal_Object_Declarations (Decls : List_Id);
-- Scans one or more formal object declarations and appends them to
-- Decls. Scans more than one declaration only in the case where the
-- source has a declaration with multiple defining identifiers.
-- 12.1 Generic (also 8.5.5) --
-- This routine parses either one of the forms of a generic declaration
-- or a generic renaming declaration.
-- renames generic_package_NAME
-- | generic procedure DEFINING_PROGRAM_UNIT_NAME
-- renames generic_procedure_NAME
-- | generic function DEFINING_PROGRAM_UNIT_NAME
-- renames generic_function_NAME
-- The caller has checked that the initial token is GENERIC
-- Error recovery: can raise Error_Resync
function P_Generic return Node_Id is
Gen_Sloc : constant Source_Ptr := Token_Ptr;
Gen_Decl : Node_Id;
Decl_Node : Node_Id;
Decls : List_Id;
Def_Unit : Node_Id;
Ren_Token : Token_Type;
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
Scan; -- past GENERIC
if Token = Tok_Private then
Error_Msg_SC ("PRIVATE goes before GENERIC, not after");
Scan; -- past junk PRIVATE token
end if;
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at token past GENERIC
-- Check for generic renaming declaration case
if Token = Tok_Package
or else Token = Tok_Function
or else Token = Tok_Procedure
Ren_Token := Token;
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Def_Unit := P_Defining_Program_Unit_Name;
Check_Misspelling_Of (Tok_Renames);
if Token = Tok_Renames then
if Ren_Token = Tok_Package then
Decl_Node := New_Node
(N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration, Gen_Sloc);
elsif Ren_Token = Tok_Procedure then
Decl_Node := New_Node
(N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration, Gen_Sloc);
else -- Ren_Token = Tok_Function then
Decl_Node := New_Node
(N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration, Gen_Sloc);
end if;
Scan; -- past RENAMES
Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Decl_Node, Def_Unit);
Set_Name (Decl_Node, P_Name);
return Decl_Node;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Fall through if this is *not* a generic renaming declaration
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
Decls := New_List;
-- Loop through generic parameter declarations and use clauses
Decl_Loop : loop
P_Pragmas_Opt (Decls);
Ignore (Tok_Private);
if Token = Tok_Use then
Append (P_Use_Clause, Decls);
-- Parse a generic parameter declaration
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
P_Formal_Object_Declarations (Decls);
elsif Token = Tok_Type then
Append (P_Formal_Type_Declaration, Decls);
elsif Token = Tok_With then
Scan; -- past WITH
if Token = Tok_Package then
Append (P_Formal_Package_Declaration, Decls);
elsif Token = Tok_Procedure or Token = Tok_Function then
Append (P_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration, Decls);
("FUNCTION, PROCEDURE or PACKAGE expected here");
end if;
elsif Token = Tok_Subtype then
Error_Msg_SC ("subtype declaration not allowed " &
"as generic parameter declaration!");
exit Decl_Loop;
end if;
end if;
end loop Decl_Loop;
-- Generic formal part is scanned, scan out subprogram or package spec
if Token = Tok_Package then
Gen_Decl := New_Node (N_Generic_Package_Declaration, Gen_Sloc);
Set_Specification (Gen_Decl, P_Package (Pf_Spcn));
Gen_Decl := New_Node (N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration, Gen_Sloc);
Set_Specification (Gen_Decl, P_Subprogram_Specification);
end if;
Set_Generic_Formal_Declarations (Gen_Decl, Decls);
return Gen_Decl;
end P_Generic;
-- 12.1 Generic Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1)
-- 12.1 Generic Subprogram Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1)
-- 12.1 Generic Package Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1)
-- 12.1 Generic Formal Part --
-- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1)
-- 12.1 Generic Formal Parameter Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1)
-- 12.3 Generic Instantiation --
-- Generic package instantiation parsed by P_Package (7.1)
-- Generic procedure instantiation parsed by P_Subprogram (6.1)
-- Generic function instantiation parsed by P_Subprogram (6.1)
-- 12.3 Generic Actual Part --
-- Returns a list of generic associations, or Empty if none are present
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Generic_Actual_Part_Opt return List_Id is
Association_List : List_Id;
-- Figure out if a generic actual part operation is present. Clearly
-- there is no generic actual part if the current token is semicolon
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
return No_List;
-- If we don't have a left paren, then we have an error, and the job
-- is to figure out whether a left paren or semicolon was intended.
-- We assume a missing left paren (and hence a generic actual part
-- present) if the current token is not on a new line, or if it is
-- indented from the subprogram token. Otherwise assume missing
-- semicolon (which will be diagnosed by caller) and no generic part
elsif Token /= Tok_Left_Paren
and then Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
and then Start_Column <= Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol
return No_List;
-- Otherwise we have a generic actual part (either a left paren is
-- present, or we have decided that there must be a missing left paren)
Association_List := New_List;
Append (P_Generic_Association, Association_List);
exit when not Comma_Present;
end loop;
return Association_List;
end if;
end P_Generic_Actual_Part_Opt;
-- 12.3 Generic Association --
-- [generic_formal_parameter_SELECTOR_NAME =>]
-- EXPRESSION | variable_NAME | subprogram_NAME
-- | entry_NAME | SUBTYPE_MARK | package_instance_NAME
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Generic_Association return Node_Id is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
Param_Name_Node : Node_Id;
Generic_Assoc_Node : Node_Id;
Generic_Assoc_Node := New_Node (N_Generic_Association, Token_Ptr);
if Token in Token_Class_Desig then
Param_Name_Node := Token_Node;
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at designator
Scan; -- past simple name or operator symbol
if Token = Tok_Arrow then
Scan; -- past arrow
Set_Selector_Name (Generic_Assoc_Node, Param_Name_Node);
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to designator
end if;
end if;
Set_Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter (Generic_Assoc_Node, P_Expression);
return Generic_Assoc_Node;
end P_Generic_Association;
-- 12.3 Explicit Generic Actual Parameter --
-- Parsed by P_Generic_Association (12.3)
-- 12.4 Formal Object Declarations --
-- The caller has checked that the initial token is an identifier
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
procedure P_Formal_Object_Declarations (Decls : List_Id) is
Decl_Node : Node_Id;
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
Num_Idents : Nat;
Ident : Nat;
Idents : array (Int range 1 .. 4096) of Entity_Id;
-- This array holds the list of defining identifiers. The upper bound
-- of 4096 is intended to be essentially infinite, and we do not even
-- bother to check for it being exceeded.
Idents (1) := P_Defining_Identifier;
Num_Idents := 1;
while Comma_Present loop
Num_Idents := Num_Idents + 1;
Idents (Num_Idents) := P_Defining_Identifier;
end loop;
-- If there are multiple identifiers, we repeatedly scan the
-- type and initialization expression information by resetting
-- the scan pointer (so that we get completely separate trees
-- for each occurrence).
if Num_Idents > 1 then
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State);
end if;
-- Loop through defining identifiers in list
Ident := 1;
Ident_Loop : loop
Decl_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Object_Declaration, Token_Ptr);
Set_Defining_Identifier (Decl_Node, Idents (Ident));
P_Mode (Decl_Node);
Set_Subtype_Mark (Decl_Node, P_Subtype_Mark_Resync);
Set_Expression (Decl_Node, Init_Expr_Opt);
if Ident > 1 then
Set_Prev_Ids (Decl_Node, True);
end if;
if Ident < Num_Idents then
Set_More_Ids (Decl_Node, True);
end if;
Append (Decl_Node, Decls);
exit Ident_Loop when Ident = Num_Idents;
Ident := Ident + 1;
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
end loop Ident_Loop;
end P_Formal_Object_Declarations;
-- 12.5 Formal Type Declaration --
-- The caller has checked that the initial token is TYPE
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Type_Declaration return Node_Id is
Decl_Node : Node_Id;
Decl_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Type_Declaration, Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past TYPE
Set_Defining_Identifier (Decl_Node, P_Defining_Identifier);
if P_Unknown_Discriminant_Part_Opt then
Set_Unknown_Discriminants_Present (Decl_Node, True);
(Decl_Node, P_Known_Discriminant_Part_Opt);
end if;
Set_Formal_Type_Definition (Decl_Node, P_Formal_Type_Definition);
return Decl_Node;
end P_Formal_Type_Declaration;
-- 12.5 Formal Type Definition --
function P_Formal_Type_Definition return Node_Id is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
if Token_Name = Name_Abstract then
Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Abstract, Tok_Tagged);
end if;
if Token_Name = Name_Tagged then
Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Tagged, Tok_Private);
Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Tagged, Tok_Limited);
end if;
case Token is
-- Mostly we can tell what we have from the initial token. The one
-- exception is ABSTRACT, where we have to scan ahead to see if we
-- have a formal derived type or a formal private type definition.
when Tok_Abstract =>
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State);
Scan; -- past ABSTRACT
if Token = Tok_New then
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to ABSTRACT
return P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition;
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to ABSTRACT
return P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition;
end if;
when Tok_Private | Tok_Limited | Tok_Tagged =>
return P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition;
when Tok_New =>
return P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition;
when Tok_Left_Paren =>
return P_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition;
when Tok_Range =>
return P_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition;
when Tok_Mod =>
return P_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition;
when Tok_Digits =>
return P_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition;
when Tok_Delta =>
return P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition;
when Tok_Array =>
return P_Array_Type_Definition;
when Tok_Access =>
return P_Access_Type_Definition;
when Tok_Record =>
Error_Msg_SC ("record not allowed in generic type definition!");
Discard_Junk_Node (P_Record_Definition);
return Error;
when others =>
Error_Msg_BC ("expecting generic type definition here");
return Error;
end case;
end P_Formal_Type_Definition;
-- 12.5.1 Formal Private Type Definition --
-- [[abstract] tagged] [limited] private
-- The caller has checked the initial token is PRIVATE, ABSTRACT,
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition return Node_Id is
Def_Node : Node_Id;
Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr);
if Token = Tok_Abstract then
Scan; -- past ABSTRACT
if Token_Name = Name_Tagged then
Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Tagged, Tok_Private);
Check_95_Keyword (Tok_Tagged, Tok_Limited);
end if;
if Token /= Tok_Tagged then
Error_Msg_SP ("ABSTRACT must be followed by TAGGED");
Set_Abstract_Present (Def_Node, True);
end if;
end if;
if Token = Tok_Tagged then
Set_Tagged_Present (Def_Node, True);
Scan; -- past TAGGED
end if;
if Token = Tok_Limited then
Set_Limited_Present (Def_Node, True);
Scan; -- past LIMITED
end if;
Set_Sloc (Def_Node, Token_Ptr);
return Def_Node;
end P_Formal_Private_Type_Definition;
-- 12.5.1 Formal Derived Type Definition --
-- [abstract] new SUBTYPE_MARK [with private]
-- The caller has checked the initial token(s) is/are NEW or ASTRACT NEW
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition return Node_Id is
Def_Node : Node_Id;
Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr);
if Token = Tok_Abstract then
Set_Abstract_Present (Def_Node);
Scan; -- past ABSTRACT
end if;
Scan; -- past NEW;
Set_Subtype_Mark (Def_Node, P_Subtype_Mark);
if Token = Tok_With then
Scan; -- past WITH
Set_Private_Present (Def_Node, True);
end if;
return Def_Node;
end P_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition;
-- 12.5.2 Formal Discrete Type Definition --
-- The caller has checked the initial token is left paren
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition return Node_Id is
Def_Node : Node_Id;
Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past left paren
return Def_Node;
end P_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition;
-- 12.5.2 Formal Signed Integer Type Definition --
-- The caller has checked the initial token is RANGE
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition return Node_Id is
Def_Node : Node_Id;
Def_Node :=
New_Node (N_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past RANGE
return Def_Node;
end P_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition;
-- 12.5.2 Formal Modular Type Definition --
-- The caller has checked the initial token is MOD
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition return Node_Id is
Def_Node : Node_Id;
Def_Node :=
New_Node (N_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition, Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past MOD
return Def_Node;
end P_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition;
-- 12.5.2 Formal Floating Point Definition --
-- The caller has checked the initial token is DIGITS
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition return Node_Id is
Def_Node : Node_Id;
Def_Node :=
New_Node (N_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition, Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past DIGITS
return Def_Node;
end P_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition;
-- 12.5.2 Formal Fixed Point Definition --
-- This routine parses either a formal ordinary fixed point definition
-- or a formal decimal fixed point definition:
-- The caller has checked the initial token is DELTA
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition return Node_Id is
Def_Node : Node_Id;
Delta_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
Delta_Sloc := Token_Ptr;
Scan; -- past DELTA
if Token = Tok_Digits then
Def_Node :=
New_Node (N_Formal_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition, Delta_Sloc);
Scan; -- past DIGITS
Def_Node :=
New_Node (N_Formal_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition, Delta_Sloc);
end if;
return Def_Node;
end P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition;
-- 12.5.2 Formal Ordinary Fixed Point Definition --
-- Parsed by P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition (12.5.2)
-- 12.5.2 Formal Decimal Fixed Point Definition --
-- Parsed by P_Formal_Fixed_Point_Definition (12.5.2)
-- 12.5.3 Formal Array Type Definition --
-- Parsed by P_Formal_Type_Definition (12.5)
-- 12.5.4 Formal Access Type Definition --
-- Parsed by P_Formal_Type_Definition (12.5)
-- 12.6 Formal Subprogram Declaration --
-- The caller has checked that the initial tokens are WITH FUNCTION or
-- WITH PROCEDURE, and the initial WITH has been scanned out.
-- Note: we separate this into two procedures because the name is allowed
-- to be an operator symbol for a function, but not for a procedure.
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration return Node_Id is
Def_Node : Node_Id;
Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration, Prev_Token_Ptr);
Set_Specification (Def_Node, P_Subprogram_Specification);
if Token = Tok_Is then
T_Is; -- past IS, skip extra IS or ";"
if Token = Tok_Box then
Set_Box_Present (Def_Node, True);
Scan; -- past <>
Set_Default_Name (Def_Node, P_Name);
end if;
end if;
return Def_Node;
end P_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration;
-- 12.6 Subprogram Default --
-- Parsed by P_Formal_Procedure_Declaration (12.6)
-- 12.6 Default Name --
-- Parsed by P_Formal_Procedure_Declaration (12.6)
-- 12.7 Formal Package Declaration --
-- is new generic_package_NAME FORMAL_PACKAGE_ACTUAL_PART;
-- The caller has checked that the initial tokens are WITH PACKAGE,
-- and the initial WITH has been scanned out (so Token = Tok_Package).
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Formal_Package_Declaration return Node_Id is
Def_Node : Node_Id;
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
Def_Node := New_Node (N_Formal_Package_Declaration, Prev_Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past PACKAGE
Set_Defining_Identifier (Def_Node, P_Defining_Identifier);
Set_Name (Def_Node, P_Qualified_Simple_Name);
if Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at the left paren
Scan; -- past the left paren
if Token = Tok_Box then
Set_Box_Present (Def_Node, True);
Scan; -- past box
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to the left paren
Set_Generic_Associations (Def_Node, P_Generic_Actual_Part_Opt);
end if;
end if;
return Def_Node;
end P_Formal_Package_Declaration;
-- 12.7 Formal Package Actual Part --
-- Parsed by P_Formal_Package_Declaration (12.7)
end Ch12;

gcc/ada/par-ch13.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . C H 1 3 --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.34 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
-- Turn off subprogram body ordering check. Subprograms are in order
-- by RM section rather than alphabetical
separate (Par)
package body Ch13 is
-- Local functions, used only in this chapter
function P_Component_Clause return Node_Id;
function P_Mod_Clause return Node_Id;
-- 13.1 Representation Clause (also I.7) --
-- Note: in Ada 83, the expression must be a simple expression
-- Note: in Ada 83, the expression must be a simple expression
-- for first_subtype_LOCAL_NAME use ENUMERATION_AGGREGATE;
-- for first_subtype_LOCAL_NAME use
-- record [MOD_CLAUSE]
-- end record;
-- Note: for now we allow only a direct name as the local name in the
-- above constructs. This probably needs changing later on ???
-- The caller has checked that the initial token is FOR
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync, if an error occurs,
-- the scan is repositioned past the next semicolon.
function P_Representation_Clause return Node_Id is
For_Loc : Source_Ptr;
Name_Node : Node_Id;
Prefix_Node : Node_Id;
Attr_Name : Name_Id;
Identifier_Node : Node_Id;
Rep_Clause_Node : Node_Id;
Expr_Node : Node_Id;
Record_Items : List_Id;
For_Loc := Token_Ptr;
Scan; -- past FOR
-- Note that the name in a representation clause is always a simple
-- name, even in the attribute case, see AI-300 which made this so!
Identifier_Node := P_Identifier;
-- Check case of qualified name to give good error message
if Token = Tok_Dot then
("representation clause requires simple name!");
exit when Token /= Tok_Dot;
Scan; -- past dot
Discard_Junk_Node (P_Identifier);
end loop;
end if;
-- Attribute Definition Clause
if Token = Tok_Apostrophe then
-- Allow local names of the form a'b'.... This enables
-- us to parse class-wide streams attributes correctly.
Name_Node := Identifier_Node;
while Token = Tok_Apostrophe loop
Scan; -- past apostrophe
Identifier_Node := Token_Node;
Attr_Name := No_Name;
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Attr_Name := Token_Name;
if not Is_Attribute_Name (Attr_Name) then
end if;
if Style_Check then
Style.Check_Attribute_Name (False);
end if;
-- Here for case of attribute designator is not an identifier
if Token = Tok_Delta then
Attr_Name := Name_Delta;
elsif Token = Tok_Digits then
Attr_Name := Name_Digits;
elsif Token = Tok_Access then
Attr_Name := Name_Access;
Error_Msg_AP ("attribute designator expected");
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
if Style_Check then
Style.Check_Attribute_Name (True);
end if;
end if;
-- We come here with an OK attribute scanned, and the
-- corresponding Attribute identifier node stored in Ident_Node.
Prefix_Node := Name_Node;
Name_Node := New_Node (N_Attribute_Reference, Prev_Token_Ptr);
Set_Prefix (Name_Node, Prefix_Node);
Set_Attribute_Name (Name_Node, Attr_Name);
end loop;
Rep_Clause_Node := New_Node (N_Attribute_Definition_Clause, For_Loc);
Set_Name (Rep_Clause_Node, Prefix_Node);
Set_Chars (Rep_Clause_Node, Attr_Name);
Expr_Node := P_Expression_No_Right_Paren;
Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83 (Expr_Node);
Set_Expression (Rep_Clause_Node, Expr_Node);
Rep_Clause_Node := Empty;
-- AT follows USE (At Clause)
if Token = Tok_At then
Scan; -- past AT
Rep_Clause_Node := New_Node (N_At_Clause, For_Loc);
Set_Identifier (Rep_Clause_Node, Identifier_Node);
Expr_Node := P_Expression_No_Right_Paren;
Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83 (Expr_Node);
Set_Expression (Rep_Clause_Node, Expr_Node);
-- RECORD follows USE (Record Representation Clause)
elsif Token = Tok_Record then
Record_Items := P_Pragmas_Opt;
Rep_Clause_Node :=
New_Node (N_Record_Representation_Clause, For_Loc);
Set_Identifier (Rep_Clause_Node, Identifier_Node);
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Etyp := E_Record;
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol := Start_Column;
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Sloc := Token_Ptr;
Scan; -- past RECORD
Record_Items := P_Pragmas_Opt;
-- Possible Mod Clause
if Token = Tok_At then
Set_Mod_Clause (Rep_Clause_Node, P_Mod_Clause);
Set_Pragmas_Before (Mod_Clause (Rep_Clause_Node), Record_Items);
Record_Items := P_Pragmas_Opt;
end if;
if No (Record_Items) then
Record_Items := New_List;
end if;
Set_Component_Clauses (Rep_Clause_Node, Record_Items);
-- Loop through component clauses
if Token not in Token_Class_Name then
exit when Check_End;
end if;
Append (P_Component_Clause, Record_Items);
P_Pragmas_Opt (Record_Items);
end loop;
-- Left paren follows USE (Enumeration Representation Clause)
elsif Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
Rep_Clause_Node :=
New_Node (N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause, For_Loc);
Set_Identifier (Rep_Clause_Node, Identifier_Node);
Set_Array_Aggregate (Rep_Clause_Node, P_Aggregate);
-- Some other token follows FOR (invalid representation clause)
Error_Msg_SC ("invalid representation clause");
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
end if;
return Rep_Clause_Node;
when Error_Resync =>
return Error;
end P_Representation_Clause;
-- 13.1 Local Name --
-- Local name is always parsed by its parent. In the case of its use in
-- pragmas, the check for a local name is handled in Par.Prag and allows
-- all the possible forms of local name. For the uses in chapter 13, we
-- currently only allow a direct name, but this should probably change???
-- 13.1 At Clause (I.7) --
-- Parsed by P_Representation_Clause (13.1)
-- 13.3 Attribute Definition Clause --
-- Parsed by P_Representation_Clause (13.1)
-- 13.4 Enumeration Representation Clause --
-- Parsed by P_Representation_Clause (13.1)
-- 13.4 Enumeration Aggregate --
-- Parsed by P_Representation_Clause (13.1)
-- 13.5.1 Record Representation Clause --
-- Parsed by P_Representation_Clause (13.1)
-- 13.5.1 Mod Clause (I.8) --
-- MOD_CLAUSE ::= at mod static_EXPRESSION;
-- Note: in Ada 83, the expression must be a simple expression
-- The caller has checked that the initial Token is AT
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
-- Note: the caller is responsible for setting the Pragmas_Before field
function P_Mod_Clause return Node_Id is
Mod_Node : Node_Id;
Expr_Node : Node_Id;
Mod_Node := New_Node (N_Mod_Clause, Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past AT
Expr_Node := P_Expression_No_Right_Paren;
Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83 (Expr_Node);
Set_Expression (Mod_Node, Expr_Node);
return Mod_Node;
end P_Mod_Clause;
-- 13.5.1 Component Clause --
-- range FIRST_BIT .. LAST_BIT;
-- component_DIRECT_NAME
-- Note: in Ada 83, the expression must be a simple expression
-- Note: the AARM V2.0 grammar has an error at this point, it uses
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Component_Clause return Node_Id is
Component_Node : Node_Id;
Comp_Name : Node_Id;
Expr_Node : Node_Id;
Component_Node := New_Node (N_Component_Clause, Token_Ptr);
Comp_Name := P_Name;
if Nkind (Comp_Name) = N_Identifier
or else Nkind (Comp_Name) = N_Attribute_Reference
Set_Component_Name (Component_Node, Comp_Name);
("component name must be direct name or attribute", Comp_Name);
Set_Component_Name (Component_Node, Error);
end if;
Set_Sloc (Component_Node, Token_Ptr);
Expr_Node := P_Expression_No_Right_Paren;
Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83 (Expr_Node);
Set_Position (Component_Node, Expr_Node);
Expr_Node := P_Expression_No_Right_Paren;
Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83 (Expr_Node);
Set_First_Bit (Component_Node, Expr_Node);
Expr_Node := P_Expression_No_Right_Paren;
Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83 (Expr_Node);
Set_Last_Bit (Component_Node, Expr_Node);
return Component_Node;
end P_Component_Clause;
-- 13.5.1 Position --
-- Parsed by P_Component_Clause (13.5.1)
-- 13.5.1 First Bit --
-- Parsed by P_Component_Clause (13.5.1)
-- 13.5.1 Last Bit --
-- Parsed by P_Component_Clause (13.5.1)
-- 13.8 Code Statement --
-- On entry the caller has scanned the SUBTYPE_MARK (passed in as the
-- single argument, and the scan points to the apostrophe.
-- Error recovery: can raise Error_Resync
function P_Code_Statement (Subtype_Mark : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Node1 : Node_Id;
Scan; -- past apostrophe
-- If left paren, then we have a possible code statement
if Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
Node1 := New_Node (N_Code_Statement, Sloc (Subtype_Mark));
Set_Expression (Node1, P_Qualified_Expression (Subtype_Mark));
return Node1;
-- Otherwise we have an illegal range attribute. Note that P_Name
-- ensures that Token = Tok_Range is the only possibility left here.
else -- Token = Tok_Range
Error_Msg_SC ("RANGE attribute illegal here!");
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
end P_Code_Statement;
end Ch13;

gcc/ada/par-ch2.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . C H 2 --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.35 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
-- Turn off subprogram body ordering check. Subprograms are in order
-- by RM section rather than alphabetical
separate (Par)
package body Ch2 is
-- Local functions, used only in this chapter
function P_Pragma_Argument_Association return Node_Id;
-- 2.3 Identifier --
-- An IDENTIFIER shall not be a reserved word
-- Error recovery: can raise Error_Resync (cannot return Error)
function P_Identifier return Node_Id is
Ident_Node : Node_Id;
-- All set if we do indeed have an identifier
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Ident_Node := Token_Node;
Scan; -- past Identifier
return Ident_Node;
-- If we have a reserved identifier, manufacture an identifier with
-- a corresponding name after posting an appropriate error message
elsif Is_Reserved_Identifier then
Scan_Reserved_Identifier (Force_Msg => False);
Ident_Node := Token_Node;
Scan; -- past the node
return Ident_Node;
-- Otherwise we have junk that cannot be interpreted as an identifier
T_Identifier; -- to give message
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
end P_Identifier;
-- 2.3 Letter Or Digit --
-- Parsed by P_Identifier (2.3)
-- 2.4 Numeric Literal --
-- Numeric literal is returned by the scanner as either
-- Tok_Integer_Literal or Tok_Real_Literal
-- 2.4.1 Decimal Literal --
-- Handled by scanner as part of numeric lIteral handing (see 2.4)
-- 2.4.1 Numeral --
-- Handled by scanner as part of numeric literal handling (see 2.4)
-- 2.4.1 Exponent --
-- Handled by scanner as part of numeric literal handling (see 2.4)
-- 2.4.2 Based Literal --
-- Handled by scanner as part of numeric literal handling (see 2.4)
-- 2.4.2 Base --
-- Handled by scanner as part of numeric literal handling (see 2.4)
-- 2.4.2 Based Numeral --
-- Handled by scanner as part of numeric literal handling (see 2.4)
-- 2.4.2 Extended Digit --
-- EXTENDED_DIGIT ::= DIGIT | A | B | C | D | E | F
-- Handled by scanner as part of numeric literal handling (see 2.4)
-- 2.5 Character Literal --
-- Handled by the scanner and returned as Tok_Character_Literal
-- 2.6 String Literal --
-- Handled by the scanner and returned as Tok_Character_Literal
-- or if the string looks like an operator as Tok_Operator_Symbol.
-- 2.6 String Element --
-- STRING_ELEMENT ::= "" | non-quotation_mark_GRAPHIC_CHARACTER
-- A STRING_ELEMENT is either a pair of quotation marks ("),
-- or a single GRAPHIC_CHARACTER other than a quotation mark.
-- Handled by scanner as part of string literal handling (see 2.4)
-- 2.7 Comment --
-- A COMMENT starts with two adjacent hyphens and extends up to the
-- end of the line. A COMMENT may appear on any line of a program.
-- Handled by the scanner which simply skips past encountered comments
-- 2.8 Pragma --
-- The caller has checked that the initial token is PRAGMA
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
-- One special piece of processing is needed in this routine. As described
-- in the section on "Handling semicolon used in place of IS" in module
-- Parse, the parser detects the case of missing subprogram bodies to
-- allow recovery from this syntactic error. Pragma INTERFACE (and, for
-- Ada 95, pragma IMPORT) can appear in place of the body. The parser must
-- recognize the use of these two pragmas in this context, otherwise it
-- will think there are missing bodies, and try to change ; to IS, when
-- in fact the bodies ARE present, supplied by these pragmas.
function P_Pragma return Node_Id is
Interface_Check_Required : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if check of pragma INTERFACE is required
Import_Check_Required : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if check of pragma IMPORT is required
Arg_Count : Int := 0;
-- Number of argument associations processed
Pragma_Node : Node_Id;
Pragma_Name : Name_Id;
Semicolon_Loc : Source_Ptr;
Ident_Node : Node_Id;
Assoc_Node : Node_Id;
Pragma_Node := New_Node (N_Pragma, Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past PRAGMA
Pragma_Name := Token_Name;
if Style_Check then
end if;
Ident_Node := P_Identifier;
Set_Chars (Pragma_Node, Pragma_Name);
Delete_Node (Ident_Node);
-- See if special INTERFACE/IMPORT check is required
if SIS_Entry_Active then
Interface_Check_Required := (Pragma_Name = Name_Interface);
Import_Check_Required := (Pragma_Name = Name_Import);
Interface_Check_Required := False;
Import_Check_Required := False;
end if;
-- Scan arguments. We assume that arguments are present if there is
-- a left paren, or if a semicolon is missing and there is another
-- token on the same line as the pragma name.
if Token = Tok_Left_Paren
or else (Token /= Tok_Semicolon
and then not Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line)
Set_Pragma_Argument_Associations (Pragma_Node, New_List);
Arg_Count := Arg_Count + 1;
Assoc_Node := P_Pragma_Argument_Association;
if Arg_Count = 2
and then (Interface_Check_Required or else Import_Check_Required)
-- Here is where we cancel the SIS active status if this pragma
-- supplies a body for the currently active subprogram spec.
if Nkind (Expression (Assoc_Node)) in N_Direct_Name
and then Chars (Expression (Assoc_Node)) = Chars (SIS_Labl)
SIS_Entry_Active := False;
end if;
end if;
Append (Assoc_Node, Pragma_Argument_Associations (Pragma_Node));
exit when Token /= Tok_Comma;
Scan; -- past comma
end loop;
end if;
Semicolon_Loc := Token_Ptr;
if Token /= Tok_Semicolon then
Scan; -- past semicolon
end if;
if Is_Pragma_Name (Chars (Pragma_Node)) then
return Par.Prag (Pragma_Node, Semicolon_Loc);
-- Unrecognized pragma, warning generated in Sem_Prag
return Pragma_Node;
end if;
when Error_Resync =>
return Error;
end P_Pragma;
-- This routine is called if a pragma is encountered in an inappropriate
-- position, the pragma is scanned out and control returns to continue.
-- The caller has checked that the initial token is pragma
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
procedure P_Pragmas_Misplaced is
while Token = Tok_Pragma loop
Error_Msg_SC ("pragma not allowed here");
Discard_Junk_Node (P_Pragma);
end loop;
end P_Pragmas_Misplaced;
-- This function is called to scan out an optional sequence of pragmas.
-- If no pragmas are found, then No_List is returned.
-- Error recovery: Cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Pragmas_Opt return List_Id is
L : List_Id;
if Token = Tok_Pragma then
L := New_List;
P_Pragmas_Opt (L);
return L;
return No_List;
end if;
end P_Pragmas_Opt;
-- This procedure is called to scan out an optional sequence of pragmas.
-- Any pragmas found are appended to the list provided as an argument.
-- Error recovery: Cannot raise Error_Resync
procedure P_Pragmas_Opt (List : List_Id) is
P : Node_Id;
while Token = Tok_Pragma loop
P := P_Pragma;
if Chars (P) = Name_Assert or else Chars (P) = Name_Debug then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (P);
("pragma% must be in declaration/statement context", P);
Append (P, List);
end if;
end loop;
end P_Pragmas_Opt;
-- 2.8 Pragma_Argument Association --
-- [pragma_argument_IDENTIFIER =>] NAME
-- | [pragma_argument_IDENTIFIER =>] EXPRESSION
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Pragma_Argument_Association return Node_Id is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
Pragma_Arg_Node : Node_Id;
Identifier_Node : Node_Id;
Pragma_Arg_Node := New_Node (N_Pragma_Argument_Association, Token_Ptr);
Set_Chars (Pragma_Arg_Node, No_Name);
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Identifier_Node := Token_Node;
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at Identifier
Scan; -- past Identifier
if Token = Tok_Arrow then
Scan; -- past arrow
Set_Chars (Pragma_Arg_Node, Chars (Identifier_Node));
Delete_Node (Identifier_Node);
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to Identifier
end if;
end if;
Set_Expression (Pragma_Arg_Node, P_Expression);
return Pragma_Arg_Node;
end P_Pragma_Argument_Association;
end Ch2;

