Joel Brobecker 4a94e36819 Automatic Copyright Year update after running gdb/
This commit brings all the changes made by running gdb/
as per GDB's Start of New Year Procedure.

For the avoidance of doubt, all changes in this commits were
performed by the script.
2022-01-01 19:13:23 +04:00

1509 lines
51 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Notes:
# 1) This follows a Python convention for marking internal vs public functions.
# Internal functions are prefixed with "_".
# A simple testcase generator.
# Usage Notes:
# 1) The length of each parameter list must either be one, in which case the
# same value is used for each run, or the length must match all other
# parameters of length greater than one.
# 2) Values for parameters that vary across runs must appear in increasing
# order. E.g. nr_gen_shlibs = { 0 1 10 } is good, { 1 0 10 } is bad.
# This rule simplifies the code a bit, without being onerous on the user:
# a) Report generation doesn't have to sort the output by run, it'll already
# be sorted.
# b) In the static object file case, the last run can be used used to generate
# all the source files.
# 1) have functions call each other within an objfile and across
# objfiles to measure things like backtrace times
# 2) enums
# Implementation Notes:
# 1) The implementation would be a bit simpler if we could assume Tcl 8.5.
# Then we could use a dictionary to record the testcase instead of an array.
# With the array we use here, there is only one copy of it and instead of
# passing its value we pass its name. Yay Tcl. An alternative is to just
# use a global variable.
# 2) Because these programs can be rather large, we try to avoid recompilation
# where we can. We don't have a makefile: we could generate one but it's
# not clear that's simpler than our chosen mechanism which is to record
# sums of all the inputs, and detect if an input has changed that way.
if ![info exists CAT_PROGRAM] {
set CAT_PROGRAM "/bin/cat"
# TODO(dje): Time md5sum vs sha1sum with our testcases.
if ![info exists SHA1SUM_PROGRAM] {
set SHA1SUM_PROGRAM "/usr/bin/sha1sum"
namespace eval GenPerfTest {
# The default level of compilation parallelism we support.
# The language of the test.
# Extra source files for the binary.
# This must at least include the file with main(),
# and each test must supply its own.
# Header files used by generated files and extra sources.
# Extra source files for each generated shlib.
# The compiler passes -DSHLIB=NNN which the source can use, for example,
# to define unique symbols for each shlib.
# Header files used by generated files and extra sources.
# Source files for a tail shlib, or empty if none.
# This library is loaded after all other shlibs (except any system shlibs
# like libstdc++). It is useful for exercising issues that can appear
# with system shlibs, without having to cope with implementation details
# and bugs in system shlibs. E.g., gcc pr 65669.
# Header files for the tail shlib.
# The number of shared libraries to create.
# The number of compunits in each objfile.
# The number of public globals in each compunit.
# The number of static globals in each compunit.
# The number of public functions in each compunit.
# The number of static functions in each compunit.
# Class generation.
# This is only used if the selected language permits it.
# The class specs here are used for each compunit.
# Additional flexibility can be added as needed, but for now KISS.
# key/value list of:
# count: number of classes
# Default: 1
# name: list of namespaces and class name prefix
# E.g., { ns0 ns1 foo } -> ns0::ns1::foo_<cu#>_{0,1,...}
# There is no default, this value must be specified.
# nr_members: number of members
# Default: 0
# nr_static_members: number of static members
# Default: 0
# nr_methods: number of methods
# Default: 0
# nr_inline_methods: number of inline methods
# Default: 0
# nr_static_methods: number of static methods
# Default: 0
# nr_static_inline_methods: number of static inline methods
# Default: 0
# E.g.,
# class foo {};
# namespace ns1 { class foo {}; }
# namespace ns2 { class bar {}; }
# would be represented as
# {
# { count 1 name { foo } }
# { count 1 name { ns1 foo } }
# { count 1 name { ns2 bar } }
# }
# The actual generated class names will be
# cu_N_foo_0, ns1::cu_N_foo_0, ns2::cu_N_bar_0
# where "N" is the CU number.
# To keep things simple for now, all class definitions go in headers,
# one class per header, with non-inline method definitions going
# into corresponding source files.
# The default value for the "count" field of class_specs.
# The default number of members in each class.
# The default number of static members in each class.
# The default number of methods in each class.
# The default number of inline methods in each class.
# The default number of static methods in each class.
# The default number of static inline methods in each class.
set header_suffixes(c) "h"
set header_suffixes(c++) "h"
set source_suffixes(c) "c"
set source_suffixes(c++) "cc"
# Generate .worker files that control building all the "pieces" of the
# testcase. This doesn't include "main" or any test-specific stuff.
# This mostly consists of the "bulk" (aka "crap" :-)) of the testcase to
# give gdb something meaty to chew on.
# The result is 0 for success, -1 for failure.
# Benchmarks generated by some of the tests are big. I mean really big.
# And it's a pain to build one piece at a time, we need a parallel build.
# To achieve this, given the framework we're working with, we need to
# generate arguments to pass to a parallel make. This is done by
# generating several files and then passing the file names to the parallel
# make. All of the needed info is contained in the file name, so we could
# do this differently, but this is pretty simple and flexible.
proc gen_worker_files { test_description_exp } {
if { [file tail $test_description_exp] != $test_description_exp } {
error "test description file contains directory name"
set program_name [file rootname $test_description_exp]
set workers_dir "$objdir/gdb.perf/workers/$program_name"
file mkdir $workers_dir
verbose -log "gen_worker_files: $test_description_exp $nr_workers workers"
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_workers } { incr i } {
set file_name "${workers_dir}/${program_name}-${i}.worker"
verbose -log "gen_worker_files: Generating $file_name"
set f [open $file_name "w"]
puts $f "# DO NOT EDIT, machine generated file."
