Mike Frysinger b3d4da0f12 sim: rx: switch syscalls to common nltvals
Rather than hand duplicate the syscall table, switch to the common
nltvals framework.  We have to tweak the constant names, but we get
everything else for free.  I made sure the constants have the same
values before & after too :).
2021-04-18 23:02:15 -04:00

235 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 1996-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of the GNU simulators.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Helper to generate nltvals.def.
nltvals.def is a file that describes various newlib/libgloss target values used
by the host/target interface. This needs to be rerun whenever the newlib source
changes. Developers manually run it.
If the path to newlib is not specified, it will be searched for in:
- the root of this source tree
- alongside this source tree
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Iterable, List, TextIO
PROG = Path(__file__).name
# Unfortunately, each newlib/libgloss port has seen fit to define their own
# syscall.h file. This means that system call numbers can vary for each port.
# Support for all this crud is kept here, rather than trying to get too fancy.
# If you want to try to improve this, please do, but don't break anything.
# Note that there is a standard syscall.h file (libgloss/syscall.h) now which
# hopefully more targets can use.
# NB: New ports should use libgloss, not newlib.
'cr16': 'libgloss/cr16/sys',
'd10v': 'newlib/libc/sys/d10v/sys',
'i960': 'libgloss/i960',
'mcore': 'libgloss/mcore',
'riscv': 'libgloss/riscv/machine',
'v850': 'libgloss/v850/sys',
# Make sure TARGET_DIRS doesn't gain any typos.
assert not set(TARGET_DIRS) - TARGETS
# The header for the generated def file.
/* Newlib/libgloss macro values needed by remote target support. */
/* This file is machine generated by {PROG}. */\
def gentvals(output: TextIO, cpp: str, srctype: str, srcdir: Path,
headers: Iterable[str],
pattern: str,
target: str = None):
"""Extract constants from the specified files using a regular expression.
We'll run things through the preprocessor.
headers = tuple(headers)
# Require all files exist in order to regenerate properly.
for header in headers:
fullpath = srcdir / header
assert fullpath.exists(), f'{fullpath} does not exist'
if target is None:
print(f'#ifdef {srctype}_defs', file=output)
print(f'#ifdef NL_TARGET_{target}', file=output)
print(f'#ifdef {srctype}_defs', file=output)
print('\n'.join(f'/* from {x} */' for x in headers), file=output)
if target is None:
print(f'/* begin {srctype} target macros */', file=output)
print(f'/* begin {target} {srctype} target macros */', file=output)
# Extract all the symbols.
srcfile = ''.join(f'#include <{x}>\n' for x in headers)
syms = set()
define_pattern = re.compile(r'^#\s*define\s+(' + pattern + ')')
for header in headers:
with open(srcdir / header, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
data =
for line in data.splitlines():
m = define_pattern.match(line)
if m:
for sym in sorted(syms):
srcfile += f'#ifdef {sym}\nDEFVAL {{ "{sym}", {sym} }},\n#endif\n'
result =
f'{cpp} -E -I"{srcdir}" -', shell=True, check=True, encoding='utf-8',
input=srcfile, capture_output=True)
for line in result.stdout.splitlines():
if line.startswith('DEFVAL '):
print(line[6:].rstrip(), file=output)
if target is None:
print(f'/* end {srctype} target macros */', file=output)
print('#endif', file=output)
print(f'/* end {target} {srctype} target macros */', file=output)
print('#endif', file=output)
print('#endif', file=output)
def gen_common(output: TextIO, newlib: Path, cpp: str):
"""Generate the common C library constants.
No arch should override these.
gentvals(output, cpp, 'errno', newlib / 'newlib/libc/include',
('errno.h', 'sys/errno.h'), 'E[A-Z0-9]*')
gentvals(output, cpp, 'signal', newlib / 'newlib/libc/include',
('signal.h', 'sys/signal.h'), r'SIG[A-Z0-9]*')
gentvals(output, cpp, 'open', newlib / 'newlib/libc/include',
('fcntl.h', 'sys/fcntl.h', 'sys/_default_fcntl.h'), r'O_[A-Z0-9]*')
def gen_targets(output: TextIO, newlib: Path, cpp: str):
"""Generate the target-specific lists."""
for target in sorted(TARGETS):
subdir = TARGET_DIRS.get(target, 'libgloss')
gentvals(output, cpp, 'sys', newlib / subdir, ('syscall.h',),
r'SYS_[_a-zA-Z0-9]*', target=target)
def gen(output: TextIO, newlib: Path, cpp: str):
"""Generate all the things!"""
print(FILE_HEADER, file=output)
gen_common(output, newlib, cpp)
gen_targets(output, newlib, cpp)
def get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Get CLI parser."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
'-o', '--output', type=Path,
help='write to the specified file instead of stdout')
'--cpp', type=str, default='cpp',
help='the preprocessor to use')
'--srcroot', type=Path,
help='the root of this source tree')
'newlib', nargs='?', type=Path,
help='path to the newlib+libgloss source tree')
return parser
def parse_args(argv: List[str]) -> argparse.Namespace:
"""Process the command line & default options."""
parser = get_parser()
opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
if opts.srcroot is None:
opts.srcroot = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent
if opts.newlib is None:
# Try to find newlib relative to our source tree.
if (opts.srcroot / 'newlib').is_dir():
# If newlib is manually in the same source tree, use it.
if (opts.srcroot / 'libgloss').is_dir():
opts.newlib = opts.srcroot
opts.newlib = opts.srcroot / 'newlib'
elif (opts.srcroot.parent / 'newlib').is_dir():
# Or see if it's alongside the gdb/binutils repo.
opts.newlib = opts.srcroot.parent / 'newlib'
if opts.newlib is None or not opts.newlib.is_dir():
parser.error('unable to find newlib')
return opts
def main(argv: List[str]) -> int:
"""The main entry point for scripts."""
opts = parse_args(argv)
if opts.output is not None:
output = open(opts.output, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
output = sys.stdout
gen(output, opts.newlib, opts.cpp)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':