gcc/ada/par-ch3.adb Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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gcc/ada/par-ch7.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . C H 7 --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.29 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
-- Turn off subprogram body ordering check. Subprograms are in order
-- by RM section rather than alphabetical
separate (Par)
package body Ch7 is
-- 7.1 Package (also 8.5.3, 10.1.3, 12.3) --
-- This routine scans out a package declaration, package body, or a
-- renaming declaration or generic instantiation starting with PACKAGE
-- [private
-- [begin
-- package DEFINING_IDENTIFIER renames package_NAME;
-- package body DEFINING_IDENTIFIER is separate;
-- The value in Pf_Flags indicates which of these possible declarations
-- is acceptable to the caller:
-- Pf_Flags.Spcn Set if specification OK
-- Pf_Flags.Decl Set if declaration OK
-- Pf_Flags.Gins Set if generic instantiation OK
-- Pf_Flags.Pbod Set if proper body OK
-- Pf_Flags.Rnam Set if renaming declaration OK
-- Pf_Flags.Stub Set if body stub OK
-- If an inappropriate form is encountered, it is scanned out but an
-- error message indicating that it is appearing in an inappropriate
-- context is issued. The only possible settings for Pf_Flags are those
-- defined as constants in package Par.
-- Note: in all contexts where a package specification is required, there
-- is a terminating semicolon. This semicolon is scanned out in the case
-- where Pf_Flags is set to Pf_Spcn, even though it is not strictly part
-- of the package specification (it's just too much trouble, and really
-- quite unnecessary, to deal with scanning out an END where the semicolon
-- after the END is not considered to be part of the END.
-- The caller has checked that the initial token is PACKAGE
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Package (Pf_Flags : Pf_Rec) return Node_Id is
Package_Node : Node_Id;
Specification_Node : Node_Id;
Name_Node : Node_Id;
Package_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Etyp := E_Name;
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol := Start_Column;
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Lreq := False;
Package_Sloc := Token_Ptr;
Scan; -- past PACKAGE
if Token = Tok_Type then
Error_Msg_SC ("TYPE not allowed here");
Scan; -- past TYPE
end if;
-- Case of package body. Note that we demand a package body if that
-- is the only possibility (even if the BODY keyword is not present)
if Token = Tok_Body or else Pf_Flags = Pf_Pbod then
if not Pf_Flags.Pbod then
Error_Msg_SC ("package body cannot appear here!");
end if;
Name_Node := P_Defining_Program_Unit_Name;
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Labl := Name_Node;
if Separate_Present then
if not Pf_Flags.Stub then
Error_Msg_SC ("body stub cannot appear here!");
end if;
Scan; -- past SEPARATE
Package_Node := New_Node (N_Package_Body_Stub, Package_Sloc);
Set_Defining_Identifier (Package_Node, Name_Node);
Package_Node := New_Node (N_Package_Body, Package_Sloc);
Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Package_Node, Name_Node);
Parse_Decls_Begin_End (Package_Node);
end if;
return Package_Node;
-- Cases other than Package_Body
Name_Node := P_Defining_Program_Unit_Name;
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Labl := Name_Node;
-- Case of renaming declaration
Check_Misspelling_Of (Tok_Renames);
if Token = Tok_Renames then
if not Pf_Flags.Rnam then
Error_Msg_SC ("renaming declaration cannot appear here!");
end if;
Scan; -- past RENAMES;
Package_Node :=
New_Node (N_Package_Renaming_Declaration, Package_Sloc);
Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Package_Node, Name_Node);
Set_Name (Package_Node, P_Qualified_Simple_Name);
return Package_Node;
-- Case of generic instantiation
if Token = Tok_New then
if not Pf_Flags.Gins then
("generic instantiation cannot appear here!");
end if;
Scan; -- past NEW
Package_Node :=
New_Node (N_Package_Instantiation, Package_Sloc);
Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Package_Node, Name_Node);
Set_Name (Package_Node, P_Qualified_Simple_Name);
(Package_Node, P_Generic_Actual_Part_Opt);
-- Case of package declaration or package specification
Specification_Node :=
New_Node (N_Package_Specification, Package_Sloc);
Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Specification_Node, Name_Node);
(Specification_Node, P_Basic_Declarative_Items);
if Token = Tok_Private then
Error_Msg_Col := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol;
if Style.RM_Column_Check then
if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
and then Start_Column /= Error_Msg_Col
("(style) PRIVATE in wrong column, should be@");
end if;
end if;
Scan; -- past PRIVATE
(Specification_Node, P_Basic_Declarative_Items);
-- Deal gracefully with multiple PRIVATE parts
while Token = Tok_Private loop
("only one private part allowed per package");
Scan; -- past PRIVATE
Append_List (P_Basic_Declarative_Items,
Private_Declarations (Specification_Node));
end loop;
end if;
if Pf_Flags = Pf_Spcn then
Package_Node := Specification_Node;
Package_Node :=
New_Node (N_Package_Declaration, Package_Sloc);
Set_Specification (Package_Node, Specification_Node);
end if;
if Token = Tok_Begin then
Error_Msg_SC ("begin block not allowed in package spec");
Scan; -- past BEGIN
Discard_Junk_List (P_Sequence_Of_Statements (SS_None));
end if;
End_Statements (Specification_Node);
end if;
return Package_Node;
end if;
end if;
end P_Package;
-- 7.1 Package Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Package (7.1)
-- 7.1 Package Specification --
-- Parsed by P_Package (7.1)
-- 7.1 Package Body --
-- Parsed by P_Package (7.1)
-- 7.3 Private Type Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Type_Declaration (3.2.1)
-- 7.3 Private Extension Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Type_Declaration (3.2.1)
end Ch7;

gcc/ada/par-ch8.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . C H 8 --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.16 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
-- Turn off subprogram body ordering check. Subprograms are in order
-- by RM section rather than alphabetical
separate (Par)
package body Ch8 is
-- Local Subprograms --
function P_Use_Package_Clause return Node_Id;
function P_Use_Type_Clause return Node_Id;
-- 8.4 Use Clause --
-- The caller has checked that the initial token is USE
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Use_Clause return Node_Id is
Scan; -- past USE
if Token = Tok_Type then
return P_Use_Type_Clause;
return P_Use_Package_Clause;
end if;
end P_Use_Clause;
-- 8.4 Use Package Clause --
-- USE_PACKAGE_CLAUSE ::= use package_NAME {, package_NAME};
-- The caller has scanned out the USE keyword
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Use_Package_Clause return Node_Id is
Use_Node : Node_Id;
Use_Node := New_Node (N_Use_Package_Clause, Prev_Token_Ptr);
Set_Names (Use_Node, New_List);
if Token = Tok_Package then
Error_Msg_SC ("PACKAGE should not appear here");
Scan; -- past PACKAGE
end if;
Append (P_Qualified_Simple_Name, Names (Use_Node));
exit when Token /= Tok_Comma;
Scan; -- past comma
end loop;
return Use_Node;
end P_Use_Package_Clause;
-- 8.4 Use Type Clause --
-- The caller has checked that the initial token is USE, scanned it out
-- and that the current token is TYPE.
-- Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync
function P_Use_Type_Clause return Node_Id is
Use_Node : Node_Id;
Use_Node := New_Node (N_Use_Type_Clause, Prev_Token_Ptr);
Set_Subtype_Marks (Use_Node, New_List);
if Ada_83 then
Error_Msg_SC ("(Ada 83) use type not allowed!");
end if;
Scan; -- past TYPE
Append (P_Subtype_Mark, Subtype_Marks (Use_Node));
exit when Token /= Tok_Comma;
Scan; -- past comma
end loop;
return Use_Node;
end P_Use_Type_Clause;
-- 8.5 Renaming Declaration --
-- Object renaming declarations and exception renaming declarations
-- are parsed by P_Identifier_Declaration (3.3.1)
-- Subprogram renaming declarations are parsed by P_Subprogram (6.1)
-- Package renaming declarations are parsed by P_Package (7.1)
-- Generic renaming declarations are parsed by P_Generic (12.1)
-- 8.5.1 Object Renaming Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Identifier_Declarations (3.3.1)
-- 8.5.2 Exception Renaming Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Identifier_Declarations (3.3.1)
-- 8.5.3 Package Renaming Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Package (7.1)
-- 8.5.4 Subprogram Renaming Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Subprogram (6.1)
-- 8.5.2 Generic Renaming Declaration --
-- Parsed by P_Generic (12.1)
end Ch8;

gcc/ada/par-ch9.adb Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

gcc/ada/par-endh.adb Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

gcc/ada/par-labl.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . L A B L --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.18 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-1998, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
separate (Par)
procedure Labl is
Enclosing_Body_Or_Block : Node_Id;
-- Innermost enclosing body or block statement
Label_Decl_Node : Node_Id;
-- Implicit label declaration node
Defining_Ident_Node : Node_Id;
-- Defining identifier node for implicit label declaration
Next_Label_Elmt : Elmt_Id;
-- Next element on label element list
Label_Node : Node_Id;
-- Next label node to process
function Find_Enclosing_Body_Or_Block (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-- Find the innermost body or block that encloses N.
function Find_Enclosing_Body (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-- Find the innermost body that encloses N.
procedure Check_Distinct_Labels;
-- Checks the rule in RM-5.1(11), which requires distinct identifiers
-- for all the labels in a given body.
-- Check_Distinct_Labels --
procedure Check_Distinct_Labels is
Label_Id : constant Node_Id := Identifier (Label_Node);
Enclosing_Body : constant Node_Id :=
Find_Enclosing_Body (Enclosing_Body_Or_Block);
-- Innermost enclosing body
Next_Other_Label_Elmt : Elmt_Id := First_Elmt (Label_List);
-- Next element on label element list
Other_Label : Node_Id;
-- Next label node to process
-- Loop through all the labels, and if we find some other label
-- (i.e. not Label_Node) that has the same identifier,
-- and whose innermost enclosing body is the same,
-- then we have an error.
-- Note that in the worst case, this is quadratic in the number
-- of labels. However, labels are not all that common, and this
-- is only called for explicit labels.
-- ???Nonetheless, the efficiency could be improved. For example,
-- call Labl for each body, rather than once per compilation.
while Present (Next_Other_Label_Elmt) loop
Other_Label := Node (Next_Other_Label_Elmt);
exit when Label_Node = Other_Label;
if Chars (Label_Id) = Chars (Identifier (Other_Label))
and then Enclosing_Body = Find_Enclosing_Body (Other_Label)
Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Other_Label);
Error_Msg_N ("& conflicts with label#", Label_Id);
end if;
Next_Elmt (Next_Other_Label_Elmt);
end loop;
end Check_Distinct_Labels;
-- Find_Enclosing_Body --
function Find_Enclosing_Body (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Result : Node_Id := N;
-- This is the same as Find_Enclosing_Body_Or_Block, except
-- that we skip block statements and accept statements, instead
-- of stopping at them.
while Present (Result)
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Entry_Body
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Task_Body
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Package_Body
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Subprogram_Body
Result := Parent (Result);
end loop;
return Result;
end Find_Enclosing_Body;
-- Find_Enclosing_Body_Or_Block --
function Find_Enclosing_Body_Or_Block (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Result : Node_Id := Parent (N);
-- Climb up the parent chain until we find a body or block.
while Present (Result)
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Accept_Statement
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Entry_Body
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Task_Body
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Package_Body
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Subprogram_Body
and then Nkind (Result) /= N_Block_Statement
Result := Parent (Result);
end loop;
return Result;
end Find_Enclosing_Body_Or_Block;
-- Start of processing for Par.Labl
Next_Label_Elmt := First_Elmt (Label_List);
while Present (Next_Label_Elmt) loop
Label_Node := Node (Next_Label_Elmt);
if not Comes_From_Source (Label_Node) then
goto Next_Label;
end if;
-- Find the innermost enclosing body or block, which is where
-- we need to implicitly declare this label
Enclosing_Body_Or_Block := Find_Enclosing_Body_Or_Block (Label_Node);
-- If we didn't find a parent, then the label in question never got
-- hooked into a reasonable declarative part. This happens only in
-- error situations, and we simply ignore the entry (we aren't going
-- to get into the semantics in any case given the error).
if Present (Enclosing_Body_Or_Block) then
-- Now create the implicit label declaration node and its
-- corresponding defining identifier. Note that the defining
-- occurrence of a label is the implicit label declaration that
-- we are creating. The label itself is an applied occurrence.
Label_Decl_Node :=
New_Node (N_Implicit_Label_Declaration, Sloc (Label_Node));
Defining_Ident_Node :=
New_Entity (N_Defining_Identifier, Sloc (Identifier (Label_Node)));
Set_Chars (Defining_Ident_Node, Chars (Identifier (Label_Node)));
Set_Defining_Identifier (Label_Decl_Node, Defining_Ident_Node);
Set_Label_Construct (Label_Decl_Node, Label_Node);
-- Now attach the implicit label declaration to the appropriate
-- declarative region, creating a declaration list if none exists
if not Present (Declarations (Enclosing_Body_Or_Block)) then
Set_Declarations (Enclosing_Body_Or_Block, New_List);
end if;
Append (Label_Decl_Node, Declarations (Enclosing_Body_Or_Block));
end if;
Next_Elmt (Next_Label_Elmt);
end loop;
end Labl;

gcc/ada/par-load.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . L O A D --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.60 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- The Par.Load procedure loads all units that are definitely required before
-- it makes any sense at all to proceed with semantic analysis, including
-- with'ed units, corresponding specs for bodies, parents of child specs,
-- and parents of subunits. All these units are loaded and pointers installed
-- in the tree as described in the spec of package Lib.
with Fname; use Fname;
with Fname.UF; use Fname.UF;
with Lib.Load; use Lib.Load;
with Uname; use Uname;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Sinput.L; use Sinput.L;
with Stylesw; use Stylesw;
with Validsw; use Validsw;
separate (Par)
procedure Load is
File_Name : File_Name_Type;
-- Name of file for current unit, derived from unit name
Cur_Unum : Unit_Number_Type := Current_Source_Unit;
-- Unit number of unit that we just finished parsing. Note that we need
-- to capture this, because Source_Unit will change as we parse new
-- source files in the multiple main source file case.
Curunit : constant Node_Id := Cunit (Cur_Unum);
-- Compilation unit node for current compilation unit
Loc : Source_Ptr := Sloc (Curunit);
-- Source location for compilation unit node
Save_Style_Check : Boolean;
Save_Style_Checks : Style_Check_Options;
-- Save style check so it can be restored later
Save_Validity_Check : Boolean;
Save_Validity_Checks : Validity_Check_Options;
-- Save validity check so it can be restored later
With_Cunit : Node_Id;
-- Compilation unit node for withed unit
Context_Node : Node_Id;
-- Next node in context items list
With_Node : Node_Id;
-- N_With_Clause node
Spec_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
-- Unit name of required spec
Body_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
-- Unit name of corresponding body
Unum : Unit_Number_Type;
-- Unit number of loaded unit
function Same_File_Name_Except_For_Case
(Expected_File_Name : File_Name_Type;
Actual_File_Name : File_Name_Type)
return Boolean;
-- Given an actual file name and an expected file name (the latter being
-- derived from the unit name), determine if they are the same except for
-- possibly different casing of letters.
function Same_File_Name_Except_For_Case
(Expected_File_Name : File_Name_Type;
Actual_File_Name : File_Name_Type)
return Boolean
Get_Name_String (Actual_File_Name);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Lower_Case_Actual_File_Name : String (1 .. Name_Len);
Lower_Case_Actual_File_Name := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Get_Name_String (Expected_File_Name);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
return Lower_Case_Actual_File_Name = Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
end Same_File_Name_Except_For_Case;
-- Start of processing for Load
-- Don't do any loads if we already had a fatal error
if Fatal_Error (Cur_Unum) then
end if;
Save_Style_Check_Options (Save_Style_Checks);
Save_Style_Check := Opt.Style_Check;
Save_Validity_Check_Options (Save_Validity_Checks);
Save_Validity_Check := Opt.Validity_Checks_On;
-- If main unit, set Main_Unit_Entity (this will get overwritten if
-- the main unit has a separate spec, that happens later on in Load)
if Cur_Unum = Main_Unit then
Main_Unit_Entity := Cunit_Entity (Main_Unit);
end if;
-- If we have no unit name, things are seriously messed up by previous
-- errors, and we should not try to continue compilation.
if Unit_Name (Cur_Unum) = No_Name then
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
end if;
-- Next step, make sure that the unit name matches the file name
-- and issue a warning message if not. We only output this for the
-- main unit, since for other units it is more serious and is
-- caught in a separate test below.
File_Name :=
(Unit_Name (Cur_Unum),
Subunit => Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Cur_Unum))) = N_Subunit);
if Cur_Unum = Main_Unit
and then File_Name /= Unit_File_Name (Cur_Unum)
and then (File_Names_Case_Sensitive
or not Same_File_Name_Except_For_Case
(File_Name, Unit_File_Name (Cur_Unum)))
Error_Msg_Name_1 := File_Name;
("?file name does not match unit name, should be{", Sloc (Curunit));
end if;
-- For units other than the main unit, the expected unit name is set and
-- must be the same as the actual unit name, or we are in big trouble, and
-- abandon the compilation since there are situations where this really
-- gets us into bad trouble (e.g. some subunit situations).
if Cur_Unum /= Main_Unit
and then Expected_Unit (Cur_Unum) /= Unit_Name (Cur_Unum)
Loc := Error_Location (Cur_Unum);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit_File_Name (Cur_Unum);
Get_Name_String (Error_Msg_Name_1);
-- Check for predefined file case
if Name_Len > 1
and then Name_Buffer (2) = '-'
and then (Name_Buffer (1) = 'a'
or else
Name_Buffer (1) = 's'
or else
Name_Buffer (1) = 'i'
or else
Name_Buffer (1) = 'g')
-- In the predefined file case, we know the user did not construct
-- their own package, but we got the wrong one. This means that the
-- name supplied by the user crunched to something we recognized,
-- but then the file did not contain the unit expected. Most likely
-- this is due to a misspelling, e.g.
-- with Ada.Calender;
-- This crunches to a-calend, which indeed contains the unit
-- Ada.Calendar, and we can diagnose the misspelling. This is
-- a simple heuristic, but it catches many common cases of
-- misspelling of predefined unit names without needing a full
-- list of them.
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Expected_Unit (Cur_Unum);
Error_Msg ("% is not a predefined library unit!", Loc);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit_Name (Cur_Unum);
Error_Msg ("possible misspelling of %!", Loc);
-- Non-predefined file name case
Error_Msg ("file { does not contain expected unit!", Loc);
Error_Msg_Unit_1 := Expected_Unit (Cur_Unum);
Error_Msg ("expected unit $!", Loc);
Error_Msg_Unit_1 := Unit_Name (Cur_Unum);
Error_Msg ("found unit $!", Loc);
end if;
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
end if;
-- If current unit is a body, load its corresponding spec
if Nkind (Unit (Curunit)) = N_Package_Body
or else Nkind (Unit (Curunit)) = N_Subprogram_Body
Spec_Name := Get_Spec_Name (Unit_Name (Cur_Unum));
Unum :=
(Load_Name => Spec_Name,
Required => False,
Subunit => False,
Error_Node => Curunit,
Corr_Body => Cur_Unum);
-- If we successfully load the unit, then set the spec pointer. Once
-- again note that if the loaded unit has a fatal error, Load will
-- have set our Fatal_Error flag to propagate this condition.
if Unum /= No_Unit then
Set_Library_Unit (Curunit, Cunit (Unum));
-- If this is a separate spec for the main unit, then we reset
-- Main_Unit_Entity to point to the entity for this separate spec
if Cur_Unum = Main_Unit then
Main_Unit_Entity := Cunit_Entity (Unum);
end if;
-- If we don't find the spec, then if we have a subprogram body, we
-- are still OK, we just have a case of a body acting as its own spec
elsif Nkind (Unit (Curunit)) = N_Subprogram_Body then
Set_Acts_As_Spec (Curunit, True);
Set_Library_Unit (Curunit, Curunit);
-- Otherwise we do have an error, repeat the load request for the spec
-- with Required set True to generate an appropriate error message.
Unum :=
(Load_Name => Spec_Name,
Required => True,
Subunit => False,
Error_Node => Curunit);
end if;
-- If current unit is a child unit spec, load its parent
elsif Nkind (Unit (Curunit)) = N_Package_Declaration
or else Nkind (Unit (Curunit)) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
or else Nkind (Unit (Curunit)) in N_Generic_Declaration
or else Nkind (Unit (Curunit)) in N_Generic_Instantiation
or else Nkind (Unit (Curunit)) in N_Renaming_Declaration
-- Turn style and validity checks off for parent unit
if not GNAT_Mode then
end if;
Spec_Name := Get_Parent_Spec_Name (Unit_Name (Cur_Unum));
if Spec_Name /= No_Name then
Unum :=
(Load_Name => Spec_Name,
Required => True,
Subunit => False,
Error_Node => Curunit);
if Unum /= No_Unit then
Set_Parent_Spec (Unit (Curunit), Cunit (Unum));
end if;
end if;
-- If current unit is a subunit, then load its parent body
elsif Nkind (Unit (Curunit)) = N_Subunit then
Body_Name := Get_Parent_Body_Name (Unit_Name (Cur_Unum));
Unum :=
(Load_Name => Body_Name,
Required => True,
Subunit => True,
Error_Node => Name (Unit (Curunit)));
if Unum /= No_Unit then
Set_Library_Unit (Curunit, Cunit (Unum));
end if;
end if;
-- Now we load with'ed units, with style/validity checks turned off
if not GNAT_Mode then
end if;
-- Loop through context items
Context_Node := First (Context_Items (Curunit));
while Present (Context_Node) loop
if Nkind (Context_Node) = N_With_Clause then
With_Node := Context_Node;
Spec_Name := Get_Unit_Name (With_Node);
Unum :=
(Load_Name => Spec_Name,
Required => False,
Subunit => False,
Error_Node => With_Node,
Renamings => True);
-- If we find the unit, then set spec pointer in the N_With_Clause
-- to point to the compilation unit for the spec. Remember that
-- the Load routine itself sets our Fatal_Error flag if the loaded
-- unit gets a fatal error, so we don't need to worry about that.
if Unum /= No_Unit then
Set_Library_Unit (With_Node, Cunit (Unum));
-- If the spec isn't found, then try finding the corresponding
-- body, since it is possible that we have a subprogram body
-- that is acting as a spec (since no spec is present).
Body_Name := Get_Body_Name (Spec_Name);
Unum :=
(Load_Name => Body_Name,
Required => False,
Subunit => False,
Error_Node => With_Node,
Renamings => True);
-- If we got a subprogram body, then mark that we are using
-- the body as a spec in the file table, and set the spec
-- pointer in the N_With_Clause to point to the body entity.
if Unum /= No_Unit
and then Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Unum))) = N_Subprogram_Body
With_Cunit := Cunit (Unum);
Set_Library_Unit (With_Node, With_Cunit);
Set_Acts_As_Spec (With_Cunit, True);
Set_Library_Unit (With_Cunit, With_Cunit);
-- If we couldn't find the body, or if it wasn't a body spec
-- then we are in trouble. We make one more call to Load to
-- require the spec. We know it will fail of course, the
-- purpose is to generate the required error message (we prefer
-- that this message refer to the missing spec, not the body)
Unum :=
(Load_Name => Spec_Name,
Required => True,
Subunit => False,
Error_Node => With_Node,
Renamings => True);
-- Here we create a dummy package unit for the missing unit
Unum := Create_Dummy_Package_Unit (With_Node, Spec_Name);
Set_Library_Unit (With_Node, Cunit (Unum));
end if;
end if;
end if;
Next (Context_Node);
end loop;
-- Restore style/validity check mode for main unit
Set_Style_Check_Options (Save_Style_Checks);
Opt.Style_Check := Save_Style_Check;
Set_Validity_Check_Options (Save_Validity_Checks);
Opt.Validity_Checks_On := Save_Validity_Check;
end Load;

gcc/ada/par-prag.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . P R A G --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.149 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- Generally the parser checks the basic syntax of pragmas, but does not
-- do specialized syntax checks for individual pragmas, these are deferred
-- to semantic analysis time (see unit Sem_Prag). There are some pragmas
-- which require recognition and either partial or complete processing
-- during parsing, and this unit performs this required processing.
with Fname.UF; use Fname.UF;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Stylesw; use Stylesw;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
with Uname; use Uname;
separate (Par)
function Prag (Pragma_Node : Node_Id; Semi : Source_Ptr) return Node_Id is
Pragma_Name : constant Name_Id := Chars (Pragma_Node);
Pragma_Sloc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Pragma_Node);
Arg_Count : Nat;
Arg_Node : Node_Id;
-- Local Subprograms --
function Arg1 return Node_Id;
function Arg2 return Node_Id;
function Arg3 return Node_Id;
function Arg4 return Node_Id;
-- Obtain specified Pragma_Argument_Association. It is allowable to call
-- the routine for the argument one past the last present argument, but
-- that is the only case in which a non-present argument can be referenced.
procedure Check_Arg_Count (Required : Int);
-- Check argument count for pragma = Required.
-- If not give error and raise Error_Resync.
procedure Check_Arg_Is_String_Literal (Arg : Node_Id);
-- Check the expression of the specified argument to make sure that it
-- is a string literal. If not give error and raise Error_Resync.
procedure Check_Arg_Is_On_Or_Off (Arg : Node_Id);
-- Check the expression of the specified argument to make sure that it
-- is an identifier which is either ON or OFF, and if not, then issue
-- an error message and raise Error_Resync.
procedure Check_No_Identifier (Arg : Node_Id);
-- Checks that the given argument does not have an identifier. If an
-- identifier is present, then an error message is issued, and
-- Error_Resync is raised.
procedure Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg : Node_Id; Id : Name_Id);
-- Checks if the given argument has an identifier, and if so, requires
-- it to match the given identifier name. If there is a non-matching
-- identifier, then an error message is given and Error_Resync raised.
procedure Check_Required_Identifier (Arg : Node_Id; Id : Name_Id);
-- Same as Check_Optional_Identifier, except that the name is required
-- to be present and to match the given Id value.
-- Arg1 --
function Arg1 return Node_Id is
return First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Pragma_Node));
end Arg1;
-- Arg2 --
function Arg2 return Node_Id is
return Next (Arg1);
end Arg2;
-- Arg3 --
function Arg3 return Node_Id is
return Next (Arg2);
end Arg3;
-- Arg4 --
function Arg4 return Node_Id is
return Next (Arg3);
end Arg4;
-- Check_Arg_Count --
procedure Check_Arg_Count (Required : Int) is
if Arg_Count /= Required then
Error_Msg ("wrong number of arguments for pragma%", Pragma_Sloc);
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
end Check_Arg_Count;
-- Check_Arg_Is_On_Or_Off --
procedure Check_Arg_Is_On_Or_Off (Arg : Node_Id) is
Argx : constant Node_Id := Expression (Arg);
if Nkind (Expression (Arg)) /= N_Identifier
or else (Chars (Argx) /= Name_On
and then
Chars (Argx) /= Name_Off)
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Name_On;
Error_Msg_Name_3 := Name_Off;
("argument for pragma% must be% or%", Sloc (Argx));
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
end Check_Arg_Is_On_Or_Off;
-- Check_Arg_Is_String_Literal --
procedure Check_Arg_Is_String_Literal (Arg : Node_Id) is
if Nkind (Expression (Arg)) /= N_String_Literal then
("argument for pragma% must be string literal",
Sloc (Expression (Arg)));
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
end Check_Arg_Is_String_Literal;
-- Check_No_Identifier --
procedure Check_No_Identifier (Arg : Node_Id) is
if Chars (Arg) /= No_Name then
Error_Msg_N ("pragma% does not permit named arguments", Arg);
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
end Check_No_Identifier;
-- Check_Optional_Identifier --
procedure Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg : Node_Id; Id : Name_Id) is
if Present (Arg) and then Chars (Arg) /= No_Name then
if Chars (Arg) /= Id then
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Id;
Error_Msg_N ("pragma% argument expects identifier%", Arg);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Optional_Identifier;
-- Check_Required_Identifier --
procedure Check_Required_Identifier (Arg : Node_Id; Id : Name_Id) is
if Chars (Arg) /= Id then
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Id;
Error_Msg_N ("pragma% argument must have identifier%", Arg);
end if;
end Check_Required_Identifier;
-- Prag --
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Pragma_Name;
-- Count number of arguments. This loop also checks if any of the arguments
-- are Error, indicating a syntax error as they were parsed. If so, we
-- simply return, because we get into trouble with cascaded errors if we
-- try to perform our error checks on junk arguments.
Arg_Count := 0;
if Present (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Pragma_Node)) then
Arg_Node := Arg1;
while Arg_Node /= Empty loop
Arg_Count := Arg_Count + 1;
if Expression (Arg_Node) = Error then
return Error;
end if;
Next (Arg_Node);
end loop;
end if;
-- Remaining processing is pragma dependent
case Get_Pragma_Id (Pragma_Name) is
-- Ada_83 --
-- This pragma must be processed at parse time, since we want to set
-- the Ada 83 and Ada 95 switches properly at parse time to recognize
-- Ada 83 syntax or Ada 95 syntax as appropriate.
when Pragma_Ada_83 =>
Ada_83 := True;
Ada_95 := False;
-- Ada_95 --
-- This pragma must be processed at parse time, since we want to set
-- the Ada 83 and Ada_95 switches properly at parse time to recognize
-- Ada 83 syntax or Ada 95 syntax as appropriate.
when Pragma_Ada_95 =>
Ada_83 := False;
Ada_95 := True;
-- Debug --
-- This has to be processed by the parser because of the very peculiar
-- form of the second parameter, which is syntactically from a formal
-- point of view a function call (since it must be an expression), but
-- semantically we treat it as a procedure call (which has exactly the
-- same syntactic form, so that's why we can get away with this!)
when Pragma_Debug =>
Check_Arg_Count (1);
Check_No_Identifier (Arg1);
Expr : constant Node_Id := New_Copy (Expression (Arg1));
if Nkind (Expr) /= N_Indexed_Component
and then Nkind (Expr) /= N_Function_Call
and then Nkind (Expr) /= N_Identifier
and then Nkind (Expr) /= N_Selected_Component
("argument of pragma% is not procedure call", Sloc (Expr));
raise Error_Resync;
(Pragma_Node, P_Statement_Name (Expr));
end if;
-- Extensions_Allowed (GNAT) --
-- pragma Extensions_Allowed (Off | On)
-- The processing for pragma Extensions_Allowed must be done at
-- parse time, since extensions mode may affect what is accepted.
when Pragma_Extensions_Allowed =>
Check_Arg_Count (1);
Check_No_Identifier (Arg1);
Check_Arg_Is_On_Or_Off (Arg1);
Opt.Extensions_Allowed := (Chars (Expression (Arg1)) = Name_On);
-- List (2.8) --
-- pragma List (Off | On)
-- The processing for pragma List must be done at parse time,
-- since a listing can be generated in parse only mode.
when Pragma_List =>
Check_Arg_Count (1);
Check_No_Identifier (Arg1);
Check_Arg_Is_On_Or_Off (Arg1);
-- We unconditionally make a List_On entry for the pragma, so that
-- in the List (Off) case, the pragma will print even in a region
-- of code with listing turned off (this is required!)
List_Pragmas.Table (List_Pragmas.Last) :=
(Ptyp => List_On, Ploc => Sloc (Pragma_Node));
-- Now generate the list off entry for pragma List (Off)
if Chars (Expression (Arg1)) = Name_Off then
List_Pragmas.Table (List_Pragmas.Last) :=
(Ptyp => List_Off, Ploc => Semi);
end if;
-- Page (2.8) --
-- pragma Page;
-- Processing for this pragma must be done at parse time, since a
-- listing can be generated in parse only mode with semantics off.
when Pragma_Page =>
Check_Arg_Count (0);
List_Pragmas.Table (List_Pragmas.Last) := (Page, Semi);
-- Source_File_Name (GNAT) --
-- There are five forms of this pragma:
-- pragma Source_File_Name (
-- [UNIT_NAME =>] unit_NAME,
-- pragma Source_File_Name (
-- [UNIT_NAME =>] unit_NAME,
-- pragma Source_File_Name (
-- pragma Source_File_Name (
-- pragma Source_File_Name (
-- CASING_SPEC ::= Uppercase | Lowercase | Mixedcase
-- Note: we process this during parsing, since we need to have the
-- source file names set well before the semantic analysis starts,
-- since we load the spec and with'ed packages before analysis.
when Pragma_Source_File_Name => Source_File_Name : declare
Unam : Unit_Name_Type;
Expr1 : Node_Id;
Pat : String_Ptr;
Typ : Character;
Dot : String_Ptr;
Cas : Casing_Type;
Nast : Nat;
function Get_Fname (Arg : Node_Id) return Name_Id;
-- Process file name from unit name form of pragma
function Get_String_Argument (Arg : Node_Id) return String_Ptr;
-- Process string literal value from argument
procedure Process_Casing (Arg : Node_Id);
-- Process Casing argument of pattern form of pragma
procedure Process_Dot_Replacement (Arg : Node_Id);
-- Process Dot_Replacement argument of patterm form of pragma
-- Get_Fname --
function Get_Fname (Arg : Node_Id) return Name_Id is
String_To_Name_Buffer (Strval (Expression (Arg)));
for J in 1 .. Name_Len loop
if Is_Directory_Separator (Name_Buffer (J)) then
("directory separator character not allowed",
Sloc (Expression (Arg)) + Source_Ptr (J));
end if;
end loop;
return Name_Find;
end Get_Fname;
-- Get_String_Argument --
function Get_String_Argument (Arg : Node_Id) return String_Ptr is
Str : String_Id;
if Nkind (Expression (Arg)) /= N_String_Literal
and then
Nkind (Expression (Arg)) /= N_Operator_Symbol
("argument for pragma% must be string literal", Arg);
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
Str := Strval (Expression (Arg));
-- Check string has no wide chars
for J in 1 .. String_Length (Str) loop
if Get_String_Char (Str, J) > 255 then
("wide character not allowed in pattern for pragma%",
Sloc (Expression (Arg2)) + Text_Ptr (J) - 1);
end if;
end loop;
-- Acquire string
String_To_Name_Buffer (Str);
return new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end Get_String_Argument;
-- Process_Casing --
procedure Process_Casing (Arg : Node_Id) is
Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (Arg);
Check_Required_Identifier (Arg, Name_Casing);
if Nkind (Expr) = N_Identifier then
if Chars (Expr) = Name_Lowercase then
Cas := All_Lower_Case;
elsif Chars (Expr) = Name_Uppercase then
Cas := All_Upper_Case;
elsif Chars (Expr) = Name_Mixedcase then
Cas := Mixed_Case;
end if;
end if;
("Casing argument for pragma% must be " &
"one of Mixedcase, Lowercase, Uppercase",
end Process_Casing;
-- Process_Dot_Replacement --
procedure Process_Dot_Replacement (Arg : Node_Id) is
Check_Required_Identifier (Arg, Name_Dot_Replacement);
Dot := Get_String_Argument (Arg);
end Process_Dot_Replacement;
-- Start of processing for Source_File_Name pragma
-- We permit from 1 to 3 arguments
if Arg_Count not in 1 .. 3 then
Check_Arg_Count (1);
end if;
Expr1 := Expression (Arg1);
-- If first argument is identifier or selected component, then
-- we have the specific file case of the Source_File_Name pragma,
-- and the first argument is a unit name.
if Nkind (Expr1) = N_Identifier
or else
(Nkind (Expr1) = N_Selected_Component
and then
Nkind (Selector_Name (Expr1)) = N_Identifier)
Check_Arg_Count (2);
Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg1, Name_Unit_Name);
Unam := Get_Unit_Name (Expr1);
Check_Arg_Is_String_Literal (Arg2);
if Chars (Arg2) = Name_Spec_File_Name then
Set_File_Name (Get_Spec_Name (Unam), Get_Fname (Arg2));
elsif Chars (Arg2) = Name_Body_File_Name then
Set_File_Name (Unam, Get_Fname (Arg2));
Error_Msg_N ("pragma% argument has incorrect identifier", Arg2);
return Pragma_Node;
end if;
-- If the first argument is not an identifier, then we must have
-- the pattern form of the pragma, and the first argument must be
-- the pattern string with an appropriate name.
if Chars (Arg1) = Name_Spec_File_Name then
Typ := 's';
elsif Chars (Arg1) = Name_Body_File_Name then
Typ := 'b';
elsif Chars (Arg1) = Name_Subunit_File_Name then
Typ := 'u';
elsif Chars (Arg1) = Name_Unit_Name then
("Unit_Name parameter for pragma% must be an identifier",
raise Error_Resync;
Error_Msg_N ("pragma% argument has incorrect identifier", Arg1);
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
Pat := Get_String_Argument (Arg1);
-- Check pattern has exactly one asterisk
Nast := 0;
for J in Pat'Range loop
if Pat (J) = '*' then
Nast := Nast + 1;
end if;
end loop;
if Nast /= 1 then
("file name pattern must have exactly one * character",
return Pragma_Node;
end if;
-- Set defaults for Casing and Dot_Separator parameters
Cas := All_Lower_Case;
Dot := new String'(".");
-- Process second and third arguments if present
if Arg_Count > 1 then
if Chars (Arg2) = Name_Casing then
Process_Casing (Arg2);
if Arg_Count = 3 then
Process_Dot_Replacement (Arg3);
end if;
Process_Dot_Replacement (Arg2);
if Arg_Count = 3 then
Process_Casing (Arg3);
end if;
end if;
end if;
Set_File_Name_Pattern (Pat, Typ, Dot, Cas);
end if;
end Source_File_Name;
-- Source_Reference (GNAT) --
-- pragma Source_Reference
-- Processing for this pragma must be done at parse time, since error
-- messages needing the proper line numbers can be generated in parse
-- only mode with semantic checking turned off, and indeed we usually
-- turn off semantic checking anyway if any parse errors are found.
when Pragma_Source_Reference => Source_Reference : declare
Fname : Name_Id;
if Arg_Count /= 1 then
Check_Arg_Count (2);
Check_No_Identifier (Arg2);
end if;
-- Check that this is first line of file. We skip this test if
-- we are in syntax check only mode, since we may be dealing with
-- multiple compilation units.
if Get_Physical_Line_Number (Pragma_Sloc) /= 1
and then Num_SRef_Pragmas (Current_Source_File) = 0
and then Operating_Mode /= Check_Syntax
("first % pragma must be first line of file", Pragma_Sloc);
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
Check_No_Identifier (Arg1);
if Arg_Count = 1 then
if Num_SRef_Pragmas (Current_Source_File) = 0 then
("file name required for first % pragma in file",
raise Error_Resync;
Fname := No_Name;
end if;
-- File name present
Check_Arg_Is_String_Literal (Arg2);
String_To_Name_Buffer (Strval (Expression (Arg2)));
Fname := Name_Find;
if Num_SRef_Pragmas (Current_Source_File) > 0 then
if Fname /= Full_Ref_Name (Current_Source_File) then
("file name must be same in all % pragmas", Pragma_Sloc);
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if Nkind (Expression (Arg1)) /= N_Integer_Literal then
("argument for pragma% must be integer literal",
Sloc (Expression (Arg1)));
raise Error_Resync;
-- OK, this source reference pragma is effective, however, we
-- ignore it if it is not in the first unit in the multiple unit
-- case. This is because the only purpose in this case is to
-- provide source pragmas for subsequent use by gnatchop.
if Num_Library_Units = 1 then
Strip_Directory (Fname),
UI_To_Int (Intval (Expression (Arg1))),
Get_Physical_Line_Number (Pragma_Sloc) + 1);
end if;
end if;
end Source_Reference;
-- Style_Checks (GNAT) --
-- pragma Style_Checks (On | Off | ALL_CHECKS | STRING_LITERAL);
-- This is processed by the parser since some of the style
-- checks take place during source scanning and parsing.
when Pragma_Style_Checks => Style_Checks : declare
A : Node_Id;
S : String_Id;
C : Char_Code;
OK : Boolean := True;
-- Two argument case is only for semantics
if Arg_Count = 2 then
Check_Arg_Count (1);
Check_No_Identifier (Arg1);
A := Expression (Arg1);
if Nkind (A) = N_String_Literal then
S := Strval (A);
Slen : Natural := Natural (String_Length (S));
Options : String (1 .. Slen);
J : Natural;
Ptr : Natural;
J := 1;
C := Get_String_Char (S, Int (J));
if not In_Character_Range (C) then
OK := False;
Ptr := J;
Options (J) := Get_Character (C);
end if;
if J = Slen then
Set_Style_Check_Options (Options, OK, Ptr);
J := J + 1;
end if;
end loop;
if not OK then
("invalid style check option",
Sloc (Expression (Arg1)) + Source_Ptr (Ptr));
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
elsif Nkind (A) /= N_Identifier then
OK := False;
elsif Chars (A) = Name_All_Checks then
elsif Chars (A) = Name_On then
Style_Check := True;
elsif Chars (A) = Name_Off then
Style_Check := False;
OK := False;
end if;
if not OK then
Error_Msg ("incorrect argument for pragma%", Sloc (A));
raise Error_Resync;
end if;
end if;
end Style_Checks;
-- Warnings (GNAT) --
-- pragma Warnings (On | Off, [LOCAL_NAME])
-- The one argument case is processed by the parser, since it may
-- control parser warnings as well as semantic warnings, and in any
-- case we want to be absolutely sure that the range in the warnings
-- table is set well before any semantic analysis is performed.
when Pragma_Warnings =>
if Arg_Count = 1 then
Check_No_Identifier (Arg1);
Check_Arg_Is_On_Or_Off (Arg1);
if Chars (Expression (Arg1)) = Name_On then
Set_Warnings_Mode_On (Pragma_Sloc);
Set_Warnings_Mode_Off (Pragma_Sloc);
end if;
end if;
-- All Other Pragmas --
-- For all other pragmas, checking and processing is handled
-- entirely in Sem_Prag, and no further checking is done by Par.
when Pragma_Abort_Defer |
Pragma_AST_Entry |
Pragma_All_Calls_Remote |
Pragma_Annotate |
Pragma_Assert |
Pragma_Asynchronous |
Pragma_Atomic |
Pragma_Atomic_Components |
Pragma_Attach_Handler |
Pragma_CPP_Class |
Pragma_CPP_Constructor |
Pragma_CPP_Virtual |
Pragma_CPP_Vtable |
Pragma_C_Pass_By_Copy |
Pragma_Comment |
Pragma_Common_Object |
Pragma_Complex_Representation |
Pragma_Component_Alignment |
Pragma_Controlled |
Pragma_Convention |
Pragma_Discard_Names |
Pragma_Eliminate |
Pragma_Elaborate |
Pragma_Elaborate_All |
Pragma_Elaborate_Body |
Pragma_Elaboration_Checks |
Pragma_Export |
Pragma_Export_Exception |
Pragma_Export_Function |
Pragma_Export_Object |
Pragma_Export_Procedure |
Pragma_Export_Valued_Procedure |
Pragma_Extend_System |
Pragma_External_Name_Casing |
Pragma_Finalize_Storage_Only |
Pragma_Float_Representation |
Pragma_Ident |
Pragma_Import |
Pragma_Import_Exception |
Pragma_Import_Function |
Pragma_Import_Object |
Pragma_Import_Procedure |
Pragma_Import_Valued_Procedure |
Pragma_Initialize_Scalars |
Pragma_Inline |
Pragma_Inline_Always |
Pragma_Inline_Generic |
Pragma_Inspection_Point |
Pragma_Interface |
Pragma_Interface_Name |
Pragma_Interrupt_Handler |
Pragma_Interrupt_Priority |
Pragma_Java_Constructor |
Pragma_Java_Interface |
Pragma_License |
Pragma_Link_With |
Pragma_Linker_Alias |
Pragma_Linker_Options |
Pragma_Linker_Section |
Pragma_Locking_Policy |
Pragma_Long_Float |
Pragma_Machine_Attribute |
Pragma_Main |
Pragma_Main_Storage |
Pragma_Memory_Size |
Pragma_No_Return |
Pragma_No_Run_Time |
Pragma_Normalize_Scalars |
Pragma_Optimize |
Pragma_Pack |
Pragma_Passive |
Pragma_Polling |
Pragma_Preelaborate |
Pragma_Priority |
Pragma_Propagate_Exceptions |
Pragma_Psect_Object |
Pragma_Pure |
Pragma_Pure_Function |
Pragma_Queuing_Policy |
Pragma_Remote_Call_Interface |
Pragma_Remote_Types |
Pragma_Restrictions |
Pragma_Restricted_Run_Time |
Pragma_Ravenscar |
Pragma_Reviewable |
Pragma_Share_Generic |
Pragma_Shared |
Pragma_Shared_Passive |
Pragma_Storage_Size |
Pragma_Storage_Unit |
Pragma_Stream_Convert |
Pragma_Subtitle |
Pragma_Suppress |
Pragma_Suppress_All |
Pragma_Suppress_Debug_Info |
Pragma_Suppress_Initialization |
Pragma_System_Name |
Pragma_Task_Dispatching_Policy |
Pragma_Task_Info |
Pragma_Task_Name |
Pragma_Task_Storage |
Pragma_Time_Slice |
Pragma_Title |
Pragma_Unchecked_Union |
Pragma_Unimplemented_Unit |
Pragma_Unreserve_All_Interrupts |
Pragma_Unsuppress |
Pragma_Use_VADS_Size |
Pragma_Volatile |
Pragma_Volatile_Components |
Pragma_Weak_External |
Pragma_Validity_Checks =>
end case;
return Pragma_Node;
-- Error Handling --
when Error_Resync =>
return Error;
end Prag;

