Jackie Smith Cashion 8bae0a0c48 * gencode.c: Tidied instruction decoding, and added FP instruction
* interp.c: Added dineroIII, and BSD profiling support. Also
run-time FP handling.

At the moment the options are still mostly build-time controlled,
rather than run-time. Also work still needs to be done to remove (long
long) usage (However this is trivial, just time-consuming).

The out-standing instruction work to be done is in supporting round
and trunc for FP operations, and providing better exception support.
1995-12-01 16:42:44 +00:00

3465 lines
117 KiB

/*> interp.c <*/
/* Simulator for the MIPS architecture.
This file is part of the MIPS sim
Cygnus offers the following for use in the public domain. Cygnus
makes no warranty with regard to the software or it's performance
and the user accepts the software "AS IS" with all faults.
We only need to take account of the target endianness when moving data
between the simulator and the host. We do not need to worry about the
endianness of the host, since this sim code and GDB are executing in
the same process.
The IDT monitor (found on the VR4300 board), seems to lie about
register contents. It seems to treat the registers as sign-extended
32-bit values. This cause *REAL* problems when single-stepping 64-bit
code on the hardware.
/* The TRACE and PROFILE manifests enable the provision of extra
features. If they are not defined then a simpler (quicker)
simulator is constructed without the required run-time checks,
etc. */
#if 1 /* 0 to allow user build selection, 1 to force inclusion */
#define TRACE (1)
#define PROFILE (1)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ansidecl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "getopt.h"
#include "libiberty.h"
#include "remote-sim.h" /* GDB simulator interface */
#include "callback.h" /* GDB simulator callback interface */
#include "support.h" /* internal support manifests */
/* Get the simulator engine description, without including the code: */
#include "engine.c"
/* The following reserved instruction value is used when a simulator
trap is required. NOTE: Care must be taken, since this value may be
used in later revisions of the MIPS ISA. */
#define RSVD_INSTRUCTION (0x7C000000)
/* NOTE: These numbers depend on the processor architecture being
simulated: */
#define Interrupt (0)
#define TLBModification (1)
#define TLBLoad (2)
#define TLBStore (3)
#define AddressLoad (4)
#define AddressStore (5)
#define InstructionFetch (6)
#define DataReference (7)
#define SystemCall (8)
#define BreakPoint (9)
#define ReservedInstruction (10)
#define CoProcessorUnusable (11)
#define IntegerOverflow (12) /* Arithmetic overflow (IDT monitor raises SIGFPE) */
#define Trap (13)
#define FPE (15)
#define Watch (23)
/* The following exception code is actually private to the simulator
world. It is *NOT* a processor feature, and is used to signal
run-time errors in the simulator. */
#define SimulatorFault (0xFFFFFFFF)
/* The following are generic to all versions of the MIPS architecture
to date: */
/* Memory Access Types (for CCA): */
#define Uncached (0)
#define CachedNoncoherent (1)
#define CachedCoherent (2)
#define Cached (3)
#define isINSTRUCTION (1 == 0) /* FALSE */
#define isDATA (1 == 1) /* TRUE */
#define isLOAD (1 == 0) /* FALSE */
#define isSTORE (1 == 1) /* TRUE */
#define isREAL (1 == 0) /* FALSE */
#define isRAW (1 == 1) /* TRUE */
#define isTARGET (1 == 0) /* FALSE */
#define isHOST (1 == 1) /* TRUE */
/* The "AccessLength" specifications for Loads and Stores. NOTE: This
is the number of bytes minus 1. */
#define AccessLength_BYTE (0)
#define AccessLength_HALFWORD (1)
#define AccessLength_TRIPLEBYTE (2)
#define AccessLength_WORD (3)
#define AccessLength_QUINTIBYTE (4)
#define AccessLength_SEXTIBYTE (5)
#define AccessLength_SEPTIBYTE (6)
#define AccessLength_DOUBLEWORD (7)
#if defined(HASFPU)
/* FPU registers must be one of the following types. All other values
are reserved (and undefined). */
typedef enum {
fmt_single = 0,
fmt_double = 1,
fmt_word = 4,
fmt_long = 5,
/* The following are well outside the normal acceptable format
range, and are used in the register status vector. */
fmt_unknown = 0x10000000,
fmt_uninterpreted = 0x20000000,
} FP_formats;
#endif /* HASFPU */
/* NOTE: We cannot avoid globals, since the GDB "sim_" interface does
not allow a private variable to be passed around. This means that
simulators under GDB can only be single-threaded. However, it would
be possible for the simulators to be multi-threaded if GDB allowed
for a private pointer to be maintained. i.e. a general "void **ptr"
variable that GDB passed around in the argument list to all of
sim_xxx() routines. It could be initialised to NULL by GDB, and
then updated by sim_open() and used by the other sim_xxx() support
functions. This would allow new features in the simulator world,
like storing a context - continuing execution to gather a result,
and then going back to the point where the context was saved and
changing some state before continuing. i.e. the ability to perform
UNDOs on simulations. It would also allow the simulation of
shared-memory multi-processor systems. */
static host_callback *callback = NULL; /* handle onto the current callback structure */
/* The warning system should be improved, to allow more information to
be passed about the cause: */
#define WARNING(m) { callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Warning: %s\n",(m)); }
/* This is nasty, since we have to rely on matching the register
numbers used by GDB. Unfortunately, depending on the MIPS target
GDB uses different register numbers. We cannot just include the
relevant "gdb/tm.h" link, since GDB may not be configured before
the sim world, and also the GDB header file requires too much other
state. */
/* TODO: Sort out a scheme for *KNOWING* the mapping between real
registers, and the numbers that GDB uses. At the moment due to the
order that the tools are built, we cannot rely on a configured GDB
world whilst constructing the simulator. This means we have to
assume the GDB register number mapping. */
#define LAST_EMBED_REGNUM (89)
/* To keep this default simulator simple, and fast, we use a direct
vector of registers. The internal simulator engine then uses
manifests to access the correct slot. */
ut_reg registers[LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1];
int register_widths[LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1];
#define GPR (&registers[0])
#if defined(HASFPU)
#define FGRIDX (38)
#define FGR (&registers[FGRIDX])
#endif /* HASFPU */
#define LO (registers[33])
#define HI (registers[34])
#define PC (registers[37])
#define CAUSE (registers[36])
#define SRIDX (32)
#define SR (registers[SRIDX]) /* CPU status register */
#define FCR0IDX (71)
#define FCR0 (registers[FCR0IDX]) /* really a 32bit register */
#define FCR31IDX (70)
#define FCR31 (registers[FCR31IDX]) /* really a 32bit register */
