This commit allows the user to place the cmd window within horizontal tui layouts. Consider this set of steps, carried out in an 80 columns by 24 lines terminal, using current master gdb: (gdb) tui new-layout hsrc { -horizontal src 1 cmd 1 } 1 status 1 (gdb) tui layout hsrc What you end up with is a full width cmd window with the status bar beneath. Where's the src window gone? We then try: (gdb) info win Name Lines Columns Focus src 23 3 (has focus) cmd 23 80 status 1 80 (gdb) Something weird has gone on, gdb has overlapped the cmd window with the src window. If we trigger the src window to redraw is content, for example, 'list main', then we see corruption in the cmd window as the src window overwrites it. So, what's going on? The problem is some code in tui_layout_split::apply, in tui-layout.c. Within 'Step 1', there is a loop that calculates the min/max window sizes for all windows within a tui_layout_split. However, there's a special case for the cmd window. This special case is trying to have the cmd window retain its current size when a layout is re-applied, or a new layout is applied. This makes sense, consider moving from the 'src' layout to the 'asm' layout, this looks something like this (status window removed): .-------. .-------. | src | | asm | |-------| ====> |-------| | cmd | | cmd | '-------' '-------' If the user has gone to the effort of adjusting the cmd window size, then, the thinking goes, we shouldn't reset the cmd window size when switching layouts like this. The problem though, is that when we do a switch more like this: .-----------. .-----------. | src | | | | |-----------| ====> | asm | cmd | | cmd | | | | '-----------' '-----------' Now retaining the cmd window width makes no sense; the new layout has a completely different placement for the cmd window, instead of sizing by height, we're now sizing by width. The existing code doesn't understand this though, and tried to retain the full width for the cmd window. To solve this problem, I propose we introduce the idea of a layout "fingerprint". The fingerprint tries to capture, in an abstract way, where the cmd window lives within the layout. Only when two layouts have the same fingerprint will we attempt to retain the cmd window size. The fingerprint for a layout is represented as a string, the string is a series of 'V' or 'H' characters, ending with a single 'C' character. The series of 'V' and 'H' characters represent the vertical or horizontal layouts that must be passed through to find the cmd window. Here are a few examples: # This layout is equivalent to the builtin 'src' layout. # Fingerprint: VC tui new-layout example1 src 2 status 0 cmd 1 # This layout is equivalent to the builtin 'split' layout. # Fingerprint: VC tui new-layout example2 src 1 asm 1 status 0 cmd 1 # This is the same layout that was given at the top. # Fingerprint: VHC tui new-layout hsrc { -horizontal src 1 cmd 1 } 1 status 1 And so, when switching between example1 and example2, gdb knows that the cmd window is, basically, in the same sort of position within the layout, and will retain the cmd window size. In contrast, when switching to the hsrc layout, gdb understands that the position of the cmd window is different, and does not try to retain the cmd window size.
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367 lines
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/* TUI layout window management.
Copyright (C) 1998-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Hewlett-Packard Company.
This file is part of GDB.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
#include "ui-file.h"
#include "tui/tui.h"
#include "tui/tui-data.h"
/* Values that can be returned when handling a request to adjust a
window's size. */
enum tui_adjust_result
/* Requested window was not found here. */
/* Window was found but not handled. */
/* Window was found and handled. */
/* The basic object in a TUI layout. This represents a single piece
of screen real estate. Subclasses determine the exact
behavior. */
class tui_layout_base
DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (tui_layout_base);
virtual ~tui_layout_base () = default;
/* Clone this object. Ordinarily a layout is cloned before it is
used, so that any necessary modifications do not affect the
"skeleton" layout. */
virtual std::unique_ptr<tui_layout_base> clone () const = 0;
/* Change the size and location of this layout. When
PRESERVE_CMD_WIN_SIZE_P is true the current size of the TUI_CMD_WIN
is preserved, otherwise, the TUI_CMD_WIN will resize just like any
other window. */
virtual void apply (int x, int y, int width, int height,
bool preserve_cmd_win_size_p) = 0;
/* Return the minimum and maximum height or width of this layout.