gcc/ada/par-sync.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . S Y N C --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.19 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
separate (Par)
package body Sync is
procedure Resync_Init;
-- This routine is called on initiating a resynchronization action
procedure Resync_Resume;
-- This routine is called on completing a resynchronization action
-- Resync_Choice --
procedure Resync_Choice is
-- Loop till we get a token that terminates a choice. Note that EOF is
-- one such token, so we are sure to get out of this loop eventually!
while Token not in Token_Class_Cterm loop
end loop;
end Resync_Choice;
-- Resync_Cunit --
procedure Resync_Cunit is
while Token not in Token_Class_Cunit
and then Token /= Tok_EOF
end loop;
end Resync_Cunit;
-- Resync_Expression --
procedure Resync_Expression is
Paren_Count : Int;
Paren_Count := 0;
-- Terminating tokens are those in class Eterm and also RANGE,
-- DIGITS or DELTA if not preceded by an apostrophe (if they are
-- preceded by an apostrophe, then they are attributes). In addiion,
-- at the outer parentheses level only, we also consider a comma,
-- right parenthesis or vertical bar to terminate an expression.
if Token in Token_Class_Eterm
or else (Token in Token_Class_Atkwd
and then Prev_Token /= Tok_Apostrophe)
or else (Paren_Count = 0
and then
(Token = Tok_Comma
or else Token = Tok_Right_Paren
or else Token = Tok_Vertical_Bar))
-- A special check: if we stop on the ELSE of OR ELSE or the
-- THEN of AND THEN, keep going, because this is not really an
-- expression terminator after all. Also, keep going past WITH
-- since this can be part of an extension aggregate
if (Token = Tok_Else and then Prev_Token = Tok_Or)
or else (Token = Tok_Then and then Prev_Token = Tok_And)
or else Token = Tok_With
end if;
end if;
if Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
Paren_Count := Paren_Count + 1;
elsif Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
Paren_Count := Paren_Count - 1;
end if;
Scan; -- past token to be skipped
end loop;
end Resync_Expression;
-- Resync_Init --
procedure Resync_Init is
-- The following check makes sure we do not get stuck in an infinite
-- loop resynchonizing and getting nowhere. If we are called to do a
-- resynchronize and we are exactly at the same point that we left off
-- on the last resynchronize call, then we force at least one token to
-- be skipped so that we make progress!
if Token_Ptr = Last_Resync_Point then
Scan; -- to skip at least one token
end if;
-- Output extra error message if debug R flag is set
if Debug_Flag_R then
Error_Msg_SC ("resynchronizing!");
end if;
end Resync_Init;
-- Resync_Past_Semicolon --
procedure Resync_Past_Semicolon is
-- Done if we are at a semicolon
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
Scan; -- past semicolon
-- Done if we are at a token which normally appears only after
-- a semicolon. One special glitch is that the keyword private is
-- in this category only if it does NOT appear after WITH.
elsif Token in Token_Class_After_SM
and then (Token /= Tok_Private or else Prev_Token /= Tok_With)
-- Otherwise keep going
end if;
end loop;
-- Fall out of loop with resyncrhonization complete
end Resync_Past_Semicolon;
-- Resync_Past_Semicolon_Or_To_Loop_Or_Then --
procedure Resync_Past_Semicolon_Or_To_Loop_Or_Then is
-- Done if at semicolon
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
Scan; -- past the semicolon
-- Done if we are at a token which normally appears only after
-- a semicolon. One special glitch is that the keyword private is
-- in this category only if it does NOT appear after WITH.
elsif (Token in Token_Class_After_SM
and then (Token /= Tok_Private
or else Prev_Token /= Tok_With))
-- Done if we are at THEN or LOOP
elsif Token = Tok_Then or else Token = Tok_Loop then
-- Otherwise keep going
end if;
end loop;
-- Fall out of loop with resyncrhonization complete
end Resync_Past_Semicolon_Or_To_Loop_Or_Then;
-- Resync_Resume --
procedure Resync_Resume is
-- Save resync point (see special test in Resync_Init)
Last_Resync_Point := Token_Ptr;
if Debug_Flag_R then
Error_Msg_SC ("resuming here!");
end if;
end Resync_Resume;
-- Resync_To_When --
procedure Resync_To_When is
-- Done if at semicolon, WHEN or IS
if Token = Tok_Semicolon
or else Token = Tok_When
or else Token = Tok_Is
-- Otherwise keep going
end if;
end loop;
-- Fall out of loop with resyncrhonization complete
end Resync_To_When;
-- Resync_Semicolon_List --
procedure Resync_Semicolon_List is
Paren_Count : Int;
Paren_Count := 0;
if Token = Tok_EOF
or else Token = Tok_Semicolon
or else Token = Tok_Is
or else Token in Token_Class_After_SM
elsif Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
Paren_Count := Paren_Count + 1;
elsif Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
if Paren_Count = 0 then
Paren_Count := Paren_Count - 1;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Resync_Semicolon_List;
end Sync;

gcc/ada/par-tchk.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . T C H K --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.37 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- Token scan routines.
-- Error recovery: none of the T_xxx or TF_xxx routines raise Error_Resync
separate (Par)
package body Tchk is
type Position is (SC, BC, AP);
-- Specify position of error message (see Error_Msg_SC/BC/AP)
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Check_Token (T : Token_Type; P : Position);
pragma Inline (Check_Token);
-- Called by T_xx routines to check for reserved keyword token. P is the
-- position of the error message if the token is missing (see Wrong_Token)
procedure Wrong_Token (T : Token_Type; P : Position);
-- Called when scanning a reserved keyword when the keyword is not
-- present. T is the token type for the keyword, and P indicates the
-- position to be used to place a message relative to the current
-- token if the keyword is not located nearby.
-- Check_Token --
procedure Check_Token (T : Token_Type; P : Position) is
if Token = T then
Wrong_Token (T, P);
end if;
end Check_Token;
-- T_Abort --
procedure T_Abort is
Check_Token (Tok_Abort, SC);
end T_Abort;
-- T_Arrow --
procedure T_Arrow is
if Token = Tok_Arrow then
-- A little recovery helper, accept then in place of =>
elsif Token = Tok_Then then
Error_Msg_BC ("missing ""=>""");
Scan; -- past THEN used in place of =>
elsif Token = Tok_Colon_Equal then
Error_Msg_SC (""":="" should be ""=>""");
Scan; -- past := used in place of =>
Error_Msg_AP ("missing ""=>""");
end if;
end T_Arrow;
-- T_At --
procedure T_At is
Check_Token (Tok_At, SC);
end T_At;
-- T_Body --
procedure T_Body is
Check_Token (Tok_Body, BC);
end T_Body;
-- T_Box --
procedure T_Box is
if Token = Tok_Box then
Error_Msg_AP ("missing ""<>""");
end if;
end T_Box;
-- T_Colon --
procedure T_Colon is
if Token = Tok_Colon then
Error_Msg_AP ("missing "":""");
end if;
end T_Colon;
-- T_Colon_Equal --
procedure T_Colon_Equal is
if Token = Tok_Colon_Equal then
elsif Token = Tok_Equal then
Error_Msg_SC ("""="" should be "":=""");
elsif Token = Tok_Colon then
Error_Msg_SC (""":"" should be "":=""");
elsif Token = Tok_Is then
Error_Msg_SC ("IS should be "":=""");
Error_Msg_AP ("missing "":=""");
end if;
end T_Colon_Equal;
-- T_Comma --
procedure T_Comma is
if Token = Tok_Comma then
if Token = Tok_Pragma then
end if;
if Token = Tok_Comma then
Error_Msg_AP ("missing "",""");
end if;
end if;
if Token = Tok_Pragma then
end if;
end T_Comma;
-- T_Dot_Dot --
procedure T_Dot_Dot is
if Token = Tok_Dot_Dot then
Error_Msg_AP ("missing ""..""");
end if;
end T_Dot_Dot;
-- T_For --
procedure T_For is
Check_Token (Tok_For, AP);
end T_For;
-- T_Greater_Greater --
procedure T_Greater_Greater is
if Token = Tok_Greater_Greater then
Error_Msg_AP ("missing "">>""");
end if;
end T_Greater_Greater;
-- T_Identifier --
procedure T_Identifier is
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
elsif Token in Token_Class_Literal then
Error_Msg_SC ("identifier expected");
Error_Msg_AP ("identifier expected");
end if;
end T_Identifier;
-- T_In --
procedure T_In is
Check_Token (Tok_In, AP);
end T_In;
-- T_Is --
procedure T_Is is
if Token = Tok_Is then
Ignore (Tok_Semicolon);
-- Allow OF, => or = to substitute for IS with complaint
elsif Token = Tok_Arrow
or else Token = Tok_Of
or else Token = Tok_Equal
Error_Msg_SC ("missing IS");
Scan; -- token used in place of IS
Wrong_Token (Tok_Is, AP);
end if;
while Token = Tok_Is loop
Error_Msg_SC ("extra IS ignored");
end loop;
end T_Is;
-- T_Left_Paren --
procedure T_Left_Paren is
if Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
Error_Msg_AP ("missing ""(""");
end if;
end T_Left_Paren;
-- T_Loop --
procedure T_Loop is
if Token = Tok_Do then
Error_Msg_SC ("LOOP expected");
Check_Token (Tok_Loop, AP);
end if;
end T_Loop;
-- T_Mod --
procedure T_Mod is
Check_Token (Tok_Mod, AP);
end T_Mod;
-- T_New --
procedure T_New is
Check_Token (Tok_New, AP);
end T_New;
-- T_Of --
procedure T_Of is
Check_Token (Tok_Of, AP);
end T_Of;
-- T_Or --
procedure T_Or is
Check_Token (Tok_Or, AP);
end T_Or;
-- T_Private --
procedure T_Private is
Check_Token (Tok_Private, SC);
end T_Private;
-- T_Range --
procedure T_Range is
Check_Token (Tok_Range, AP);
end T_Range;
-- T_Record --
procedure T_Record is
Check_Token (Tok_Record, AP);
end T_Record;
-- T_Right_Paren --
procedure T_Right_Paren is
if Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
Error_Msg_AP ("missing "")""");
end if;
end T_Right_Paren;
-- T_Semicolon --
procedure T_Semicolon is
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
Error_Msg_SC ("extra "";"" ignored");
end if;
elsif Token = Tok_Colon then
Error_Msg_SC (""":"" should be "";""");
elsif Token = Tok_Comma then
Error_Msg_SC (""","" should be "";""");
elsif Token = Tok_Dot then
Error_Msg_SC ("""."" should be "";""");
-- An interesting little kludge here. If the previous token is a
-- semicolon, then there is no way that we can legitimately need
-- another semicolon. This could only arise in an error situation
-- where an error has already been signalled. By simply ignoring
-- the request for a semicolon in this case, we avoid some spurious
-- missing semicolon messages.
elsif Prev_Token = Tok_Semicolon then
-- If the current token is | then this is a reasonable
-- place to suggest the possibility of a "C" confusion :-)
elsif Token = Tok_Vertical_Bar then
Error_Msg_SC ("unexpected occurrence of ""|"", did you mean OR'?");
-- Otherwise we really do have a missing semicolon
Error_Msg_AP ("missing "";""");
end if;
end T_Semicolon;
-- T_Then --
procedure T_Then is
Check_Token (Tok_Then, AP);
end T_Then;
-- T_Type --
procedure T_Type is
Check_Token (Tok_Type, BC);
end T_Type;
-- T_Use --
procedure T_Use is
Check_Token (Tok_Use, SC);
end T_Use;
-- T_When --
procedure T_When is
Check_Token (Tok_When, SC);
end T_When;
-- T_With --
procedure T_With is
Check_Token (Tok_With, BC);
end T_With;
-- TF_Arrow --
procedure TF_Arrow is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
if Token = Tok_Arrow then
Scan; -- skip arrow and we are done
elsif Token = Tok_Colon_Equal then
T_Arrow; -- Let T_Arrow give the message
T_Arrow; -- give missing arrow message
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at start of junk tokens
if Prev_Token_Ptr < Current_Line_Start
or else Token = Tok_Semicolon
or else Token = Tok_EOF
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to where we were!
end if;
Scan; -- continue search!
if Token = Tok_Arrow then
Scan; -- past arrow
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end TF_Arrow;
-- TF_Is --
procedure TF_Is is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
if Token = Tok_Is then
T_Is; -- past IS and we are done
-- Allow OF or => or = in place of IS (with error message)
elsif Token = Tok_Of
or else Token = Tok_Arrow
or else Token = Tok_Equal
T_Is; -- give missing IS message and skip bad token
T_Is; -- give missing IS message
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at start of junk tokens
if Prev_Token_Ptr < Current_Line_Start
or else Token = Tok_Semicolon
or else Token = Tok_EOF
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to where we were!
end if;
Scan; -- continue search!
if Token = Tok_Is
or else Token = Tok_Of
or else Token = Tok_Arrow
Scan; -- past IS or OF or =>
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end TF_Is;
-- TF_Loop --
procedure TF_Loop is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
if Token = Tok_Loop then
Scan; -- past LOOP and we are done
-- Allow DO or THEN in place of LOOP
elsif Token = Tok_Then or else Token = Tok_Do then
T_Loop; -- give missing LOOP message
T_Loop; -- give missing LOOP message
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at start of junk tokens
if Prev_Token_Ptr < Current_Line_Start
or else Token = Tok_Semicolon
or else Token = Tok_EOF
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to where we were!
end if;
Scan; -- continue search!
if Token = Tok_Loop or else Token = Tok_Then then
Scan; -- past loop or then (message already generated)
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end TF_Loop;
-- TF_Return--
procedure TF_Return is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
if Token = Tok_Return then
Scan; -- skip RETURN and we are done
Error_Msg_SC ("missing RETURN");
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at start of junk tokens
if Prev_Token_Ptr < Current_Line_Start
or else Token = Tok_Semicolon
or else Token = Tok_EOF
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to where we were!
end if;
Scan; -- continue search!
if Token = Tok_Return then
Scan; -- past RETURN
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end TF_Return;
-- TF_Semicolon --
procedure TF_Semicolon is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
-- An interesting little kludge here. If the previous token is a
-- semicolon, then there is no way that we can legitimately need
-- another semicolon. This could only arise in an error situation
-- where an error has already been signalled. By simply ignoring
-- the request for a semicolon in this case, we avoid some spurious
-- missing semicolon messages.
elsif Prev_Token = Tok_Semicolon then
if Token = Tok_Pragma then
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
end if;
end if;
T_Semicolon; -- give missing semicolon message
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at start of junk tokens
if Prev_Token_Ptr < Current_Line_Start
or else Token = Tok_EOF
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to where we were
end if;
Scan; -- continue search
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
elsif Token in Token_Class_After_SM then
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end TF_Semicolon;
-- TF_Then --
procedure TF_Then is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
if Token = Tok_Then then
Scan; -- past THEN and we are done
T_Then; -- give missing THEN message
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at start of junk tokens
if Prev_Token_Ptr < Current_Line_Start
or else Token = Tok_Semicolon
or else Token = Tok_EOF
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to where we were
end if;
Scan; -- continue search!
if Token = Tok_Then then
Scan; -- past THEN
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end TF_Then;
-- TF_Use --
procedure TF_Use is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
if Token = Tok_Use then
Scan; -- past USE and we are done
T_Use; -- give USE expected message
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at start of junk tokens
if Prev_Token_Ptr < Current_Line_Start
or else Token = Tok_Semicolon
or else Token = Tok_EOF
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to where we were
end if;
Scan; -- continue search!
if Token = Tok_Use then
Scan; -- past use
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end TF_Use;
-- Wrong_Token --
procedure Wrong_Token (T : Token_Type; P : Position) is
Missing : constant String := "missing ";
Image : constant String := Token_Type'Image (T);
Tok_Name : constant String := Image (5 .. Image'Length);
M : String (1 .. Missing'Length + Tok_Name'Length);
-- Set M to Missing & Tok_Name.
M (1 .. Missing'Length) := Missing;
M (Missing'Length + 1 .. M'Last) := Tok_Name;
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
if Token = T then
Error_Msg_SP ("extra "";"" ignored");
Error_Msg_SP (M);
end if;
elsif Token = Tok_Comma then
if Token = T then
Error_Msg_SP ("extra "","" ignored");
Error_Msg_SP (M);
end if;
case P is
when SC => Error_Msg_SC (M);
when BC => Error_Msg_BC (M);
when AP => Error_Msg_AP (M);
end case;
end if;
end Wrong_Token;
end Tchk;

gcc/ada/par-util.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R . U T I L --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.64 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Uintp; use Uintp;
with GNAT.Spelling_Checker; use GNAT.Spelling_Checker;
separate (Par)
package body Util is
-- Bad_Spelling_Of --
function Bad_Spelling_Of (T : Token_Type) return Boolean is
Tname : constant String := Token_Type'Image (T);
-- Characters of token name
S : String (1 .. Tname'Last - 4);
-- Characters of token name folded to lower case, omitting TOK_ at start
M1 : String (1 .. 42) := "incorrect spelling of keyword ************";
M2 : String (1 .. 44) := "illegal abbreviation of keyword ************";
-- Buffers used to construct error message
P1 : constant := 30;
P2 : constant := 32;
-- Starting subscripts in M1, M2 for keyword name
SL : constant Natural := S'Length;
-- Length of expected token name excluding TOK_ at start
if Token /= Tok_Identifier then
return False;
end if;
for J in S'Range loop
S (J) := Fold_Lower (Tname (Integer (J) + 4));
end loop;
Get_Name_String (Token_Name);
-- A special check for case of PROGRAM used for PROCEDURE
if T = Tok_Procedure
and then Name_Len = 7
and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 7) = "program"
Error_Msg_SC ("PROCEDURE expected");
Token := T;
return True;
-- A special check for an illegal abbrevation
elsif Name_Len < S'Length
and then Name_Len >= 4
and then Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) = S (1 .. Name_Len)
for J in 1 .. S'Last loop
M2 (P2 + J - 1) := Fold_Upper (S (J));
end loop;
Error_Msg_SC (M2 (1 .. P2 - 1 + S'Last));
Token := T;
return True;
end if;
-- Now we go into the full circuit to check for a misspelling
-- Never consider something a misspelling if either the actual or
-- expected string is less than 3 characters (before this check we
-- used to consider i to be a misspelled if in some cases!)
if SL < 3 or else Name_Len < 3 then
return False;
-- Special case: prefix matches, i.e. the leading characters of the
-- token that we have exactly match the required keyword. If there
-- are at least two characters left over, assume that we have a case
-- of two keywords joined together which should not be joined.
elsif Name_Len > SL + 1
and then S = Name_Buffer (1 .. SL)
Scan_Ptr := Token_Ptr + S'Length;
Error_Msg_S ("missing space");
Token := T;
return True;
end if;
if Is_Bad_Spelling_Of (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len), S) then
for J in 1 .. S'Last loop
M1 (P1 + J - 1) := Fold_Upper (S (J));
end loop;
Error_Msg_SC (M1 (1 .. P1 - 1 + S'Last));
Token := T;
return True;
return False;
end if;
end Bad_Spelling_Of;
-- Check_95_Keyword --
-- On entry, the caller has checked that current token is an identifier
-- whose name matches the name of the 95 keyword New_Tok.
procedure Check_95_Keyword (Token_95, Next : Token_Type) is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at identifier/keyword
Scan; -- past identifier/keyword
if Token = Next then
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to identifier
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Token_Name;
Error_Msg_SC ("(Ada 83) keyword* cannot be used!");
Token := Token_95;
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to identifier
end if;
end Check_95_Keyword;
-- Check_Bad_Layout --
procedure Check_Bad_Layout is
if Style.RM_Column_Check and then Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
and then Start_Column <= Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol
Error_Msg_BC ("(style) incorrect layout");
end if;
end Check_Bad_Layout;
-- Check_Misspelling_Of --
procedure Check_Misspelling_Of (T : Token_Type) is
if Bad_Spelling_Of (T) then
end if;
end Check_Misspelling_Of;
-- Check_Simple_Expression --
procedure Check_Simple_Expression (E : Node_Id) is
if Expr_Form = EF_Non_Simple then
Error_Msg_N ("this expression must be parenthesized", E);
end if;
end Check_Simple_Expression;
-- Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83 --
procedure Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83 (E : Node_Id) is
if Expr_Form = EF_Non_Simple then
if Ada_83 then
Error_Msg_N ("(Ada 83) this expression must be parenthesized!", E);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Simple_Expression_In_Ada_83;
-- Check_Subtype_Mark --
function Check_Subtype_Mark (Mark : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
if Nkind (Mark) = N_Identifier
or else Nkind (Mark) = N_Selected_Component
or else (Nkind (Mark) = N_Attribute_Reference
and then Is_Type_Attribute_Name (Attribute_Name (Mark)))
or else Mark = Error
return Mark;
Error_Msg ("subtype mark expected", Sloc (Mark));
return Error;
end if;
end Check_Subtype_Mark;
-- Comma_Present --
function Comma_Present return Boolean is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
Paren_Count : Nat;
-- First check, if a comma is present, then a comma is present!
if Token = Tok_Comma then
return True;
-- If we have a right paren, then that is taken as ending the list
-- i.e. no comma is present.
elsif Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
return False;
-- If pragmas, then get rid of them and make a recursive call
-- to process what follows these pragmas.
elsif Token = Tok_Pragma then
return Comma_Present;
-- At this stage we have an error, and the goal is to decide on whether
-- or not we should diagnose an error and report a (non-existent)
-- comma as being present, or simply to report no comma is present
-- If we are a semicolon, then the question is whether we have a missing
-- right paren, or whether the semicolon should have been a comma. To
-- guess the right answer, we scan ahead keeping track of the paren
-- level, looking for a clue that helps us make the right decision.
-- This approach is highly accurate in the single error case, and does
-- not make bad mistakes in the multiple error case (indeed we can't
-- really make a very bad decision at this point in any case).
elsif Token = Tok_Semicolon then
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State);
Scan; -- past semicolon
-- Check for being followed by identifier => which almost certainly
-- means we are still in a parameter list and the comma should have
-- been a semicolon (such a sequence could not follow a semicolon)
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
if Token = Tok_Arrow then
goto Assume_Comma;
end if;
end if;
-- If that test didn't work, loop ahead looking for a comma or
-- semicolon at the same parenthesis level. Always remember that
-- we can't go badly wrong in an error situation like this!
Paren_Count := 0;
-- Here is the look ahead loop, Paren_Count tells us whether the
-- token we are looking at is at the same paren level as the
-- suspicious semicolon that we are trying to figure out.
-- If we hit another semicolon or an end of file, and we have
-- not seen a right paren or another comma on the way, then
-- probably the semicolon did end the list. Indeed that is
-- certainly the only single error correction possible here.
if Token = Tok_Semicolon or else Token = Tok_EOF then
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
return False;
-- A comma at the same paren level as the semicolon is a strong
-- indicator that the semicolon should have been a comma, indeed
-- again this is the only possible single error correction.
elsif Token = Tok_Comma then
exit when Paren_Count = 0;
-- A left paren just bumps the paren count
elsif Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
Paren_Count := Paren_Count + 1;
-- A right paren that is at the same paren level as the semicolon
-- also means that the only possible single error correction is
-- to assume that the semicolon should have been a comma. If we
-- are not at the same paren level, then adjust the paren level.
elsif Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
exit when Paren_Count = 0;
Paren_Count := Paren_Count - 1;
end if;
-- Keep going, we haven't made a decision yet
end loop;
-- If we fall through the loop, it means that we found a terminating
-- right paren or another comma. In either case it is reasonable to
-- assume that the semicolon was really intended to be a comma. Also
-- come here for the identifier arrow case.
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
Error_Msg_SC (""";"" illegal here, replaced by "",""");
Scan; -- past the semicolon
return True;
-- If we are not at semicolon or a right paren, then we base the
-- decision on whether or not the next token can be part of an
-- expression. If not, then decide that no comma is present (the
-- caller will eventually generate a missing right parent message)
elsif Token in Token_Class_Eterm then
return False;
-- Otherwise we assume a comma is present, even if none is present,
-- since the next token must be part of an expression, so if we were
-- at the end of the list, then there is more than one error present.
T_Comma; -- to give error
return True;
end if;
end Comma_Present;
-- Discard_Junk_List --
procedure Discard_Junk_List (L : List_Id) is
end Discard_Junk_List;
-- Discard_Junk_Node --
procedure Discard_Junk_Node (N : Node_Id) is
end Discard_Junk_Node;
-- Ignore --
procedure Ignore (T : Token_Type) is
if Token = T then
if T = Tok_Comma then
Error_Msg_SC ("unexpected "","" ignored");
elsif T = Tok_Left_Paren then
Error_Msg_SC ("unexpected ""("" ignored");
elsif T = Tok_Right_Paren then
Error_Msg_SC ("unexpected "")"" ignored");
elsif T = Tok_Semicolon then
Error_Msg_SC ("unexpected "";"" ignored");
Tname : constant String := Token_Type'Image (Token);
Msg : String := "unexpected keyword ????????????????????????";
-- Loop to copy characters of keyword name (ignoring Tok_)
for J in 5 .. Tname'Last loop
Msg (J + 14) := Fold_Upper (Tname (J));
end loop;
Msg (Tname'Last + 15 .. Tname'Last + 22) := " ignored";
Error_Msg_SC (Msg (1 .. Tname'Last + 22));
end if;
Scan; -- Scan past ignored token
end if;
end Ignore;
-- Is_Reserved_Identifier --
function Is_Reserved_Identifier return Boolean is
if not Is_Reserved_Keyword (Token) then
return False;
Ident_Casing : constant Casing_Type :=
Identifier_Casing (Current_Source_File);
Key_Casing : constant Casing_Type :=
Keyword_Casing (Current_Source_File);
-- If the casing of identifiers and keywords is different in
-- this source file, and the casing of this token matches the
-- keyword casing, then we return False, since it is pretty
-- clearly intended to be a keyword.
if Ident_Casing /= Unknown
and then Key_Casing /= Unknown
and then Ident_Casing /= Key_Casing
and then Determine_Token_Casing = Key_Casing
return False;
-- Otherwise assume that an identifier was intended
return True;
end if;
end if;
end Is_Reserved_Identifier;
-- Merge_Identifier --
procedure Merge_Identifier (Prev : Node_Id; Nxt : Token_Type) is
if Token /= Tok_Identifier then
end if;
S : Saved_Scan_State;
T : Token_Type;
Save_Scan_State (S);
T := Token;
Restore_Scan_State (S);
if T /= Nxt then
end if;
-- Check exactly one space between identifiers
if Source (Token_Ptr - 1) /= ' '
or else Int (Token_Ptr) /=
Int (Prev_Token_Ptr) + Length_Of_Name (Chars (Prev)) + 1
end if;
-- Do the merge
Get_Name_String (Chars (Token_Node));
Buf : String (1 .. Name_Len) := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Get_Name_String (Chars (Prev));
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('_');
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Buf);
Set_Chars (Prev, Name_Find);
Error_Msg_Node_1 := Prev;
("unexpected identifier, possibly & was meant here");
end Merge_Identifier;
-- No_Constraint --
procedure No_Constraint is
if Token in Token_Class_Consk then
Error_Msg_SC ("constraint not allowed here");
Discard_Junk_Node (P_Constraint_Opt);
end if;
end No_Constraint;
-- No_Right_Paren --
function No_Right_Paren (Expr : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
if Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
Error_Msg_SC ("unexpected right parenthesis");
return Error;
return Expr;
end if;
end No_Right_Paren;
-- Pop_Scope_Stack --
procedure Pop_Scope_Stack is
pragma Assert (Scope.Last > 0);
if Debug_Flag_P then
Error_Msg_Uint_1 := UI_From_Int (Scope.Last);
Error_Msg_SC ("decrement scope stack ptr, new value = ^!");
end if;
end Pop_Scope_Stack;
-- Push_Scope_Stack --
procedure Push_Scope_Stack is
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Junk := False;
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Node := Empty;
if Debug_Flag_P then
Error_Msg_Uint_1 := UI_From_Int (Scope.Last);
Error_Msg_SC ("increment scope stack ptr, new value = ^!");
end if;
end Push_Scope_Stack;
-- Separate_Present --
function Separate_Present return Boolean is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
if Token = Tok_Separate then
return True;
elsif Token /= Tok_Identifier then
return False;
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State);
Scan; -- past identifier
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
return Bad_Spelling_Of (Tok_Separate);
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
return False;
end if;
end if;
end Separate_Present;
-- Signal_Bad_Attribute --
procedure Signal_Bad_Attribute is
Error_Msg_N ("unrecognized attribute&", Token_Node);
-- Check for possible misspelling
Get_Name_String (Token_Name);
AN : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := First_Attribute_Name;
while Error_Msg_Name_1 <= Last_Attribute_Name loop
Get_Name_String (Error_Msg_Name_1);
if Is_Bad_Spelling_Of
(AN, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len))
("\possible misspelling of %", Token_Node);
end if;
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Error_Msg_Name_1 + 1;
end loop;
end Signal_Bad_Attribute;
-- Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line --
function Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line return Boolean is
return (Token_Ptr = First_Non_Blank_Location or else Token = Tok_EOF);
end Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line;
end Util;