puts $f "# See perftest.exp:GenPerfTest::gen_worker_files."
close $f
return 0
# Load a perftest description.
# Test descriptions are used to build the input files (binary + shlibs)
# of one or more performance tests.
proc load_test_description { basename } {
global srcdir
if { [file tail $basename] != $basename } {
error "test description file contains directory name"
verbose -log "load_file $srcdir/gdb.perf/$basename"
if { [load_file $srcdir/gdb.perf/$basename] == 0 } {
error "Unable to load test description $basename"
# Create a testcase object for test NAME.
# The caller must call this as:
# array set my_test [GenPerfTest::init_testcase $name]
proc init_testcase { name } {
set testcase(name) $name
set testcase(language) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
set testcase(run_names) [list $name]
set testcase(binary_extra_sources) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_BINARY_EXTRA_SOURCES
set testcase(binary_extra_headers) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_BINARY_EXTRA_HEADERS
set testcase(gen_shlib_extra_sources) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_GEN_SHLIB_EXTRA_SOURCES
set testcase(gen_shlib_extra_headers) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_GEN_SHLIB_EXTRA_HEADERS
set testcase(tail_shlib_sources) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_TAIL_SHLIB_SOURCES
set testcase(tail_shlib_headers) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_TAIL_SHLIB_HEADERS
set testcase(nr_gen_shlibs) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_NR_GEN_SHLIBS
set testcase(nr_compunits) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_NR_COMPUNITS
set testcase(nr_extern_globals) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_NR_EXTERN_GLOBALS
set testcase(nr_static_globals) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_NR_STATIC_GLOBALS
set testcase(nr_extern_functions) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_NR_EXTERN_FUNCTIONS
set testcase(nr_static_functions) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_NR_STATIC_FUNCTIONS
set testcase(class_specs) $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_CLASS_SPECS
# The location of this file drives the location of all other files.
# The choice is derived from standard_output_file. We don't use it
# because of the parallel build support, we want each worker's log/sum
# files to go in different directories, but we don't want their output
# to go in different directories.
# N.B. The value here must be kept in sync with
global objdir
set name_no_spaces [_convert_spaces $name]
set testcase(binfile) "$objdir/gdb.perf/outputs/$name_no_spaces/$name_no_spaces"
return [array get testcase]
proc _verify_parameter_lengths { self_var } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set params {
binary_extra_sources binary_extra_headers
gen_shlib_extra_sources gen_shlib_extra_headers
tail_shlib_sources tail_shlib_headers
nr_gen_shlibs nr_compunits
nr_extern_globals nr_static_globals
nr_extern_functions nr_static_functions
set nr_runs [llength $self(run_names)]
foreach p $params {
set n [llength $self($p)]
if { $n > 1 } {
if { $n != $nr_runs } {
error "Bad number of values for parameter $p"
set values $self($p)
for { set i 0 } { $i < $n - 1 } { incr i } {
if { [lindex $values $i] > [lindex $values [expr $i + 1]] } {
error "Values of parameter $p are not increasing"
# Verify the class_specs parameter.
proc _verify_class_specs { self_var } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set nr_runs [llength $self(run_names)]
for { set run_nr 0 } { $run_nr < $nr_runs } { incr run_nr } {
set class_specs [_get_param $self(class_specs) $run_nr]
foreach { spec } $class_specs {
if { [llength $spec] % 2 != 0 } {
error "Uneven number of values in class spec: $spec"
foreach { key value } $spec {
switch -exact -- $key {
name { }
count -
nr_members - nr_static_members -
nr_methods - nr_static_methods -
nr_inline_methods - nr_static_inline_methods
if ![string is integer $value] {
error "Non-integer value $value for key $key in class_specs: $class_specs"
default {
error "Unrecognized key $key in class_specs: $class_specs"
# Verify the testcase is valid (as best we can, this isn't exhaustive).
proc _verify_testcase { self_var } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
_verify_parameter_lengths self
_verify_class_specs self
# Each test must supply its own main(). We don't check for main here,
# but we do verify the test supplied something.
if { [llength $self(binary_extra_sources)] == 0 } {
error "Missing value for binary_extra_sources"
# Return the value of parameter PARAM for run RUN_NR.
proc _get_param { param run_nr } {
if { [llength $param] == 1 } {
# Since PARAM may be a list of lists we need to use lindex. This
# also works for scalars (scalars are degenerate lists).
return [lindex $param 0]
return [lindex $param $run_nr]
# Return non-zero if all files (binaries + shlibs) can be compiled from
# one set of object files. This is a simple optimization to speed up
# test build times. This happens if the only variation among runs is
# nr_gen_shlibs or nr_compunits.
proc _static_object_files_p { self_var } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
# These values are either scalars, or can vary across runs but don't
# affect whether we can share the generated object objects between
# runs.
set static_object_file_params {
name language run_names nr_gen_shlibs nr_compunits
binary_extra_sources gen_shlib_extra_sources tail_shlib_sources
foreach name [array names self] {
if { [lsearch $static_object_file_params $name] < 0 } {
# name is not in static_object_file_params.
if { [llength $self($name)] > 1 } {
# The user could provide a list that is all the same value,
# so check for that.
set first_value [lindex $self($name) 0]
foreach elm [lrange $self($name) 1 end] {
if { $elm != $first_value } {
return 0
return 1
# Return non-zero if classes are enabled.
proc _classes_enabled_p { self_var run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set class_specs [_get_param $self(class_specs) $run_nr]
return [expr [llength $class_specs] > 0]