#define FCSR (FCR31)
#define COCIDX (LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 2) /* special case : outside the normal range */
/* The following are pseudonyms for standard registers */
#define ZERO (registers[0])
#define V0 (registers[2])
#define A0 (registers[4])
#define A1 (registers[5])
#define A2 (registers[6])
#define A3 (registers[7])
#define SP (registers[29])
#define RA (registers[31])
ut_reg EPC = 0; /* Exception PC */
#if defined(HASFPU)
/* Keep the current format state for each register: */
FP_formats fpr_state[32];
#endif /* HASFPU */
/* VR4300 CP0 configuration register: */
unsigned int CONFIG = 0;
/* The following are internal simulator state variables: */
ut_reg IPC = 0; /* internal Instruction PC */
ut_reg DSPC = 0; /* delay-slot PC */
/* TODO : these should be the bitmasks for these bits within the
status register. At the moment the following are VR4300
bit-positions: */
#define status_KSU_mask (0x3) /* mask for KSU bits */
#define status_KSU_shift (3) /* shift for field */
#define ksu_kernel (0x0)
#define ksu_supervisor (0x1)
#define ksu_user (0x2)
#define ksu_unknown (0x3)
#define status_RE (1 << 25) /* Reverse Endian in user mode */
#define status_FR (1 << 26) /* enables MIPS III additional FP registers */
#define status_SR (1 << 20) /* soft reset or NMI */
#define status_BEV (1 << 22) /* Location of general exception vectors */
#define status_TS (1 << 21) /* TLB shutdown has occurred */
#define status_ERL (1 << 2) /* Error level */
#define status_RP (1 << 27) /* Reduced Power mode */
#define config_EP_mask (0xF)
#define config_EP_shift (27)
#define config_EP_D (0x0)
#define config_EP_DxxDxx (0x6)
#define config_BE (1 << 15)
#define cause_BD ((unsigned)1 << 31) /* Exception in branch delay slot */
#if defined(HASFPU)
/* Macro to update FPSR condition-code field. This is complicated by
the fact that there is a hole in the index range of the bits within
the FCSR register. Also, the number of bits visible depends on the
MIPS ISA version being supported. */
#define SETFCC(cc,v) {\
int bit = ((cc == 0) ? 23 : (24 + (cc)));\
FCSR = ((FCSR & ~(1 << bit)) | ((v) << bit));\
#define GETFCC(cc) (((((cc) == 0) ? (FCSR & (1 << 23)) : (FCSR & (1 << (24 + (cc))))) != 0) ? 1 : 0)
/* This should be the COC1 value at the start of the preceding
instruction: */
#define PREVCOC1() ((state & simPCOC1) ? 1 : 0)
#endif /* HASFPU */
/* Standard FCRS bits: */
#define IR (0) /* Inexact Result */
#define UF (1) /* UnderFlow */
#define OF (2) /* OverFlow */
#define DZ (3) /* Division by Zero */
#define IO (4) /* Invalid Operation */
#define UO (5) /* Unimplemented Operation */
/* Get masks for individual flags: */
#if 1 /* SAFE version */
#define FP_FLAGS(b) (((unsigned)(b) < 5) ? (1 << ((b) + 2)) : 0)
#define FP_ENABLE(b) (((unsigned)(b) < 5) ? (1 << ((b) + 7)) : 0)
#define FP_CAUSE(b) (((unsigned)(b) < 6) ? (1 << ((b) + 12)) : 0)
#define FP_FLAGS(b) (1 << ((b) + 2))
#define FP_ENABLE(b) (1 << ((b) + 7))
#define FP_CAUSE(b) (1 << ((b) + 12))
#define FP_FS (1 << 24) /* MIPS III onwards : Flush to Zero */
#define FP_MASK_RM (0x3)
#define FP_SH_RM (0)
#define FP_RM_NEAREST (0) /* Round to nearest (Round) */
#define FP_RM_TOZERO (1) /* Round to zero (Trunc) */
#define FP_RM_TOPINF (2) /* Round to Plus infinity (Ceil) */
#define FP_RM_TOMINF (3) /* Round to Minus infinity (Floor) */
#define GETRM() (int)((FCSR >> FP_SH_RM) & FP_MASK_RM)
/* Slots for delayed register updates. For the moment we just have a
fixed number of slots (rather than a more generic, dynamic
system). This keeps the simulator fast. However, we only allow for
the register update to be delayed for a single instruction
cycle. */
#define PSLOTS (5) /* Maximum number of instruction cycles */
int pending_in;
int pending_out;
int pending_total;
int pending_slot_count[PSLOTS];
int pending_slot_reg[PSLOTS];
ut_reg pending_slot_value[PSLOTS];
/* The following are not used for MIPS IV onwards: */
#define PENDING_FILL(r,v) {\
printf("DBG: FILL BEFORE pending_in = %d, pending_out = %d, pending_total = %d\n",pending_in,pending_out,pending_total);\
if (pending_slot_reg[pending_in] != (LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1))\
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Warning: Attempt to over-write pending value\n");\
pending_slot_count[pending_in] = 2;\
pending_slot_reg[pending_in] = (r);\
pending_slot_value[pending_in] = (v);\
printf("DBG: FILL reg %d value = 0x%08X%08X\n",(r),(unsigned int)(((unsigned long long)(v))>>32),(unsigned int)((v)&0xFFFFFFFF));\
if (pending_in == PSLOTS)\
pending_in = 0;\
printf("DBG: FILL AFTER pending_in = %d, pending_out = %d, pending_total = %d\n",pending_in,pending_out,pending_total);\
int LLBIT = 0;
/* LLBIT = Load-Linked bit. A bit of "virtual" state used by atomic
read-write instructions. It is set when a linked load occurs. It is
tested and cleared by the conditional store. It is cleared (during
other CPU operations) when a store to the location would no longer
be atomic. In particular, it is cleared by exception return
instructions. */
int HIACCESS = 0;
int LOACCESS = 0;
/* The HIACCESS and LOACCESS counts are used to ensure that
corruptions caused by using the HI or LO register to close to a
following operation are spotted. */
/* If either of the preceding two instructions have accessed the HI or
LO registers, then the values they see should be
undefined. However, to keep the simulator world simple, we just let
them use the value read and raise a warning to notify the user: */
#define CHECKHILO(s) {\
if ((HIACCESS != 0) || (LOACCESS != 0))\
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Warning: %s over-writing HI and LO registers values\n",(s));\
/* Set the access counts, since we are about\
to update the HI and LO registers: */\
HIACCESS = LOACCESS = 3; /* 3rd instruction will be safe */\
/* NOTE: We keep the following status flags as bit values (1 for true,
0 for false). This allows them to be used in binary boolean
operations without worrying about what exactly the non-zero true
value is. */
/* UserMode */
#define UserMode ((((SR & status_KSU_mask) >> status_KSU_shift) == ksu_user) ? 1 : 0)
/* BigEndianMem */
/* Hardware configuration. Affects endianness of LoadMemory and
StoreMemory and the endianness of Kernel and Supervisor mode
execution. The value is 0 for little-endian; 1 for big-endian. */
#define BigEndianMem ((CONFIG & config_BE) ? 1 : 0)
/* NOTE: Problems will occur if the simulator memory model does not
match the host program expectation. i.e. if the host is writing
big-endian values to a little-endian memory model. */
/* ReverseEndian */
/* This mode is selected if in User mode with the RE bit being set in
SR (Status Register). It reverses the endianness of load and store
instructions. */
#define ReverseEndian (((SR & status_RE) && UserMode) ? 1 : 0)
/* BigEndianCPU */
/* The endianness for load and store instructions (0=little;1=big). In