gcc/ada/par.adb Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

gcc/ada/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P A R --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.14 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994,1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- The Par function and its subunits contains all the parsing routines
-- for the top down recursive descent parser that constructs the parse tree
with Types; use Types;
function Par (Configuration_Pragmas : Boolean) return List_Id;
-- Top level parsing routine. There are two cases:
-- If Configuration_Pragmas is False, Par parses a compilation unit in the
-- current source file and sets the Cunit, Cunit_Entity and Unit_Name fields
-- of the units table entry for Current_Source_Unit. On return the parse tree
-- is complete, and decorated with any required implicit label declarations.
-- The value returned in this case is always No_List.
-- If Configuration_Pragmas is True, Par parses a list of configuration
-- pragmas from the current source file, and returns the list of pragmas.

gcc/ada/prj-attr.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . A T T R --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.4 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Output; use Output;
package body Prj.Attr is
-- Names end with '#'
-- Package names are preceded by 'P'
-- Attribute names are preceded by two capital letters:
-- 'S' for Single or 'L' for list, then
-- 'V' for single variable, 'A' for associative array, or 'B' for both.
-- End is indicated by two consecutive '#'.
Initialisation_Data : constant String :=
-- project attributes
"SVobject_dir#" &
"LVsource_dirs#" &
"LVsource_files#" &
"SVsource_list_file#" &
"SVlibrary_dir#" &
"SVlibrary_name#" &
"SVlibrary_kind#" &
"SVlibrary_elaboration#" &
"SVlibrary_version#" &
"LVmain#" &
-- package Naming
"Pnaming#" &
"SVspecification_append#" &
"SVbody_append#" &
"SVseparate_append#" &
"SVcasing#" &
"SVdot_replacement#" &
"SAspecification#" &
"SAbody_part#" &
-- package Compiler
"Pcompiler#" &
"LBswitches#" &
"SVlocal_configuration_pragmas#" &
-- package gnatmake
"Pgnatmake#" &
"LBswitches#" &
"SVglobal_configuration_pragmas#" &
-- package gnatls
"Pgnatls#" &
"LVswitches#" &
-- package gnatbind
"Pgnatbind#" &
"LBswitches#" &
-- package gnatlink
"Pgnatlink#" &
"LBswitches#" &
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
Start : Positive := Initialisation_Data'First;
Finish : Positive := Start;
Current_Package : Package_Node_Id := Empty_Package;
Current_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id := Empty_Attribute;
Is_An_Attribute : Boolean := False;
Kind_1 : Variable_Kind := Undefined;
Kind_2 : Attribute_Kind := Single;
Package_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Attribute_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id := Attribute_First;
-- Make sure the two tables are empty
Attributes.Set_Last (Attributes.First);
Package_Attributes.Set_Last (Package_Attributes.First);
while Initialisation_Data (Start) /= '#' loop
Is_An_Attribute := True;
case Initialisation_Data (Start) is
when 'P' =>
-- New allowed package
Start := Start + 1;
Finish := Start;
while Initialisation_Data (Finish) /= '#' loop
Finish := Finish + 1;
end loop;
Name_Len := Finish - Start;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
To_Lower (Initialisation_Data (Start .. Finish - 1));
Package_Name := Name_Find;
for Index in Package_First .. Package_Attributes.Last loop
if Package_Name = Package_Attributes.Table (Index).Name then
Write_Line ("Duplicate package name """ &
Initialisation_Data (Start .. Finish - 1) &
""" in Prj.Attr body.");
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end loop;
Is_An_Attribute := False;
Current_Attribute := Empty_Attribute;
Current_Package := Package_Attributes.Last;
Package_Attributes.Table (Current_Package).Name :=
Start := Finish + 1;
when 'S' =>
Kind_1 := Single;
when 'L' =>
Kind_1 := List;
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
end case;
if Is_An_Attribute then
-- New attribute
Start := Start + 1;
case Initialisation_Data (Start) is
when 'V' =>
Kind_2 := Single;
when 'A' =>
Kind_2 := Associative_Array;
when 'B' =>
Kind_2 := Both;
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
end case;
Start := Start + 1;
Finish := Start;
while Initialisation_Data (Finish) /= '#' loop
Finish := Finish + 1;
end loop;
Name_Len := Finish - Start;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
To_Lower (Initialisation_Data (Start .. Finish - 1));
Attribute_Name := Name_Find;
if Current_Attribute = Empty_Attribute then
First_Attribute := Attributes.Last;
if Current_Package /= Empty_Package then
Package_Attributes.Table (Current_Package).First_Attribute
:= Attributes.Last;
end if;
-- Check that there are no duplicate attributes
for Index in First_Attribute .. Attributes.Last - 1 loop
if Attribute_Name =
Attributes.Table (Index).Name then
Write_Line ("Duplicate attribute name """ &
Initialisation_Data (Start .. Finish - 1) &
""" in Prj.Attr body.");
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end loop;
Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Next :=
end if;
Current_Attribute := Attributes.Last;
Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute) :=
(Name => Attribute_Name,
Kind_1 => Kind_1,
Kind_2 => Kind_2,
Next => Empty_Attribute);
Start := Finish + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end Initialize;
end Prj.Attr;

gcc/ada/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . A T T R --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.1 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- This package defines allowed packages and attributes in GNAT project
-- files.
with Types; use Types;
with Table;
package Prj.Attr is
-- Define the allowed attributes
Attributes_Initial : constant := 50;
Attributes_Increment : constant := 50;
Attribute_Node_Low_Bound : constant := 0;
Attribute_Node_High_Bound : constant := 099_999_999;
type Attribute_Node_Id is
range Attribute_Node_Low_Bound .. Attribute_Node_High_Bound;
First_Attribute_Node_Id : constant Attribute_Node_Id
:= Attribute_Node_Low_Bound;
Empty_Attribute : constant Attribute_Node_Id
:= Attribute_Node_Low_Bound;
type Attribute_Kind is (Single, Associative_Array, Both);
type Attribute_Record is record
Name : Name_Id;
Kind_1 : Variable_Kind;
Kind_2 : Attribute_Kind;
Next : Attribute_Node_Id;
end record;
package Attributes is
new Table.Table (Table_Component_Type => Attribute_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Attribute_Node_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => First_Attribute_Node_Id,
Table_Initial => Attributes_Initial,
Table_Increment => Attributes_Increment,
Table_Name => "Prj.Attr.Attributes");
Attribute_First : constant Attribute_Node_Id := First_Attribute_Node_Id + 1;
-- Define the allowed packages
Packages_Initial : constant := 10;
Packages_Increment : constant := 10;
Package_Node_Low_Bound : constant := 0;
Package_Node_High_Bound : constant := 099_999_999;
type Package_Node_Id is
range Package_Node_Low_Bound .. Package_Node_High_Bound;
First_Package_Node_Id : constant Package_Node_Id
:= Package_Node_Low_Bound;
Empty_Package : constant Package_Node_Id := Package_Node_Low_Bound;
type Package_Record is record
Name : Name_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
end record;
package Package_Attributes is
new Table.Table (Table_Component_Type => Package_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Package_Node_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => First_Package_Node_Id,
Table_Initial => Packages_Initial,
Table_Increment => Packages_Increment,
Table_Name => "Prj.Attr.Packages");
Package_First : constant Package_Node_Id := Package_Node_Low_Bound + 1;
procedure Initialize;
-- Initialize the two tables above (Attributes and Package_Attributes).
-- This procedure should be called by Prj.Initialize.
end Prj.Attr;

gcc/ada/prj-com.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . C O M --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.1 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Namet; use Namet;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
package body Prj.Com is
-- Hash --
function Hash (Name : Name_Id) return Header_Num is
return Hash (Get_Name_String (Name));
end Hash;
function Hash (Name : String_Id) return Header_Num is
String_To_Name_Buffer (Name);
return Hash (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end Hash;
end Prj.Com;

gcc/ada/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . C O M --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.3 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- The following package declares data types for GNAT project.
-- These data types are used in the bodies of the Prj hierarchy.
with GNAT.HTable;
with Table;
with Types; use Types;
package Prj.Com is
-- At one point, this package was private.
-- It cannot be private, because it is used outside of
-- the Prj hierarchy.
Tool_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Current_Verbosity : Verbosity := Default;
type Spec_Or_Body is
(Specification, Body_Part);
type File_Name_Data is record
Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Path : Name_Id := No_Name;
Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
Needs_Pragma : Boolean := False;
end record;
-- File and Path name of a spec or body.
type File_Names_Data is array (Spec_Or_Body) of File_Name_Data;
type Unit_Id is new Nat;
No_Unit : constant Unit_Id := 0;
type Unit_Data is record
Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
File_Names : File_Names_Data;
end record;
-- File and Path names of a unit, with a reference to its
-- GNAT Project File.
package Units is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Unit_Data,
Table_Index_Type => Unit_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 100,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Prj.Com.Units");
type Header_Num is range 0 .. 2047;
function Hash is new GNAT.HTable.Hash (Header_Num => Header_Num);
function Hash (Name : Name_Id) return Header_Num;
function Hash (Name : String_Id) return Header_Num;
package Units_Htable is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
(Header_Num => Header_Num,
Element => Unit_Id,
No_Element => No_Unit,
Key => Name_Id,
Hash => Hash,
Equal => "=");
end Prj.Com;

gcc/ada/prj-dect.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . D E C T --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.5 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Errout; use Errout;
with Prj.Strt;
with Prj.Tree; use Prj.Tree;
with Scans; use Scans;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Types; use Types;
with Prj.Attr; use Prj.Attr;
package body Prj.Dect is
type Zone is (In_Project, In_Package, In_Case_Construction);
procedure Parse_Attribute_Declaration
(Attribute : out Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse an attribute declaration.
procedure Parse_Case_Construction
(Case_Construction : out Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse a case construction
procedure Parse_Declarative_Items
(Declarations : out Project_Node_Id;
In_Zone : Zone;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse declarative items. Depending on In_Zone, some declarative
-- items may be forbiden.
procedure Parse_Package_Declaration
(Package_Declaration : out Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse a package declaration
procedure Parse_String_Type_Declaration
(String_Type : out Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id);
-- type <name> is ( <literal_string> { , <literal_string> } ) ;
procedure Parse_Variable_Declaration
(Variable : out Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse a variable assignment
-- <variable_Name> := <expression>; OR
-- <variable_Name> : <string_type_Name> := <string_expression>;
-- Parse --
procedure Parse
(Declarations : out Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Modifying : Project_Node_Id)
First_Declarative_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Declarations := Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Project_Declaration);
Set_Location_Of (Declarations, To => Token_Ptr);
Set_Modified_Project_Of (Declarations, To => Modifying);
(Declarations => First_Declarative_Item,
In_Zone => In_Project,
First_Attribute => Prj.Attr.Attribute_First,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Empty_Node);
(Declarations, To => First_Declarative_Item);
end Parse;
-- Parse_Attribute_Declaration --
procedure Parse_Attribute_Declaration
(Attribute : out Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id)
Current_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id := First_Attribute;
Attribute := Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Attribute_Declaration);
Set_Location_Of (Attribute, To => Token_Ptr);
-- Scan past "for"
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Set_Name_Of (Attribute, To => Token_Name);
Set_Location_Of (Attribute, To => Token_Ptr);
while Current_Attribute /= Empty_Attribute
and then
Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Name /= Token_Name
Current_Attribute := Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Next;
end loop;
if Current_Attribute = Empty_Attribute then
Error_Msg ("undefined attribute", Token_Ptr);
end if;
end if;
if Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
if Current_Attribute /= Empty_Attribute
and then Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Kind_2 = Single
Error_Msg ("this attribute cannot be an associative array",
Location_Of (Attribute));
end if;
Expect (Tok_String_Literal, "literal string");
if Token = Tok_String_Literal then
Set_Associative_Array_Index_Of (Attribute, Strval (Token_Node));
end if;
Expect (Tok_Right_Paren, ")");
if Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
end if;
if Current_Attribute /= Empty_Attribute
and then
Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Kind_2 = Associative_Array
Error_Msg ("this attribute need to be an associative array",
Location_Of (Attribute));
end if;
end if;
if Current_Attribute /= Empty_Attribute then
(Attribute, To => Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Kind_1);
end if;
Expect (Tok_Use, "use");
if Token = Tok_Use then
Expression_Location : constant Source_Ptr := Token_Ptr;
Expression : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
(Expression => Expression,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
Set_Expression_Of (Attribute, To => Expression);
if Current_Attribute /= Empty_Attribute
and then Expression /= Empty_Node
and then Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Kind_1 /=
Expression_Kind_Of (Expression)
("wrong expression kind for the attribute",
end if;
end if;
end Parse_Attribute_Declaration;
-- Parse_Case_Construction --
procedure Parse_Case_Construction
(Case_Construction : out Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id)
Current_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Next_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
First_Case_Item : Boolean := True;
Variable_Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
String_Type : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Case_Variable : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
First_Declarative_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
First_Choice : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Case_Construction :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Case_Construction);
Set_Location_Of (Case_Construction, To => Token_Ptr);
-- Scan past "case"
-- Get the switch variable
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Variable_Location := Token_Ptr;
(Variable => Case_Variable,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
(Case_Construction, To => Case_Variable);
if Token /= Tok_Is then
end if;
end if;
if Case_Variable /= Empty_Node then
String_Type := String_Type_Of (Case_Variable);
if String_Type = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("this variable is not typed", Variable_Location);
end if;
end if;
Expect (Tok_Is, "is");
if Token = Tok_Is then
-- Scan past "is"
end if;
Prj.Strt.Start_New_Case_Construction (String_Type);
When_Loop :
while Token = Tok_When loop
if First_Case_Item then
Current_Item := Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Case_Item);
Set_First_Case_Item_Of (Case_Construction, To => Current_Item);
First_Case_Item := False;
Next_Item := Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Case_Item);
Set_Next_Case_Item (Current_Item, To => Next_Item);
Current_Item := Next_Item;
end if;
Set_Location_Of (Current_Item, To => Token_Ptr);
-- Scan past "when"
if Token = Tok_Others then
-- Scan past "others"
Expect (Tok_Arrow, "=>");
-- Empty_Node in Field1 of a Case_Item indicates
-- the "when others =>" branch.
Set_First_Choice_Of (Current_Item, To => Empty_Node);
(Declarations => First_Declarative_Item,
In_Zone => In_Case_Construction,
First_Attribute => First_Attribute,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
-- "when others =>" must be the last branch, so save the
-- Case_Item and exit
(Current_Item, To => First_Declarative_Item);
exit When_Loop;
Prj.Strt.Parse_Choice_List (First_Choice => First_Choice);
Set_First_Choice_Of (Current_Item, To => First_Choice);
Expect (Tok_Arrow, "=>");
(Declarations => First_Declarative_Item,
In_Zone => In_Case_Construction,
First_Attribute => First_Attribute,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
(Current_Item, To => First_Declarative_Item);
end if;
end loop When_Loop;
Expect (Tok_End, "end case");
if Token = Tok_End then
-- Scan past "end"
Expect (Tok_Case, "case");
end if;
-- Scan past "case"
Expect (Tok_Semicolon, ";");
end Parse_Case_Construction;
-- Parse_Declarative_Items --
procedure Parse_Declarative_Items
(Declarations : out Project_Node_Id;
In_Zone : Zone;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id)
Current_Declarative_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Next_Declarative_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Current_Declaration : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Item_Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
Declarations := Empty_Node;
-- We are always positioned at the token that precedes
-- the first token of the declarative element.
-- Scan past it
Item_Location := Token_Ptr;
case Token is
when Tok_Identifier =>
if In_Zone = In_Case_Construction then
Error_Msg ("a variable cannot be declared here",
end if;
First_Attribute => First_Attribute,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
when Tok_For =>
(Attribute => Current_Declaration,
First_Attribute => First_Attribute,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
when Tok_Package =>
-- Package declaration
if In_Zone /= In_Project then
Error_Msg ("a package cannot be declared here", Token_Ptr);
end if;
(Package_Declaration => Current_Declaration,
Current_Project => Current_Project);
when Tok_Type =>
-- Type String Declaration
if In_Zone /= In_Project then
Error_Msg ("a string type cannot be declared here",
end if;
(String_Type => Current_Declaration,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
First_Attribute => First_Attribute);
when Tok_Case =>
-- Case construction
(Case_Construction => Current_Declaration,
First_Attribute => First_Attribute,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
when others =>
-- We are leaving Parse_Declarative_Items positionned
-- at the first token after the list of declarative items.
-- It could be "end" (for a project, a package declaration or
-- a case construction) or "when" (for a case construction)
end case;
Expect (Tok_Semicolon, "; after declarative items");
if Current_Declarative_Item = Empty_Node then
Current_Declarative_Item :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Declarative_Item);
Declarations := Current_Declarative_Item;
Next_Declarative_Item :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Declarative_Item);
(Current_Declarative_Item, To => Next_Declarative_Item);
Current_Declarative_Item := Next_Declarative_Item;
end if;
(Current_Declarative_Item, To => Current_Declaration);
Set_Location_Of (Current_Declarative_Item, To => Item_Location);
end loop;
end Parse_Declarative_Items;
-- Parse_Package_Declaration --
procedure Parse_Package_Declaration
(Package_Declaration : out Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id)
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id := Empty_Attribute;
Current_Package : Package_Node_Id := Empty_Package;
First_Declarative_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Package_Declaration :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Package_Declaration);
Set_Location_Of (Package_Declaration, To => Token_Ptr);
-- Scan past "package"
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Set_Name_Of (Package_Declaration, To => Token_Name);
for Index in Package_Attributes.First .. Package_Attributes.Last loop
if Token_Name = Package_Attributes.Table (Index).Name then
First_Attribute :=
Package_Attributes.Table (Index).First_Attribute;
Current_Package := Index;
end if;
end loop;
if Current_Package = Empty_Package then
Error_Msg ("not an allowed package name", Token_Ptr);
Set_Package_Id_Of (Package_Declaration, To => Current_Package);
Current : Project_Node_Id := First_Package_Of (Current_Project);
while Current /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (Current) /= Token_Name
Current := Next_Package_In_Project (Current);
end loop;
if Current /= Empty_Node then
("package declared twice in the same project", Token_Ptr);
-- Add the package to the project list
To => First_Package_Of (Current_Project));
(Current_Project, To => Package_Declaration);
end if;
end if;
-- Scan past the package name
end if;
if Token = Tok_Renames then
-- Scan past "renames"
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Project_Name : Name_Id := Token_Name;
Clause : Project_Node_Id :=
First_With_Clause_Of (Current_Project);
The_Project : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
while Clause /= Empty_Node loop
The_Project := Project_Node_Of (Clause);
exit when Name_Of (The_Project) = Project_Name;
Clause := Next_With_Clause_Of (Clause);
end loop;
if Clause = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("not an imported project", Token_Ptr);
(Package_Declaration, To => The_Project);
end if;
Expect (Tok_Dot, ".");
if Token = Tok_Dot then
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
if Name_Of (Package_Declaration) /= Token_Name then
Error_Msg ("not the same package name", Token_Ptr);
Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of (Package_Declaration)
/= Empty_Node
Current : Project_Node_Id :=
while Current /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (Current) /= Token_Name
Current := Next_Package_In_Project (Current);
end loop;
if Current = Empty_Node then
("not a package declared by the project",
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
Expect (Tok_Semicolon, ";");
elsif Token = Tok_Is then
(Declarations => First_Declarative_Item,
In_Zone => In_Package,
First_Attribute => First_Attribute,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Package_Declaration);
(Package_Declaration, To => First_Declarative_Item);
Expect (Tok_End, "end");
if Token = Tok_End then
-- Scan past "end"
end if;
-- We should have the name of the package after "end"
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier
and then Name_Of (Package_Declaration) /= No_Name
and then Token_Name /= Name_Of (Package_Declaration)
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Of (Package_Declaration);
Error_Msg ("expected {", Token_Ptr);
end if;
if Token /= Tok_Semicolon then
-- Scan past the package name
end if;
Expect (Tok_Semicolon, ";");
Error_Msg ("expected ""is"" or ""renames""", Token_Ptr);
end if;
end Parse_Package_Declaration;
-- Parse_String_Type_Declaration --
procedure Parse_String_Type_Declaration
(String_Type : out Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id)
Current : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
First_String : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
String_Type :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_String_Type_Declaration);
Set_Location_Of (String_Type, To => Token_Ptr);
-- Scan past "type"
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Set_Name_Of (String_Type, To => Token_Name);
Current := First_String_Type_Of (Current_Project);
while Current /= Empty_Node
and then
Name_Of (Current) /= Token_Name
Current := Next_String_Type (Current);
end loop;
if Current /= Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("duplicate string type name", Token_Ptr);
Current := First_Variable_Of (Current_Project);
while Current /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (Current) /= Token_Name
Current := Next_Variable (Current);
end loop;
if Current /= Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("already a variable name", Token_Ptr);
(String_Type, To => First_String_Type_Of (Current_Project));
Set_First_String_Type_Of (Current_Project, To => String_Type);
end if;
end if;
-- Scan past the name
end if;
Expect (Tok_Is, "is");
if Token = Tok_Is then
end if;
Expect (Tok_Left_Paren, "(");
if Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
end if;
Prj.Strt.Parse_String_Type_List (First_String => First_String);
Set_First_Literal_String (String_Type, To => First_String);
Expect (Tok_Right_Paren, ")");
if Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
end if;
end Parse_String_Type_Declaration;
-- Parse_Variable_Declaration --
procedure Parse_Variable_Declaration
(Variable : out Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id)
Expression_Location : Source_Ptr;
String_Type_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Project_String_Type_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Type_Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
Project_Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
Expression : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Variable_Name : constant Name_Id := Token_Name;
Variable :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Variable_Declaration);
Set_Name_Of (Variable, To => Variable_Name);
Set_Location_Of (Variable, To => Token_Ptr);
-- Scan past the variable name
if Token = Tok_Colon then
-- Typed string variable declaration
Set_Kind_Of (Variable, N_Typed_Variable_Declaration);
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
String_Type_Name := Token_Name;
Type_Location := Token_Ptr;
if Token = Tok_Dot then
Project_String_Type_Name := String_Type_Name;
Project_Location := Type_Location;
-- Scan past the dot
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
String_Type_Name := Token_Name;
Type_Location := Token_Ptr;
String_Type_Name := No_Name;
end if;
end if;
if String_Type_Name /= No_Name then
Current : Project_Node_Id :=
First_String_Type_Of (Current_Project);
if Project_String_Type_Name /= No_Name then
The_Project_Name_And_Node : constant
Tree_Private_Part.Project_Name_And_Node :=
use Tree_Private_Part;
if The_Project_Name_And_Node =
Error_Msg ("unknown project", Project_Location);
Current := Empty_Node;
Current :=
end if;
end if;
while Current /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (Current) /= String_Type_Name
Current := Next_String_Type (Current);
end loop;
if Current = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("unknown string type", Type_Location);
(Variable, To => Current);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
Expect (Tok_Colon_Equal, ":=");
if Token = Tok_Colon_Equal then
end if;
-- Get the single string or string list value
Expression_Location := Token_Ptr;
(Expression => Expression,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
Set_Expression_Of (Variable, To => Expression);
if Expression /= Empty_Node then
(Variable, To => Expression_Kind_Of (Expression));
end if;
The_Variable : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
if Current_Package /= Empty_Node then
The_Variable := First_Variable_Of (Current_Package);
elsif Current_Project /= Empty_Node then
The_Variable := First_Variable_Of (Current_Project);
end if;
while The_Variable /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (The_Variable) /= Variable_Name
The_Variable := Next_Variable (The_Variable);
end loop;
if The_Variable = Empty_Node then
if Current_Package /= Empty_Node then
(Variable, To => First_Variable_Of (Current_Package));
Set_First_Variable_Of (Current_Package, To => Variable);
elsif Current_Project /= Empty_Node then
(Variable, To => First_Variable_Of (Current_Project));
Set_First_Variable_Of (Current_Project, To => Variable);
end if;
if Expression_Kind_Of (Variable) /= Undefined then
if Expression_Kind_Of (The_Variable) = Undefined then
(The_Variable, To => Expression_Kind_Of (Variable));
if Expression_Kind_Of (The_Variable) /=
Expression_Kind_Of (Variable)
Error_Msg ("wrong expression kind for the variable",
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Parse_Variable_Declaration;
end Prj.Dect;

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . D E C T --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.2 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- Parse a list of declarative items in a project file.
with Prj.Tree;
private package Prj.Dect is
procedure Parse
(Declarations : out Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
Modifying : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse project declarative items.
end Prj.Dect;

gcc/ada/prj-env.adb Normal file

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . E N V --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.10 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- This package implements services for Project-aware tools, related
-- to the environment (gnat.adc, ADA_INCLUDE_PATH, ADA_OBJECTS_PATH)
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
package Prj.Env is
procedure Initialize;
-- Put Standard_Naming_Data into Namings table (called by Prj.Initialize)
procedure Print_Sources;
-- Output the list of sources, after Project files have been scanned
procedure Create_Config_Pragmas_File
(For_Project : Project_Id;
Main_Project : Project_Id);
-- If there needs to have SFN pragmas, either for non standard naming
-- schemes or for individual units, or if Global_Configuration_Pragmas
-- has been specified in package gnatmake of the main project, or if
-- Local_Configuration_Pragmas has been specified in package Compiler
-- of the main project, build (if needed) a temporary file that contains
-- all configuration pragmas, and specify the configuration pragmas file
-- in the project data.
function Ada_Include_Path (Project : Project_Id) return String_Access;
-- Get the ADA_INCLUDE_PATH of a Project file. For the first call, compute
-- it and cache it.
function Ada_Objects_Path
(Project : Project_Id;
Including_Libraries : Boolean := True)
return String_Access;
-- Get the ADA_OBJECTS_PATH of a Project file. For the first call, compute
-- it and cache it. When Including_Libraries is False, do not include the
-- object directories of the library projects, and do not cache the result.
function Path_Name_Of_Library_Unit_Body
(Name : String;
Project : Project_Id)
return String;
-- Returns the Path of a library unit.
function File_Name_Of_Library_Unit_Body
(Name : String;
Project : Project_Id)
return String;
-- Returns the file name of a library unit, in canonical case. Name may or
-- may not have an extension (corresponding to the naming scheme of the
-- project). If there is no body with this name, but there is a spec, the
-- name of the spec is returned. If neither a body or a spec can be found,
-- return an empty string.
procedure Get_Reference
(Source_File_Name : String;
Project : out Project_Id;
Path : out Name_Id);
-- Returns the project of a source.
with procedure Action (Path : String);
procedure For_All_Source_Dirs (Project : Project_Id);
-- Iterate through all the source directories of a project,
-- including those of imported or modified projects.
with procedure Action (Path : String);
procedure For_All_Object_Dirs (Project : Project_Id);
-- Iterate through all the object directories of a project,
-- including those of imported or modified projects.
end Prj.Env;

gcc/ada/prj-ext.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . E X T --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.5 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with GNAT.HTable;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Prj.Com; use Prj.Com;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Types; use Types;
package body Prj.Ext is
package Htable is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
(Header_Num => Header_Num,
Element => String_Id,
No_Element => No_String,
Key => Name_Id,
Hash => Hash,
Equal => "=");
-- Add --
procedure Add
(External_Name : String;
Value : String)
The_Key : Name_Id;
The_Value : String_Id;
Store_String_Chars (Value);
The_Value := End_String;
Name_Len := External_Name'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := External_Name;
The_Key := Name_Find;
Htable.Set (The_Key, The_Value);
end Add;
-- Check --
function Check (Declaration : String) return Boolean is
for Equal_Pos in Declaration'Range loop
if Declaration (Equal_Pos) = '=' then
exit when Equal_Pos = Declaration'First;
exit when Equal_Pos = Declaration'Last;
(External_Name =>
Declaration (Declaration'First .. Equal_Pos - 1),
Value =>
Declaration (Equal_Pos + 1 .. Declaration'Last));
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end Check;
-- Value_Of --
function Value_Of
(External_Name : Name_Id;
With_Default : String_Id := No_String)
return String_Id
The_Value : String_Id;
The_Value := Htable.Get (External_Name);
if The_Value /= No_String then
return The_Value;
end if;
-- Find if it is an environment.
-- If it is, put the value in the hash table.
Env_Value : constant String_Access :=
Getenv (Get_Name_String (External_Name));
if Env_Value /= null and then Env_Value'Length > 0 then
Store_String_Chars (Env_Value.all);
The_Value := End_String;
Htable.Set (External_Name, The_Value);
return The_Value;
return With_Default;
end if;
end Value_Of;
end Prj.Ext;

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-- --
-- --
-- P R J . E X T --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.3 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- Set, Get and cache External reference, to be used as External functions
-- in project files.
with Types; use Types;
package Prj.Ext is
procedure Add
(External_Name : String;
Value : String);
-- Add an external reference (or modify an existing one).
function Value_Of
(External_Name : Name_Id;
With_Default : String_Id := No_String)
return String_Id;
-- Get the value of an external reference, and cache it for future uses.
function Check (Declaration : String) return Boolean;
-- Check that an external declaration <external>=<value> is correct.
-- If it is correct, the external reference is Added.
end Prj.Ext;

gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb Normal file

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-- --
-- --
-- P R J . N M S C --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.3 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- Check the Naming Scheme of a project file, find the directories
-- and the source files.
private package Prj.Nmsc is
procedure Check_Naming_Scheme
(Project : Project_Id;
Report_Error : Put_Line_Access);
-- Check that the Naming Scheme of a project is legal. Find the
-- object directory, the source directories, and the source files.
-- Check the source files against the Naming Scheme.
-- If Report_Error is null , use the standard error reporting mechanism
-- (Errout). Otherwise, report errors using Report_Error.
end Prj.Nmsc;

gcc/ada/prj-pars.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . P A R S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.19 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Output; use Output;
with Prj.Com; use Prj.Com;
with Prj.Part;
with Prj.Proc;
with Prj.Tree; use Prj.Tree;
package body Prj.Pars is
-- Parse --
procedure Parse
(Project : out Project_Id;
Project_File_Name : String)
Project_Tree : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
The_Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
-- Parse the main project file into a tree
(Project => Project_Tree,
Project_File_Name => Project_File_Name,
Always_Errout_Finalize => False);
-- If there were no error, process the tree
if Project_Tree /= Empty_Node then
(Project => The_Project,
From_Project_Node => Project_Tree,
Report_Error => null);
end if;
Project := The_Project;
when X : others =>
-- Internal error
Write_Line (Exception_Information (X));
Write_Str ("Exception ");
Write_Str (Exception_Name (X));
Write_Line (" raised, while processing project file");
Project := No_Project;
end Parse;
-- Set_Verbosity --
procedure Set_Verbosity (To : in Verbosity) is
Current_Verbosity := To;
end Set_Verbosity;
end Prj.Pars;