# Spaces in file names are a pain, remove them.
# They appear if the user puts spaces in the test name or run name.
proc _convert_spaces { file_name } {
return [regsub -all " " $file_name "-"]
# Return the compilation flags for the test.
proc _compile_options { self_var } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set result {debug}
switch $self(language) {
c++ {
lappend result "c++"
return $result
# Return the path to put source/object files in for run number RUN_NR.
proc _make_object_dir_name { self_var static run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
# Note: The output directory already includes the name of the test
# description file.
set bindir [file dirname $self(binfile)]
# Put the pieces in a subdirectory, there are a lot of them.
if $static {
return "$bindir/pieces"
} else {
set run_name [_convert_spaces [lindex $self(run_names) $run_nr]]
return "$bindir/pieces/$run_name"
# RUN_NR is ignored if STATIC is non-zero.
# SO_NR is the shlib number or "" for the binary.
# CU_NR is either the compilation unit number or "main".
proc _make_header_basename { self_var static run_nr so_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set header_suffix $GenPerfTest::header_suffixes($self(language))
if { !$static } {
set run_name [_get_param $self(run_names) $run_nr]
if { "$so_nr" != "" } {
set header_name "${run_name}-lib${so_nr}-cu${cu_nr}.$header_suffix"
} else {
set header_name "${run_name}-cu${cu_nr}.$header_suffix"
} else {
if { "$so_nr" != "" } {
set header_name "lib${so_nr}-cu${cu_nr}.$header_suffix"
} else {
set header_name "cu${cu_nr}.$header_suffix"
return "[_convert_spaces $header_name]"
# RUN_NR is ignored if STATIC is non-zero.
# SO_NR is the shlib number or "" for the binary.
# CU_NR is either the compilation unit number or "main".
proc _make_header_name { self_var static run_nr so_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set header_name [_make_header_basename self $static $run_nr $so_nr $cu_nr]
return "[_make_object_dir_name self $static $run_nr]/$header_name"
# RUN_NR is ignored if STATIC is non-zero.
# SO_NR is the shlib number or "" for the binary.
# CU_NR is either the compilation unit number or "main".
proc _make_source_basename { self_var static run_nr so_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set source_suffix $GenPerfTest::source_suffixes($self(language))
if { !$static } {
set run_name [_get_param $self(run_names) $run_nr]
if { "$so_nr" != "" } {
set source_name "${run_name}-lib${so_nr}-cu${cu_nr}.$source_suffix"
} else {
set source_name "${run_name}-cu${cu_nr}.$source_suffix"
} else {
if { "$so_nr" != "" } {
set source_name "lib${so_nr}-cu${cu_nr}.$source_suffix"
} else {
set source_name "cu${cu_nr}.$source_suffix"
return "[_convert_spaces $source_name]"
# RUN_NR is ignored if STATIC is non-zero.
# SO_NR is the shlib number or "" for the binary.
# CU_NR is either the compilation unit number or "main".
proc _make_source_name { self_var static run_nr so_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set source_name [_make_source_basename self $static $run_nr $so_nr $cu_nr]
return "[_make_object_dir_name self $static $run_nr]/$source_name"
# Generated object files get put in the same directory as their source.
# WARNING: This means that we can't do parallel compiles from the same
# source file, they have to have different names.
proc _make_binary_object_name { self_var static run_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set source_name [_make_source_name self $static $run_nr "" $cu_nr]
return [file rootname $source_name].o
# Return the list of source/object files for the binary.
# This is the source files specified in test param binary_extra_sources as
# well as the names of all the object file "pieces".
# STATIC is the value of _static_object_files_p for the test.
proc _make_binary_input_file_names { self_var static run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
global srcdir subdir
set nr_compunits [_get_param $self(nr_compunits) $run_nr]
set result {}
foreach source [_get_param $self(binary_extra_sources) $run_nr] {
lappend result "$srcdir/$subdir/$source"
for { set cu_nr 0 } { $cu_nr < $nr_compunits } { incr cu_nr } {
lappend result [_make_binary_object_name self $static $run_nr $cu_nr]
return $result
proc _make_binary_name { self_var run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set run_name [_get_param $self(run_names) $run_nr]
set exe_name "$self(binfile)-[_convert_spaces ${run_name}]"
return $exe_name
# SO_NAME is either a shlib number or "tail".
proc _make_shlib_name { self_var static run_nr so_name } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
if { !$static } {
set run_name [_get_param $self(run_names) $run_nr]
set lib_name "$self(name)-${run_name}-lib${so_name}.so"
} else {
set lib_name "$self(name)-lib${so_name}.so"
set output_dir [file dirname $self(binfile)]
return "[_make_object_dir_name self $static $run_nr]/[_convert_spaces $lib_name]"
proc _create_file { self_var path } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
verbose -log "Creating file: $path"
set f [open $path "w"]
return $f
proc _write_intro { self_var f } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
puts $f "// DO NOT EDIT, machine generated file."
puts $f "// See perftest.exp:GenPerfTest."
