1994-06-07 01:57:15 +00:00

427 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (C) 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (
if $tracelevel then {
strace $tracelevel
# test running programs
set prms_id 0
set bug_id 0
set binfile "break"
set srcfile $binfile.c
if ![file exists $objdir/$subdir/$binfile] then {
perror "$objdir/$subdir/$binfile does not exist."
return 0
gdb_reinitialize_dir $srcdir/$subdir
gdb_load $objdir/$subdir/$binfile
# test simple breakpoint setting commands
# test deleting all breakpoints; note that gdb-init.exp provides a
# "delete_breakpoints" proc for general use elsewhere
send "delete breakpoints\n"
expect {
-re "Delete all breakpoints.*y or n. $"\
{ send "y\n"
expect {
-re ".*$prompt $"\
{ send "info breakpoints\n"
expect {
-re "No breakpoints or watchpoints..*$prompt $" { pass "Deleted all breakpoints" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
timeout { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
timeout { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
timeout { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
# test break at function
send "break main\n"
expect {
-re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*$prompt $" { pass "breakpoint function" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "breakpoint function" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint function" }
# test break at function in file
send "break $srcfile:factorial\n"
expect {
-re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*$prompt $" { pass "breakpoint function in file" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "breakpoint function in file" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint function in file" }
# test break at line number
send "break 60\n"
expect {
-re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line 60.*$prompt $" { pass "breakpoint line number" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "breakpoint line number" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint line number" }
# test duplicate breakpoint
send "break 60\n"
expect {
-re "Note: breakpoint \[0-9\]+ also set at pc.*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+ at.* file .*$srcfile, line 60.*$prompt $"\
{ pass "breakpoint duplicate" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "breakpoint duplicate" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint duplicate" }
# test break at line number in file
send "break $srcfile:66\n"
expect {
-re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line 66.*$prompt $" { pass "breakpoint line number in file" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "breakpoint line number in file" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint line number in file" }
# check to see what breakpoints are set
send "info break\n"
expect {
-re "Num Type\[ \]+Disp Enb Address\[ \]+What.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in main at .*$srcfile:56.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in factorial at .*$srcfile:72.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in main at .*$srcfile:60.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in main at .*$srcfile:60.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in main at .*$srcfile:66.*$prompt $" { pass "breakpoint info" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "breakpoint info" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint info" }
# FIXME: The rest of this test doesn't work with anything that can't
# handle arguments.
if [istarget "mips-idt-*"] then {
# run until the breakpoint at main is hit
if [istarget "*-*-vxworks"] then {
send "run vxmain \"2\"\n"
set timeout 120
} else {
send "run 2\n"
expect {
-re "Starting program.*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+,.*main .*argc.*argv.* at .*$srcfile:56.*56\[\t \]+if .argc.* \{.*$prompt $"\
{ pass "run until function breakpoint" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "run until function breakpoint" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) run until function breakpoint" }
# run until the breakpoint at a line number
send "continue\n"
expect {
-re "continue.*Continuing..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main .argc.*argv.* at .*$srcfile:60.*
60\[\t ]+printf.*factorial.*$prompt $" { pass "run until breakpoint set at a line number" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "run until breakpoint set at a line number" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) run until breakpoint set at a line number" }
# Run until the breakpoint set in a function in a file
send "continue\n"
expect {
-re "continue.*Continuing..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, factorial .value=2. at .*$srcfile:72.*72\[\t ]+if .value > 1. \{.*$prompt $"\
{ send "continue\n"
expect {
-re "continue.*Continuing..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, factorial .value=1. at .*$srcfile:72.*72\[\t ]+if .value > 1.*$prompt $" { pass "run until file:function breakpoint" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "run until file:function breakpoint" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) run until file:function breakpoint" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "run until file:function breakpoint" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) run until file:function breakpoint" }
# run until the file:function breakpoint at a line number in a file
send "continue\n"
expect {