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-- --
-- --
-- P R J . P A R S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.8 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- Implements the parsing of project files.
package Prj.Pars is
procedure Set_Verbosity (To : Verbosity);
-- Set the verbosity when parsing the project files.
procedure Parse
(Project : out Project_Id;
Project_File_Name : String);
-- Parse a project files and all its imported project files.
-- If parsing is successful, Project_Id is the project ID
-- of the main project file; otherwise, Project_Id is set
-- to No_Project.
end Prj.Pars;

gcc/ada/prj-part.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . P A R T --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.10 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
with Errout; use Errout;
with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Output; use Output;
with Prj.Com; use Prj.Com;
with Prj.Dect;
with Scans; use Scans;
with Scn; use Scn;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Sinput.P; use Sinput.P;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Table;
with Types; use Types;
pragma Elaborate_All (GNAT.OS_Lib);
package body Prj.Part is
Dir_Sep : Character renames GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator;
Project_File_Extension : String := ".gpr";
Project_Path : String_Access;
-- The project path; initialized during package elaboration.
Ada_Project_Path : constant String := "ADA_PROJECT_PATH";
Prj_Path : constant String_Access := Getenv (Ada_Project_Path);
-- Local Packages and Subprograms --
package Project_Stack is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Name_Id,
Table_Index_Type => Nat,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 10,
Table_Increment => 10,
Table_Name => "Prj.Part.Project_Stack");
-- This table is used to detect circular dependencies
-- for imported and modified projects.
procedure Parse_Context_Clause
(Context_Clause : out Project_Node_Id;
Project_Directory : Name_Id);
-- Parse the context clause of a project
-- Does nothing if there is b\no context clause (if the current
-- token is not "with").
procedure Parse_Single_Project
(Project : out Project_Node_Id;
Path_Name : String;
Modified : Boolean);
-- Parse a project file.
-- Recursive procedure: it calls itself for imported and
-- modified projects.
function Path_Name_Of
(File_Name : String;
Directory : String)
return String;
-- Returns the path name of a (non project) file.
-- Returns an empty string if file cannot be found.
function Project_Path_Name_Of
(Project_File_Name : String;
Directory : String)
return String;
-- Returns the path name of a project file.
-- Returns an empty string if project file cannot be found.
function Immediate_Directory_Of (Path_Name : Name_Id) return Name_Id;
-- Get the directory of the file with the specified path name.
-- This includes the directory separator as the last character.
-- Returns "./" if Path_Name contains no directory separator.
function Simple_File_Name_Of (Path_Name : Name_Id) return Name_Id;
-- Returns the name of a file with the specified path name
-- with no directory information.
function Project_Name_From (Path_Name : String) return Name_Id;
-- Returns the name of the project that corresponds to its path name.
-- Returns No_Name if the path name is invalid, because the corresponding
-- project name does not have the syntax of an ada identifier.
-- Immediate_Directory_Of --
function Immediate_Directory_Of (Path_Name : Name_Id) return Name_Id is
Get_Name_String (Path_Name);
for Index in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
if Name_Buffer (Index) = '/'
or else Name_Buffer (Index) = Dir_Sep
-- Remove from name all characters after the last
-- directory separator.
Name_Len := Index;
return Name_Find;
end if;
end loop;
-- There is no directory separator in name. Return "./" or ".\".
Name_Len := 2;
Name_Buffer (1) := '.';
Name_Buffer (2) := Dir_Sep;
return Name_Find;
end Immediate_Directory_Of;
-- Parse --
procedure Parse
(Project : out Project_Node_Id;
Project_File_Name : String;
Always_Errout_Finalize : Boolean)
Current_Directory : constant String := Get_Current_Dir;
Project := Empty_Node;
if Current_Verbosity >= Medium then
Write_Str ("ADA_PROJECT_PATH=""");
Write_Str (Project_Path.all);
Write_Line ("""");
end if;
Path_Name : constant String :=
Project_Path_Name_Of (Project_File_Name,
Directory => Current_Directory);
-- Initialize the tables
Tree_Private_Part.Project_Nodes.Set_Last (Empty_Node);
-- And parse the main project file
if Path_Name = "" then
Fail ("project file """ & Project_File_Name & """ not found");
end if;
(Project => Project,
Path_Name => Path_Name,
Modified => False);
if Errout.Errors_Detected > 0 then
Project := Empty_Node;
end if;
if Project = Empty_Node or else Always_Errout_Finalize then
end if;
when X : others =>
-- Internal error
Write_Line (Exception_Information (X));
Write_Str ("Exception ");
Write_Str (Exception_Name (X));
Write_Line (" raised, while processing project file");
Project := Empty_Node;
end Parse;
-- Parse_Context_Clause --
procedure Parse_Context_Clause
(Context_Clause : out Project_Node_Id;
Project_Directory : Name_Id)
Project_Directory_Path : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Project_Directory);
Current_With_Clause : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Next_With_Clause : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- Assume no context clause
Context_Clause := Empty_Node;
With_Loop :
-- If Token is not "with", there is no context clause,
-- or we have exhausted the with clauses.
while Token = Tok_With loop
Comma_Loop :
-- Scan past "with" or ","
Expect (Tok_String_Literal, "literal string");
if Token /= Tok_String_Literal then
end if;
-- New with clause
if Current_With_Clause = Empty_Node then
-- First with clause of the context clause
Current_With_Clause := Default_Project_Node
(Of_Kind => N_With_Clause);
Context_Clause := Current_With_Clause;
Next_With_Clause := Default_Project_Node
(Of_Kind => N_With_Clause);
Set_Next_With_Clause_Of (Current_With_Clause, Next_With_Clause);
Current_With_Clause := Next_With_Clause;
end if;
Set_String_Value_Of (Current_With_Clause, Strval (Token_Node));
Set_Location_Of (Current_With_Clause, Token_Ptr);
String_To_Name_Buffer (String_Value_Of (Current_With_Clause));
Original_Path : constant String :=
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Imported_Path_Name : constant String :=
Withed_Project : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
if Imported_Path_Name = "" then
-- The project file cannot be found
Name_Len := Original_Path'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Original_Path;
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Find;
Error_Msg ("unknown project file: {", Token_Ptr);
-- Parse the imported project
(Project => Withed_Project,
Path_Name => Imported_Path_Name,
Modified => False);
if Withed_Project /= Empty_Node then
-- If parsing was successful, record project name
-- and path name in with clause
Set_Project_Node_Of (Current_With_Clause, Withed_Project);
Set_Name_Of (Current_With_Clause,
Name_Of (Withed_Project));
Name_Len := Imported_Path_Name'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Imported_Path_Name;
Set_Path_Name_Of (Current_With_Clause, Name_Find);
end if;
end if;
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
-- End of (possibly multiple) with clause;
-- Scan past the semicolon.
exit Comma_Loop;
elsif Token /= Tok_Comma then
Error_Msg ("expected comma or semi colon", Token_Ptr);
exit Comma_Loop;
end if;
end loop Comma_Loop;
end loop With_Loop;
end Parse_Context_Clause;
-- Parse_Single_Project --
procedure Parse_Single_Project
(Project : out Project_Node_Id;
Path_Name : String;
Modified : Boolean)
Canonical_Path_Name : Name_Id;
Project_Directory : Name_Id;
Project_Scan_State : Saved_Project_Scan_State;
Source_Index : Source_File_Index;
Modified_Project : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
A_Project_Name_And_Node : Tree_Private_Part.Project_Name_And_Node :=
Name_From_Path : constant Name_Id := Project_Name_From (Path_Name);
use Tree_Private_Part;
Name_Len := Path_Name'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Path_Name;
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Canonical_Path_Name := Name_Find;
-- Check for a circular dependency
for Index in 1 .. Project_Stack.Last loop
if Canonical_Path_Name = Project_Stack.Table (Index) then
Error_Msg ("circular dependency detected", Token_Ptr);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Canonical_Path_Name;
Error_Msg ("\ { is imported by", Token_Ptr);
for Current in reverse 1 .. Project_Stack.Last loop
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Project_Stack.Table (Current);
if Error_Msg_Name_1 /= Canonical_Path_Name then
("\ { which itself is imported by", Token_Ptr);
Error_Msg ("\ {", Token_Ptr);
end if;
end loop;
Project := Empty_Node;
end if;
end loop;
Project_Stack.Table (Project_Stack.Last) := Canonical_Path_Name;
-- Check if the project file has already been parsed.
A_Project_Name_And_Node /= Tree_Private_Part.No_Project_Name_And_Node
Path_Name_Of (A_Project_Name_And_Node.Node) = Canonical_Path_Name
if Modified then
if A_Project_Name_And_Node.Modified then
("cannot modify several times the same project file",
("cannot modify an imported project file",
end if;
elsif A_Project_Name_And_Node.Modified then
("cannot imported a modified project file",
end if;
Project := A_Project_Name_And_Node.Node;
end if;
A_Project_Name_And_Node := Tree_Private_Part.Projects_Htable.Get_Next;
end loop;
-- We never encountered this project file
-- Save the scan state, load the project file and start to scan it.
Save_Project_Scan_State (Project_Scan_State);
Source_Index := Load_Project_File (Path_Name);
-- if we cannot find it, we stop
if Source_Index = No_Source_File then
Project := Empty_Node;
end if;
Initialize_Scanner (Types.No_Unit, Source_Index);
if Name_From_Path = No_Name then
-- The project file name is not correct (no or bad extension,
-- or not following Ada identifier's syntax).
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Canonical_Path_Name;
Error_Msg ("?{ is not a valid path name for a project file",
end if;
if Current_Verbosity >= Medium then
Write_Str ("Parsing """);
Write_Str (Path_Name);
Write_Char ('"');
end if;
Project_Directory := Immediate_Directory_Of (Canonical_Path_Name);
Project := Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Project);
Set_Directory_Of (Project, Project_Directory);
Set_Name_Of (Project, Simple_File_Name_Of (Canonical_Path_Name));
Set_Path_Name_Of (Project, Canonical_Path_Name);
Set_Location_Of (Project, Token_Ptr);
-- Is there any imported project?
First_With_Clause : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Parse_Context_Clause (Context_Clause => First_With_Clause,
Project_Directory => Project_Directory);
Set_First_With_Clause_Of (Project, First_With_Clause);
Expect (Tok_Project, "project");
-- Scan past "project"
if Token = Tok_Project then
Set_Location_Of (Project, Token_Ptr);
end if;
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Set_Name_Of (Project, Token_Name);
Get_Name_String (Token_Name);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Expected_Name : constant Name_Id := Name_Find;
if Name_From_Path /= No_Name
and then Expected_Name /= Name_From_Path
-- The project name is not the one that was expected from
-- the file name. Report a warning.
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Expected_Name;
Error_Msg ("?file name does not match unit name, " &
"should be `{" & Project_File_Extension & "`",
end if;
Project_Name : Name_Id :=
-- Check if we already have a project with this name
while Project_Name /= No_Name
and then Project_Name /= Token_Name
Project_Name := Tree_Private_Part.Projects_Htable.Get_Next.Name;
end loop;
if Project_Name /= No_Name then
Error_Msg ("duplicate project name", Token_Ptr);
(K => Token_Name,
E => (Name => Token_Name,
Node => Project,
Modified => Modified));
end if;
-- Scan past the project name
end if;
if Token = Tok_Modifying then
-- We are modifying another project
-- Scan past "modifying"
Expect (Tok_String_Literal, "literal string");
if Token = Tok_String_Literal then
Set_Modified_Project_Path_Of (Project, Strval (Token_Node));
String_To_Name_Buffer (Modified_Project_Path_Of (Project));
Original_Path_Name : constant String :=
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Modified_Project_Path_Name : constant String :=
if Modified_Project_Path_Name = "" then
-- We could not find the project file to modify
Name_Len := Original_Path_Name'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Original_Path_Name;
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Find;
Error_Msg ("unknown project file: {", Token_Ptr);
(Project => Modified_Project,
Path_Name => Modified_Project_Path_Name,
Modified => True);
end if;
-- Scan past the modified project path
end if;
end if;
Expect (Tok_Is, "is");
Project_Declaration : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- No need to Scan past "is", Prj.Dect.Parse will do it.
(Declarations => Project_Declaration,
Current_Project => Project,
Modifying => Modified_Project);
Set_Project_Declaration_Of (Project, Project_Declaration);
Expect (Tok_End, "end");
-- Scan past "end"
if Token = Tok_End then
end if;
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
-- We check if this is the project name
if To_Lower (Get_Name_String (Token_Name)) /=
Get_Name_String (Name_Of (Project))
Error_Msg ("Expected """ &
Get_Name_String (Name_Of (Project)) & """",
end if;
end if;
if Token /= Tok_Semicolon then
end if;
Expect (Tok_Semicolon, ";");
-- Restore the scan state, in case we are not the main project
Restore_Project_Scan_State (Project_Scan_State);
end Parse_Single_Project;
-- Path_Name_Of --
function Path_Name_Of
(File_Name : String;
Directory : String)
return String
Result : String_Access;
Result := Locate_Regular_File (File_Name => File_Name,
Path => Directory);
if Result = null then
return "";
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Result.all);
return Result.all;
end if;
end Path_Name_Of;
-- Project_Name_From --
function Project_Name_From (Path_Name : String) return Name_Id is
Canonical : String (1 .. Path_Name'Length) := Path_Name;
First : Natural := Canonical'Last;
Last : Positive := First;
if First = 0 then
return No_Name;
end if;
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Canonical);
while First > 0
and then
Canonical (First) /= '.'
First := First - 1;
end loop;
if Canonical (First) = '.' then
if Canonical (First .. Last) = Project_File_Extension
and then First /= 1
First := First - 1;
Last := First;
while First > 0
and then Canonical (First) /= '/'
and then Canonical (First) /= Dir_Sep
First := First - 1;
end loop;
return No_Name;
end if;
return No_Name;
end if;
if Canonical (First) = '/'
or else Canonical (First) = Dir_Sep
First := First + 1;
end if;
Name_Len := Last - First + 1;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := To_Lower (Canonical (First .. Last));
if not Is_Letter (Name_Buffer (1)) then
return No_Name;
for Index in 2 .. Name_Len - 1 loop
if Name_Buffer (Index) = '_' then
if Name_Buffer (Index + 1) = '_' then
return No_Name;
end if;
elsif not Is_Alphanumeric (Name_Buffer (Index)) then
return No_Name;
end if;
end loop;
if not Is_Alphanumeric (Name_Buffer (Name_Len)) then
return No_Name;
return Name_Find;
end if;
end if;
end Project_Name_From;
-- Project_Path_Name_Of --
function Project_Path_Name_Of
(Project_File_Name : String;
Directory : String)
return String
Result : String_Access;
-- First we try <file_name>.<extension>
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str ("Project_Path_Name_Of (""");
Write_Str (Project_File_Name);
Write_Str (""", """);
Write_Str (Directory);
Write_Line (""");");
Write_Str (" Trying ");
Write_Str (Project_File_Name);
Write_Line (Project_File_Extension);
end if;
Result :=
(File_Name => Project_File_Name & Project_File_Extension,
Path => Project_Path.all);
-- Then we try <file_name>
if Result = null then
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str (" Trying ");
Write_Line (Project_File_Name);
end if;
Result :=
(File_Name => Project_File_Name,
Path => Project_Path.all);
-- The we try <directory>/<file_name>.<extension>
if Result = null then
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str (" Trying ");
Write_Str (Directory);
Write_Str (Project_File_Name);
Write_Line (Project_File_Extension);
end if;
Result :=
(File_Name => Directory & Project_File_Name &
Path => Project_Path.all);
-- Then we try <directory>/<file_name>
if Result = null then
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Str (" Trying ");
Write_Str (Directory);
Write_Line (Project_File_Name);
end if;
Result :=
(File_Name => Directory & Project_File_Name,
Path => Project_Path.all);
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- If we cannot find the project file, we return an empty string
if Result = null then
return "";
Final_Result : String
:= GNAT.OS_Lib.Normalize_Pathname (Result.all);
Free (Result);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Final_Result);
return Final_Result;
end if;
end Project_Path_Name_Of;
-- Simple_File_Name_Of --
function Simple_File_Name_Of (Path_Name : Name_Id) return Name_Id is
Get_Name_String (Path_Name);
for Index in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
if Name_Buffer (Index) = '/'
or else Name_Buffer (Index) = Dir_Sep
exit when Index = Name_Len;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len - Index) :=
Name_Buffer (Index + 1 .. Name_Len);
Name_Len := Name_Len - Index;
return Name_Find;
end if;
end loop;
return No_Name;
end Simple_File_Name_Of;
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Project_File_Extension);
if Prj_Path.all = "" then
Project_Path := new String'(".");
Project_Path := new String'("." & Path_Separator & Prj_Path.all);
end if;
end Prj.Part;

gcc/ada/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . P A R T --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.3 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- Implements the parsing of project files into a tree.
with Prj.Tree; use Prj.Tree;
package Prj.Part is
procedure Parse
(Project : out Project_Node_Id;
Project_File_Name : String;
Always_Errout_Finalize : Boolean);
-- Parse a project file and all its imported project files
-- and create a tree.
-- Return the node for the project (or Empty_Node if parsing failed).
-- If Always_Errout_Finalize is True, Errout.Finalize is called
-- in all cases; otherwise, Errout.Finalize is only called if there are
-- errors (but not if there are only warnings).
end Prj.Part;

gcc/ada/prj-proc.adb Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

gcc/ada/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . P R O C --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.2 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- This package is used to convert a project file tree (see to
-- project file data structures (see, taking into account
-- the environment (external references).
with Prj.Tree; use Prj.Tree;
package Prj.Proc is
procedure Process
(Project : out Project_Id;
From_Project_Node : Project_Node_Id;
Report_Error : Put_Line_Access);
-- Process a project file tree into project file data structures.
-- If Report_Error is null, use the standard error reporting mechanism
-- (Errout). Otherwise, report errors using Report_Error.
end Prj.Proc;

gcc/ada/prj-strt.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . S T R T --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.12 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Errout; use Errout;
with Prj.Attr; use Prj.Attr;
with Prj.Tree; use Prj.Tree;
with Scans; use Scans;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Table;
with Types; use Types;
package body Prj.Strt is
Initial_Size : constant := 8;
type Name_Location is record
Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
end record;
-- Store the identifier and the location of a simple name
type Name_Range is range 0 .. 3;
subtype Name_Index is Name_Range range 1 .. Name_Range'Last;
-- A Name may contain up to 3 simple names
type Names is array (Name_Index) of Name_Location;
-- Used to store 1 to 3 simple_names. 2 simple names are for
-- <project>.<package>, <project>.<variable> or <package>.<variable>.
-- 3 simple names are for <project>.<package>.<variable>.
type Choice_String is record
The_String : String_Id;
Already_Used : Boolean := False;
end record;
-- The string of a case label, and an indication that it has already
-- been used (to avoid duplicate case labels).
Choices_Initial : constant := 10;
Choices_Increment : constant := 10;
Choice_Node_Low_Bound : constant := 0;
Choice_Node_High_Bound : constant := 099_999_999; -- In practice, infinite
type Choice_Node_Id is
range Choice_Node_Low_Bound .. Choice_Node_High_Bound;
First_Choice_Node_Id : constant Choice_Node_Id :=
Empty_Choice : constant Choice_Node_Id :=
First_Choice_Id : constant Choice_Node_Id := First_Choice_Node_Id + 1;
package Choices is
new Table.Table (Table_Component_Type => Choice_String,
Table_Index_Type => Choice_Node_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => First_Choice_Node_Id,
Table_Initial => Choices_Initial,
Table_Increment => Choices_Increment,
Table_Name => "Prj.Strt.Choices");
-- Used to store the case labels and check that there is no duplicate.
package Choice_Lasts is
new Table.Table (Table_Component_Type => Choice_Node_Id,
Table_Index_Type => Nat,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 3,
Table_Increment => 3,
Table_Name => "Prj.Strt.Choice_Lasts");
-- Used to store the indices of the choices in table Choices,
-- to distinguish nested case constructions.
Choice_First : Choice_Node_Id := 0;
-- Index in table Choices of the first case label of the current
-- case construction.
-- 0 means no current case construction.
procedure Add (This_String : String_Id);
-- Add a string to the case label list, indicating that it has not
-- yet been used.
procedure External_Reference (External_Value : out Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse an external reference. Current token is "external".
procedure Attribute_Reference
(Reference : out Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse an attribute reference. Current token is an apostrophe.
procedure Terms
(Term : out Project_Node_Id;
Expr_Kind : in out Variable_Kind;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id);
-- Recursive procedure to parse one term or several terms concatenated
-- using "&".
-- Add --
procedure Add (This_String : String_Id) is
Choices.Table (Choices.Last) :=
(The_String => This_String,
Already_Used => False);
end Add;
-- Attribute_Reference --
procedure Attribute_Reference
(Reference : out Project_Node_Id;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id)
Current_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id := First_Attribute;
Reference := Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Attribute_Reference);
Set_Location_Of (Reference, To => Token_Ptr);
Scan; -- past apostrophe
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "Identifier");
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
Set_Name_Of (Reference, To => Token_Name);
while Current_Attribute /= Empty_Attribute
and then
Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Name /= Token_Name
Current_Attribute := Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Next;
end loop;
if Current_Attribute = Empty_Attribute then
Error_Msg ("unknown attribute", Token_Ptr);
Reference := Empty_Node;
Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Kind_2 = Associative_Array
("associative array attribute cannot be referenced",
Reference := Empty_Node;
Set_Project_Node_Of (Reference, To => Current_Project);
Set_Package_Node_Of (Reference, To => Current_Package);
(Reference, To => Attributes.Table (Current_Attribute).Kind_1);
end if;
end if;
end Attribute_Reference;
-- End_Case_Construction --
procedure End_Case_Construction is
if Choice_Lasts.Last = 1 then
Choice_Lasts.Set_Last (0);
Choices.Set_Last (First_Choice_Node_Id);
Choice_First := 0;
elsif Choice_Lasts.Last = 2 then
Choice_Lasts.Set_Last (1);
Choices.Set_Last (Choice_Lasts.Table (1));
Choice_First := 1;
Choices.Set_Last (Choice_Lasts.Table (Choice_Lasts.Last));
Choice_First := Choice_Lasts.Table (Choice_Lasts.Last - 1) + 1;
end if;
end End_Case_Construction;
-- External_Reference --
procedure External_Reference (External_Value : out Project_Node_Id) is
Field_Id : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
External_Value :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_External_Value,
And_Expr_Kind => Single);
Set_Location_Of (External_Value, To => Token_Ptr);
-- The current token is External
-- Get the left parenthesis
Expect (Tok_Left_Paren, "(");
-- Scan past the left parenthesis
if Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
end if;
-- Get the name of the external reference
Expect (Tok_String_Literal, "literal string");
if Token = Tok_String_Literal then
Field_Id :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Literal_String,
And_Expr_Kind => Single);
Set_String_Value_Of (Field_Id, To => Strval (Token_Node));
Set_External_Reference_Of (External_Value, To => Field_Id);
-- Scan past the first argument
case Token is
when Tok_Right_Paren =>
-- Scan past the right parenthesis
when Tok_Comma =>
-- Scan past the comma
Expect (Tok_String_Literal, "literal string");
-- Get the default
if Token = Tok_String_Literal then
Field_Id :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Literal_String,
And_Expr_Kind => Single);
Set_String_Value_Of (Field_Id, To => Strval (Token_Node));
Set_External_Default_Of (External_Value, To => Field_Id);
Expect (Tok_Right_Paren, ")");
end if;
-- Scan past the right parenthesis
if Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
end if;
when others =>
Error_Msg ("',' or ')' expected", Token_Ptr);
end case;
end if;
end External_Reference;
-- Parse_Choice_List --
procedure Parse_Choice_List (First_Choice : out Project_Node_Id) is
Current_Choice : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Next_Choice : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Choice_String : String_Id := No_String;
Found : Boolean := False;
First_Choice :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Literal_String,
And_Expr_Kind => Single);
Current_Choice := First_Choice;
Expect (Tok_String_Literal, "literal string");
exit when Token /= Tok_String_Literal;
Set_Location_Of (Current_Choice, To => Token_Ptr);
Choice_String := Strval (Token_Node);
Set_String_Value_Of (Current_Choice, To => Choice_String);
Found := False;
for Choice in Choice_First .. Choices.Last loop
if String_Equal (Choices.Table (Choice).The_String,
Found := True;
if Choices.Table (Choice).Already_Used then
Error_Msg ("duplicate case label", Token_Ptr);
Choices.Table (Choice).Already_Used := True;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
if not Found then
Error_Msg ("illegal case label", Token_Ptr);
end if;
if Token = Tok_Vertical_Bar then
Next_Choice :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Literal_String,
And_Expr_Kind => Single);
Set_Next_Literal_String (Current_Choice, To => Next_Choice);
Current_Choice := Next_Choice;
end if;
end loop;
end Parse_Choice_List;
-- Parse_Expression --
procedure Parse_Expression
(Expression : out Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id)
First_Term : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Expression_Kind : Variable_Kind := Undefined;
Expression := Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Expression);
Set_Location_Of (Expression, To => Token_Ptr);
Terms (Term => First_Term,
Expr_Kind => Expression_Kind,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
Set_First_Term (Expression, To => First_Term);
Set_Expression_Kind_Of (Expression, To => Expression_Kind);
end Parse_Expression;
-- Parse_String_Type_List --
procedure Parse_String_Type_List (First_String : out Project_Node_Id) is
Last_String : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Next_String : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
String_Value : String_Id := No_String;
First_String :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Literal_String,
And_Expr_Kind => Single);
Last_String := First_String;
Expect (Tok_String_Literal, "literal string");
exit when Token /= Tok_String_Literal;
String_Value := Strval (Token_Node);
Set_String_Value_Of (Last_String, To => String_Value);
Set_Location_Of (Last_String, To => Token_Ptr);
Current : Project_Node_Id := First_String;
while Current /= Last_String loop
if String_Equal (String_Value_Of (Current), String_Value) then
Error_Msg ("duplicate value in type", Token_Ptr);
end if;
Current := Next_Literal_String (Current);
end loop;
if Token /= Tok_Comma then
Next_String :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Literal_String,
And_Expr_Kind => Single);
Set_Next_Literal_String (Last_String, To => Next_String);
Last_String := Next_String;
end if;
end loop;
end Parse_String_Type_List;
-- Parse_Variable_Reference --
procedure Parse_Variable_Reference
(Variable : out Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id)
The_Names : Names;
Last_Name : Name_Range := 0;
Current_Variable : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
The_Package : Project_Node_Id := Current_Package;
The_Project : Project_Node_Id := Current_Project;
Specified_Project : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Specified_Package : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Look_For_Variable : Boolean := True;
First_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id := Empty_Attribute;
Variable_Name : Name_Id;
for Index in The_Names'Range loop
Expect (Tok_Identifier, "identifier");
if Token /= Tok_Identifier then
Look_For_Variable := False;
end if;
Last_Name := Last_Name + 1;
The_Names (Last_Name) :=
(Name => Token_Name,
Location => Token_Ptr);
exit when Token /= Tok_Dot;
end loop;
if Look_For_Variable then
if Token = Tok_Apostrophe then
-- Attribute reference
case Last_Name is
when 0 =>
-- Cannot happen
when 1 =>
for Index in Package_First .. Package_Attributes.Last loop
if Package_Attributes.Table (Index).Name =
The_Names (1).Name
First_Attribute :=
Package_Attributes.Table (Index).First_Attribute;
end if;
end loop;
if First_Attribute /= Empty_Attribute then
The_Package := First_Package_Of (Current_Project);
while The_Package /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (The_Package) /= The_Names (1).Name
The_Package := Next_Package_In_Project (The_Package);
end loop;
if The_Package = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("package not yet defined",
The_Names (1).Location);
end if;
First_Attribute := Attribute_First;
The_Package := Empty_Node;
The_Project_Name_And_Node :
constant Tree_Private_Part.Project_Name_And_Node :=
(The_Names (1).Name);
use Tree_Private_Part;
if The_Project_Name_And_Node =
Error_Msg ("unknown project",
The_Names (1).Location);
The_Project := The_Project_Name_And_Node.Node;
end if;
end if;
when 2 =>
With_Clause : Project_Node_Id :=
First_With_Clause_Of (Current_Project);
while With_Clause /= Empty_Node loop
The_Project := Project_Node_Of (With_Clause);
exit when Name_Of (The_Project) = The_Names (1).Name;
With_Clause := Next_With_Clause_Of (With_Clause);
end loop;
if With_Clause = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("unknown project",
The_Names (1).Location);
The_Project := Empty_Node;
The_Package := Empty_Node;
First_Attribute := Attribute_First;
The_Package := First_Package_Of (The_Project);
while The_Package /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (The_Package) /= The_Names (2).Name
The_Package :=
Next_Package_In_Project (The_Package);
end loop;
if The_Package = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("package not declared in project",
The_Names (2).Location);
First_Attribute := Attribute_First;
First_Attribute :=
(Package_Id_Of (The_Package)).First_Attribute;
end if;
end if;
when 3 =>
("too many single names for an attribute reference",
The_Names (1).Location);
Variable := Empty_Node;
end case;
Current_Project => The_Project,
Current_Package => The_Package,
First_Attribute => First_Attribute);
end if;
end if;
Variable :=
Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Variable_Reference);
if Look_For_Variable then
case Last_Name is
when 0 =>
-- Cannot happen
when 1 =>
Set_Name_Of (Variable, To => The_Names (1).Name);
-- Header comment needed ???
when 2 =>
Set_Name_Of (Variable, To => The_Names (2).Name);
The_Package := First_Package_Of (Current_Project);
while The_Package /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (The_Package) /= The_Names (1).Name
The_Package := Next_Package_In_Project (The_Package);
end loop;
if The_Package /= Empty_Node then
Specified_Package := The_Package;
The_Project := Empty_Node;
With_Clause : Project_Node_Id :=
First_With_Clause_Of (Current_Project);
while With_Clause /= Empty_Node loop
The_Project := Project_Node_Of (With_Clause);
exit when Name_Of (The_Project) = The_Names (1).Name;
With_Clause := Next_With_Clause_Of (With_Clause);
end loop;
if With_Clause = Empty_Node then
The_Project :=
(Project_Declaration_Of (Current_Project));
if The_Project /= Empty_Node
and then
Name_Of (The_Project) /= The_Names (1).Name
The_Project := Empty_Node;
end if;
end if;
if The_Project = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("unknown package or project",
The_Names (1).Location);
Look_For_Variable := False;
Specified_Project := The_Project;
end if;
end if;
-- Header comment needed ???
when 3 =>
Set_Name_Of (Variable, To => The_Names (3).Name);
With_Clause : Project_Node_Id :=
First_With_Clause_Of (Current_Project);
while With_Clause /= Empty_Node loop
The_Project := Project_Node_Of (With_Clause);
exit when Name_Of (The_Project) = The_Names (1).Name;
With_Clause := Next_With_Clause_Of (With_Clause);
end loop;
if With_Clause = Empty_Node then
The_Project :=
(Project_Declaration_Of (Current_Project));
if The_Project /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (The_Project) /= The_Names (1).Name
The_Project := Empty_Node;
end if;
end if;
if The_Project = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("unknown package or project",
The_Names (1).Location);
Look_For_Variable := False;
Specified_Project := The_Project;
The_Package := First_Package_Of (The_Project);
while The_Package /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (The_Package) /= The_Names (2).Name
The_Package := Next_Package_In_Project (The_Package);
end loop;
if The_Package = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("unknown package",
The_Names (2).Location);
Look_For_Variable := False;
Specified_Package := The_Package;
The_Project := Empty_Node;
end if;
end if;
end case;
end if;
if Look_For_Variable then
Variable_Name := Name_Of (Variable);
Set_Project_Node_Of (Variable, To => Specified_Project);
Set_Package_Node_Of (Variable, To => Specified_Package);
if The_Package /= Empty_Node then
Current_Variable := First_Variable_Of (The_Package);
while Current_Variable /= Empty_Node
and then
Name_Of (Current_Variable) /= Variable_Name
Current_Variable := Next_Variable (Current_Variable);
end loop;
end if;
if Current_Variable = Empty_Node
and then The_Project /= Empty_Node
Current_Variable := First_Variable_Of (The_Project);
while Current_Variable /= Empty_Node
and then Name_Of (Current_Variable) /= Variable_Name
Current_Variable := Next_Variable (Current_Variable);
end loop;
end if;
if Current_Variable = Empty_Node then
Error_Msg ("unknown variable", The_Names (Last_Name).Location);
end if;
end if;
if Current_Variable /= Empty_Node then
(Variable, To => Expression_Kind_Of (Current_Variable));
if Kind_Of (Current_Variable) = N_Typed_Variable_Declaration then
(Variable, To => String_Type_Of (Current_Variable));
end if;
end if;
end Parse_Variable_Reference;
-- Start_New_Case_Construction --
procedure Start_New_Case_Construction (String_Type : Project_Node_Id) is
Current_String : Project_Node_Id;
if Choice_First = 0 then
Choice_First := 1;
Choices.Set_Last (First_Choice_Node_Id);
Choice_First := Choices.Last + 1;
end if;
if String_Type /= Empty_Node then
Current_String := First_Literal_String (String_Type);
while Current_String /= Empty_Node loop
Add (This_String => String_Value_Of (Current_String));
Current_String := Next_Literal_String (Current_String);
end loop;
end if;
Choice_Lasts.Table (Choice_Lasts.Last) := Choices.Last;
end Start_New_Case_Construction;
-- Terms --
procedure Terms (Term : out Project_Node_Id;
Expr_Kind : in out Variable_Kind;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id)
Next_Term : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Term_Id : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Current_Expression : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Next_Expression : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Current_Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
Reference : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Term := Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Term);
Set_Location_Of (Term, To => Token_Ptr);
case Token is
when Tok_Left_Paren =>
case Expr_Kind is
when Undefined =>
Expr_Kind := List;
when List =>
when Single =>
Expr_Kind := List;
("literal string list cannot appear in a string",
end case;
Term_Id := Default_Project_Node
(Of_Kind => N_Literal_String_List,
And_Expr_Kind => List);
Set_Current_Term (Term, To => Term_Id);
Set_Location_Of (Term, To => Token_Ptr);
if Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
Current_Location := Token_Ptr;
Parse_Expression (Expression => Next_Expression,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
if Expression_Kind_Of (Next_Expression) = List then
Error_Msg ("single expression expected",
end if;
if Current_Expression = Empty_Node then
(Term_Id, To => Next_Expression);
(Current_Expression, To => Next_Expression);
end if;
Current_Expression := Next_Expression;
exit when Token /= Tok_Comma;
Scan; -- past the comma
end loop;
Expect (Tok_Right_Paren, "(");
if Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
end if;
end if;
when Tok_String_Literal =>
if Expr_Kind = Undefined then
Expr_Kind := Single;
end if;
Term_Id := Default_Project_Node (Of_Kind => N_Literal_String);
Set_Current_Term (Term, To => Term_Id);
Set_String_Value_Of (Term_Id, To => Strval (Token_Node));
when Tok_Identifier =>
Current_Location := Token_Ptr;
(Variable => Reference,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
Set_Current_Term (Term, To => Reference);
if Reference /= Empty_Node then
if Expr_Kind = Undefined then
Expr_Kind := Expression_Kind_Of (Reference);
elsif Expr_Kind = Single
and then Expression_Kind_Of (Reference) = List
Expr_Kind := List;
("list variable cannot appear in single string expression",
end if;
end if;
when Tok_Project =>
Current_Location := Token_Ptr;
Expect (Tok_Apostrophe, "'");
if Token = Tok_Apostrophe then
(Reference => Reference,
First_Attribute => Prj.Attr.Attribute_First,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Empty_Node);
Set_Current_Term (Term, To => Reference);
end if;
if Reference /= Empty_Node then
if Expr_Kind = Undefined then
Expr_Kind := Expression_Kind_Of (Reference);
elsif Expr_Kind = Single
and then Expression_Kind_Of (Reference) = List
("lists cannot appear in single string expression",
end if;
end if;
when Tok_External =>
if Expr_Kind = Undefined then
Expr_Kind := Single;
end if;
External_Reference (External_Value => Reference);
Set_Current_Term (Term, To => Reference);
when others =>
Error_Msg ("cannot be part of an expression", Token_Ptr);
Term := Empty_Node;
end case;
if Token = Tok_Ampersand then
Terms (Term => Next_Term,
Expr_Kind => Expr_Kind,
Current_Project => Current_Project,
Current_Package => Current_Package);
Set_Next_Term (Term, To => Next_Term);
end if;
end Terms;
end Prj.Strt;