proc _write_includes { self_var f includes } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
if { [llength $includes] > 0 } {
puts $f ""
foreach i $includes {
switch -glob -- $i {
"<*>" {
puts $f "#include $i"
default {
puts $f "#include \"$i\""
proc _make_header_macro { name c } {
return [string toupper "${name}_${c}"]
proc _write_static_globals { self_var f run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
puts $f ""
set nr_static_globals [_get_param $self(nr_static_globals) $run_nr]
# Rather than parameterize the number of const/non-const globals,
# and their types, we keep it simple for now. Even the number of
# bss/non-bss globals may be useful; later, if warranted.
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_static_globals } { incr i } {
if { $i % 2 == 0 } {
set const "const "
} else {
set const ""
puts $f "static ${const}int static_global_$i = $i;"
# ID is "" for the binary, and a unique symbol prefix for each SO.
proc _write_extern_globals { self_var f run_nr id cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
puts $f ""
set nr_extern_globals [_get_param $self(nr_extern_globals) $run_nr]
# Rather than parameterize the number of const/non-const globals,
# and their types, we keep it simple for now. Even the number of
# bss/non-bss globals may be useful; later, if warranted.
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_extern_globals } { incr i } {
if { $i % 2 == 0 } {
set const "const "
} else {
set const ""
puts $f "${const}int ${id}global_${cu_nr}_$i = $cu_nr * 1000 + $i;"
proc _write_static_functions { self_var f run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set nr_static_functions [_get_param $self(nr_static_functions) $run_nr]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_static_functions } { incr i } {
puts $f ""
puts $f "static void"
puts $f "static_function_$i (void)"
puts $f "{"
puts $f "}"
# ID is "" for the binary, and a unique symbol prefix for each SO.
proc _write_extern_functions { self_var f run_nr id cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set nr_extern_functions [_get_param $self(nr_extern_functions) $run_nr]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_extern_functions } { incr i } {
puts $f ""
puts $f "void"
puts $f "${id}function_${cu_nr}_$i (void)"
puts $f "{"
puts $f "}"
proc _get_class_spec { spec name } {
foreach { key value } $spec {
if { $key == $name } {
return $value
switch $name {
count {
return $GenPerfTest::DEFAULT_CLASS_COUNT
nr_members {
nr_static_members {
nr_methods {
nr_inline_methods {
nr_static_methods {
nr_static_inline_methods {
default {
error "required class-spec not present: $name"
# SO_NR is the shlib number or "" for the binary.
# CU_NR is either the compilation unit number or "main".
# NAME is the "name" field from the class spec, which is
# { ns0 ns1 ... nsN class_name }.
# C is the iteration number, from the "count" field from the class spec.
proc _make_class_name { so_nr cu_nr name c } {
set class_name [lindex $name [expr [llength $name] - 1]]
if { "$so_nr" != "" } {
set prefix "shlib${so_nr}_"
} else {
set prefix ""
return "${prefix}cu_${cu_nr}_${class_name}_${c}"
proc _make_namespace_name { name } {
if { "$name" == "anonymous" } {
return ""
return $name
proc _write_class_definitions { self_var f static run_nr so_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set class_specs [_get_param $self(class_specs) $run_nr]
foreach spec $class_specs {
set count [_get_class_spec $spec count]
set name [_get_class_spec $spec name]
set nr_members [_get_class_spec $spec nr_members]
set nr_static_members [_get_class_spec $spec nr_static_members]
set nr_methods [_get_class_spec $spec nr_methods]
set nr_static_methods [_get_class_spec $spec nr_static_methods]
set depth [expr [llength $name] - 1]
for { set c 0 } { $c < $count } { incr c } {
puts $f ""
for { set i 0 } { $i < $depth } { incr i } {
puts $f "namespace [_make_namespace_name [lindex $name $i]]"
puts $f "\{"
puts $f ""
set class_name [_make_class_name $so_nr $cu_nr $name $c]
puts $f "class $class_name"
puts $f "\{"
puts $f " public:"
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_members } { incr i } {
puts $f " int member_$i;"
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_static_members } { incr i } {
# Rather than parameterize the number of const/non-const
# members, and their types, we keep it simple for now.
if { $i % 2 == 0 } {
puts $f " static const int static_member_$i = $i;"
} else {
puts $f " static int static_member_$i;"
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_methods } { incr i } {
puts $f " void method_$i (void);"
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_static_methods } { incr i } {
puts $f " static void static_method_$i (void);"
_write_inline_methods self $f $so_nr $cu_nr $spec $c
_write_static_inline_methods self $f $so_nr $cu_nr $spec $c
puts $f "\};"
for { set i [expr $depth - 1] } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } {
puts $f ""
puts $f "\} // [lindex $name $i]"
proc _write_inline_methods { self_var f so_nr cu_nr spec c } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set name [_get_class_spec $spec name]
set nr_inline_methods [_get_class_spec $spec nr_inline_methods]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_inline_methods } { incr i } {
puts $f " void inline_method_$i (void) { }"
proc _write_static_inline_methods { self_var f so_nr cu_nr spec c } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set name [_get_class_spec $spec name]
set nr_static_inline_methods [_get_class_spec $spec nr_static_inline_methods]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_static_inline_methods } { incr i } {
puts $f " static void static_inline_method_$i (void) { }"
proc _write_class_implementations { self_var f static run_nr so_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set class_specs [_get_param $self(class_specs) $run_nr]
foreach spec $class_specs {
set count [_get_class_spec $spec count]
set name [_get_class_spec $spec name]
set depth [expr [llength $name] - 1]
for { set c 0 } { $c < $count } { incr c } {
for { set i 0 } { $i < $depth } { incr i } {
puts $f ""
puts $f "namespace [_make_namespace_name [lindex $name $i]]"
puts $f "\{"
_write_static_members self $f $so_nr $cu_nr $spec $c
_write_methods self $f $so_nr $cu_nr $spec $c
_write_static_methods self $f $so_nr $cu_nr $spec $c
for { set i [expr $depth - 1] } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } {
puts $f ""
puts $f "\} // [lindex $name $i]"
proc _write_static_members { self_var f so_nr cu_nr spec c } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set name [_get_class_spec $spec name]
set nr_static_members [_get_class_spec $spec nr_static_members]
set class_name [_make_class_name $so_nr $cu_nr $name $c]
puts $f ""