HEIGHT is true to fetch height, false to fetch width. */
virtual void get_sizes (bool height, int *min_value, int *max_value) = 0;
/* True if the topmost (for vertical layouts), or the leftmost (for
horizontal layouts) item in this layout is boxed. */
virtual bool first_edge_has_border_p () const = 0;
/* True if the bottommost (for vertical layouts), or the rightmost (for
horizontal layouts) item in this layout is boxed. */
virtual bool last_edge_has_border_p () const = 0;
/* Return the name of this layout's window, or nullptr if this
layout does not represent a single window. */
virtual const char *get_name () const
return nullptr;
/* Set the height of the window named NAME to NEW_HEIGHT, updating
the sizes of the other windows around it. */
virtual tui_adjust_result set_height (const char *name, int new_height) = 0;
/* Set the width of the window named NAME to NEW_WIDTH, updating
the sizes of the other windows around it. */
virtual tui_adjust_result set_width (const char *name, int new_width) = 0;
/* Remove some windows from the layout, leaving the command window
and the window being passed in here. */
virtual void remove_windows (const char *name) = 0;
/* Replace the window named NAME in the layout with the window named
virtual void replace_window (const char *name, const char *new_window) = 0;
/* Append the specification to this window to OUTPUT. DEPTH is the
depth of this layout in the hierarchy (zero-based). */
virtual void specification (ui_file *output, int depth) = 0;
/* Return a FINGERPRINT string containing an abstract representation of
the location of the cmd window in this layout.
When called on a complete, top-level layout, the fingerprint will be a
non-empty string made of 'V' and 'H' characters, followed by a single
'C' character. Each 'V' and 'H' represents a vertical or horizontal
layout that must be passed through in order to find the cmd
Of course, layouts are built recursively, so, when called on a partial
layout, if this object represents a single window, then either the
empty string is returned (for non-cmd windows), or a string
containing a single 'C' is returned.
For object representing layouts, if the layout contains the cmd
window then we will get back a valid fingerprint string (contains 'V'
and 'H', ends with 'C'), or, if this layout doesn't contain the cmd
window, an empty string is returned. */
virtual std::string layout_fingerprint () const = 0;
/* Add all windows to the WINDOWS vector. */
virtual void get_windows (std::vector<tui_win_info *> *windows) = 0;
/* The most recent space allocation. */
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
tui_layout_base () = default;
/* A TUI layout object that displays a single window. The window is
given by name. */
class tui_layout_window : public tui_layout_base
explicit tui_layout_window (const char *name)
: m_contents (name)
DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (tui_layout_window);
std::unique_ptr<tui_layout_base> clone () const override;
void apply (int x, int y, int width, int height,
bool preserve_cmd_win_size_p) override;
const char *get_name () const override
return m_contents.c_str ();
tui_adjust_result set_height (const char *name, int new_height) override
return m_contents == name ? FOUND : NOT_FOUND;
tui_adjust_result set_width (const char *name, int new_width) override
return m_contents == name ? FOUND : NOT_FOUND;
bool first_edge_has_border_p () const override;
bool last_edge_has_border_p () const override;
void remove_windows (const char *name) override
void replace_window (const char *name, const char *new_window) override;
void specification (ui_file *output, int depth) override;
std::string layout_fingerprint () const override;
/* See tui_layout_base::get_windows. */
void get_windows (std::vector<tui_win_info *> *windows) override
windows->push_back (m_window);
void get_sizes (bool height, int *min_value, int *max_value) override;
/* Type of content to display. */
std::string m_contents;
/* When a layout is applied, this is updated to point to the window
object. */
tui_win_info *m_window = nullptr;
/* A TUI layout that holds other layouts. */
class tui_layout_split : public tui_layout_base
/* Create a new layout. If VERTICAL is true, then windows in this
layout will be arranged vertically. */
explicit tui_layout_split (bool vertical = true)
: m_vertical (vertical)
DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (tui_layout_split);
/* Add a new split layout to this layout. WEIGHT is the desired
size, which is relative to the other weights given in this