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . S T R T --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.4 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- This package implements parsing of string expressions in project files.
with Prj.Tree; use Prj.Tree;
private package Prj.Strt is
procedure Parse_String_Type_List (First_String : out Project_Node_Id);
-- Get the list of literal strings that are allowed for a typed string.
-- On entry, the current token is the first literal string following
-- a left parenthesis in a string type declaration such as:
-- type Toto is ("string_1", "string_2", "string_3");
-- On exit, the current token is the right parenthesis.
-- The parameter First_String is a node that contained the first
-- literal string of the string type, linked with the following
-- literal strings.
-- Report an error if
-- - a literal string is not found at the beginning of the list
-- or after a comma
-- - two literal strings in the list are equal
procedure Start_New_Case_Construction (String_Type : Project_Node_Id);
-- This procedure is called at the beginning of a case construction
-- The parameter String_Type is the node for the string type
-- of the case label variable.
-- The different literal strings of the string type are stored
-- into a table to be checked against the case labels of the
-- case construction.
procedure End_Case_Construction;
-- This procedure is called at the end of a case construction
-- to remove the case labels and to restore the previous state.
-- In particular, in the case of nested case constructions,
-- the case labels of the enclosing case construction are restored.
procedure Parse_Choice_List
(First_Choice : out Project_Node_Id);
-- Get the label for a choice list.
-- Report an error if
-- - a case label is not a literal string
-- - a case label is not in the typed string list
-- - the same case label is repeated in the same case construction
procedure Parse_Expression
(Expression : out Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse a simple string expression or a string list expression.
-- Current_Project is the node of the project file being parsed.
-- Current_Package is the node of the package being parsed,
-- or Empty_Node when we are at the project level (not in a package).
-- On exit, Expression is the node of the expression that has
-- been parsed.
procedure Parse_Variable_Reference
(Variable : out Project_Node_Id;
Current_Project : Project_Node_Id;
Current_Package : Project_Node_Id);
-- Parse a variable or attribute reference.
-- Used internally (in expressions) and for case variables (in Prj.Dect).
-- Current_Package is the node of the package being parsed,
-- or Empty_Node when we are at the project level (not in a package).
-- On exit, Variable is the node of the variable or attribute reference.
-- A variable reference is made of one to three simple names.
-- An attribute reference is made of one or two simple names,
-- followed by an apostroph, followed by the attribute simple name.
end Prj.Strt;

gcc/ada/prj-tree.adb Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

gcc/ada/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . T R E E --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.9 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- This package defines the structure of the Project File tree.
with GNAT.HTable;
with Prj.Attr; use Prj.Attr;
with Prj.Com; use Prj.Com;
with Types; use Types;
with Table;
package Prj.Tree is
Project_Nodes_Initial : constant := 1_000;
-- Initial number of nodes in table Tree_Private_Part.Project_Nodes
Project_Nodes_Increment : constant := 100;
Project_Node_Low_Bound : constant := 0;
Project_Node_High_Bound : constant := 099_999_999; -- In practice, infinite
type Project_Node_Id is range
Project_Node_Low_Bound .. Project_Node_High_Bound;
-- The index of table Tree_Private_Part.Project_Nodes
Empty_Node : constant Project_Node_Id := Project_Node_Low_Bound;
-- Designates no node in table Project_Nodes
First_Node_Id : constant Project_Node_Id := Project_Node_Low_Bound;
subtype Variable_Node_Id is Project_Node_Id;
-- Used to designate a node whose expected kind is
-- N_Typed_Variable_Declaration, N_Variable_Declaration or
-- N_Variable_Reference.
subtype Package_Declaration_Id is Project_Node_Id;
-- Used to designate a node whose expected kind is
-- N_Project_Declaration.
type Project_Node_Kind is
-- Each node in the tree is of a Project_Node_Kind
-- For the signification of the fields in each node of a
-- Project_Node_Kind, look at package Tree_Private_Part.
procedure Initialize;
-- Initialize the Project File tree: empty the Project_Nodes table
-- and reset the Projects_Htable.
function Default_Project_Node
(Of_Kind : Project_Node_Kind;
And_Expr_Kind : Variable_Kind := Undefined)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Returns a Project_Node_Record with the specified Kind and
-- Expr_Kind; all the other components have default nil values.
-- Access Functions --
-- The following query functions are part of the abstract interface
-- of the Project File tree
function Name_Of (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Name_Id;
-- Valid for all non empty nodes. May return No_Name for nodes that have
-- no names.
function Kind_Of (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Project_Node_Kind;
-- Valid for all non empty nodes
function Location_Of (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Source_Ptr;
-- Valid for all non empty nodes
function Directory_Of (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Name_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes.
function Expression_Kind_Of (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Variable_Kind;
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String, N_Attribute_Declaration,
-- N_Variable_Declaration, N_Typed_Variable_Declaration, N_Expression,
-- N_Term, N_Variable_Reference or N_Attribute_Reference nodes.
function First_Variable_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Variable_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Project or N_Package_Declaration nodes
function First_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Package_Declaration_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function Package_Id_Of (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Package_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Package_Declaration nodes
function Path_Name_Of (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Name_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Project and N_With_Clause nodes.
function String_Value_Of (Node : Project_Node_Id) return String_Id;
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause or N_Literal_String nodes.
function First_With_Clause_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function Project_Declaration_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function First_String_Type_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function Modified_Project_Path_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return String_Id;
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause nodes
function Project_Node_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function Next_With_Clause_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause nodes
function First_Declarative_Item_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause nodes
function Modified_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause nodes
function Current_Item_Node
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Declarative_Item nodes
function Next_Declarative_Item
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Declarative_Item node
function Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Package_Declaration nodes.
-- May return Empty_Node.
function Next_Package_In_Project
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Package_Declaration nodes
function First_Literal_String
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_String_Type_Declaration nodes
function Next_String_Type
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_String_Type_Declaration nodes
function Next_Literal_String
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String nodes
function Expression_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration, N_Typed_Variable_Declaration
-- or N_Variable_Declaration nodes
function Value_Is_Valid
(For_Typed_Variable : Project_Node_Id;
Value : String_Id)
return Boolean;
-- Only valid for N_Typed_Variable_Declaration. Returns True if Value is
-- in the list of allowed strings for For_Typed_Variable. False otherwise.
function Associative_Array_Index_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return String_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration.
-- Returns No_String for non associative array attributes.
function Next_Variable
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Typed_Variable_Declaration or N_Variable_Declaration
-- nodes.
function First_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Expression nodes
function Next_Expression_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Expression nodes
function Current_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Term nodes
function Next_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Term nodes
function First_Expression_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String_List nodes
function Package_Node_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Variable_Reference or N_Attribute_Reference nodes.
-- May return Empty_Node.
function String_Type_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Variable_Reference or N_Typed_Variable_Declaration
-- nodes.
function External_Reference_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_External_Value nodes
function External_Default_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_External_Value nodes
function Case_Variable_Reference_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Case_Construction nodes
function First_Case_Item_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Case_Construction nodes
function First_Choice_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Case_Item nodes
function Next_Case_Item
(Node : Project_Node_Id)
return Project_Node_Id;
-- Only valid for N_Case_Item nodes
-- Set Procedures --
-- The following procedures are part of the abstract interface of
-- the Project File tree.
-- Each Set_* procedure is valid only for the same Project_Node_Kind
-- nodes as the corresponding query function above.
procedure Set_Name_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Name_Id);
procedure Set_Kind_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Kind);
procedure Set_Location_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Source_Ptr);
procedure Set_Directory_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Name_Id);
procedure Set_Expression_Kind_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Variable_Kind);
procedure Set_First_Variable_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Variable_Node_Id);
procedure Set_First_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Package_Declaration_Id);
procedure Set_Package_Id_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Package_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Path_Name_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Name_Id);
procedure Set_String_Value_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : String_Id);
procedure Set_First_With_Clause_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Project_Declaration_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_First_String_Type_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Modified_Project_Path_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : String_Id);
procedure Set_Project_Node_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Next_With_Clause_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_First_Declarative_Item_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Modified_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Current_Item_Node
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Next_Declarative_Item
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Next_Package_In_Project
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_First_Literal_String
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Next_String_Type
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Next_Literal_String
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Expression_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Associative_Array_Index_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : String_Id);
procedure Set_Next_Variable
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_First_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Next_Expression_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Current_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Next_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_First_Expression_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Package_Node_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_String_Type_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_External_Reference_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_External_Default_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Case_Variable_Reference_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_First_Case_Item_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_First_Choice_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
procedure Set_Next_Case_Item
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
To : Project_Node_Id);
-- Restricted Access Section --
package Tree_Private_Part is
-- This is conceptually in the private part.
-- However, for efficiency, some packages are accessing it directly.
type Project_Node_Record is record
Kind : Project_Node_Kind;
Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
Directory : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- Only for N_Project
Expr_Kind : Variable_Kind := Undefined;
-- See below for what Project_Node_Kind it is used
Variables : Variable_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- First variable in a project or a package
Packages : Package_Declaration_Id := Empty_Node;
-- First package declaration in a project
Pkg_Id : Package_Node_Id := Empty_Package;
-- Only use in Package_Declaration
Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- See below for what Project_Node_Kind it is used
Path_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- See below for what Project_Node_Kind it is used
Value : String_Id := No_String;
-- See below for what Project_Node_Kind it is used
Field1 : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- See below the meaning for each Project_Node_Kind
Field2 : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- See below the meaning for each Project_Node_Kind
Field3 : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- See below the meaning for each Project_Node_Kind
end record;
-- type Project_Node_Kind is
-- (N_Project,
-- -- Name: project name
-- -- Path_Name: project path name
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: first with clause
-- -- Field2: project declaration
-- -- Field3: first string type
-- -- Value: modified project path name (if any)
-- N_With_Clause,
-- -- Name: imported project name
-- -- Path_Name: imported project path name
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: project node
-- -- Field2: next with clause
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: literal string withed
-- N_Project_Declaration,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: first declarative item
-- -- Field2: modified project
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Declarative_Item,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: current item node
-- -- Field2: next declarative item
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Package_Declaration,
-- -- Name: package name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: project of renamed package (if any)
-- -- Field2: first declarative item
-- -- Field3: next package in project
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_String_Type_Declaration,
-- -- Name: type name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: first literal string
-- -- Field2: next string type
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Literal_String,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Single
-- -- Field1: next literal string
-- -- Field2: not used
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: string value
-- N_Attribute_Declaration,
-- -- Name: attribute name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: attribute kind
-- -- Field1: expression
-- -- Field2: not used
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: associative array index
-- -- (if an associative array element)
-- N_Typed_Variable_Declaration,
-- -- Name: variable name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Single
-- -- Field1: expression
-- -- Field2: type of variable (N_String_Type_Declaration)
-- -- Field3: next variable
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Variable_Declaration,
-- -- Name: variable name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: variable kind
-- -- Field1: expression
-- -- Field2: not used
-- -- Field3 is used for next variable, instead of Field2,
-- -- so that it is the same field for
-- -- N_Variable_Declaration and
-- -- N_Typed_Variable_Declaration
-- -- Field3: next variable
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Expression,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: expression kind
-- -- Field1: first term
-- -- Field2: next expression in list
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Term,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: term kind
-- -- Field1: current term
-- -- Field2: next term in the expression
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Literal_String_List,
-- -- Designates a list of string expressions between brackets
-- -- separated by commas. The string expressions are not necessarily
-- -- literal strings.
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: List
-- -- Field1: first expression
-- -- Field2: not used
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Variable_Reference,
-- -- Name: variable name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: variable kind
-- -- Field1: project (if specified)
-- -- Field2: package (if specified)
-- -- Field3: type of variable (N_String_Type_Declaration), if any
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_External_Value,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Single
-- -- Field1: Name of the external reference (literal string)
-- -- Field2: Default (literal string)
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Attribute_Reference,
-- -- Name: attribute name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: attribute kind
-- -- Field1: project
-- -- Field2: package (if attribute of a package)
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Case_Construction,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: case variable reference
-- -- Field2: first case item
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Case_Item);
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: not used
-- -- Field1: first choice (literal string)
-- -- Field2: first declarative item
-- -- Field3: next case item
-- -- Value: not used
package Project_Nodes is
new Table.Table (Table_Component_Type => Project_Node_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Project_Node_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => First_Node_Id,
Table_Initial => Project_Nodes_Initial,
Table_Increment => Project_Nodes_Increment,
Table_Name => "Project_Nodes");
-- This table contains the syntactic tree of project data
-- from project files.
type Project_Name_And_Node is record
Name : Name_Id;
-- Name of the project
Node : Project_Node_Id;
-- Node of the project in table Project_Nodes
Modified : Boolean;
-- True when the project is being modified by another project
end record;
No_Project_Name_And_Node : constant Project_Name_And_Node :=
(Name => No_Name, Node => Empty_Node, Modified => True);
package Projects_Htable is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
(Header_Num => Header_Num,
Element => Project_Name_And_Node,
No_Element => No_Project_Name_And_Node,
Key => Name_Id,
Hash => Hash,
Equal => "=");
-- This hash table contains a mapping of project names to project nodes.
-- Note that this hash table contains only the nodes whose Kind is
-- N_Project. It is used to find the node of a project from its
-- name, and to verify if a project has already been parsed, knowing
-- its name.
end Tree_Private_Part;
end Prj.Tree;

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . U T I L --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.8 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Osint;
with Output; use Output;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
package body Prj.Util is
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
(Text_File_Data, Text_File);
-- Close --
procedure Close (File : in out Text_File) is
if File = null then
Osint.Fail ("Close attempted on an invalid Text_File");
end if;
Close (File.FD);
Free (File);
end Close;
-- End_Of_File --
function End_Of_File (File : Text_File) return Boolean is
if File = null then
Osint.Fail ("End_Of_File attempted on an invalid Text_File");
end if;
return File.End_Of_File_Reached;
end End_Of_File;
-- Get_Line --
procedure Get_Line
(File : Text_File;
Line : out String;
Last : out Natural)
C : Character;
procedure Advance;
-- Advance --
procedure Advance is
if File.Cursor = File.Buffer_Len then
File.Buffer_Len :=
(FD => File.FD,
A => File.Buffer'Address,
N => File.Buffer'Length);
if File.Buffer_Len = 0 then
File.End_Of_File_Reached := True;
File.Cursor := 1;
end if;
File.Cursor := File.Cursor + 1;
end if;
end Advance;
-- Start of processing for Get_Line
if File = null then
Osint.Fail ("Get_Line attempted on an invalid Text_File");
end if;
Last := Line'First - 1;
if not File.End_Of_File_Reached then
C := File.Buffer (File.Cursor);
exit when C = ASCII.CR or else C = ASCII.LF;
Last := Last + 1;
Line (Last) := C;
if File.End_Of_File_Reached then
end if;
exit when Last = Line'Last;
end loop;
if C = ASCII.CR or else C = ASCII.LF then
if File.End_Of_File_Reached then
end if;
end if;
and then File.Buffer (File.Cursor) = ASCII.LF
end if;
end if;
end Get_Line;
-- Is_Valid --
function Is_Valid (File : Text_File) return Boolean is
return File /= null;
end Is_Valid;
-- Open --
procedure Open (File : out Text_File; Name : in String) is
FD : File_Descriptor;
File_Name : String (1 .. Name'Length + 1);
File_Name (1 .. Name'Length) := Name;
File_Name (File_Name'Last) := ASCII.NUL;
FD := Open_Read (Name => File_Name'Address,
Fmode => GNAT.OS_Lib.Text);
if FD = Invalid_FD then
File := null;
File := new Text_File_Data;
File.FD := FD;
File.Buffer_Len :=
Read (FD => FD,
A => File.Buffer'Address,
N => File.Buffer'Length);
if File.Buffer_Len = 0 then
File.End_Of_File_Reached := True;
File.Cursor := 1;
end if;
end if;
end Open;
-- Value_Of --
function Value_Of
(Index : Name_Id;
In_Array : Array_Element_Id)
return Name_Id
Current : Array_Element_Id := In_Array;
Element : Array_Element;
while Current /= No_Array_Element loop
Element := Array_Elements.Table (Current);
if Index = Element.Index then
exit when Element.Value.Kind /= Single;
exit when String_Length (Element.Value.Value) = 0;
String_To_Name_Buffer (Element.Value.Value);
return Name_Find;
Current := Element.Next;
end if;
end loop;
return No_Name;
end Value_Of;
function Value_Of
(Index : Name_Id;
In_Array : Array_Element_Id)
return Variable_Value
Current : Array_Element_Id := In_Array;
Element : Array_Element;
while Current /= No_Array_Element loop
Element := Array_Elements.Table (Current);
if Index = Element.Index then
return Element.Value;
Current := Element.Next;
end if;
end loop;
return Nil_Variable_Value;
end Value_Of;
function Value_Of
(Name : Name_Id;
Attribute_Or_Array_Name : Name_Id;
In_Package : Package_Id)
return Variable_Value
The_Array : Array_Element_Id;
The_Attribute : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value;
if In_Package /= No_Package then
-- First, look if there is an array element that fits
The_Array :=
(Name => Attribute_Or_Array_Name,
In_Arrays => Packages.Table (In_Package).Decl.Arrays);
The_Attribute :=
(Index => Name,
In_Array => The_Array);
-- If there is no array element, look for a variable
if The_Attribute = Nil_Variable_Value then
The_Attribute :=
(Variable_Name => Attribute_Or_Array_Name,
In_Variables => Packages.Table (In_Package).Decl.Attributes);
end if;
end if;
return The_Attribute;
end Value_Of;
function Value_Of
(Index : Name_Id;
In_Array : Name_Id;
In_Arrays : Array_Id)
return Name_Id
Current : Array_Id := In_Arrays;
The_Array : Array_Data;
while Current /= No_Array loop
The_Array := Arrays.Table (Current);
if The_Array.Name = In_Array then
return Value_Of (Index, In_Array => The_Array.Value);
Current := The_Array.Next;
end if;
end loop;
return No_Name;
end Value_Of;
function Value_Of
(Name : Name_Id;
In_Arrays : Array_Id)
return Array_Element_Id
Current : Array_Id := In_Arrays;
The_Array : Array_Data;
while Current /= No_Array loop
The_Array := Arrays.Table (Current);
if The_Array.Name = Name then
return The_Array.Value;
Current := The_Array.Next;
end if;
end loop;
return No_Array_Element;
end Value_Of;
function Value_Of
(Name : Name_Id;
In_Packages : Package_Id)
return Package_Id
Current : Package_Id := In_Packages;
The_Package : Package_Element;
while Current /= No_Package loop
The_Package := Packages.Table (Current);
exit when The_Package.Name /= No_Name and then
The_Package.Name = Name;
Current := The_Package.Next;
end loop;
return Current;
end Value_Of;
function Value_Of
(Variable_Name : Name_Id;
In_Variables : Variable_Id)
return Variable_Value
Current : Variable_Id := In_Variables;
The_Variable : Variable;
while Current /= No_Variable loop
The_Variable := Variable_Elements.Table (Current);
if Variable_Name = The_Variable.Name then
return The_Variable.Value;
Current := The_Variable.Next;
end if;
end loop;
return Nil_Variable_Value;
end Value_Of;
-- Write_Str --
procedure Write_Str
(S : String;
Max_Length : Positive;
Separator : Character)
First : Positive := S'First;
Last : Natural := S'Last;
-- Nothing to do for empty strings
if S'Length > 0 then
-- Start on a new line if current line is already longer than
-- Max_Length.
if Positive (Column) >= Max_Length then
end if;
-- If length of remainder is longer than Max_Length, we need to
-- cut the remainder in several lines.
while Positive (Column) + S'Last - First > Max_Length loop
-- Try the maximum length possible
Last := First + Max_Length - Positive (Column);
-- Look for last Separator in the line
while Last >= First and then S (Last) /= Separator loop
Last := Last - 1;
end loop;
-- If we do not find a separator, we output the maximum length
-- possible.
if Last < First then
Last := First + Max_Length - Positive (Column);
end if;
Write_Line (S (First .. Last));
-- Set the beginning of the new remainder
First := Last + 1;
end loop;
-- What is left goes to the buffer, without EOL
Write_Str (S (First .. S'Last));
end if;
end Write_Str;
end Prj.Util;

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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . U T I L --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.6 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- Utilities when using project files.
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with Types; use Types;
package Prj.Util is
function Value_Of
(Index : Name_Id;
In_Array : Array_Element_Id)
return Name_Id;
-- Get a single string array component.
-- Returns No_Name if there is no component Index (case sensitive),
-- if In_Array is null, or if the component is a String list.
function Value_Of
(Index : Name_Id;
In_Array : Array_Element_Id)
return Variable_Value;
-- Get a string array component (single String or String list).
-- Returns Nil_Variable_Value if there is no component Index
-- (case sensitive), or if In_Array is null.
function Value_Of
(Name : Name_Id;
Attribute_Or_Array_Name : Name_Id;
In_Package : Package_Id)
return Variable_Value;
-- In a specific package,
-- - if there exists an array Variable_Or_Array_Name with an index
-- Name, returns the corresponding component,
-- - otherwise if there is a attribute Attribute_Or_Array_Name,
-- returns this attribute,
-- - otherwise, returns Nil_Variable_Value.
-- If In_Package is null, returns Nil_Variable_Value.
function Value_Of
(Index : Name_Id;
In_Array : Name_Id;
In_Arrays : Array_Id)
return Name_Id;
-- Get a string array component in an array of an array list.
-- Returns No_Name if there is no component Index (case sensitive),
-- if In_Arrays is null, if In_Array is not found in In_Arrays,
-- or if the component is a String list.
function Value_Of
(Name : Name_Id;
In_Arrays : Array_Id)
return Array_Element_Id;
-- Returns a specified array in an array list.
-- Returns No_Array_Element if In_Arrays is null or if Name is not the
-- name of an array in In_Arrays.
-- Assumption: Name is in lower case.
function Value_Of
(Name : Name_Id;
In_Packages : Package_Id)
return Package_Id;
-- Returns a specified package in a package list.
-- Returns No_Package if In_Packages is null or if Name is not the
-- name of a package in Package_List.
-- Assumption: Name is in lower case.
function Value_Of
(Variable_Name : Name_Id;
In_Variables : Variable_Id)
return Variable_Value;
-- Returns a specified variable in a variable list.
-- Returns null if In_Variables is null or if Variable_Name
-- is not the name of a variable in In_Variables.
-- Assumption: Variable_Name is in lower case.
procedure Write_Str
(S : String;
Max_Length : Positive;
Separator : Character);
-- Output string S using Output.Write_Str.
-- If S is too long to fit in one line of Max_Length, cut it in
-- several lines, using Separator as the last character of each line,
-- if possible.
type Text_File is limited private;
-- Represents a text file.
-- Default is invalid text file.
function Is_Valid (File : Text_File) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if File designates an open text file that
-- has not yet been closed.
procedure Open (File : out Text_File; Name : String);
-- Open a text file. If this procedure fails, File is invalid.
function End_Of_File (File : Text_File) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the end of the text file File has been
-- reached. Fails if File is invalid.
procedure Get_Line
(File : Text_File;
Line : out String;
Last : out Natural);
-- Reads a line from an open text file. Fails if File is invalid.
procedure Close (File : in out Text_File);
-- Close an open text file. File becomes invalid.
-- Fails if File is already invalid.
type Text_File_Data is record
FD : File_Descriptor := Invalid_FD;
Buffer : String (1 .. 1_000);
Buffer_Len : Natural;
Cursor : Natural := 0;
End_Of_File_Reached : Boolean := False;
end record;
type Text_File is access Text_File_Data;
end Prj.Util;

gcc/ada/prj.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.16 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Errout; use Errout;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Prj.Attr;
with Prj.Com;
with Prj.Env;
with Scans; use Scans;
with Scn;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Sinfo.CN;
with Snames; use Snames;
package body Prj is
The_Empty_String : String_Id;
subtype Known_Casing is Casing_Type range All_Upper_Case .. Mixed_Case;
The_Casing_Images : array (Known_Casing) of String_Access :=
(All_Lower_Case => new String'("lowercase"),
All_Upper_Case => new String'("UPPERCASE"),
Mixed_Case => new String'("MixedCase"));
Initialized : Boolean := False;
Standard_Dot_Replacement : constant Name_Id :=
First_Name_Id + Character'Pos ('-');
Standard_Specification_Append : Name_Id;
Standard_Body_Append : Name_Id;
Std_Naming_Data : Naming_Data :=
(Dot_Replacement => Standard_Dot_Replacement,
Dot_Repl_Loc => No_Location,
Casing => All_Lower_Case,
Specification_Append => No_Name,
Spec_Append_Loc => No_Location,
Body_Append => No_Name,
Body_Append_Loc => No_Location,
Separate_Append => No_Name,
Sep_Append_Loc => No_Location,
Specifications => No_Array_Element,
Bodies => No_Array_Element);
Project_Empty : Project_Data :=
(First_Referred_By => No_Project,
Name => No_Name,
Path_Name => No_Name,
Location => No_Location,
Directory => No_Name,
File_Name => No_Name,
Library => False,
Library_Dir => No_Name,
Library_Name => No_Name,
Library_Kind => Static,
Lib_Internal_Name => No_Name,
Lib_Elaboration => False,
Sources => Nil_String,
Source_Dirs => Nil_String,
Object_Directory => No_Name,
Modifies => No_Project,
Modified_By => No_Project,
Naming => Std_Naming_Data,
Decl => No_Declarations,
Imported_Projects => Empty_Project_List,
Include_Path => null,
Objects_Path => null,
Config_File_Name => No_Name,
Config_File_Temp => False,
Config_Checked => False,
Checked => False,
Seen => False,
Flag1 => False,
Flag2 => False);
-- Empty_Project --
function Empty_Project return Project_Data is
return Project_Empty;
end Empty_Project;
-- Empty_String --
function Empty_String return String_Id is
return The_Empty_String;
end Empty_String;
-- Expect --
procedure Expect (The_Token : Token_Type; Token_Image : String) is
if Token /= The_Token then
Error_Msg ("""" & Token_Image & """ expected", Token_Ptr);
end if;
end Expect;
-- For_Every_Project_Imported --
procedure For_Every_Project_Imported
(By : Project_Id;
With_State : in out State)
procedure Check (Project : Project_Id);
-- Check if a project has already been seen.
-- If not seen, mark it as seen, call Action,
-- and check all its imported projects.
procedure Check (Project : Project_Id) is
List : Project_List;
if not Projects.Table (Project).Seen then
Projects.Table (Project).Seen := False;
Action (Project, With_State);
List := Projects.Table (Project).Imported_Projects;
while List /= Empty_Project_List loop
Check (Project_Lists.Table (List).Project);
List := Project_Lists.Table (List).Next;
end loop;
end if;
end Check;
for Project in Projects.First .. Projects.Last loop
Projects.Table (Project).Seen := False;
end loop;
Check (Project => By);
end For_Every_Project_Imported;
-- Image --
function Image (Casing : Casing_Type) return String is
return The_Casing_Images (Casing).all;
end Image;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
if not Initialized then
Initialized := True;
The_Empty_String := End_String;
Name_Len := 4;
Name_Buffer (1 .. 4) := ".ads";
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. 4));
Standard_Specification_Append := Name_Find;
Name_Buffer (4) := 'b';
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. 4));
Standard_Body_Append := Name_Find;
Std_Naming_Data.Specification_Append := Standard_Specification_Append;
Std_Naming_Data.Body_Append := Standard_Body_Append;
Std_Naming_Data.Separate_Append := Standard_Body_Append;
Project_Empty.Naming := Std_Naming_Data;
Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_Project, Token_Type'Pos (Tok_Project));
Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_Modifying, Token_Type'Pos (Tok_Modifying));
Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_External, Token_Type'Pos (Tok_External));
end if;
end Initialize;
-- Reset --
procedure Reset is
end Reset;
-- Same_Naming_Scheme --
function Same_Naming_Scheme
(Left, Right : Naming_Data)
return Boolean
return Left.Dot_Replacement = Right.Dot_Replacement
and then Left.Casing = Right.Casing
and then Left.Specification_Append = Right.Specification_Append
and then Left.Body_Append = Right.Body_Append
and then Left.Separate_Append = Right.Separate_Append;
end Same_Naming_Scheme;
-- Scan --
procedure Scan is
-- Change operator symbol to literal strings, since that's the way
-- we treat all strings in a project file.
if Token = Tok_Operator_Symbol then
Sinfo.CN.Change_Operator_Symbol_To_String_Literal (Token_Node);
Token := Tok_String_Literal;
end if;
end Scan;
-- Standard_Naming_Data --
function Standard_Naming_Data return Naming_Data is
return Std_Naming_Data;
end Standard_Naming_Data;
-- Value --
function Value (Image : String) return Casing_Type is
for Casing in The_Casing_Images'Range loop
if To_Lower (Image) = To_Lower (The_Casing_Images (Casing).all) then
return Casing;
end if;
end loop;
raise Constraint_Error;
end Value;
end Prj;