# Rather than parameterize the number of const/non-const
# members, and their types, we keep it simple for now.
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_static_members } { incr i } {
if { $i % 2 == 0 } {
# Static const members are initialized inline.
} else {
puts $f "int ${class_name}::static_member_$i = $i;"
proc _write_methods { self_var f so_nr cu_nr spec c } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set name [_get_class_spec $spec name]
set nr_methods [_get_class_spec $spec nr_methods]
set class_name [_make_class_name $so_nr $cu_nr $name $c]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_methods } { incr i } {
puts $f ""
puts $f "void"
puts $f "${class_name}::method_$i (void)"
puts $f "{"
puts $f "}"
proc _write_static_methods { self_var f so_nr cu_nr spec c } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set name [_get_class_spec $spec name]
set nr_static_methods [_get_class_spec $spec nr_static_methods]
set class_name [_make_class_name $so_nr $cu_nr $name $c]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_static_methods } { incr i } {
puts $f ""
puts $f "void"
puts $f "${class_name}::static_method_$i (void)"
puts $f "{"
puts $f "}"
proc _gen_compunit_header { self_var static run_nr so_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set header_file [_make_header_name self $static $run_nr $so_nr $cu_nr]
set f [_create_file self $header_file]
_write_intro self $f
set header_macro [_make_header_macro "HEADER_CU" $cu_nr]
puts $f ""
puts $f "#ifndef $header_macro"
puts $f "#define $header_macro"
if [_classes_enabled_p self $run_nr] {
_write_class_definitions self $f $static $run_nr $so_nr $cu_nr
puts $f ""
puts $f "#endif // $header_macro"
close $f
return $header_file
proc _gen_binary_compunit_source { self_var static run_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set source_file [_make_source_name self $static $run_nr "" $cu_nr]
set f [_create_file self $source_file]
_write_intro self $f
_write_includes self $f [_get_param $self(binary_extra_headers) $run_nr]
set header_file [_make_header_basename self $static $run_nr "" $cu_nr]
puts $f "#include \"$header_file\""
_write_static_globals self $f $run_nr
_write_extern_globals self $f $run_nr "" $cu_nr
_write_static_functions self $f $run_nr
_write_extern_functions self $f $run_nr "" $cu_nr
if [_classes_enabled_p self $run_nr] {
_write_class_implementations self $f $static $run_nr "" $cu_nr
close $f
return $source_file
# Generate the sources for the pieces of the binary.
# The result is a list of source file names and accompanying object file
# names. The pieces are split across workers.
# E.g., with 10 workers the result for worker 0 is
# { { source0 header0 object0 } { source10 header10 object10 } ... }
proc _gen_binary_source { self_var worker_nr static run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::_gen_binary_source worker $worker_nr run $run_nr, started [timestamp -format %c]"
set nr_compunits [_get_param $self(nr_compunits) $run_nr]
set result {}
for { set cu_nr $worker_nr } { $cu_nr < $nr_compunits } { incr cu_nr $nr_workers } {
set header_file [_gen_compunit_header self $static $run_nr "" $cu_nr]
set source_file [_gen_binary_compunit_source self $static $run_nr $cu_nr]
set object_file [_make_binary_object_name self $static $run_nr $cu_nr]
lappend result [list $source_file $header_file $object_file]
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::_gen_binary_source worker $worker_nr run $run_nr, done [timestamp -format %c]"
return $result
proc _gen_shlib_compunit_source { self_var static run_nr so_nr cu_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set source_file [_make_source_name self $static $run_nr $so_nr $cu_nr]
set f [_create_file self $source_file]
_write_intro self $f
_write_includes self $f [_get_param $self(gen_shlib_extra_headers) $run_nr]
set header_file [_make_header_basename self $static $run_nr $so_nr $cu_nr]
puts $f "#include \"$header_file\""
_write_static_globals self $f $run_nr
_write_extern_globals self $f $run_nr "shlib${so_nr}_" $cu_nr
_write_static_functions self $f $run_nr
_write_extern_functions self $f $run_nr "shlib${so_nr}_" $cu_nr
if [_classes_enabled_p self $run_nr] {
_write_class_implementations self $f $static $run_nr $so_nr $cu_nr
close $f
return $source_file
# CU_NAME is a name from gen_shlib_extra_sources or tail_shlib_sources.
proc _make_shlib_common_source_name { self_var static run_nr so_nr cu_name } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
if { !$static } {
set run_name [_get_param $self(run_names) $run_nr]
set source_name "${run_name}-lib${so_nr}-${cu_name}"
} else {
set source_name "lib${so_nr}-${cu_name}"
return "[_make_object_dir_name self $static $run_nr]/[_convert_spaces $source_name]"
# N.B. gdb_compile_shlib doesn't support parallel builds of shlibs from
# common sources: the .o file path will be the same across all shlibs.
# gen_shlib_extra_sources may be common across all shlibs but they're each
# compiled with -DSHLIB=$SHLIB so we need different .o files for each
# shlib, and therefore we need different source files for each shlib.
# If this turns out to be too cumbersome we can augment gdb_compile_shlib.
proc _gen_shlib_common_source { self_var static run_nr so_nr source_name } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
global srcdir
set source_file [_make_shlib_common_source_name self $static $run_nr $so_nr $source_name]