layout. */
void add_split (std::unique_ptr<tui_layout_split> &&layout, int weight);
/* Add a new window to this layout. NAME is the name of the window
to add. WEIGHT is the desired size, which is relative to the
other weights given in this layout. */
void add_window (const char *name, int weight);
std::unique_ptr<tui_layout_base> clone () const override;
void apply (int x, int y, int width, int height,
bool preserve_cmd_win_size_p) override;
tui_adjust_result set_height (const char *name, int new_height) override
/* Pass false as the final argument to indicate change of height. */
return set_size (name, new_height, false);
tui_adjust_result set_width (const char *name, int new_width) override
/* Pass true as the final argument to indicate change of width. */
return set_size (name, new_width, true);
bool first_edge_has_border_p () const override;
bool last_edge_has_border_p () const override;
void remove_windows (const char *name) override;
void replace_window (const char *name, const char *new_window) override;
void specification (ui_file *output, int depth) override;
std::string layout_fingerprint () const override;
/* See tui_layout_base::get_windows. */
void get_windows (std::vector<tui_win_info *> *windows) override
for (auto &item : m_splits)
item.layout->get_windows (windows);
void get_sizes (bool height, int *min_value, int *max_value) override;
/* Used to implement set_height and set_width member functions. When
SET_WIDTH_P is true, set the width, otherwise, set the height of the
window named NAME to NEW_SIZE, updating the sizes of the other windows
around it as needed. The result indicates if the window NAME was
found and had its size adjusted, was found but was not adjusted, or
was not found at all. */
tui_adjust_result set_size (const char *name, int new_size,
bool set_width_p);
/* Set the weights from the current heights (when m_vertical is true) or
widths (when m_vertical is false). */
void set_weights_from_sizes ();
/* Structure used when resizing, or applying a layout. An instance of
this structure is created for each sub-layout. */
struct size_info
/* The calculated size for this sub-layout. */
int size;
/* The minimum and maximum sizes for this sub-layout, obtained by
calling the get_sizes member function. */
int min_size;
int max_size;
/* True if this window will share a box border with the previous
window in the list. */
bool share_box;
/* Used for debug, prints the contents of INFO using tui_debug_printf.
Only call this when the global debug_tui is true. */
static void tui_debug_print_size_info (const std::vector<size_info> &info);
/* Used for debug, returns a string describing the current weight of each
sub-layout. */
std::string tui_debug_weights_to_string () const;
struct split
/* The requested weight. */
int weight;
/* The layout. */
std::unique_ptr<tui_layout_base> layout;
/* The splits. */
std::vector<split> m_splits;
/* True if the windows in this split are arranged vertically. */
bool m_vertical;
/* Add the specified window to the layout in a logical way. This
means setting up the most logical layout given the window to be
added. Only the source or disassembly window can be added this
way. */
extern void tui_add_win_to_layout (enum tui_win_type);
/* Set the initial layout. */
extern void tui_set_initial_layout ();
/* Switch to the next layout. */
extern void tui_next_layout ();
/* Show the register window. Like "layout regs". */
extern void tui_regs_layout ();
/* Remove some windows from the layout, leaving only the focused
window and the command window; if no window has the focus, then
some other window is chosen to remain. */
extern void tui_remove_some_windows ();
/* Apply the current layout. When PRESERVE_CMD_WIN_SIZE_P is true the
current size of the TUI_CMD_WIN is preserved, otherwise, the TUI_CMD_WIN
will resize just like any other window. */
extern void tui_apply_current_layout (bool);
/* Adjust the window height of WIN to NEW_HEIGHT. */
extern void tui_adjust_window_height (struct tui_win_info *win,
int new_height);
/* Adjust the window width of WIN to NEW_WIDTH. */
extern void tui_adjust_window_width (struct tui_win_info *win,
int new_width);
/* The type of a function that is used to create a TUI window. */
typedef std::function<tui_win_info * (const char *name)> window_factory;
/* Register a new TUI window type. NAME is the name of the window
type. FACTORY is a function that can be called to instantiate the
window. */
extern void tui_register_window (const char *name, window_factory &&factory);
#endif /* TUI_TUI_LAYOUT_H */