gcc/ada/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
-- --
-- --
-- P R J --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.18 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- The following package declares the data types for GNAT project.
-- These data types may be used by GNAT Project-aware tools.
-- Children of these package implements various services on these data types.
-- See in particular Prj.Pars and Prj.Env.
with Casing; use Casing;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with Scans; use Scans;
with Table;
with Types; use Types;
package Prj is
type Put_Line_Access is access procedure (Line : String);
-- Use to customize error reporting in Prj.Proc and Prj.Nmsc.
type Verbosity is (Default, Medium, High);
-- Verbosity when parsing GNAT Project Files.
-- Default is default (very quiet, if no errors).
-- Medium is more verbose.
-- High is extremely verbose.
type Lib_Kind is (Static, Dynamic, Relocatable);
function Empty_String return String_Id;
type String_List_Id is new Nat;
Nil_String : constant String_List_Id := 0;
type String_Element is record
Value : String_Id := No_String;
Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
Next : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
end record;
-- To hold values for string list variables and array elements.
package String_Elements is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => String_Element,
Table_Index_Type => String_List_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 200,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Prj.String_Elements");
-- The table for string elements in string lists.
type Variable_Kind is (Undefined, List, Single);
-- Different kinds of variables
type Variable_Value (Kind : Variable_Kind := Undefined) is record
Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
Default : Boolean := False;
case Kind is
when Undefined =>
when List =>
Values : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
when Single =>
Value : String_Id := No_String;
end case;
end record;
-- Values for variables and array elements
Nil_Variable_Value : constant Variable_Value :=
(Kind => Undefined,
Location => No_Location,
Default => False);
-- Value of a non existing variable or array element.
type Variable_Id is new Nat;
No_Variable : constant Variable_Id := 0;
type Variable is record
Next : Variable_Id := No_Variable;
Name : Name_Id;
Value : Variable_Value;
end record;
-- To hold the list of variables in a project file and in packages.
package Variable_Elements is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Variable,
Table_Index_Type => Variable_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 200,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Prj.Variable_Elements");
-- The table of variable in list of variables.
type Array_Element_Id is new Nat;
No_Array_Element : constant Array_Element_Id := 0;
type Array_Element is record
Index : Name_Id;
Value : Variable_Value;
Next : Array_Element_Id := No_Array_Element;
end record;
-- Each Array_Element represents an array element.
-- Each Array_Element is linked (Next) to the next array element,
-- if any, in the array.
package Array_Elements is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Array_Element,
Table_Index_Type => Array_Element_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 200,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Prj.Array_Elements");
-- The table that contains all array elements
type Array_Id is new Nat;
No_Array : constant Array_Id := 0;
type Array_Data is record
Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Value : Array_Element_Id := No_Array_Element;
Next : Array_Id := No_Array;
end record;
-- Each Array_Data represents an array.
-- Value is the id of the first element.
-- Next is the id of the next array in the project file or package.
package Arrays is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Array_Data,
Table_Index_Type => Array_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 200,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Prj.Arrays");
-- The table that contains all arrays
type Package_Id is new Nat;
No_Package : constant Package_Id := 0;
type Declarations is record
Variables : Variable_Id := No_Variable;
Attributes : Variable_Id := No_Variable;
Arrays : Array_Id := No_Array;
Packages : Package_Id := No_Package;
end record;
No_Declarations : constant Declarations :=
(Variables => No_Variable,
Attributes => No_Variable,
Arrays => No_Array,
Packages => No_Package);
-- Declarations. Used in project structures and packages.
type Package_Element is record
Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Decl : Declarations := No_Declarations;
Parent : Package_Id := No_Package;
Next : Package_Id := No_Package;
end record;
-- A package. Includes declarations that may include
-- other packages.
package Packages is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Package_Element,
Table_Index_Type => Package_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 100,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Prj.Packages");
-- The table that contains all packages.
function Image (Casing : Casing_Type) return String;
-- Similar to 'Image
function Value (Image : String) return Casing_Type;
-- Similar to 'Value
-- This is to avoid s-valenu in the closure of the tools
-- Raises Constraint_Error if not a Casing_Type image.
type Naming_Data is record
Dot_Replacement : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The string to replace '.' in the source file name.
Dot_Repl_Loc : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
-- The position in the project file source where
-- Dot_Replacement is defined.
Casing : Casing_Type := All_Lower_Case;
-- The casing of the source file name.
Specification_Append : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The string to append to the unit name for the
-- source file name of a specification.
Spec_Append_Loc : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
-- The position in the project file source where
-- Specification_Append is defined.
Body_Append : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The string to append to the unit name for the
-- source file name of a body.
Body_Append_Loc : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
-- The position in the project file source where
-- Body_Append is defined.
Separate_Append : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The string to append to the unit name for the
-- source file name of a subunit.
Sep_Append_Loc : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
-- The position in the project file source where
-- Separate_Append is defined.
Specifications : Array_Element_Id := No_Array_Element;
-- An associative array mapping individual specifications
-- to source file names.
Bodies : Array_Element_Id := No_Array_Element;
-- An associative array mapping individual bodies
-- to source file names.
end record;
-- A naming scheme.
function Standard_Naming_Data return Naming_Data;
pragma Inline (Standard_Naming_Data);
-- The standard GNAT naming scheme.
function Same_Naming_Scheme
(Left, Right : Naming_Data)
return Boolean;
-- Returns True if Left and Right are the same naming scheme
-- not considering Specifications and Bodies.
type Project_Id is new Nat;
No_Project : constant Project_Id := 0;
-- Id of a Project File
type Project_List is new Nat;
Empty_Project_List : constant Project_List := 0;
-- A list of project files.
type Project_Element is record
Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
Next : Project_List := Empty_Project_List;
end record;
-- Element in a list of project file.
-- Next is the id of the next project file in the list.
package Project_Lists is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Project_Element,
Table_Index_Type => Project_List,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 100,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Prj.Project_Lists");
-- The table that contains the lists of project files.
type Project_Data is record
First_Referred_By : Project_Id := No_Project;
-- The project, if any, that was the first to be known
-- as importing or modifying this project.
Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The name of the project.
Path_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The path name of the project file.
Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
-- The location in the project file source of the
-- reserved word project.
Directory : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The directory where the project file resides.
File_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The file name of the project file.
Library : Boolean := False;
-- True if this is a library project
Library_Dir : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- If a library project, directory where resides the library
Library_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- If a library project, name of the library
Library_Kind : Lib_Kind := Static;
-- If a library project, kind of library
Lib_Internal_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- If a library project, internal name store inside the library
Lib_Elaboration : Boolean := False;
-- If a library project, indicate if <lib>init and <lib>final
-- procedures need to be defined.
Sources : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
-- The list of all the source file names.
Source_Dirs : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
-- The list of all the source directories.
Object_Directory : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The object directory of this project file.
Modifies : Project_Id := No_Project;
-- The reference of the project file, if any, that this
-- project file modifies.
Modified_By : Project_Id := No_Project;
-- The reference of the project file, if any, that
-- modifies this project file.
Naming : Naming_Data := Standard_Naming_Data;
-- The naming scheme of this project file.
Decl : Declarations := No_Declarations;
-- The declarations (variables, attributes and packages)
-- of this project file.
Imported_Projects : Project_List := Empty_Project_List;
-- The list of all directly imported projects, if any.
Include_Path : String_Access := null;
-- The cached value of ADA_INCLUDE_PATH for this project file.
Objects_Path : String_Access := null;
-- The cached value of ADA_OBJECTS_PATH for this project file.
Config_File_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- The name of the configuration pragmas file, if any.
Config_File_Temp : Boolean := False;
-- An indication that the configuration pragmas file is
-- a temporary file that must be deleted at the end.
Config_Checked : Boolean := False;
-- A flag to avoid checking repetively the configuration pragmas file.
Checked : Boolean := False;
-- A flag to avoid checking repetively the naming scheme of
-- this project file.
-- Various flags that are used in an ad hoc manner
Seen : Boolean := False;
Flag1 : Boolean := False;
Flag2 : Boolean := False;
end record;
-- Project File representation.
function Empty_Project return Project_Data;
-- Return the representation of an empty project.
package Projects is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Project_Data,
Table_Index_Type => Project_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 100,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Prj.Projects");
-- The set of all project files.
procedure Expect (The_Token : Token_Type; Token_Image : String);
-- Check that the current token is The_Token. If it is not, then
-- output an error message.
procedure Initialize;
-- This procedure must be called before using any services from the Prj
-- hierarchy. Namet.Initialize must be called before Prj.Initialize.
procedure Reset;
-- This procedure resets all the tables that are used when processing a
-- project file tree. Initialize must be called before the call to Reset.
type State is limited private;
with procedure Action
(Project : Project_Id;
With_State : in out State);
procedure For_Every_Project_Imported
(By : Project_Id;
With_State : in out State);
-- Call Action for each project imported directly or indirectly by project
-- By.-- Action is called according to the order of importation: if A
-- imports B, directly or indirectly, Action will be called for A before
-- it is called for B. With_State may be used by Action to choose a
-- behavior or to report some global result.
procedure Scan;
-- Calls Scn.Scan and change any Operator_Symbol to String_Literal
end Prj;

gcc/ada/raise.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
* *
* *
* R A I S E *
* *
* C Implementation File *
* *
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* *
* Copyright (C) 1992-2001, Free Software Foundation, Inc. *
* *
* GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under *
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- *
* ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- *
* sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- *
* OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License *
* for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General *
* Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write *
* to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, *
* MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* As a special exception, if you link this file with other files to *
* produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting *
* executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This except- *
* ion does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable *
* file might be covered by the GNU Public License. *
* *
* GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. *
* It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( *
* *
/* Routines to support runtime exception handling */
#ifdef IN_RTS
#include "tconfig.h"
#include "tsystem.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "adaint.h"
#include "raise.h"
/* We have not yet figured out how to import this directly */
_gnat_builtin_longjmp (ptr, flag)
void *ptr;
__builtin_longjmp (ptr, 1);
/* When an exception is raised for which no handler exists, the procedure
Ada.Exceptions.Unhandled_Exception is called, which performs the call to
adafinal to complete finalization, and then prints out the error messages
for the unhandled exception. The final step is to call this routine, which
performs any system dependent cleanup required. */
__gnat_unhandled_terminate ()
/* Special termination handling for VMS */
#ifdef VMS
long prvhnd;
/* Remove the exception vector so it won't intercept any errors
in the call to exit, and go into and endless loop */
SYS$SETEXV (1, 0, 3, &prvhnd);
__gnat_os_exit (1);
/* Termination handling for all other systems. */
#elif !defined (__RT__)
__gnat_os_exit (1);

gcc/ada/raise.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
* *
* *
* R A I S E *
* *
* C Header File *
* *
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* *
* Copyright (C) 1992-2001, Free Software Foundation, Inc. *
* *
* GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under *
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- *
* ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- *
* sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- *
* OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License *
* for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General *
* Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write *
* to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, *
* MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* As a special exception, if you link this file with other files to *
* produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting *
* executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This except- *
* ion does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable *
* file might be covered by the GNU Public License. *
* *
* GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. *
* It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( *
* *
struct Exception_Data
char Handled_By_Others;
char Lang;
int Name_Length;
char *Full_Name, Htable_Ptr;
int Import_Code;
typedef struct Exception_Data *Exception_Id;
struct Exception_Occurrence
int Max_Length;
Exception_Id Id;
int Msg_Length;
char Msg [0];
typedef struct Exception_Occurrence *Exception_Occurrence_Access;
extern void _gnat_builtin_longjmp PARAMS ((void *, int));
extern void __gnat_unhandled_terminate PARAMS ((void));
extern void *__gnat_malloc PARAMS ((__SIZE_TYPE__));
extern void __gnat_free PARAMS ((void *));
extern void *__gnat_realloc PARAMS ((void *, __SIZE_TYPE__));
extern void __gnat_finalize PARAMS ((void));
extern void set_gnat_exit_status PARAMS ((int));
extern void __gnat_set_globals PARAMS ((int, int, int, int, int, int,
void (*) PARAMS ((void)),
int, int));
extern void __gnat_initialize PARAMS ((void));
extern void __gnat_init_float PARAMS ((void));
extern void __gnat_install_handler PARAMS ((void));
extern int gnat_exit_status;

gcc/ada/repinfo.adb Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

gcc/ada/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
-- --
-- --
-- R E P I N F O --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.20 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- This package contains the routines to handle back annotation of the
-- tree to fill in representation information, and also the routine used
-- by -gnatR to print this information. This unit is used both in the
-- compiler and in ASIS (it is used in ASIS as part of the implementation
-- of the data decomposition annex.
with Types; use Types;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
package Repinfo is
-- Representation Information --
-- The representation information of interest here is size and
-- component information for arrays and records. For primitive
-- types, the front end computes the Esize and RM_Size fields of
-- the corresponding entities as constant non-negative integers,
-- and the Uint values are stored directly in these fields.
-- For composite types, there are three cases:
-- 1. In some cases the front end knows the values statically,
-- for example in the ase where representation clauses or
-- pragmas specify the values.
-- 2. If Backend_Layout is True, then the backend is responsible
-- for layout of all types and objects not laid out by the
-- front end. This includes all dynamic values, and also
-- static values (e.g. record sizes) when not set by the
-- front end.
-- 3. If Backend_Layout is False, then the front end lays out
-- all data, according to target dependent size and alignment
-- information, creating dynamic inlinable functions where
-- needed in the case of sizes not known till runtime.
-- Back-Annotation by Gigi --
-- The following interface is used by gigi if Backend_Layout is True.
-- As part of the processing in gigi, the types are laid out and
-- appropriate values computed for the sizes and component positions
-- and sizes of records and arrays.
-- The back-annotation circuit in gigi is responsible for updating the
-- relevant fields in the tree to reflect these computations, as follows:
-- For E_Array_Type entities, the Component_Size field
-- For all record and array types and subtypes, the Esize field,
-- which contains the Size (more accurately the Object_SIze) value
-- for the type or subtype.
-- For E_Component and E_Distriminant entities, the Esize (size
-- of component) and Component_Bit_Offset fields. Note that gigi
-- does not (yet ???) back annotate Normalized_Position/First_Bit.
-- There are three cases to consider:
-- 1. The value is constant. In this case, the back annotation works
-- by simply storing the non-negative universal integer value in
-- the appropriate field corresponding to this constant size.
-- 2. The value depends on variables other than discriminants of the
-- current record. In this case, the value is not known, even if
-- the complete data of the record is available, and gigi marks
-- this situation by storing the special value No_Uint.
-- 3. The value depends on the discriminant values for the current
-- record. In this case, gigi back annotates the field with a
-- representation of the expression for computing the value in
-- terms of the discriminants. A negative Uint value is used to
-- represent the value of such an expression, as explained in
-- the following section.
-- GCC expressions are represented with a Uint value that is negative.
-- See the body of this package for details on the representation used.
-- One other case in which gigi back annotates GCC expressions is in
-- the Present_Expr field of an N_Variant node. This expression which
-- will always depend on discriminants, and hence always be represented
-- as a negative Uint value, provides an expression which, when evaluated
-- with a given set of discriminant values, indicates whether the variant
-- is present for that set of values (result is True, i.e. non-zero) or
-- not present (result is False, i.e. zero).
subtype Node_Ref is Uint;
-- Subtype used for negative Uint values used to represent nodes
subtype Node_Ref_Or_Val is Uint;
-- Subtype used for values that can either be a Node_Ref (negative)
-- or a value (non-negative)
type TCode is range 0 .. 27;
-- Type used on Ada side to represent DEFTREECODE values defined in
-- tree.def. Only a subset of these tree codes can actually appear.
-- The names are the names from tree.def in Ada casing.
-- name code description operands
Cond_Expr : constant TCode := 1; -- conditional 3
Plus_Expr : constant TCode := 2; -- addition 2
Minus_Expr : constant TCode := 3; -- subtraction 2
Mult_Expr : constant TCode := 4; -- multiplication 2
Trunc_Div_Expr : constant TCode := 5; -- truncating division 2
Ceil_Div_Expr : constant TCode := 6; -- division rounding up 2
Floor_Div_Expr : constant TCode := 7; -- division rounding down 2
Trunc_Mod_Expr : constant TCode := 8; -- mod for trunc_div 2
Ceil_Mod_Expr : constant TCode := 9; -- mod for ceil_div 2
Floor_Mod_Expr : constant TCode := 10; -- mod for floor_div 2
Exact_Div_Expr : constant TCode := 11; -- exact div 2
Negate_Expr : constant TCode := 12; -- negation 1
Min_Expr : constant TCode := 13; -- minimum 2
Max_Expr : constant TCode := 14; -- maximum 2
Abs_Expr : constant TCode := 15; -- absolute value 1
Truth_Andif_Expr : constant TCode := 16; -- Boolean and then 2
Truth_Orif_Expr : constant TCode := 17; -- Boolean or else 2
Truth_And_Expr : constant TCode := 18; -- Boolean and 2
Truth_Or_Expr : constant TCode := 19; -- Boolean or 2
Truth_Xor_Expr : constant TCode := 20; -- Boolean xor 2
Truth_Not_Expr : constant TCode := 21; -- Boolean not 1
Lt_Expr : constant TCode := 22; -- comparision < 2
Le_Expr : constant TCode := 23; -- comparision <= 2
Gt_Expr : constant TCode := 24; -- comparision > 2
Ge_Expr : constant TCode := 25; -- comparision >= 2
Eq_Expr : constant TCode := 26; -- comparision = 2
Ne_Expr : constant TCode := 27; -- comparision /= 2
-- The following entry is used to represent a discriminant value in
-- the tree. It has a special tree code that does not correspond
-- directly to a gcc node. The single operand is the number of the
-- discriminant in the record (1 = first discriminant).
Discrim_Val : constant TCode := 0; -- discriminant value 1
-- The gigi Interface --
-- The following declarations are for use by gigi for back annotation
function Create_Node
(Expr : TCode;
Op1 : Node_Ref_Or_Val;
Op2 : Node_Ref_Or_Val := No_Uint;
Op3 : Node_Ref_Or_Val := No_Uint)
return Node_Ref;
-- Creates a node with using the tree code defined by Expr and from
-- 1-3 operands as required (unused operands set as shown to No_Uint)
-- Note that this call can be used to create a discriminant reference
-- by using (Expr => Discrim_Val, Op1 => discriminant_number).
function Create_Discrim_Ref
(Discr : Entity_Id)
return Node_Ref;
-- Creates a refrerence to the discriminant whose entity is Discr.
-- Front-End Interface for Dynamic Size/Offset Values --
-- If Backend_Layout is False, then the front-end deals with all
-- dynamic size and offset fields. There are two cases:
-- 1. The value can be computed at the time of type freezing, and
-- is stored in a run-time constant. In this case, the field
-- contains a reference to this entity. In the case of sizes
-- the value stored is the size in storage units, since dynamic
-- sizes are always a multiple of storage units.
-- 2. The size/offset depends on the value of discriminants at
-- run-time. In this case, the front end builds a function to
-- compute the value. This function has a single parameter
-- which is the discriminated record object in question. Any
-- references to discriminant values are simply references to
-- the appropriate discriminant in this single argument, and
-- to compute the required size/offset value at run time, the
-- code generator simply constructs a call to the function
-- with the appropriate argument. The size/offset field in
-- this case contains a reference to the function entity.
-- Note that as for case 1, if such a function is used to
-- return a size, then the size in storage units is returned,
-- not the size in bits.
-- The interface here allows these created entities to be referenced
-- using negative Unit values, so that they can be stored in the
-- appropriate size and offset fields in the tree.
-- In the case of components, if the location of the component is static,
-- then all four fields (Component_Bit_Offset, Normalized_Position, Esize,
-- and Normalized_First_Bit) are set to appropraite values. In the case of
-- a non-static component location, Component_Bit_Offset is not used and
-- is left set to Unknown. Normalized_Position and Normalized_First_Bit
-- are set appropriately.
subtype SO_Ref is Uint;
-- Type used to represent a Uint value that represents a static or
-- dynamic size/offset value (non-negative if static, negative if
-- the size value is dynamic).
subtype Dynamic_SO_Ref is Uint;
-- Type used to represent a negative Uint value used to store
-- a dynamic size/offset value.
function Is_Dynamic_SO_Ref (U : SO_Ref) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Dynamic_SO_Ref);
-- Given a SO_Ref (Uint) value, returns True iff the SO_Ref value
-- represents a dynamic Size/Offset value (i.e. it is negative).
function Is_Static_SO_Ref (U : SO_Ref) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Static_SO_Ref);
-- Given a SO_Ref (Uint) value, returns True iff the SO_Ref value
-- represents a static Size/Offset value (i.e. it is non-negative).
function Create_Dynamic_SO_Ref
(E : Entity_Id)
return Dynamic_SO_Ref;
-- Given the Entity_Id for a constant (case 1), the Node_Id for an
-- expression (case 2), or the Entity_Id for a function (case 3),
-- this function returns a (negative) Uint value that can be used
-- to retrieve the entity or expression for later use.
function Get_Dynamic_SO_Entity
(U : Dynamic_SO_Ref)
return Entity_Id;
-- Retrieve the Node_Id or Entity_Id stored by a previous call to
-- Create_Dynamic_SO_Ref. The approach is that the front end makes
-- the necessary Create_Dynamic_SO_Ref calls to associate the node
-- and entity id values and the back end makes Get_Dynamic_SO_Ref
-- calls to retrive them.
-- ASIS_Interface --
type Discrim_List is array (Pos range <>) of Uint;
-- Type used to represent list of discriminant values
function Rep_Value
(Val : Node_Ref_Or_Val;
D : Discrim_List)
return Uint;
-- Given the contents of a First_Bit_Position or Esize field containing
-- a node reference (i.e. a negative Uint value) and D, the list of
-- discriminant values, returns the interpreted value of this field.
-- For convenience, Rep_Value will take a non-negative Uint value
-- as an argument value, and return it unmodified. A No_Uint value is
-- also returned unmodified.
procedure Tree_Read;
-- Read in the value of the Rep_Table
-- Compiler Interface --
procedure List_Rep_Info;
-- Procedure to list representation information
procedure Tree_Write;
-- Write out the value of the Rep_Table
-- Debugging Procedures --
procedure List_GCC_Expression (U : Node_Ref_Or_Val);
-- Prints out given expression in symbolic form. Constants are listed
-- in decimal numeric form, Discriminants are listed with a # followed
-- by the discriminant number, and operators are output in appropriate
-- symbolic form No_Uint displays as two question marks. The output is
-- on a single line but has no line return after it. This procedure is
-- useful only if operating in backend layout mode.
procedure lgx (U : Node_Ref_Or_Val);
-- In backend layout mode, this is like List_GCC_Expression, but
-- includes a line return at the end. If operating in front end
-- layout mode, then the name of the entity for the size (either
-- a function of a variable) is listed followed by a line return.
end Repinfo;

gcc/ada/repinfo.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* *
* *
* R E P I N F O *
* *
* C Header File *
* *
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. *
* *
* GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under *
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- *
* ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- *
* sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- *
* OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License *
* for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General *
* Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write *
* to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, *
* MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* As a special exception, if you link this file with other files to *
* produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting *
* executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This except- *
* ion does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable *
* file might be covered by the GNU Public License. *
* *
* GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. *
* It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( *
* *
/* This file corresponds to the Ada file */
typedef Uint Node_Ref;
typedef Uint Node_Ref_Or_Val;
typedef char TCode;
/* These are the values of TCcode that correspond to tree codes in tree.def,
except for the first, which is how we encode discriminants. */
#define Discrim_Val 0
#define Cond_Expr 1
#define Plus_Expr 2
#define Minus_Expr 3
#define Mult_Expr 4
#define Trunc_Div_Expr 5
#define Ceil_Div_Expr 6
#define Floor_Div_Expr 7
#define Trunc_Mod_Expr 8
#define Ceil_Mod_Expr 9
#define Floor_Mod_Expr 10
#define Exact_Div_Expr 11
#define Negate_Expr 12
#define Min_Expr 13
#define Max_Expr 14
#define Abs_Expr 15
#define Truth_Andif_Expr 16
#define Truth_Orif_Expr 17
#define Truth_And_Expr 18
#define Truth_Or_Expr 19
#define Truth_Xor_Expr 20
#define Truth_Not_Expr 21
#define Lt_Expr 22
#define Le_Expr 23
#define Gt_Expr 24
#define Ge_Expr 25
#define Eq_Expr 26
#define Ne_Expr 27
/* Creates a node using the tree code defined by Expr and from 1-3
operands as required (unused operands set as shown to No_Uint) Note
that this call can be used to create a discriminant reference by
using (Expr => Discrim_Val, Op1 => discriminant_number). */
#define Create_Node repinfo__create_node
extern Node_Ref Create_Node PARAMS((TCode, Node_Ref_Or_Val,
Node_Ref_Or_Val, Node_Ref_Or_Val));

gcc/ada/restrict.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
-- --
-- --
-- R E S T R I C T --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.37 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Exp_Util; use Exp_Util;
with Fname; use Fname;
with Fname.UF; use Fname.UF;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Uname; use Uname;
package body Restrict is
function Suppress_Restriction_Message (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- N is the node for a possible restriction violation message, but
-- the message is to be suppressed if this is an internal file and
-- this file is not the main unit.
-- Abort_Allowed --
function Abort_Allowed return Boolean is
Restrictions (No_Abort_Statements) = False
or else
Restriction_Parameters (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting) /= 0;
end Abort_Allowed;
-- Check_Elaboration_Code_Allowed --
procedure Check_Elaboration_Code_Allowed (N : Node_Id) is
-- Avoid calling Namet.Unlock/Lock except when there is an error.
-- Even in the error case it is a bit dubious, either gigi needs
-- the table locked or it does not! ???
if Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code)
and then not Suppress_Restriction_Message (N)
Check_Restriction (No_Elaboration_Code, N);
end if;
end Check_Elaboration_Code_Allowed;
-- Check_Restricted_Unit --
procedure Check_Restricted_Unit (U : Unit_Name_Type; N : Node_Id) is
if Suppress_Restriction_Message (N) then
elsif Is_Spec_Name (U) then
Fnam : constant File_Name_Type :=
Get_File_Name (U, Subunit => False);
R_Id : Restriction_Id;
if not Is_Predefined_File_Name (Fnam) then
-- Ada child unit spec, needs checking against list
-- Pad name to 8 characters with blanks
Get_Name_String (Fnam);
Name_Len := Name_Len - 4;
while Name_Len < 8 loop
Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := ' ';
end loop;
for J in Unit_Array'Range loop
if Name_Len = 8
and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 8) = Unit_Array (J).Filenm
R_Id := Unit_Array (J).Res_Id;
Violations (R_Id) := True;
if Restrictions (R_Id) then
S : constant String := Restriction_Id'Image (R_Id);
Error_Msg_Unit_1 := U;
("dependence on $ not allowed,", N);
Name_Buffer (1 .. S'Last) := S;
Name_Len := S'Length;
Set_Casing (All_Lower_Case);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Enter;
Error_Msg_Sloc := Restrictions_Loc (R_Id);
("\violates pragma Restriction (%) #", N);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end Check_Restricted_Unit;
-- Check_Restriction --
-- Case of simple identifier (no parameter)
procedure Check_Restriction (R : Restriction_Id; N : Node_Id) is
Violations (R) := True;
if Restrictions (R)
and then not Suppress_Restriction_Message (N)
S : constant String := Restriction_Id'Image (R);
Name_Buffer (1 .. S'Last) := S;
Name_Len := S'Length;
Set_Casing (All_Lower_Case);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Enter;
Error_Msg_Sloc := Restrictions_Loc (R);
Error_Msg_N ("violation of restriction %#", N);
end if;
end Check_Restriction;
-- Case where a parameter is present (but no count)
procedure Check_Restriction
(R : Restriction_Parameter_Id;
N : Node_Id)
if Restriction_Parameters (R) = Uint_0
and then not Suppress_Restriction_Message (N)
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
S : constant String :=
Restriction_Parameter_Id'Image (R);
("& will be raised at run time?!", N, Standard_Storage_Error);
Name_Buffer (1 .. S'Last) := S;
Name_Len := S'Length;
Set_Casing (All_Lower_Case);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Enter;
Error_Msg_Sloc := Restriction_Parameters_Loc (R);
Error_Msg_N ("violation of restriction %?#!", N);
Insert_Action (N,
Make_Raise_Storage_Error (Loc));
end if;
end Check_Restriction;
-- Case where a parameter is present, with a count
procedure Check_Restriction
(R : Restriction_Parameter_Id;
V : Uint;
N : Node_Id)
if Restriction_Parameters (R) /= No_Uint
and then V > Restriction_Parameters (R)
and then not Suppress_Restriction_Message (N)
S : constant String := Restriction_Parameter_Id'Image (R);
Name_Buffer (1 .. S'Last) := S;
Name_Len := S'Length;
Set_Casing (All_Lower_Case);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Enter;
Error_Msg_Sloc := Restriction_Parameters_Loc (R);
Error_Msg_N ("maximum value exceeded for restriction %#", N);
end if;
end Check_Restriction;
-- Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_Restore --
procedure Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_Restore
(R : Save_Compilation_Unit_Restrictions)
for J in Compilation_Unit_Restrictions loop
Restrictions (J) := R (J);
end loop;
end Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_Restore;
-- Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_Save --
function Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_Save
return Save_Compilation_Unit_Restrictions
R : Save_Compilation_Unit_Restrictions;
for J in Compilation_Unit_Restrictions loop
R (J) := Restrictions (J);
Restrictions (J) := False;
end loop;
return R;
end Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_Save;
-- Disallow_In_No_Run_Time_Mode --
procedure Disallow_In_No_Run_Time_Mode (Enode : Node_Id) is
if No_Run_Time then
("this construct not allowed in No_Run_Time mode", Enode);
end if;
end Disallow_In_No_Run_Time_Mode;
-- Get_Restriction_Id --
function Get_Restriction_Id
(N : Name_Id)
return Restriction_Id
J : Restriction_Id;
Get_Name_String (N);
Set_Casing (All_Upper_Case);
J := Restriction_Id'First;
while J /= Not_A_Restriction_Id loop
S : constant String := Restriction_Id'Image (J);
exit when S = Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
J := Restriction_Id'Succ (J);
end loop;
return J;
end Get_Restriction_Id;
-- Get_Restriction_Parameter_Id --
function Get_Restriction_Parameter_Id
(N : Name_Id)
return Restriction_Parameter_Id
J : Restriction_Parameter_Id;
Get_Name_String (N);
Set_Casing (All_Upper_Case);
J := Restriction_Parameter_Id'First;
while J /= Not_A_Restriction_Parameter_Id loop
S : constant String := Restriction_Parameter_Id'Image (J);
exit when S = Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
J := Restriction_Parameter_Id'Succ (J);
end loop;
return J;
end Get_Restriction_Parameter_Id;
-- No_Exception_Handlers_Set --
function No_Exception_Handlers_Set return Boolean is
return Restrictions (No_Exception_Handlers);
end No_Exception_Handlers_Set;
-- Restricted_Profile --
-- This implementation must be coordinated with Set_Restricted_Profile
function Restricted_Profile return Boolean is
return Restrictions (No_Abort_Statements)
and then Restrictions (No_Asynchronous_Control)
and then Restrictions (No_Entry_Queue)
and then Restrictions (No_Task_Hierarchy)
and then Restrictions (No_Task_Allocators)
and then Restrictions (No_Dynamic_Priorities)
and then Restrictions (No_Terminate_Alternatives)
and then Restrictions (No_Dynamic_Interrupts)
and then Restrictions (No_Protected_Type_Allocators)
and then Restrictions (No_Local_Protected_Objects)
and then Restrictions (No_Requeue)
and then Restrictions (No_Task_Attributes)
and then Restriction_Parameters (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting) = 0
and then Restriction_Parameters (Max_Task_Entries) = 0
and then Restriction_Parameters (Max_Protected_Entries) <= 1
and then Restriction_Parameters (Max_Select_Alternatives) = 0;
end Restricted_Profile;
-- Set_No_Run_Time_Mode --
procedure Set_No_Run_Time_Mode is
No_Run_Time := True;
Restrictions (No_Exception_Handlers) := True;
end Set_No_Run_Time_Mode;
-- Set_Ravenscar --
procedure Set_Ravenscar is
Restrictions (Boolean_Entry_Barriers) := True;
Restrictions (No_Select_Statements) := True;
Restrictions (No_Calendar) := True;
Restrictions (Static_Storage_Size) := True;
Restrictions (No_Entry_Queue) := True;
Restrictions (No_Relative_Delay) := True;
Restrictions (No_Task_Termination) := True;
Restrictions (No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations) := True;
end Set_Ravenscar;
-- Set_Restricted_Profile --
-- This must be coordinated with Restricted_Profile
procedure Set_Restricted_Profile is
Restrictions (No_Abort_Statements) := True;
Restrictions (No_Asynchronous_Control) := True;
Restrictions (No_Entry_Queue) := True;
Restrictions (No_Task_Hierarchy) := True;
Restrictions (No_Task_Allocators) := True;
Restrictions (No_Dynamic_Priorities) := True;
Restrictions (No_Terminate_Alternatives) := True;
Restrictions (No_Dynamic_Interrupts) := True;
Restrictions (No_Protected_Type_Allocators) := True;
Restrictions (No_Local_Protected_Objects) := True;
Restrictions (No_Requeue) := True;
Restrictions (No_Task_Attributes) := True;
Restriction_Parameters (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting) := Uint_0;
Restriction_Parameters (Max_Task_Entries) := Uint_0;
Restriction_Parameters (Max_Select_Alternatives) := Uint_0;
if Restriction_Parameters (Max_Protected_Entries) /= Uint_0 then
Restriction_Parameters (Max_Protected_Entries) := Uint_1;
end if;
end Set_Restricted_Profile;
-- Suppress_Restriction_Message --
function Suppress_Restriction_Message (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
-- If main unit is library unit, then we will output message
if In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (N) then
return False;
-- If loaded by rtsfind, then suppress message
elsif Sloc (N) <= No_Location then
return True;
-- Otherwise suppress message if internal file
Is_Internal_File_Name (Unit_File_Name (Get_Source_Unit (N)));
end if;
end Suppress_Restriction_Message;
-- Tasking_Allowed --
function Tasking_Allowed return Boolean is
Restriction_Parameters (Max_Tasks) /= 0;
end Tasking_Allowed;
end Restrict;