file copy -force "$srcdir/gdb.perf/$source_name" ${source_file}
return $source_file
# Generate the sources for a shared library.
# The result is a list of source and header file names.
# E.g., { { source0 source1 ... common0 ... } { header0 header1 ... } }
proc _gen_shlib_source { self_var static run_nr so_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::_gen_shlib_source run $run_nr so $so_nr, started [timestamp -format %c]"
set headers {}
set sources {}
set nr_compunits [_get_param $self(nr_compunits) $run_nr]
for { set cu_nr 0 } { $cu_nr < $nr_compunits } { incr cu_nr } {
lappend headers [_gen_compunit_header self $static $run_nr $so_nr $cu_nr]
lappend sources [_gen_shlib_compunit_source self $static $run_nr $so_nr $cu_nr]
foreach source_name [_get_param $self(gen_shlib_extra_sources) $run_nr] {
lappend sources [_gen_shlib_common_source self $static $run_nr $so_nr $source_name]
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::_gen_shlib_source run $run_nr so $so_nr, done [timestamp -format %c]"
return [list $sources $headers]
# Write Tcl array ARRAY_NAME to F.
proc _write_tcl_array { self_var f array_name } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
if { "$array_name" != "$self_var" } {
global $array_name
puts $f "== $array_name =="
foreach { name value } [array get $array_name] {
puts $f "$name: $value"
# Write global Tcl state used for compilation to F.
# If anything changes we want to recompile.
proc _write_tcl_state { self_var f dest } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
# TODO(dje): gdb_default_target_compile references a lot of global
# state. Can we capture it all? For now these are the important ones.
foreach v $vars {
global $v
if [info exists $v] {
eval set value $$v
puts $f "$v: $value"
puts $f ""
_write_tcl_array self $f target_info
puts $f ""
_write_tcl_array self $f board_info
# Write all sideband non-file inputs, as well as OPTIONS to INPUTS_FILE.
# If anything changes we want to recompile.
proc _write_inputs_file { self_var dest inputs_file options } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
global env
set f [open $inputs_file "w"]
_write_tcl_array self $f self
puts $f ""
puts $f "options: $options"
puts $f "PATH: [getenv PATH]"
puts $f ""
_write_tcl_state self $f $dest
close $f
# Generate the sha1sum of all the inputs.
# The result is a list of { error_code text }.
# Upon success error_code is zero and text is the sha1sum.
# Otherwise, error_code is non_zero and text is the error message.
proc _gen_sha1sum_for_inputs { source_files header_files inputs } {
global srcdir subdir CAT_PROGRAM SHA1SUM_PROGRAM
set header_paths ""
foreach f $header_files {
switch -glob -- $f {
"<*>" {
# skip
"*gdb.perf/outputs/*" {
# in build tree
append header_paths " $f"
default {
append header_paths " $srcdir/$subdir/$f"
verbose -log "_gen_sha1sum_for_inputs: summing $source_files $header_paths $inputs"
set catch_result [catch "exec $CAT_PROGRAM $source_files $header_paths $inputs | $SHA1SUM_PROGRAM" output]
return [list $catch_result $output]
# Return the contents of TEXT_FILE.
# It is assumed TEXT_FILE exists and is readable.
# This is used for reading files containing sha1sums, the
# last newline is removed.
proc _read_file { text_file } {
set f [open $text_file "r"]
set result [read -nonewline $f]
close $f
return $result
# Write TEXT to TEXT_FILE.
# It is assumed TEXT_FILE can be opened/created and written to.
proc _write_file { text_file text } {
set f [open $text_file "w"]
puts $f $text
close $f
# Wrapper on gdb_compile* that computes sha1sums of inputs to decide
# whether the compile is needed.
# The result is the result of gdb_compile*: "" == success, otherwise
# a compilation error occurred and the output is an error message.
# This doesn't take all inputs into account, just the useful ones.
# As an extension (or simplification) on gdb_compile*, if TYPE is
# shlib then call gdb_compile_shlib, otherwise call gdb_compile.
# Other possibilities *could* be handled this way, e.g., pthreads. TBD.
proc _perftest_compile { self_var source_files header_files dest type options } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
verbose -log "_perftest_compile $source_files $header_files $dest $type $options"
# To keep things simple, we put all non-file inputs into a file and
# then cat all input files through sha1sum.
set sha1sum_file ${dest}.sha1sum
set sha1new_file ${dest}.sha1new
set inputs_file ${dest}.inputs
global srcdir subdir
set all_options $options
lappend all_options "incdir=$srcdir/$subdir"
_write_inputs_file self $dest $inputs_file $all_options
set sha1sum [_gen_sha1sum_for_inputs $source_files $header_files $inputs_file]
if { [lindex $sha1sum 0] != 0 } {
return "sha1sum generation error: [lindex $sha1sum 1]"
set sha1sum [lindex $sha1sum 1]
if ![file exists $dest] {
file delete $sha1sum_file
if [file exists $sha1sum_file] {
set last_sha1sum [_read_file $sha1sum_file]
verbose -log "last: $last_sha1sum, new: $sha1sum"
if { $sha1sum == $last_sha1sum } {
verbose -log "using existing build for $dest"
return ""
# No such luck, we need to compile.
file delete $sha1sum_file
if { $type == "shlib" } {
set result [gdb_compile_shlib $source_files $dest $all_options]
} else {
set result [gdb_compile $source_files $dest $type $all_options]
if { $result == "" } {
_write_file $sha1sum_file $sha1sum
verbose -log "wrote sha1sum: $sha1sum"
return $result
proc _compile_binary_pieces { self_var worker_nr static run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set compile_options [_compile_options self]
set nr_compunits [_get_param $self(nr_compunits) $run_nr]
set extra_headers [_get_param $self(binary_extra_headers) $run_nr]