User mode this endianness may be switched by setting the state_RE
bit in the SR register. Thus, BigEndianCPU may be computed as
(BigEndienMem EOR ReverseEndian). */
#define BigEndianCPU (BigEndianMem ^ ReverseEndian) /* Already bits */
#if !defined(FASTSIM) || defined(PROFILE)
/* At the moment these values will be the same, since we do not have
access to the pipeline cycle count information from the simulator
engine. */
unsigned int instruction_fetches = 0;
unsigned int pipeline_ticks = 0;
/* Flags in the "state" variable: */
#define simSTOP (1 << 0) /* 0 = execute; 1 = stop simulation */
#define simSTEP (1 << 1) /* 0 = run; 1 = single-step */
#define simHALTEX (1 << 2) /* 0 = run; 1 = halt on exception */
#define simHALTIN (1 << 3) /* 0 = run; 1 = halt on interrupt */
#define simTRACE (1 << 8) /* 0 = do nothing; 1 = trace address activity */
#define simPROFILE (1 << 9) /* 0 = do nothing; 1 = gather profiling samples */
#define simHOSTBE (1 << 10) /* 0 = little-endian; 1 = big-endian (host endianness) */
/* Whilst simSTOP is not set, the simulator control loop should just
keep simulating instructions. The simSTEP flag is used to force
single-step execution. */
#define simBE (1 << 16) /* 0 = little-endian; 1 = big-endian (target endianness) */
#define simPCOC0 (1 << 17) /* COC[1] from current */
#define simPCOC1 (1 << 18) /* COC[1] from previous */
#define simDELAYSLOT (1 << 24) /* 0 = do nothing; 1 = delay slot entry exists */
#define simSKIPNEXT (1 << 25) /* 0 = do nothing; 1 = skip instruction */
#define simEXCEPTION (1 << 26) /* 0 = no exception; 1 = exception has occurred */
#define simEXIT (1 << 27) /* 0 = do nothing; 1 = run-time exit() processing */
unsigned int state = (0 | simBE); /* big-endian simulator by default */
unsigned int rcexit = 0; /* _exit() reason code holder */
#define DELAYSLOT() {\
if (state & simDELAYSLOT) callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Warning: Delay slot already activated (branch in delay slot?)\n");\
state |= simDELAYSLOT;\
#define NULLIFY() {\
state &= ~simDELAYSLOT;\
state |= simSKIPNEXT;\
/* Very simple memory model to start with: */
unsigned char *membank = NULL;
ut_reg membank_base = 0xA0000000;
unsigned membank_size = (1 << 20); /* (16 << 20); */ /* power-of-2 */
/* Simple run-time monitor support */
unsigned char *monitor = NULL;
ut_reg monitor_base = 0xBFC00000;
unsigned monitor_size = (1 << 9); /* power-of-2 */
#if defined(TRACE)
char *tracefile = "trace.din"; /* default filename for trace log */
FILE *tracefh = NULL;
#endif /* TRACE */
#if defined(PROFILE)
unsigned profile_frequency = 256;
unsigned profile_nsamples = (128 << 10);
unsigned short *profile_hist = NULL;
ut_reg profile_minpc;
ut_reg profile_maxpc;
int profile_shift = 0; /* address shift amount */
#endif /* PROFILE */
/*-- GDB simulator interface ------------------------------------------------*/
static void dotrace PARAMS((FILE *tracefh,int type,unsigned int address,int width,char *comment,...));
extern void sim_error PARAMS((char *fmt,...));
static void ColdReset PARAMS((void));
static int AddressTranslation PARAMS((unsigned long long vAddr,int IorD,int LorS,unsigned long long *pAddr,int *CCA,int host,int raw));
static void StoreMemory PARAMS((int CCA,int AccessLength,unsigned long long MemElem,unsigned long long pAddr,unsigned long long vAddr,int raw));
static unsigned long long LoadMemory PARAMS((int CCA,int AccessLength,unsigned long long pAddr,unsigned long long vAddr,int IorD,int raw));
static void SignalException PARAMS((int exception,...));
static void simulate PARAMS((void));
static long getnum(char *value);
extern void sim_size(unsigned int newsize);
extern void sim_set_profile(int frequency);
static unsigned int power2(unsigned int value);
sim_open (args)
char *args;
if (callback == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"SIM Error: sim_open() called without callbacks attached\n");
/* The following ensures that the standard file handles for stdin,
stdout and stderr are initialised: */
state = 0;
if (state & simEXCEPTION) {
fprintf(stderr,"This simulator is not suitable for this host configuration\n");
int data = 0x12;
if (*((char *)&data) != 0x12)
state |= simHOSTBE; /* big-endian host */
#if defined(HASFPU)
/* Check that the host FPU conforms to IEEE 754-1985 for the SINGLE
and DOUBLE binary formats. This is a bit nasty, requiring that we
trust the explicit manifests held in the source: */
unsigned int s[2];
s[0] = 0x40805A5A;
s[1] = 0x00000000;
if (((float)4.01102924346923828125 != *(float *)s) || ((double)523.2939453125 != *(double *)s)) {
fprintf(stderr,"The host executing the simulator does not seem to have IEEE 754-1985 std FP\n");
#endif /* HASFPU */
/* This is NASTY, in that we are assuming the size of specific
registers: */
int rn;
for (rn = 0; (rn < (LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1)); rn++) {
if (rn < 32)
register_widths[rn] = GPRLEN;
else if ((rn >= FGRIDX) && (rn < (FGRIDX + 32)))
register_widths[rn] = GPRLEN;
else if ((rn >= 33) && (rn <= 37))
register_widths[rn] = GPRLEN;
else if ((rn == SRIDX) || (rn == FCR0IDX) || (rn == FCR31IDX) || ((rn >= 72) && (rn <= 89)))
register_widths[rn] = 32;
register_widths[rn] = 0;
/* It would be good if we could select particular named MIPS
architecture simulators. However, having a pre-built, fixed
engine would mean including multiple engines. If the simulator is
changed to a run-time conditional version, then the ability to
select a particular architecture would be straightforward. */
if (args != NULL) {
int c;
char *cline;
char **argv;
int argc;
static struct option cmdline[] = {
{"help", 0,0,'h'},
{"name", 1,0,'n'},
{"profile", 0,0,'p'},
{"size", 1,0,'s'},
{"trace", 0,0,'t'},
{"samples", 1,0,'x'},
{0, 0,0,0}
/* Unfortunately, getopt_long() is designed to be used with
vectors, where the first option is normally program name (and
ignored). We cheat by creating a dummy first argument, so that
we can use the standard argument processing. */
#define DUMMYARG "simulator "
cline = (char *)malloc(strlen(args) + strlen(DUMMYARG) + 1);
if (cline == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate memory for command line buffer\n");
argv = buildargv(cline);
for (argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++);
/* Unfortunately, getopt_long() assumes that it is ignoring the
first argument (normally the program name). This means it
ignores the first option on our "args" line. */
optind = 0; /* Force reset of argument processing */
while (1) {
int option_index = 0;
c = getopt_long(argc,argv,"hn:s:tp",cmdline,&option_index);
if (c == -1)
switch (c) {
case 'h':
target sim [-h] [--name=<model>] [--size=<amount>]");
#if defined(TRACE)
callback->printf_filtered(callback," [-t [--tracefile=<name>]]");
#endif /* TRACE */
#if defined(PROFILE)
callback->printf_filtered(callback," [-p [--frequency=<count>] [--samples=<count>]]");
#endif /* PROFILE */
case 'n':