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@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
-- --
-- --
-- R E S T R I C T --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.27 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- This package deals with the implementation of the Restrictions pragma
with Rident;
with Types; use Types;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
package Restrict is
type Restriction_Id is new Rident.Restriction_Id;
-- The type Restriction_Id defines the set of restriction identifiers,
-- which take no parameter (i.e. they are either present or not present).
-- The actual definition is in the separate package Rident, so that it
-- can easily be accessed by the binder without dragging in lots of stuff.
subtype Partition_Restrictions is
Restriction_Id range
Restriction_Id (Rident.Partition_Restrictions'First) ..
Restriction_Id (Rident.Partition_Restrictions'Last);
-- Range of restriction identifiers that are checked by the binder
subtype Compilation_Unit_Restrictions is
Restriction_Id range
Restriction_Id (Rident.Compilation_Unit_Restrictions'First) ..
Restriction_Id (Rident.Compilation_Unit_Restrictions'Last);
-- Range of restriction identifiers not checked by binder
type Restriction_Parameter_Id is new Rident.Restriction_Parameter_Id;
-- The type Restriction_Parameter_Id records cases where a parameter is
-- present in the corresponding pragma. These cases are not checked for
-- consistency by the binder. The actual definition is in the separate
-- package Rident for consistency.
type Restrictions_Flags is array (Restriction_Id) of Boolean;
-- Type used for arrays indexed by Restriction_Id.
Restrictions : Restrictions_Flags := (others => False);
-- Corresponding entry is False if restriction is not active, and
-- True if the restriction is active, i.e. if a pragma Restrictions
-- has been seen anywhere. Note that we are happy to pick up any
-- restrictions pragmas in with'ed units, since we are required to
-- be consistent at link time, and we might as well find the error
-- at compile time. Clients must NOT use this array for checking to
-- see if a restriction is violated, instead it is required that the
-- Check_Restrictions subprograms be used for this purpose. The only
-- legitimate direct use of this array is when the code is modified
-- as a result of the restriction in some way.
Restrictions_Loc : array (Restriction_Id) of Source_Ptr;
-- Locations of Restrictions pragmas for error message purposes.
-- Valid only if corresponding entry in Restrictions is set.
Main_Restrictions : Restrictions_Flags := (others => False);
-- This variable saves the cumulative restrictions in effect compiling
-- any unit that is part of the extended main unit (i.e. the compiled
-- unit, its spec if any, and its subunits if any). The reason we keep
-- track of this is for the information that goes to the binder about
-- restrictions that are set. The binder will identify a unit that has
-- a restrictions pragma for error message purposes, and we do not want
-- to pick up a restrictions pragma in a with'ed unit for this purpose.
Violations : Restrictions_Flags := (others => False);
-- Corresponding entry is False if the restriction has not been
-- violated in the current main unit, and True if it has been violated.
Restriction_Parameters :
array (Restriction_Parameter_Id) of Uint := (others => No_Uint);
-- This array indicates the setting of restriction parameter identifier
-- values. All values are initially set to No_Uint indicating that the
-- parameter is not set, and are set to the appropriate non-negative
-- value if a Restrictions pragma specifies the corresponding
-- restriction parameter identifier with an appropriate value.
Restriction_Parameters_Loc :
array (Restriction_Parameter_Id) of Source_Ptr;
-- Locations of Restrictions pragmas for error message purposes.
-- Valid only if corresponding entry in Restriction_Parameters is
-- set to a value other than No_Uint.
type Unit_Entry is record
Res_Id : Restriction_Id;
Filenm : String (1 .. 8);
end record;
type Unit_Array_Type is array (Positive range <>) of Unit_Entry;
Unit_Array : constant Unit_Array_Type := (
(No_Asynchronous_Control, "a-astaco"),
(No_Calendar, "a-calend"),
(No_Calendar, "calendar"),
(No_Delay, "a-calend"),
(No_Delay, "calendar"),
(No_Dynamic_Priorities, "a-dynpri"),
(No_IO, "a-direio"),
(No_IO, "directio"),
(No_IO, "a-sequio"),
(No_IO, "sequenio"),
(No_IO, "a-ststio"),
(No_IO, "a-textio"),
(No_IO, "text_io "),
(No_IO, "a-witeio"),
(No_Task_Attributes, "a-tasatt"),
(No_Streams, "a-stream"),
(No_Unchecked_Conversion, "a-unccon"),
(No_Unchecked_Conversion, "unchconv"),
(No_Unchecked_Deallocation, "a-uncdea"),
(No_Unchecked_Deallocation, "unchdeal"));
-- This array defines the mapping between restriction identifiers and
-- predefined language files containing units for which the identifier
-- forbids semantic dependence.
type Save_Compilation_Unit_Restrictions is private;
-- Type used for saving and restoring compilation unit restrictions.
-- See Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_[Save|Restore] subprograms.
-- Subprograms --
procedure Check_Restricted_Unit (U : Unit_Name_Type; N : Node_Id);
-- Checks if loading of unit U is prohibited by the setting of some
-- restriction (e.g. No_IO restricts the loading of unit Ada.Text_IO).
-- If a restriction exists post error message at the given node.
procedure Check_Restriction (R : Restriction_Id; N : Node_Id);
-- Checks that the given restriction is not set, and if it is set, an
-- appropriate message is posted on the given node. Also records the
-- violation in the violations array. Note that it is mandatory to
-- always use this routine to check if a restriction is violated. Such
-- checks must never be done directly by the caller, since otherwise
-- they are not properly recorded in the violations array.
procedure Check_Restriction
(R : Restriction_Parameter_Id;
N : Node_Id);
-- Checks that the given restriction parameter identifier is not set to
-- zero. If it is set to zero, then the node N is replaced by a node
-- that raises Storage_Error, and a warning is issued.
procedure Check_Restriction
(R : Restriction_Parameter_Id;
V : Uint;
N : Node_Id);
-- Checks that the count in V does not exceed the maximum value of the
-- restriction parameter value corresponding to the given restriction
-- parameter identifier (if it has been set). If the count in V exceeds
-- the maximum, then post an error message on node N.
procedure Check_Elaboration_Code_Allowed (N : Node_Id);
-- Tests to see if elaboration code is allowed by the current restrictions
-- settings. This function is called by Gigi when it needs to define
-- an elaboration routine. If elaboration code is not allowed, an error
-- message is posted on the node given as argument.
function No_Exception_Handlers_Set return Boolean;
-- Test to see if current restrictions settings specify that no exception
-- handlers are present. This function is called by Gigi when it needs to
-- expand an AT END clean up identifier with no exception handler.
function Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_Save
return Save_Compilation_Unit_Restrictions;
-- This function saves the compilation unit restriction settings, and
-- resets them to False. This is used e.g. when compiling a with'ed
-- unit to avoid incorrectly propagating restrictions. Note that it
-- would not be wrong to also save and reset the partition restrictions,
-- since the binder would catch inconsistencies, but actually it is a
-- good thing to acquire restrictions from with'ed units if they are
-- required to be partition wide, because it allows the restriction
-- violation message to be given at compile time instead of link time.
procedure Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_Restore
(R : Save_Compilation_Unit_Restrictions);
-- This is the corresponding restore procedure to restore restrictions
-- previously saved by Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_Save.
procedure Disallow_In_No_Run_Time_Mode (Enode : Node_Id);
-- If in No_Run_Time mode, then the construct represented by Enode is
-- not permitted, and will be appropriately flagged.
procedure Set_No_Run_Time_Mode;
-- Set the no run time mode, and associated restriction pragmas.
function Get_Restriction_Id
(N : Name_Id)
return Restriction_Id;
-- Given an identifier name, determines if it is a valid restriction
-- identifier, and if so returns the corresponding Restriction_Id
-- value, otherwise returns Not_A_Restriction_Id.
function Get_Restriction_Parameter_Id
(N : Name_Id)
return Restriction_Parameter_Id;
-- Given an identifier name, determines if it is a valid restriction
-- parameter identifier, and if so returns the corresponding
-- Restriction_Parameter_Id value, otherwise returns
-- Not_A_Restriction_Parameter_Id.
function Abort_Allowed return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Abort_Allowed);
-- Tests to see if abort is allowed by the current restrictions settings.
-- For abort to be allowed, either No_Abort_Statements must be False,
-- or Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting must be non-zero.
function Restricted_Profile return Boolean;
-- Tests to see if tasking operations follow the GNAT restricted run time
-- profile.
procedure Set_Ravenscar;
-- Sets the set of rerstrictions fro Ravenscar
procedure Set_Restricted_Profile;
-- Sets the set of restrictions for pragma Restricted_Run_Time
function Tasking_Allowed return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Tasking_Allowed);
-- Tests to see if tasking operations are allowed by the current
-- restrictions settings. For tasking to be allowed Max_Tasks must
-- be non-zero.
type Save_Compilation_Unit_Restrictions is
array (Compilation_Unit_Restrictions) of Boolean;
-- Type used for saving and restoring compilation unit restrictions.
-- See Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_[Save|Restore] subprograms.
end Restrict;

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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
-- --
-- --
-- R I D E N T --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.12 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- This package defines the set of restriction identifiers. It is in a
-- separate package from Restrict so that it can be easily used by the
-- binder without dragging in a lot of stuff.
package Rident is
-- The following enumeration type defines the set of restriction
-- identifiers not taking a parameter that are implemented in GNAT.
-- To add a new restriction identifier, add an entry with the name
-- to be used in the pragma, and add appropriate calls to the
-- Check_Restriction routine.
type Restriction_Id is (
-- The following cases are checked for consistency in the binder
Boolean_Entry_Barriers, -- GNAT (Ravenscar)
No_Abort_Statements, -- (RM D.7(5), H.4(3))
No_Access_Subprograms, -- (RM H.4(17))
No_Allocators, -- (RM H.4(7))
No_Asynchronous_Control, -- (RM D.9(10))
No_Calendar, -- GNAT
No_Delay, -- (RM H.4(21))
No_Dispatch, -- (RM H.4(19))
No_Dynamic_Interrupts, -- GNAT
No_Dynamic_Priorities, -- (RM D.9(9))
No_Enumeration_Maps, -- GNAT
No_Entry_Calls_In_Elaboration_Code, -- GNAT
No_Entry_Queue, -- GNAT
No_Exception_Handlers, -- GNAT
No_Exceptions, -- (RM H.4(12))
No_Fixed_Point, -- (RM H.4(15))
No_Floating_Point, -- (RM H.4(14))
No_IO, -- (RM H.4(20))
No_Implicit_Conditionals, -- GNAT
No_Implicit_Dynamic_Code, -- GNAT
No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations, -- (RM D.8(8), H.4(3))
No_Implicit_Loops, -- GNAT
No_Local_Allocators, -- (RM H.4(8))
No_Local_Protected_Objects, -- GNAT
No_Nested_Finalization, -- (RM D.7(4))
No_Protected_Type_Allocators, -- GNAT
No_Protected_Types, -- (RM H.4(5))
No_Recursion, -- (RM H.4(22))
No_Reentrancy, -- (RM H.4(23))
No_Relative_Delay, -- GNAT
No_Requeue, -- GNAT
No_Select_Statements, -- GNAT (Ravenscar)
No_Standard_Storage_Pools, -- GNAT
No_Streams, -- GNAT
No_Task_Allocators, -- (RM D.7(7))
No_Task_Attributes, -- GNAT
No_Task_Hierarchy, -- (RM D.7(3), H.4(3))
No_Task_Termination, -- GNAT
No_Terminate_Alternatives, -- (RM D.7(6))
No_Unchecked_Access, -- (RM H.4(18))
No_Unchecked_Conversion, -- (RM H.4(16))
No_Unchecked_Deallocation, -- (RM H.4(9))
No_Wide_Characters, -- GNAT
Static_Priorities, -- GNAT
Static_Storage_Size, -- GNAT
-- The following cases do not require partition-wide checks
Immediate_Reclamation, -- (RM H.4(10))
No_Implementation_Attributes, -- GNAT
No_Implementation_Pragmas, -- GNAT
No_Implementation_Restrictions, -- GNAT
No_Elaboration_Code, -- GNAT
-- The following range of Restriction identifiers is checked for
-- consistency across a partition. The generated ali file is marked
-- for each entry to show one of three possibilities:
-- Corresponding restriction is set (so unit does not violate it)
-- Corresponding restriction is not violated
-- Corresponding restriction is violated
subtype Partition_Restrictions is
Restriction_Id range Boolean_Entry_Barriers .. Static_Storage_Size;
-- The following set of Restriction identifiers is not checked for
-- consistency across a partition, and the generated ali files does
-- not carry any indications with respect to such restrictions.
subtype Compilation_Unit_Restrictions is
Restriction_Id range Immediate_Reclamation .. No_Elaboration_Code;
-- The following enumeration type defines the set of restriction
-- parameter identifiers taking a parameter that are implemented in
-- GNAT. To add a new restriction parameter identifier, add an entry
-- with the name to be used in the pragma, and add appropriate
-- calls to Check_Restriction.
-- Note: the GNAT implementation currently only accomodates restriction
-- parameter identifiers whose expression value is a non-negative
-- integer. This is true for all language defined parameters.
type Restriction_Parameter_Id is (
Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting, -- (RM D.7(18), H.4(3))
Max_Entry_Queue_Depth, -- GNAT
Max_Protected_Entries, -- (RM D.7(14))
Max_Select_Alternatives, -- (RM D.7(12))
Max_Storage_At_Blocking, -- (RM D.7(17))
Max_Task_Entries, -- (RM D.7(13), H.4(3))
Max_Tasks, -- (RM D.7(19), H.4(3))
end Rident;

gcc/ada/rtsfind.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,913 @@
-- --
-- --
-- R T S F I N D --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.96 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Csets; use Csets;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Elists; use Elists;
with Fname; use Fname;
with Fname.UF; use Fname.UF;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Lib.Load; use Lib.Load;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Output; use Output;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Restrict; use Restrict;
with Sem; use Sem;
with Sem_Ch7; use Sem_Ch7;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Tbuild; use Tbuild;
with Uname; use Uname;
package body Rtsfind is
-- Unit table --
-- The unit table has one entry for each unit included in the definition
-- of the type RTU_Id in the spec. The table entries are initialized in
-- Initialize to set the Entity field to Empty, indicating that the
-- corresponding unit has not yet been loaded. The fields are set when
-- a unit is loaded to contain the defining entity for the unit, the
-- unit name, and the unit number.
type RT_Unit_Table_Record is record
Entity : Entity_Id;
Uname : Unit_Name_Type;
Unum : Unit_Number_Type;
Withed : Boolean;
end record;
RT_Unit_Table : array (RTU_Id) of RT_Unit_Table_Record;
-- Runtime Entity Table --
-- There is one entry in the runtime entity table for each entity that is
-- included in the definition of the RE_Id type in the spec. The entries
-- are set by Initialize_Rtsfind to contain Empty, indicating that the
-- entity has not yet been located. Once the entity is located for the
-- first time, its ID is stored in this array, so that subsequent calls
-- for the same entity can be satisfied immediately.
RE_Table : array (RE_Id) of Entity_Id;
-- Generation of WITH's --
-- When a unit is implicitly loaded as a result of a call to RTE, it
-- is necessary to create an implicit with to ensure that the object
-- is correctly loaded by the binder. Such with statements are only
-- required when the request is from the extended main unit (if a
-- client needs a with, that will be taken care of when the client
-- is compiled.
-- We always attach the with to the main unit. This is not perfectly
-- accurate in terms of elaboration requirements, but it is close
-- enough, since the units that are accessed using rtsfind do not
-- have delicate elaboration requirements.
-- The flag Withed in the unit table record is initially set to False.
-- It is set True if a with has been generated for the main unit for
-- the corresponding unit.
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Load_Fail (S : String; U_Id : RTU_Id; Ent_Name : String := "");
-- Internal procedure called if we can't find the entity or unit.
-- The parameter is a detailed error message that is to be given.
-- S is a reason for failing to compile the file. U_Id is the unit
-- id, and Ent_Name, if non-null, is the associated entity name.
function Get_Unit_Name (U_Id : RTU_Id) return Unit_Name_Type;
-- Retrieves the Unit Name given a unit id represented by its
-- enumaration value in RTU_Id.
procedure Load_RTU (U_Id : RTU_Id; Use_Setting : Boolean := False);
-- Load the unit whose Id is given if not already loaded. The unit is
-- loaded, analyzed, and added to the with list, and the entry in
-- RT_Unit_Table is updated to reflect the load. The second parameter
-- indicates the initial setting for the Is_Potentially_Use_Visible
-- flag of the entity for the loaded unit (if it is indeed loaded).
-- A value of False means nothing special need be done. A value of
-- True indicates that this flag must be set to True. It is needed
-- only in the Text_IO_Kludge procedure, which may materialize an
-- entity of Text_IO (or Wide_Text_IO) that was previously unknown.
function RE_Chars (E : RE_Id) return Name_Id;
-- Given a RE_Id value returns the Chars of the corresponding entity.
-- Get_Unit_Name --
function Get_Unit_Name (U_Id : RTU_Id) return Unit_Name_Type is
Uname_Chars : constant String := RTU_Id'Image (U_Id);
Name_Len := Uname_Chars'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Uname_Chars;
Set_Casing (All_Lower_Case);
if U_Id in Ada_Child then
Name_Buffer (4) := '.';
if U_Id in Ada_Calendar_Child then
Name_Buffer (13) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Finalization_Child then
Name_Buffer (17) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Real_Time_Child then
Name_Buffer (14) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Streams_Child then
Name_Buffer (12) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Text_IO_Child then
Name_Buffer (12) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Child then
Name_Buffer (17) := '.';
end if;
elsif U_Id in Interfaces_Child then
Name_Buffer (11) := '.';
elsif U_Id in System_Child then
Name_Buffer (7) := '.';
if U_Id in System_Tasking_Child then
Name_Buffer (15) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Tasking_Restricted_Child then
Name_Buffer (26) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Tasking_Protected_Objects_Child then
Name_Buffer (33) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Tasking_Async_Delays_Child then
Name_Buffer (28) := '.';
end if;
end if;
-- Add %s at end for spec
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := '%';
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 2) := 's';
Name_Len := Name_Len + 2;
return Name_Find;
end Get_Unit_Name;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
-- Initialize the unit table
for J in RTU_Id loop
RT_Unit_Table (J).Entity := Empty;
end loop;
for J in RE_Id loop
RE_Table (J) := Empty;
end loop;
end Initialize;
-- Is_RTE --
function Is_RTE (Ent : Entity_Id; E : RE_Id) return Boolean is
E_Unit_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
Ent_Unit_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
S : Entity_Id;
E1 : Entity_Id;
E2 : Entity_Id;
if No (Ent) then
return False;
-- If E has already a corresponding entity, check it directly,
-- going to full views if they exist to deal with the incomplete
-- and private type cases properly.
elsif Present (RE_Table (E)) then
E1 := Ent;
if Is_Type (E1) and then Present (Full_View (E1)) then
E1 := Full_View (E1);
end if;
E2 := RE_Table (E);
if Is_Type (E2) and then Present (Full_View (E2)) then
E2 := Full_View (E2);
end if;
return E1 = E2;
end if;
-- If the unit containing E is not loaded, we already know that
-- the entity we have cannot have come from this unit.
E_Unit_Name := Get_Unit_Name (RE_Unit_Table (E));
if not Is_Loaded (E_Unit_Name) then
return False;
end if;
-- Here the unit containing the entity is loaded. We have not made
-- an explicit call to RTE to get the entity in question, but we may
-- have obtained a reference to it indirectly from some other entity
-- in the same unit, or some other unit that references it.
-- Get the defining unit of the entity
S := Scope (Ent);
if Ekind (S) /= E_Package then
return False;
end if;
Ent_Unit_Name := Get_Unit_Name (Unit_Declaration_Node (S));
-- If the defining unit of the entity we are testing is not the
-- unit containing E, then they cannot possibly match.
if Ent_Unit_Name /= E_Unit_Name then
return False;
end if;
-- If the units match, then compare the names (remember that no
-- overloading is permitted in entities fetched using Rtsfind).
if RE_Chars (E) = Chars (Ent) then
RE_Table (E) := Ent;
-- If front-end inlining is enabled, we may be within a body that
-- contains inlined functions, which has not been retrieved through
-- rtsfind, and therefore is not yet recorded in the RT_Unit_Table.
-- Add the unit information now, it must be fully available.
U : RT_Unit_Table_Record
renames RT_Unit_Table (RE_Unit_Table (E));
if No (U.Entity) then
U.Entity := S;
U.Uname := E_Unit_Name;
U.Unum := Get_Source_Unit (S);
end if;
return True;
return False;
end if;
end Is_RTE;
-- Is_Text_IO_Kludge_Unit --
function Is_Text_IO_Kludge_Unit (Nam : Node_Id) return Boolean is
Prf : Node_Id;
Sel : Node_Id;
if Nkind (Nam) /= N_Expanded_Name then
return False;
end if;
Prf := Prefix (Nam);
Sel := Selector_Name (Nam);
if Nkind (Sel) /= N_Expanded_Name
or else Nkind (Prf) /= N_Identifier
or else Chars (Prf) /= Name_Ada
return False;
end if;
Prf := Prefix (Sel);
Sel := Selector_Name (Sel);
Nkind (Prf) = N_Identifier
and then
(Chars (Prf) = Name_Text_IO or else Chars (Prf) = Name_Wide_Text_IO)
and then
Nkind (Sel) = N_Identifier
and then
Chars (Sel) in Text_IO_Package_Name;
end Is_Text_IO_Kludge_Unit;
-- Load_Fail --
procedure Load_Fail (S : String; U_Id : RTU_Id; Ent_Name : String := "") is
Write_Str ("fatal error: run-time library configuration error");
if Ent_Name /= "" then
Write_Str ("cannot locate """);
-- Copy name skipping initial RE_ or RO_XX characters
if Ent_Name (1 .. 2) = "RE" then
for J in 4 .. Ent_Name'Length loop
Name_Buffer (J - 3) := Ent_Name (J);
end loop;
for J in 7 .. Ent_Name'Length loop
Name_Buffer (J - 6) := Ent_Name (J);
end loop;
end if;
Name_Len := Ent_Name'Length - 3;
Set_Casing (Mixed_Case);
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Write_Str (""" in file """);
Write_Str ("cannot load file """);
end if;
(Get_File_Name (RT_Unit_Table (U_Id).Uname, Subunit => False));
Write_Str (""" (");
Write_Str (S);
Write_Char (')');
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
end Load_Fail;
-- Load_RTU --
procedure Load_RTU (U_Id : RTU_Id; Use_Setting : Boolean := False) is
Loaded : Boolean;
U : RT_Unit_Table_Record renames RT_Unit_Table (U_Id);
Priv_Par : Elist_Id := New_Elmt_List;
Lib_Unit : Node_Id;
procedure Save_Private_Visibility;
-- If the current unit is the body of child unit or the spec of a
-- private child unit, the private declarations of the parent (s)
-- are visible. If the unit to be loaded is another public sibling,
-- its compilation will affect the visibility of the common ancestors.
-- Indicate those that must be restored.
procedure Restore_Private_Visibility;
-- Restore the visibility of ancestors after compiling RTU.
-- Restore_Private_Visibility --
procedure Restore_Private_Visibility is
E_Par : Elmt_Id;
E_Par := First_Elmt (Priv_Par);
while Present (E_Par) loop
if not In_Private_Part (Node (E_Par)) then
Install_Private_Declarations (Node (E_Par));
end if;
Next_Elmt (E_Par);
end loop;
end Restore_Private_Visibility;
-- Save_Private_Visibility --
procedure Save_Private_Visibility is
Par : Entity_Id;
Par := Scope (Current_Scope);
while Present (Par)
and then Par /= Standard_Standard
if Ekind (Par) = E_Package
and then Is_Compilation_Unit (Par)
and then In_Private_Part (Par)
Append_Elmt (Par, Priv_Par);
end if;
Par := Scope (Par);
end loop;
end Save_Private_Visibility;
-- Start of processing for Load_RTU
-- Nothing to do if unit is already loaded
if Present (U.Entity) then
end if;
-- Otherwise we need to load the unit, First build unit name
-- from the enumeration literal name in type RTU_Id.
U.Uname := Get_Unit_Name (U_Id);
U.Withed := False;
Loaded := Is_Loaded (U.Uname);
-- Now do the load call, note that setting Error_Node to Empty is
-- a signal to Load_Unit that we will regard a failure to find the
-- file as a fatal error, and that it should not output any kind
-- of diagnostics, since we will take care of it here.
U.Unum :=
(Load_Name => U.Uname,
Required => False,
Subunit => False,
Error_Node => Empty);
if U.Unum = No_Unit then
Load_Fail ("unit not found", U_Id);
elsif Fatal_Error (U.Unum) then
Load_Fail ("parser errors", U_Id);
end if;
-- Make sure that the unit is analyzed
Was_Analyzed : Boolean := Analyzed (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit));
-- Pretend that the current unit is analysed, in case it is
-- System or some such. This allows us to put some declarations,
-- such as exceptions and packed arrays of Boolean, into System
-- even though expanding them requires System...
-- This is a bit odd but works fine. If the RTS unit does not depend
-- in any way on the current unit, then it never gets back into the
-- current unit's tree, and the change we make to the current unit
-- tree is never noticed by anyone (it is undone in a moment). That
-- is the normal situation.
-- If the RTS Unit *does* depend on the current unit, for instance,
-- when you are compiling System, then you had better have finished
-- Analyzing the part of System that is depended on before you try
-- to load the RTS Unit. This means having the System ordered in an
-- appropriate manner.
Set_Analyzed (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit), True);
if not Analyzed (Cunit (U.Unum)) then
Semantics (Cunit (U.Unum));
if Fatal_Error (U.Unum) then
Load_Fail ("semantic errors", U_Id);
end if;
end if;
-- Undo the pretence
Set_Analyzed (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit), Was_Analyzed);
Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum));
U.Entity := Defining_Entity (Lib_Unit);
if Use_Setting then
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (U.Entity, True);
end if;
end Load_RTU;
-- RE_Chars --
function RE_Chars (E : RE_Id) return Name_Id is
RE_Name_Chars : constant String := RE_Id'Image (E);
-- Copy name skipping initial RE_ or RO_XX characters
if RE_Name_Chars (1 .. 2) = "RE" then
for J in 4 .. RE_Name_Chars'Last loop
Name_Buffer (J - 3) := Fold_Lower (RE_Name_Chars (J));
end loop;
Name_Len := RE_Name_Chars'Length - 3;
for J in 7 .. RE_Name_Chars'Last loop
Name_Buffer (J - 6) := Fold_Lower (RE_Name_Chars (J));
end loop;
Name_Len := RE_Name_Chars'Length - 6;
end if;
return Name_Find;
end RE_Chars;
-- RTE --
function RTE (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id is
U_Id : constant RTU_Id := RE_Unit_Table (E);
U : RT_Unit_Table_Record renames RT_Unit_Table (U_Id);
Ent : Entity_Id;
Lib_Unit : Node_Id;
Pkg_Ent : Entity_Id;
Ename : Name_Id;
Enode : Node_Id;
procedure Check_RPC;
-- Reject programs that make use of distribution features not supported
-- on the current target. On such targets (VMS, Vxworks, others?) we
-- only provide a minimal body for System.Rpc that only supplies an
-- implementation of partition_id.
function Find_Local_Entity (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id;
-- This function is used when entity E is in this compilation's main
-- unit. It gets the value from the already compiled declaration.
function Make_Unit_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-- If the unit is a child unit, build fully qualified name for use
-- in with_clause.
-- Check_RPC --
procedure Check_RPC is
Body_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
Unum : Unit_Number_Type;
-- Bypass this check if debug flag -gnatdR set
if Debug_Flag_RR then
end if;
-- Otherwise we need the check if we are going after one of
-- the critical entities in System.RPC in stubs mode.
if (Distribution_Stub_Mode = Generate_Receiver_Stub_Body
or else
Distribution_Stub_Mode = Generate_Caller_Stub_Body)
and then (E = RE_Do_Rpc
or else E = RE_Do_Apc
or else E = RE_Params_Stream_Type
or else E = RE_RPC_Receiver)
-- Load body of System.Rpc, and abort if this is the body that is
-- provided by GNAT, for which these features are not supported
-- on current target. We identify the gnat body by the presence
-- of a local entity called Gnat in the first declaration.
Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum));
Body_Name := Get_Body_Name (Get_Unit_Name (Lib_Unit));
Unum :=
(Load_Name => Body_Name,
Required => False,
Subunit => False,
Error_Node => Empty,
Renamings => True);
if Unum /= No_Unit then
Decls : List_Id := Declarations (Unit (Cunit (Unum)));
if Present (Decls)
and then Nkind (First (Decls)) = N_Object_Declaration
and then
Chars (Defining_Identifier (First (Decls))) = Name_Gnat
Write_Str ("distribution feature not supported");
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Check_RPC;
-- Find_System_Entity --
function Find_Local_Entity (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id is
RE_Str : String renames RE_Id'Image (E);
Ent : Entity_Id;
Save_Nam : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
-- Save name buffer and length over call
Name_Len := Natural'Max (0, RE_Str'Length - 3);
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
RE_Str (RE_Str'First + 3 .. RE_Str'Last);
Ent := Entity_Id (Get_Name_Table_Info (Name_Find));
Name_Len := Save_Nam'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Save_Nam;
return Ent;
end Find_Local_Entity;
-- Make_Unit_Name --
function Make_Unit_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Nam : Node_Id;
Scop : Entity_Id;
Nam := New_Reference_To (U.Entity, Standard_Location);
Scop := Scope (U.Entity);
if Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name then
while Scop /= Standard_Standard loop
Nam :=
Make_Expanded_Name (Standard_Location,
Chars => Chars (U.Entity),
Prefix => New_Reference_To (Scop, Standard_Location),
Selector_Name => Nam);
Set_Entity (Nam, U.Entity);
Scop := Scope (Scop);
end loop;
end if;
return Nam;
end Make_Unit_Name;
-- Start of processing for RTE
-- Doing a rtsfind in is special, as we cannot do this
-- when compiling System itself. So if we are compiling system then
-- we should already have acquired and processed the declaration
-- of the entity. The test is to see if this compilation's main unit
-- is System. If so, return the value from the already compiled
-- declaration and otherwise do a regular find.
-- Not pleasant, but these kinds of annoying recursion when
-- writing an Ada compiler in Ada have to be broken somewhere!
if Present (Main_Unit_Entity)
and then Chars (Main_Unit_Entity) = Name_System
and then Analyzed (Main_Unit_Entity)
and then not Is_Child_Unit (Main_Unit_Entity)
return Find_Local_Entity (E);
end if;
Enode := Current_Error_Node;
-- Load unit if unit not previously loaded
if No (RE_Table (E)) then
Load_RTU (U_Id);
Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum));
-- In the subprogram case, we are all done, the entity we want
-- is the entity for the subprogram itself. Note that we do not
-- bother to check that it is the entity that was requested.
-- the only way that could fail to be the case is if runtime is
-- hopelessly misconfigured, and it isn't worth testing for this.
if Nkind (Lib_Unit) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
RE_Table (E) := U.Entity;
-- Otherwise we must have the package case, and here we have to
-- search the package entity chain for the entity we want. The
-- entity we want must be present in this chain, or we have a
-- misconfigured runtime.
pragma Assert (Nkind (Lib_Unit) = N_Package_Declaration);
Ename := RE_Chars (E);
Pkg_Ent := First_Entity (U.Entity);
while Present (Pkg_Ent) loop
if Ename = Chars (Pkg_Ent) then
RE_Table (E) := Pkg_Ent;
goto Found;
end if;
Next_Entity (Pkg_Ent);
end loop;
-- If we didn't find the unit we want, something is wrong!
Load_Fail ("entity not in package", U_Id, RE_Id'Image (E));
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end if;
-- See if we have to generate a with for this entity. We generate
-- a with if the current unit is part of the extended main code
-- unit, and if we have not already added the with. The with is
-- added to the appropriate unit (the current one).
if (not U.Withed)
and then
In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Cunit_Entity (Current_Sem_Unit))
U.Withed := True;
Withn : Node_Id;
Lib_Unit : Node_Id;
Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum));
Withn :=
Make_With_Clause (Standard_Location,
Name =>
(Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Lib_Unit))));
Set_Library_Unit (Withn, Cunit (U.Unum));
Set_Corresponding_Spec (Withn, U.Entity);
Set_First_Name (Withn, True);
Set_Implicit_With (Withn, True);
Mark_Rewrite_Insertion (Withn);
Append (Withn, Context_Items (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit)));
end if;
-- We can now obtain the entity. Check that the No_Run_Time condition
-- is not violated. Note that we do not signal the error if we detect
-- it in a runtime unit. This can only arise if the user explicitly
-- with'ed the runtime unit (or another runtime unit that uses it
-- transitively), or if some acceptable (e.g. inlined) entity is
-- fetched from a unit, some of whose other routines or entities
-- violate the conditions. In the latter case, it does not matter,
-- since we won't be using those entities.
Ent := RE_Table (E);
if Is_Subprogram (Ent)
and then not Is_Inlined (Ent)
and then Sloc (Enode) /= Standard_Location
and then not
Is_Predefined_File_Name (Unit_File_Name (Get_Source_Unit (Enode)))
Disallow_In_No_Run_Time_Mode (Enode);
end if;
return Ent;
end RTE;
-- Text_IO_Kludge --
procedure Text_IO_Kludge (Nam : Node_Id) is
Chrs : Name_Id;
type Name_Map_Type is array (Text_IO_Package_Name) of RTU_Id;
Name_Map : Name_Map_Type := Name_Map_Type'(
Name_Decimal_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Decimal_IO,
Name_Enumeration_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Enumeration_IO,
Name_Fixed_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Fixed_IO,
Name_Float_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Float_IO,
Name_Integer_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Integer_IO,
Name_Modular_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Modular_IO);
Wide_Name_Map : Name_Map_Type := Name_Map_Type'(
Name_Decimal_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Decimal_IO,
Name_Enumeration_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Enumeration_IO,
Name_Fixed_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Fixed_IO,
Name_Float_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Float_IO,
Name_Integer_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Integer_IO,
Name_Modular_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Modular_IO);
-- Nothing to do if name is not identifier or a selected component
-- whose selector_name is not an identifier.
if Nkind (Nam) = N_Identifier then
Chrs := Chars (Nam);
elsif Nkind (Nam) = N_Selected_Component
and then Nkind (Selector_Name (Nam)) = N_Identifier
Chrs := Chars (Selector_Name (Nam));
end if;
-- Nothing to do if name is not one of the Text_IO subpackages
-- Otherwise look through loaded units, and if we find Text_IO
-- or Wide_Text_IO already loaded, then load the proper child.
if Chrs in Text_IO_Package_Name then
for U in Main_Unit .. Last_Unit loop
Get_Name_String (Unit_File_Name (U));
if Name_Len = 12 then
-- Here is where we do the loads if we find one of the
-- units Ada.Text_IO or Ada.Wide_Text_IO. An interesting
-- detail is that these units may already be used (i.e.
-- their In_Use flags may be set). Normally when the In_Use
-- flag is set, the Is_Potentially_Use_Visible flag of all
-- entities in the package is set, but the new entity we
-- are mysteriously adding was not there to have its flag
-- set at the time. So that's why we pass the extra parameter
-- to RTU_Find, to make sure the flag does get set now.
-- Given that those generic packages are in fact child units,
-- we must indicate that they are visible.
if Name_Buffer (1 .. 12) = "" then
Load_RTU (Name_Map (Chrs), In_Use (Cunit_Entity (U)));
(RT_Unit_Table (Name_Map (Chrs)).Entity);
elsif Name_Buffer (1 .. 12) = "" then
Load_RTU (Wide_Name_Map (Chrs), In_Use (Cunit_Entity (U)));
(RT_Unit_Table (Wide_Name_Map (Chrs)).Entity);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Text_IO_Kludge;
end Rtsfind;

gcc/ada/ Normal file

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