# Generate the source first so we can more easily measure how long that
# takes. [It doesn't take hardly any time at all, relative to the time
# it takes to compile it, but this will provide numbers to show that.]
set todo_list [_gen_binary_source self $worker_nr $static $run_nr]
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::_compile_binary_pieces worker $worker_nr run $run_nr, started [timestamp -format %c]"
foreach elm $todo_list {
set source_file [lindex $elm 0]
set header_file [lindex $elm 1]
set object_file [lindex $elm 2]
set all_header_files $extra_headers
lappend all_header_files $header_file
set compile_result [_perftest_compile self $source_file $all_header_files $object_file object $compile_options]
if { $compile_result != "" } {
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::_compile_binary_pieces worker $worker_nr run $run_nr, failed [timestamp -format %c]"
verbose -log $compile_result
return -1
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::_compile_binary_pieces worker $worker_nr run $run_nr, done [timestamp -format %c]"
return 0
# Helper function to compile the pieces of a shlib.
# Note: gdb_compile_shlib{,_pthreads} don't support first building object
# files and then building the shlib. Therefore our hands are tied, and we
# just build the shlib in one step. This is less of a parallelization
# problem if there are multiple shlibs: Each worker can build a different
# shlib. If this proves to be a problem in practice we can enhance
# gdb_compile_shlib* then.
proc _compile_shlib { self_var static run_nr so_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set files [_gen_shlib_source self $static $run_nr $so_nr]
set source_files [lindex $files 0]
set header_files [lindex $files 1]
set extra_headers [_get_param $self(gen_shlib_extra_headers) $run_nr]
set shlib_file [_make_shlib_name self $static $run_nr $so_nr]
set compile_options "[_compile_options self] additional_flags=-DSHLIB=$so_nr"
set all_header_files $header_files
append all_header_files $extra_headers
set compile_result [_perftest_compile self $source_files $all_header_files $shlib_file shlib $compile_options]
if { $compile_result != "" } {
verbose -log "_compile_shlib failed: $compile_result"
return -1
return 0
proc _gen_tail_shlib_source { self_var static run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::_gen_tail_shlib_source run $run_nr"
set source_files [_get_param $self(tail_shlib_sources) $run_nr]
if { [llength $source_files] == 0 } {
return ""
set result ""
foreach source_name $source_files {
lappend result [_gen_shlib_common_source self $static $run_nr tail $source_name]
return $result
proc _make_tail_shlib_name { self_var static run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set source_files [_get_param $self(tail_shlib_sources) $run_nr]
if { [llength $source_files] == 0 } {
return ""
return [_make_shlib_name self $static $run_nr "tail"]
# Helper function to compile the tail shlib, if it's specified.
proc _compile_tail_shlib { self_var static run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set source_files [_gen_tail_shlib_source self $static $run_nr]
if { [llength $source_files] == 0 } {
return 0
set header_files [_get_param $self(tail_shlib_headers) $run_nr]
set shlib_file [_make_tail_shlib_name self $static $run_nr]
set compile_options [_compile_options self]
set compile_result [_perftest_compile self $source_files $header_files $shlib_file shlib $compile_options]
if { $compile_result != "" } {
verbose -log "_compile_tail_shlib failed: $compile_result"
return -1
verbose -log "_compile_tail_shlib failed: succeeded"
return 0
# Compile the pieces of the binary and possible shlibs for the test.
# The result is 0 for success, -1 for failure.
proc _compile_pieces { self_var worker_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set nr_runs [llength $self(run_names)]
set static [_static_object_files_p self]
verbose -log "_compile_pieces: static flag: $static"
file mkdir "[file dirname $self(binfile)]/pieces"
if $static {
# All the generated pieces look the same (run over run) so just
# build all the shlibs of the last run (which is the largest).
set last_run [expr $nr_runs - 1]
set nr_gen_shlibs [_get_param $self(nr_gen_shlibs) $last_run]
set object_dir [_make_object_dir_name self $static ignored]
file mkdir $object_dir
for { set so_nr $worker_nr } { $so_nr < $nr_gen_shlibs } { incr so_nr $nr_workers } {
if { [_compile_shlib self $static $last_run $so_nr] < 0 } {
return -1
# We don't shard building of tail-shlib, so only build it once.
if { $worker_nr == 0 } {
if { [_compile_tail_shlib self $static $last_run] < 0 } {
return -1
if { [_compile_binary_pieces self $worker_nr $static $last_run] < 0 } {
return -1
} else {
for { set run_nr 0 } { $run_nr < $nr_runs } { incr run_nr } {
set nr_gen_shlibs [_get_param $self(nr_gen_shlibs) $run_nr]
set object_dir [_make_object_dir_name self $static $run_nr]
file mkdir $object_dir
for { set so_nr $worker_nr } { $so_nr < $nr_gen_shlibs } { incr so_nr $nr_workers } {