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Explicit model selection not yet available (Ignoring \"%s\")\n",optarg);
case 's':
membank_size = (unsigned)getnum(optarg);
case 't':
#if defined(TRACE)
/* Eventually the simTRACE flag could be treated as a toggle, to
allow external control of the program points being traced
(i.e. only from main onwards, excluding the run-time setup,
etc.). */
state |= simTRACE;
#else /* !TRACE */
Simulator constructed without tracing support (for performance).\n\
Re-compile simulator with \"-DTRACE\" to enable this option.\n");
#endif /* !TRACE */
case 'z':
#if defined(TRACE)
if (optarg != NULL) {
char *tmp;
tmp = (char *)malloc(strlen(optarg) + 1);
if (tmp == NULL)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Failed to allocate buffer for tracefile name \"%s\"\n",optarg);
else {
tracefile = tmp;
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Placing trace information into file \"%s\"\n",tracefile);
#endif /* TRACE */
case 'p':
#if defined(PROFILE)
state |= simPROFILE;
#else /* !PROFILE */
Simulator constructed without profiling support (for performance).\n\
Re-compile simulator with \"-DPROFILE\" to enable this option.\n");
#endif /* !PROFILE */
case 'x':
#if defined(PROFILE)
profile_nsamples = (unsigned)getnum(optarg);
#endif /* PROFILE */
case 'y':
#if defined(PROFILE)
#endif /* PROFILE */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: Simulator getopt returned unrecognised code 0x%08X\n",c);
case '?':
if (optind < argc) {
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: Ignoring spurious non-option arguments ");
while (optind < argc)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"\"%s\" ",argv[optind++]);
/* If the host has "mmap" available we could use it to provide a
very large virtual address space for the simulator, since memory
would only be allocated within the "mmap" space as it is
accessed. This can also be linked to the architecture specific
support, required to simulate the MMU. */
/* NOTE: The above will also have enabled any profiling state */
/* If we were providing a more complete I/O, co-processor or memory
simulation, we should perform any "device" initialisation at this
point. This can include pre-loading memory areas with particular
patterns (e.g. simulating ROM monitors). */
/* We can start writing to the memory, now that the processor has
been reset: */
monitor = (unsigned char *)calloc(1,monitor_size);
if (!monitor) {
fprintf(stderr,"Not enough VM for monitor simulation (%d bytes)\n",monitor_size);
} else {
int loop;
/* Entry into the IDT monitor is via fixed address vectors, and
not using machine instructions. To avoid clashing with use of
the MIPS TRAP system, we place our own (simulator specific)
"undefined" instructions into the relevant vector slots. */
for (loop = 0; (loop < monitor_size); loop += 4) {
unsigned long long vaddr = (monitor_base + loop);
unsigned long long paddr;
int cca;
if (AddressTranslation(vaddr,isDATA,isSTORE,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isRAW))
StoreMemory(cca,AccessLength_WORD,(RSVD_INSTRUCTION | (loop >> 2)),paddr,vaddr,isRAW);
#if defined(TRACE)
if (state & simTRACE) {
tracefh = fopen(tracefile,"wb+");
if (tracefh == NULL) {
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Failed to create file \"%s\", writing trace information to stderr.\n",tracefile);
tracefh = stderr;
#endif /* TRACE */
/* For the profile writing, we write the data in the host
endianness. This unfortunately means we are assuming that the
profile file we create is processed on the same host executing the
simulator. The gmon.out file format should either have an explicit
endianness, or a method of encoding the endianness in the file
header. */
static int
FILE *fh;
unsigned int val;
char buff[4];
int res = 1;
if (state & simHOSTBE) {
buff[3] = ((val >> 0) & 0xFF);
buff[2] = ((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
buff[1] = ((val >> 16) & 0xFF);
buff[0] = ((val >> 24) & 0xFF);
} else {
buff[0] = ((val >> 0) & 0xFF);
buff[1] = ((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
buff[2] = ((val >> 16) & 0xFF);
buff[3] = ((val >> 24) & 0xFF);
if (fwrite(buff,4,1,fh) != 1) {
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Failed to write 4bytes to the profile file\n");
res = 0;
static int
FILE *fh;
unsigned short val;
char buff[2];
int res = 1;
if (state & simHOSTBE) {
buff[1] = ((val >> 0) & 0xFF);
buff[0] = ((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
} else {
buff[0] = ((val >> 0) & 0xFF);
buff[1] = ((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
if (fwrite(buff,2,1,fh) != 1) {
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Failed to write 2bytes to the profile file\n");
res = 0;
sim_close (quitting)
int quitting;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: sim_close: entered (quitting = %d)\n",quitting);
/* Cannot assume sim_kill() has been called */
/* "quitting" is non-zero if we cannot hang on errors */
/* Ensure that any resources allocated through the callback
mechanism are released: */
#if defined(PROFILE)
if ((state & simPROFILE) && (profile_hist != NULL)) {
unsigned short *p = profile_hist;
FILE *pf = fopen("gmon.out","wb");
int loop;
if (pf == NULL)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Failed to open \"gmon.out\" profile file\n");
else {
int ok;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: minpc = 0x%08X\n",(unsigned int)profile_minpc);
printf("DBG: maxpc = 0x%08X\n",(unsigned int)profile_maxpc);
#endif /* DEBUG */
ok = writeout32(pf,(unsigned int)profile_minpc);
if (ok)
ok = writeout32(pf,(unsigned int)profile_maxpc);
if (ok)
ok = writeout32(pf,(profile_nsamples * 2) + 12); /* size of sample buffer (+ header) */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: nsamples = %d (size = 0x%08X)\n",profile_nsamples,((profile_nsamples * 2) + 12));
#endif /* DEBUG */
for (loop = 0; (ok && (loop < profile_nsamples)); loop++) {
ok = writeout16(pf,profile_hist[loop]);
if (!ok)
profile_hist = NULL;
state &= ~simPROFILE;
#endif /* PROFILE */
#if defined(TRACE)
if (tracefh != stderr)
state &= ~simTRACE;
#endif /* TRACE */
if (membank)
membank = NULL;
sim_resume (step,signal)
int step, signal;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: sim_resume entered: step = %d, signal = %d (membank = 0x%08X)\n",step,signal,membank);
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (step)
state |= simSTEP; /* execute only a single instruction */
state &= ~(simSTOP | simSTEP); /* execute until event */
state |= (simHALTEX | simHALTIN); /* treat interrupt event as exception */
/* Start executing instructions from the current state (set
explicitly by register updates, or by sim_create_inferior): */
sim_write (addr,buffer,size)
SIM_ADDR addr;
unsigned char *buffer;
int size;
int index = size;
unsigned long long vaddr = (unsigned long long)addr;
/* Return the number of bytes written, or zero if error. */