-re "continue.*Continuing..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main .*argc.*argv.* at .*$srcfile:66.*66\[\t ]+return 0;.*$prompt $" { pass "run until file:linenum breakpoint" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "run until file:linenum breakpoint" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) run until file:linenum breakpoint" }
# delete all breakpoints so we can start over, course this can be a test too
send "delete breakpoints\n"
expect {
-re "Delete all breakpoints.*y or n.*$" {
send "y\n"
expect {
-re ".*$prompt $" {
send "info breakpoints\n"
expect {
-re "No breakpoints or watchpoints..*$prompt $" {
pass "Deleted all breakpoints"
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
timeout { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
timeout { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
timeout { fail "Deleted all breakpoints" }
# test temporary breakpoint at function
send "tbreak main\n"
expect {
-re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*$prompt $" {
pass "Temporary breakpoint function"
-re ".*$prompt $" {
pass "Temporary breakpoint function"
timeout {
fail "(timeout) breakpoint function"
# test break at function in file
send "tbreak $srcfile:factorial\n"
expect {
-re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*$prompt $" {
pass "Temporary breakpoint function in file"
-re ".*$prompt $" {
pass "Temporary breakpoint function in file"
timeout {
fail "(timeout) breakpoint function in file"
# test break at line number
send "tbreak 60\n"
expect {
-re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line 60.*$prompt $" { pass "Temporary breakpoint line number" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { pass "Temporary breakpoint line number" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint line number" }
# test break at line number in file
send "tbreak $srcfile:66\n"
expect {
-re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line 66.*$prompt $" { pass "Temporary breakpoint line number in file" }
-re ".*$prompt $" { pass "Temporary breakpoint line number in file" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint line number in file" }
# check to see what breakpoints are set (temporary this time)
send "info break\n"
expect {
-re "Num Type.*Disp Enb Address.*What.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint del.*y.*in main at .*$srcfile:56.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint del.*y.*in factorial at .*$srcfile:72.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint del.*y.*in main at .*$srcfile:60.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint del.*y.*in main at .*$srcfile:66.*$prompt $" {
pass "Temporary breakpoint info"
-re ".*$prompt $" { fail "Temporary breakpoint info" }
timeout { fail "(timeout) Temporary breakpoint info" }
proc test_clear_command {} {
gdb_test "break main" "Breakpoint.*at"
gdb_test "break main" "Breakpoint.*at"
# We don't test that it deletes the correct breakpoints. We do at
# least test that it deletes more than one breakpoint.
gdb_test "clear main" {Deleted breakpoints [0-9]+ [0-9]+}
# Test "next" over recursive function call.
proc test_next_with_recursion {} {
global prompt
global decimal
# FIXME: should be using runto
send "kill\n"
expect {
-re ".*Kill the program being debugged.*y or n. $" {
send "y\n"
-re ".*$prompt $" {}
timeout { fail "killing inferior" ; return }
send "break factorial\n"
expect {
-re "Breakpoint $decimal at .*$prompt" {}
timeout { fail "break at factorial" ; return }
# Run until we call factorial with 6
if [istarget "*-*-vxworks"] then {
send "run vxmain \"6\"\n"
} else {
send "run 6\n"
expect {
-re "Starting .*Break.* factorial .value=6. .*$prompt $" {}
timeout { fail "run to factorial(6)" ; return }
# Continue until we call factorial recursively with 5.
send "continue\n"
expect {
-re "Continuing.*Break.* factorial .value=5. .*$prompt $" {}
timeout { fail "continue to factorial(5)" ; return }
# Do a backtrace just to confirm how many levels deep we are.
set result [gdb_test "backtrace" \
"#0\[ \t\]+ factorial .value=5." \
"backtrace from factorial(5)"]
if $result!=0 then { return }
# Now a "next" should position us at the recursive call, which
# we will be performing with 4.
send "next\n"
expect {
-re ".* factorial .value - 1.;.*$prompt $" {}
timeout { fail "next to recursive call (timeout)" ; return }
# Disable the breakpoint at the entry to factorial by deleting them all.
# The "next" should run until we return to the next line from this
# recursive call to factorial with 4.
# Buggy versions of gdb will stop instead at the innermost frame on
# the line where we are trying to "next" to.
send "next\n"
expect {
-re "return .value.;.*$prompt $" {
# Note that the correct behavior is for GDB to *not* print the
# frame.
pass "next over recursive call"
-re ".*$prompt $" {
fail "next over recursive call" ; return
timeout { fail "next over recursive call (timeout)" ; return }
# OK, we should be back in the same stack frame we started from.
# Do a backtrace just to confirm.
set result [gdb_test "backtrace" \
"#0\[ \t\]+ factorial .value=120.*\r\n#1\[ \t\]+ \[0-9a-fx\]+ in factorial .value=6." \
"backtrace from factorial(5)"]
if $result!=0 then { return }
# Continue until we exit. Should not stop again.
gdb_test "continue" "Continuing.\r\n720"\
"continue until exit in recursive next test"
# Reset the default arguments for VxWorks
if [istarget "*-*-vxworks"] then {
set timeout 10
send "set args main\n"
expect -re ".*$prompt $" {}
if [istarget "a29k-*-udi"] then {
# FIXME: If PR 2415 is fixed, this is not needed.