if { [_compile_shlib self $static $run_nr $so_nr] < 0 } {
return -1
# We don't shard building of tail-shlib, so only build it once.
if { $worker_nr == 0 } {
if { [_compile_tail_shlib self $static $run_nr] < 0 } {
return -1
if { [_compile_binary_pieces self $worker_nr $static $run_nr] < 0 } {
return -1
return 0
# Main function invoked by each worker.
# This builds all the things that are possible to build in parallel,
# sharded up among all the workers.
proc compile_pieces { self_var worker_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::compile_pieces worker $worker_nr, started [timestamp -format %c]"
verbose -log "self: [array get self]"
_verify_testcase self
if { [_compile_pieces self $worker_nr] < 0 } {
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::compile_pieces worker $worker_nr, failed [timestamp -format %c]"
return -1
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::compile_pieces worker $worker_nr, done [timestamp -format %c]"
return 0
proc _make_shlib_options { self_var static run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set nr_gen_shlibs [_get_param $self(nr_gen_shlibs) $run_nr]
set result ""
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nr_gen_shlibs } { incr i } {
lappend result "shlib=[_make_shlib_name self $static $run_nr $i]"
set tail_shlib_name [_make_tail_shlib_name self $static $run_nr]
if { "$tail_shlib_name" != "" } {
lappend result "shlib=$tail_shlib_name"
return $result
proc _compile_binary { self_var static run_nr } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set input_files [_make_binary_input_file_names self $static $run_nr]
set extra_headers [_get_param $self(binary_extra_headers) $run_nr]
set binary_file [_make_binary_name self $run_nr]
set compile_options [_compile_options self]
set shlib_options [_make_shlib_options self $static $run_nr]
if { [llength $shlib_options] > 0 } {
append compile_options " " $shlib_options
set compile_result [_perftest_compile self $input_files $extra_headers $binary_file executable $compile_options]
if { $compile_result != "" } {
verbose -log "_compile_binary failed: $compile_result"
return -1
return 0
# Helper function for compile.
# The result is 0 for success, -1 for failure.
proc _compile { self_var } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
set nr_runs [llength $self(run_names)]
set static [_static_object_files_p self]
verbose -log "_compile: static flag: $static"
for { set run_nr 0 } { $run_nr < $nr_runs } { incr run_nr } {
if { [_compile_binary self $static $run_nr] < 0 } {
return -1
return 0
# Main function to compile the test program.
# It is assumed all the pieces of the binary (all the .o's, except those
# from test-supplied sources) have already been built with compile_pieces.
# There's no need to compile any shlibs here, as compile_pieces will have
# already built them too.
# The result is 0 for success, -1 for failure.
proc compile { self_var } {
upvar 1 $self_var self
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::compile, started [timestamp -format %c]"
verbose -log "self: [array get self]"
_verify_testcase self
if { [_compile self] < 0 } {
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::compile, failed [timestamp -format %c]"
return -1
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::compile, done [timestamp -format %c]"
return 0
# Main function for running a test.
# It is assumed that the test program has already been built.
proc run { builder_exp_file_name make_config_thunk_name py_file_name test_class_name } {
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::run, started [timestamp -format %c]"
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::run, $builder_exp_file_name $make_config_thunk_name $py_file_name $test_class_name"
set testprog [file rootname $builder_exp_file_name]
# This variable is required by perftest.exp.
# This isn't the name of the test program, it's the name of the .py
# test. The harness assumes they are the same, which is not the case
# here.
global testfile
set testfile [file rootname $py_file_name]
GenPerfTest::load_test_description $builder_exp_file_name
array set testcase [$make_config_thunk_name]
PerfTest::assemble {
# Compilation is handled elsewhere.
return 0
} {
return 0
} {
global gdb_prompt
gdb_test_multiple "python ${test_class_name}('$testprog:$testfile', [tcl_string_list_to_python_list $testcase(run_names)], '$testcase(binfile)').run()" "run test" {
-re "Error while executing Python code.\[\r\n\]+$gdb_prompt $" {
return -1
-re "\[\r\n\]+$gdb_prompt $" {
return 0
verbose -log "GenPerfTest::run, done [timestamp -format %c]"
return 0
# This function is invoked by the testcase builder scripts
# (e.g., gmonster[12].exp).
# It is not invoked by the testcase runner scripts
# (e.g., gmonster[12]-*.exp).
proc standard_compile_driver { exp_file_name make_config_thunk_name } {
if ![info exists GDB_PERFTEST_SUBMODE] {
# Probably a plain "make check-perf", nothing to do.
# Give the user a reason why we're not running this test.
verbose -log "Test must be compiled/run in separate steps."
return 0
compile/gen-workers {
if { [GenPerfTest::gen_worker_files $exp_file_name] < 0 } {
return -1
compile/build-pieces {
array set testcase [$make_config_thunk_name]
if { [GenPerfTest::compile_pieces testcase $WORKER_NR] < 0 } {
# This gdb.log lives in a different place, help the user
# find it.
set output_dir "gdb.perf/outputs"
send_user "check ${output_dir}/${PROGRAM_NAME}/${PROGRAM_NAME}-${WORKER_NR}/gdb.log\n"
return -1
compile/final {
array set testcase [$make_config_thunk_name]
if { [GenPerfTest::compile testcase] < 0 } {
return -1
run/* - both/* {
# Since the builder script is a .exp file living in gdb.perf
# we can get here (dejagnu will find this file for a default
# "make check-perf"). We can also get here when
# standard_run_driver loads the builder .exp file.
default {
return 0
# This function is invoked by the testcase runner scripts
# (e.g., gmonster[12]-*.exp).
# It is not invoked by the testcase builder scripts
# (e.g., gmonster[12].exp).
# These tests are built separately with
# "make build-perf" and run with
# "make check-perf GDB_PERFTEST_MODE=run".
# Eventually we can support GDB_PERFTEST_MODE=both, but for now we don't.
proc standard_run_driver { builder_exp_file_name make_config_thunk_name py_file_name test_class_name } {
# First step is to compile the test.
compile - both {
# Here is where we'd add code to support a plain
# "make check-perf".
run {
default {
# Now run the test.
compile {
both {
# Give the user a reason why we're not running this test.
verbose -log "Test must be compiled/run in separate steps."
run {
if { [GenPerfTest::run $builder_exp_file_name $make_config_thunk_name $py_file_name $test_class_name] < 0 } {
return -1
return 0