#ifdef DEBUG
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"sim_write(0x%08X%08X,buffer,%d);\n",(unsigned int)((unsigned long long)(addr)>>32),(unsigned int)(addr&0xFFFFFFFF),size);
/* We provide raw read and write routines, since we do not want to
count the GDB memory accesses in our statistics gathering. */
/* There is a lot of code duplication in the individual blocks
below, but the variables are declared locally to a block to give
the optimiser the best chance of improving the code. We have to
perform slow byte reads from the host memory, to ensure that we
get the data into the correct endianness for the (simulated)
target memory world. */
/* Mask count to get odd byte, odd halfword, and odd word out of the
way. We can then perform doubleword transfers to and from the
simulator memory for optimum performance. */
if (index && (index & 1)) {
unsigned long long paddr;
int cca;
if (AddressTranslation(vaddr,isDATA,isSTORE,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isRAW)) {
unsigned long long value = ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++));
index &= ~1; /* logical operations usually quicker than arithmetic on RISC systems */
if (index && (index & 2)) {
unsigned long long paddr;
int cca;
if (AddressTranslation(vaddr,isDATA,isSTORE,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isRAW)) {
unsigned long long value;
/* We need to perform the following magic to ensure that that
bytes are written into same byte positions in the target memory
world, regardless of the endianness of the host. */
if (BigEndianMem) {
value = ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 8);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 0);
} else {
value = ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 0);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 8);
vaddr += 2;
index &= ~2;
if (index && (index & 4)) {
unsigned long long paddr;
int cca;
if (AddressTranslation(vaddr,isDATA,isSTORE,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isRAW)) {
unsigned long long value;
if (BigEndianMem) {
value = ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 24);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 16);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 8);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 0);
} else {
value = ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 0);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 8);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 16);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 24);
vaddr += 4;
index &= ~4;
for (;index; index -= 8) {
unsigned long long paddr;
int cca;
if (AddressTranslation(vaddr,isDATA,isSTORE,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isRAW)) {
unsigned long long value;
if (BigEndianMem) {
value = ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 56);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 48);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 40);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 32);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 24);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 16);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 8);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 0);
} else {
value = ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 0);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 8);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 16);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 24);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 32);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 40);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 48);
value |= ((unsigned long long)(*buffer++) << 56);
vaddr += 8;
sim_read (addr,buffer,size)
SIM_ADDR addr;
unsigned char *buffer;
int size;
int index;
/* Return the number of bytes read, or zero if error. */
#ifdef DEBUG
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"sim_read(0x%08X%08X,buffer,%d);\n",(unsigned int)((unsigned long long)(addr)>>32),(unsigned int)(addr&0xFFFFFFFF),size);
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: Perform same optimisation as the sim_write() code
above. NOTE: This will require a bit more work since we will need
to ensure that the source physical address is doubleword aligned
before, and then deal with trailing bytes. */
for (index = 0; (index < size); index++) {
unsigned long long vaddr,paddr,value;
int cca;
vaddr = (unsigned long long)addr + index;
if (AddressTranslation(vaddr,isDATA,isLOAD,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isRAW)) {
value = LoadMemory(cca,AccessLength_BYTE,paddr,vaddr,isDATA,isRAW);
buffer[index] = (unsigned char)(value&0xFF);
} else
sim_store_register (rn,memory)
int rn;
unsigned char *memory;
#ifdef DEBUG
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"sim_store_register(%d,*memory=0x%08X%08X);\n",rn,*((unsigned int *)memory),*((unsigned int *)(memory + 4)));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* Unfortunately this suffers from the same problem as the register
numbering one. We need to know what the width of each logical
register number is for the architecture being simulated. */
if (register_widths[rn] == 0)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: Invalid register width for %d (register store ignored)\n",rn);
else {
if (register_widths[rn] == 32)
registers[rn] = *((unsigned int *)memory);
registers[rn] = *((unsigned long long *)memory);
sim_fetch_register (rn,memory)
int rn;
unsigned char *memory;
#ifdef DEBUG
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"sim_fetch_register(%d=0x%08X%08X,mem) : place simulator registers into memory\n",rn,(unsigned int)(registers[rn]>>32),(unsigned int)(registers[rn]&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (register_widths[rn] == 0)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: Invalid register width for %d (register fetch ignored)\n",rn);
else {
if (register_widths[rn] == 32)
*((unsigned int *)memory) = (registers[rn] & 0xFFFFFFFF);
else /* 64bit register */
*((unsigned long long *)memory) = registers[rn];
sim_stop_reason (reason,sigrc)
enum sim_stop *reason;
int *sigrc;
/* We can have "*reason = {sim_exited, sim_stopped, sim_signalled}", so
sim_exited *sigrc = argument to exit()
sim_stopped *sigrc = exception number
sim_signalled *sigrc = signal number
if (state & simEXCEPTION) {
/* If "sim_signalled" is used, GDB expects normal SIGNAL numbers,
and not the MIPS specific exception codes. */
#if 1
/* For some reason, sending GDB a sim_signalled reason cause it to
terminate out. */
*reason = sim_stopped;
*reason = sim_signalled;
switch ((CAUSE >> 2) & 0x1F) {
case Interrupt:
*sigrc = SIGINT; /* wrong type of interrupt, but it will do for the moment */
case TLBModification:
case TLBLoad:
case TLBStore:
case AddressLoad:
case AddressStore:
case InstructionFetch:
case DataReference:
*sigrc = SIGBUS;
case ReservedInstruction:
case CoProcessorUnusable:
*sigrc = SIGILL;
case IntegerOverflow:
case FPE:
*sigrc = SIGFPE;
case Trap:
case Watch:
case SystemCall:
case BreakPoint:
*sigrc = SIGTRAP;
default : /* Unknown internal exception */
*sigrc = SIGQUIT;
} else if (state & simEXIT) {
printf("DBG: simEXIT (%d)\n",rcexit);
*reason = sim_exited;
*sigrc = rcexit;
} else { /* assume single-stepping */
*reason = sim_stopped;
*sigrc = SIGTRAP;
state &= ~(simEXCEPTION | simEXIT);
sim_info (verbose)
int verbose;
/* Accessed from the GDB "info files" command: */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"MIPS %d-bit simulator\n",(PROCESSOR_64BIT ? 64 : 32));
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"%s endian memory model\n",(BigEndianMem ? "Big" : "Little"));
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"0x%08X bytes of memory at 0x%08X%08X\n",(unsigned int)membank_size,(unsigned int)(membank_base>>32),(unsigned int)(membank_base&0xFFFFFFFF));
#if !defined(FASTSIM)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Instruction fetches = %d\n",instruction_fetches);
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Pipeline ticks = %d\n",pipeline_ticks);
/* It would be a useful feature, if when performing multi-cycle
simulations (rather than single-stepping) we keep the start and
end times of the execution, so that we can give a performance
figure for the simulator. */
#endif /* !FASTSIM */
/* print information pertaining to MIPS ISA and architecture being simulated */
/* things that may be interesting */
/* instructions executed - if available */
/* cycles executed - if available */
/* pipeline stalls - if available */
/* virtual time taken */
/* profiling size */
/* profiling frequency */
/* profile minpc */
/* profile maxpc */
sim_load (prog,from_tty)
char *prog;
int from_tty;
/* Return non-zero if the caller should handle the load. Zero if
we have loaded the image. */
sim_create_inferior (start_address,argv,env)
SIM_ADDR start_address;
char **argv;
char **env;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: sim_create_inferior entered: start_address = 0x%08X\n",start_address);
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* Prepare to execute the program to be simulated */
/* argv and env are NULL terminated lists of pointers */
#if 1
PC = (unsigned long long)start_address;
/* TODO: Sort this properly. SIM_ADDR may already be a 64bit value: */
PC = SIGNEXTEND(start_address,32);
/* NOTE: GDB normally sets the PC explicitly. However, this call is
used by other clients of the simulator. */
if (argv || env) {
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"sim_create_inferior() : passed arguments ignored\n");
#if 1 /* def DEBUG */
char **cptr;
for (cptr = argv; (cptr && *cptr); cptr++)
printf("DBG: arg \"%s\"\n",*cptr);
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* We should really place the argv slot values into the argument
registers, and onto the stack as required. However, this
assumes that we have a stack defined, which is not necessarily
true at the moment. */
sim_kill ()
#if 1
/* This routine should be for terminating any existing simulation
thread. Since we are single-threaded only at the moment, this is
not an issue. It should *NOT* be used to terminate the
simulator. */
#else /* do *NOT* call sim_close */
sim_close(1); /* Do not hang on errors */
/* This would also be the point where any memory mapped areas used
by the simulator should be released. */
sim_get_quit_code ()
/* The standard MIPS PCS (Procedure Calling Standard) uses V0(r2) as
the function return value. However, it may be more correct for
this to return the argument to the exit() function (if
called). */
sim_set_callbacks (p)
host_callback *p;
callback = p;
typedef enum {e_terminate,e_help,e_setmemsize,e_reset} e_cmds;
static struct t_sim_command {
e_cmds id;
const char *name;
const char *help;
} sim_commands[] = {
{e_help, "help", ": Show MIPS simulator private commands"},
{e_setmemsize,"set-memory-size","<n> : Specify amount of memory simulated"},
{e_reset, "reset-system", ": Reset the simulated processor"},
{e_terminate, NULL}
sim_do_command (cmd)
char *cmd;
struct t_sim_command *cptr;
if (!(cmd && *cmd != '\0'))
cmd = "help";
/* NOTE: Accessed from the GDB "sim" commmand: */
for (cptr = sim_commands; cptr && cptr->name; cptr++)
if (strncmp(cmd,cptr->name,strlen(cptr->name)) == 0) {
cmd += strlen(cptr->name);
switch (cptr->id) {
case e_help: /* no arguments */
{ /* no arguments */
struct t_sim_command *lptr;
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"List of MIPS simulator commands:\n");
for (lptr = sim_commands; lptr->name; lptr++)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"%s %s\n",lptr->name,lptr->help);
case e_setmemsize: /* memory size argument */
unsigned int newsize = (unsigned int)getnum(cmd);
case e_reset: /* no arguments */
/* NOTE: See the comments in sim_open() relating to device
initialisation. */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"FATAL: Matched \"%s\", but failed to match command id %d.\n",cmd,cptr->id);
if (!(cptr->name))
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Error: \"%s\" is not a valid MIPS simulator command.\n",cmd);
/* NOTE: The following routines do not seem to be used by GDB at the
moment. However, they may be useful to the standalone simulator
world. */
/* The profiling format is described in the "gmon_out.h" header file */
sim_set_profile (n)
int n;
#if defined(PROFILE)
profile_frequency = n;
state |= simPROFILE;
#endif /* PROFILE */
sim_set_profile_size (n)
int n;
#if defined(PROFILE)
if (state & simPROFILE) {
int bsize;
/* Since we KNOW that the memory banks are a power-of-2 in size: */
profile_nsamples = power2(n);
profile_minpc = membank_base;
profile_maxpc = (membank_base + membank_size);
/* Just in-case we are sampling every address: NOTE: The shift
right of 2 is because we only have word-aligned PC addresses. */
if (profile_nsamples > (membank_size >> 2))
profile_nsamples = (membank_size >> 2);
/* Since we are dealing with power-of-2 values: */
profile_shift = (((membank_size >> 2) / profile_nsamples) - 1);
bsize = (profile_nsamples * sizeof(unsigned short));
if (profile_hist == NULL)
profile_hist = (unsigned short *)calloc(64,(bsize / 64));
profile_hist = (unsigned short *)realloc(profile_hist,bsize);
if (profile_hist == NULL) {
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Failed to allocate VM for profiling buffer (0x%08X bytes)\n",bsize);
state &= ~simPROFILE;
#endif /* PROFILE */
unsigned int newsize;
char *new;
/* Used by "run", and internally, to set the simulated memory size */
newsize = power2(newsize);
if (membank == NULL)
new = (char *)calloc(64,(membank_size / 64));
new = (char *)realloc(membank,newsize);
if (new == NULL) {
if (membank == NULL)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Not enough VM for simulation memory of 0x%08X bytes\n",membank_size);
