Tom de Vries 33b5899fc0 [gdb] Fix typos
Fix a few typos:
- implemention -> implementation
- convertion(s) -> conversion(s)
- backlashes -> backslashes
- signoring -> ignoring
- (un)ambigious -> (un)ambiguous
- occured -> occurred
- hidding -> hiding
- temporarilly -> temporarily
- immediatelly -> immediately
- sillyness -> silliness
- similiar -> similar
- porkuser -> pokeuser
- thats -> that
- alway -> always
- supercede -> supersede
- accomodate -> accommodate
- aquire -> acquire
- priveleged -> privileged
- priviliged -> privileged
- priviledges -> privileges
- privilige -> privilege
- recieve -> receive
- (p)refered -> (p)referred
- succesfully -> successfully
- successfuly -> successfully
- responsability -> responsibility
- wether -> whether
- wich -> which
- disasbleable -> disableable
- descriminant -> discriminant
- construcstor -> constructor
- underlaying -> underlying
- underyling -> underlying
- structureal -> structural
- appearences -> appearances
- terciarily -> tertiarily
- resgisters -> registers
- reacheable -> reachable
- likelyhood -> likelihood
- intepreter -> interpreter
- disassemly -> disassembly
- covnersion -> conversion
- conviently -> conveniently
- atttribute -> attribute
- struction -> struct
- resonable -> reasonable
- popupated -> populated
- namespaxe -> namespace
- intialize -> initialize
- identifer(s) -> identifier(s)
- expection -> exception
- exectuted -> executed
- dungerous -> dangerous
- dissapear -> disappear
- completly -> completely
- (inter)changable -> (inter)changeable
- beakpoint -> breakpoint
- automativ -> automatic
- alocating -> allocating
- agressive -> aggressive
- writting -> writing
- reguires -> requires
- registed -> registered
- recuding -> reducing
- opeartor -> operator
- ommitted -> omitted
- modifing -> modifying
- intances -> instances
- imbedded -> embedded
- gdbaarch -> gdbarch
- exection -> execution
- direcive -> directive
- demanged -> demangled
- decidely -> decidedly
- argments -> arguments
- agrument -> argument
- amespace -> namespace
- targtet -> target
- supress(ed) -> suppress(ed)
- startum -> stratum
- squence -> sequence
- prompty -> prompt
- overlow -> overflow
- memember -> member
- languge -> language
- geneate -> generate
- funcion -> function
- exising -> existing
- dinking -> syncing
- destroh -> destroy
- clenaed -> cleaned
- changep -> changedp (name of variable)
- arround -> around
- aproach -> approach
- whould -> would
- symobl -> symbol
- recuse -> recurse
- outter -> outer
- freeds -> frees
- contex -> context

Tested on x86_64-linux.

Reviewed-By: Tom Tromey <>
2023-06-03 22:43:57 +02:00

87 lines
2 KiB

/* Support for ignoring SIGTTOU.
Copyright (C) 2003-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GDB.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. */
#include "gdbsupport/scoped_ignore_signal.h"
#include "gdbsupport/job-control.h"
#ifdef SIGTTOU
/* Simple wrapper that allows lazy initialization / destruction of T.
Slightly more efficient than gdb::optional, because it doesn't
carry storage to track whether the object has been initialized. */
template<typename T>
class lazy_init
void emplace ()
new (&m_u.obj) T ();
void reset ()
m_u.obj.~T ();
union u
/* Must define ctor/dtor if T has non-trivial ctor/dtor. */
u () {}
~u () {}
T obj;
} m_u;
/* RAII class used to ignore SIGTTOU in a scope. This isn't simply
scoped_ignore_signal<SIGTTOU> because we want to check the
`job_control' global. */
class scoped_ignore_sigttou
scoped_ignore_sigttou ()
if (job_control)
m_ignore_signal.emplace ();
~scoped_ignore_sigttou ()
if (job_control)
m_ignore_signal.reset ();
DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (scoped_ignore_sigttou);
lazy_init<scoped_ignore_signal<SIGTTOU, false>> m_ignore_signal;
using scoped_ignore_sigttou = scoped_ignore_signal_nop;