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Failed to resize memory (still 0x%08X bytes)\n",membank_size);
} else {
membank_size = (unsigned)newsize;
membank = new;
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Memory size now 0x%08X bytes\n",membank_size);
#if defined(PROFILE)
/* Ensure that we sample across the new memory range */
#endif /* PROFILE */
/* This routine is called by the "run" program, when detailed
execution information is required. Rather than executing a single
instruction, and looping around externally... we just start
simulating, returning TRUE when the simulator stops (for whatever
reason). */
#if defined(TRACE)
/* Ensure tracing is enabled, if available */
if (tracefh != NULL)
state |= simTRACE;
#endif /* TRACE */
state &= ~(simSTOP | simSTEP); /* execute until event */
state |= (simHALTEX | simHALTIN); /* treat interrupt event as exception */
/* Start executing instructions from the current state (set
explicitly by register updates, or by sim_create_inferior): */
/*-- Private simulator support interface ------------------------------------*/
static void
unsigned int reason;
/* The IDT monitor actually allows two instructions per vector
slot. However, the simulator currently causes a trap on each
individual instruction. We cheat, and lose the bottom bit. */
reason >>= 1;
/* The following callback functions are available, however the
monitor we are simulating does not make use of them: get_errno,
isatty, lseek, rename, system, time and unlink */
switch (reason) {
case 6: /* int open(char *path,int flags) */
const char *ptr;
unsigned long long paddr;
int cca;
if (AddressTranslation(A0,isDATA,isLOAD,&paddr,&cca,isHOST,isREAL))
V0 = callback->open(callback,(char *)((int)paddr),(int)A1);
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"WARNING: Attempt to pass pointer that does not reference simulated memory\n");
case 7: /* int read(int file,char *ptr,int len) */
const char *ptr;
unsigned long long paddr;
int cca;
if (AddressTranslation(A1,isDATA,isLOAD,&paddr,&cca,isHOST,isREAL))
V0 = callback->read(callback,(int)A0,(char *)((int)paddr),(int)A2);
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"WARNING: Attempt to pass pointer that does not reference simulated memory\n");
case 8: /* int write(int file,char *ptr,int len) */
const char *ptr;
unsigned long long paddr;
int cca;
if (AddressTranslation(A1,isDATA,isLOAD,&paddr,&cca,isHOST,isREAL))
V0 = callback->write(callback,(int)A0,(const char *)((int)paddr),(int)A2);
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"WARNING: Attempt to pass pointer that does not reference simulated memory\n");
case 10: /* int close(int file) */
V0 = callback->close(callback,(int)A0);
case 11: /* char inbyte(void) */
char tmp;
if (callback->read_stdin(callback,&tmp,sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char)) {
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"WARNING: Invalid return from character read\n");
V0 = -1;
V0 = tmp;
case 12: /* void outbyte(char chr) : write a byte to "stdout" */
char tmp = (char)(A0 & 0xFF);
case 17: /* void _exit() */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"sim_monitor(17): _exit(int reason) to be coded\n");
state |= (simSTOP | simEXIT); /* stop executing code */
rcexit = (unsigned int)(A0 & 0xFFFFFFFF);
case 55: /* void get_mem_info(unsigned int *ptr) */
/* in: A0 = pointer to three word memory location */
/* out: [A0 + 0] = size */
/* [A0 + 4] = instruction cache size */
/* [A0 + 8] = data cache size */
unsigned long long vaddr = A0;
unsigned long long paddr, value;
int cca;
int failed = 0;
/* NOTE: We use RAW memory writes here, but since we are not
gathering statistics for the monitor calls we are simulating,
it is not an issue. */
/* Memory size */
if (AddressTranslation(vaddr,isDATA,isSTORE,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isREAL)) {
value = (unsigned long long)membank_size;
/* We re-do the address translations, in-case the block
overlaps a memory boundary: */
value = 0;
vaddr += (AccessLength_WORD + 1);
if (AddressTranslation(vaddr,isDATA,isSTORE,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isREAL)) {
vaddr += (AccessLength_WORD + 1);
if (AddressTranslation(vaddr,isDATA,isSTORE,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isREAL))
failed = -1;
} else
failed = -1;
} else
failed = -1;
if (failed)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"WARNING: Invalid pointer passed into monitor call\n");
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"TODO: sim_monitor(%d) : PC = 0x%08X%08X\n",reason,(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"(Arguments : A0 = 0x%08X%08X : A1 = 0x%08X%08X : A2 = 0x%08X%08X : A3 = 0x%08X%08X)\n",(unsigned int)(A0>>32),(unsigned int)(A0&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(A1>>32),(unsigned int)(A1&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(A2>>32),(unsigned int)(A2&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(A3>>32),(unsigned int)(A3&0xFFFFFFFF));
char *fmt;
va_list ap;
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Error: ");
static unsigned int
unsigned int value;
int loop,tmp;
/* Round *UP* to the nearest power-of-2 if not already one */
if (value != (value & ~(value - 1))) {
for (tmp = value, loop = 0; (tmp != 0); loop++)
tmp >>= 1;
value = (1 << loop);
static long
char *value;
long num;
char *end;
num = strtol(value,&end,10);
if (end == value)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: Invalid number \"%s\" ignored, using zero\n",value);
else {
if (*end && ((tolower(*end) == 'k') || (tolower(*end) == 'm'))) {
if (tolower(*end) == 'k')
num *= (1 << 10);
num *= (1 << 20);
if (*end)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: Spurious characters \"%s\" at end of number ignored\n",end);
/*-- trace support ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* The TRACE support is provided (if required) in the memory accessing
routines. Since we are also providing the architecture specific
features, the architecture simulation code can also deal with
notifying the TRACE world of cache flushes, etc. Similarly we do
not need to provide profiling support in the simulator engine,
since we can sample in the instruction fetch control loop. By
defining the TRACE manifest, we add tracing as a run-time
option. */
#if defined(TRACE)
/* Tracing by default produces "din" format (as required by
dineroIII). Each line of such a trace file *MUST* have a din label
and address field. The rest of the line is ignored, so comments can
be included if desired. The first field is the label which must be
one of the following values:
0 read data
1 write data
2 instruction fetch
3 escape record (treated as unknown access type)
4 escape record (causes cache flush)
The address field is a 32bit (lower-case) hexadecimal address
value. The address should *NOT* be preceded by "0x".
The size of the memory transfer is not important when dealing with
cache lines (as long as no more than a cache line can be
transferred in a single operation :-), however more information
could be given following the dineroIII requirement to allow more
complete memory and cache simulators to provide better
results. i.e. the University of Pisa has a cache simulator that can
also take bus size and speed as (variable) inputs to calculate
complete system performance (a much more useful ability when trying
to construct an end product, rather than a processor). They
currently have an ARM version of their tool called ChARM. */
void dotrace(tracefh,type,address,width,comment)
FILE *tracefh;
int type;
unsigned int address;
int width;
char *comment;
if (state & simTRACE) {
va_list ap;
fprintf(tracefh,"%d %08x ; width %d ; ",type,address,width);
/* NOTE: Since the "din" format will only accept 32bit addresses, and
we may be generating 64bit ones, we should put the hi-32bits of the
address into the comment field. */
/* TODO: Provide a buffer for the trace lines. We can then avoid
performing writes until the buffer is filled, or the file is
being closed. */
/* NOTE: We could consider adding a comment field to the "din" file
produced using type 3 markers (unknown access). This would then
allow information about the program that the "din" is for, and
the MIPs world that was being simulated, to be placed into the
trace file. */
#endif /* TRACE */
/*-- simulator engine -------------------------------------------------------*/
static void
/* RESET: Fixed PC address: */
PC = (((unsigned long long)0xFFFFFFFF<<32) | 0xBFC00000);
/* The reset vector address is in the unmapped, uncached memory space. */
SR &= ~(status_SR | status_TS | status_RP);
SR |= (status_ERL | status_BEV);
/* VR4300 starts in Big-Endian mode */
CONFIG &= ~(config_EP_mask << config_EP_shift);
CONFIG |= ((config_EP_D << config_EP_shift) | config_BE);
/* TODO: The VR4300 CONFIG register is not modelled fully at the moment */
#if defined(HASFPU) && (GPRLEN == (64))
/* Cheat and allow access to the complete register set immediately: */
SR |= status_FR; /* 64bit registers */
#endif /* HASFPU and 64bit FP registers */
/* Ensure that any instructions with pending register updates are
cleared: */
int loop;
for (loop = 0; (loop < PSLOTS); loop++)
pending_slot_reg[loop] = (LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1);
pending_in = pending_out = pending_total = 0;
#if defined(HASFPU)
/* Initialise the FPU registers to the unknown state */
int rn;
for (rn = 0; (rn < 32); rn++)
fpr_state[rn] = fmt_uninterpreted;
#endif /* HASFPU */
/* Description from page A-22 of the "MIPS IV Instruction Set" manual (revision 3.1) */
/* Translate a virtual address to a physical address and cache
coherence algorithm describing the mechanism used to resolve the
memory reference. Given the virtual address vAddr, and whether the
reference is to Instructions ot Data (IorD), find the corresponding
physical address (pAddr) and the cache coherence algorithm (CCA)
used to resolve the reference. If the virtual address is in one of
the unmapped address spaces the physical address and the CCA are
determined directly by the virtual address. If the virtual address
is in one of the mapped address spaces then the TLB is used to
determine the physical address and access type; if the required
translation is not present in the TLB or the desired access is not
permitted the function fails and an exception is taken.
NOTE: This function is extended to return an exception state. This,
along with the exception generation is used to notify whether a
valid address translation occured */
static int
unsigned long long vAddr;
int IorD;
int LorS;
unsigned long long *pAddr;
int *CCA;
int host;
int raw;
int res = -1; /* TRUE : Assume good return */
#ifdef DEBUG
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"AddressTranslation(0x%08X%08X,%s,%s,...);\n",(unsigned int)(vAddr >> 32),(unsigned int)(vAddr & 0xFFFFFFFF),(IorD ? "isDATA" : "isINSTRUCTION"),(LorS ? "iSTORE" : "isLOAD"));
/* Check that the address is valid for this memory model */
/* For a simple (flat) memory model, we simply pass virtual
addressess through (mostly) unchanged. */
vAddr &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
*pAddr = vAddr; /* default for isTARGET */
*CCA = Uncached; /* not used for isHOST */
/* NOTE: This is a duplicate of the code that appears in the
LoadMemory and StoreMemory functions. They should be merged into
a single function (that can be in-lined if required). */
if ((vAddr >= membank_base) && (vAddr < (membank_base + membank_size))) {
if (host)
*pAddr = (int)&membank[((unsigned int)(vAddr - membank_base) & (membank_size - 1))];
} else if ((vAddr >= monitor_base) && (vAddr < (monitor_base + monitor_size))) {
if (host)
*pAddr = (int)&monitor[((unsigned int)(vAddr - monitor_base) & (monitor_size - 1))];
} else {
#if 1 /* def DEBUG */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Failed: AddressTranslation(0x%08X%08X,%s,%s,...);\n",(unsigned int)(vAddr >> 32),(unsigned int)(vAddr & 0xFFFFFFFF),(IorD ? "isDATA" : "isINSTRUCTION"),(LorS ? "isSTORE" : "isLOAD"));
#endif /* DEBUG */
res = 0; /* AddressTranslation has failed */
*pAddr = -1;
if (!raw) /* only generate exceptions on real memory transfers */
SignalException((LorS == isSTORE) ? AddressStore : AddressLoad);
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"AddressTranslation for %s %s from 0x%08X%08X failed\n",(IorD ? "data" : "instruction"),(LorS ? "store" : "load"),(unsigned int)(vAddr>>32),(unsigned int)(vAddr&0xFFFFFFFF));
/* Description from page A-23 of the "MIPS IV Instruction Set" manual (revision 3.1) */
/* Prefetch data from memory. Prefetch is an advisory instruction for
which an implementation specific action is taken. The action taken
may increase performance, but must not change the meaning of the
program, or alter architecturally-visible state. */
static void
int CCA;
unsigned long long pAddr;
unsigned long long vAddr;
int DATA;
int hint;
#ifdef DEBUG
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Prefetch(%d,0x%08X%08X,0x%08X%08X,%d,%d);\n",CCA,(unsigned int)(pAddr >> 32),(unsigned int)(pAddr & 0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(vAddr >> 32),(unsigned int)(vAddr & 0xFFFFFFFF),DATA,hint);
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* For our simple memory model we do nothing */
/* Description from page A-22 of the "MIPS IV Instruction Set" manual (revision 3.1) */
/* Load a value from memory. Use the cache and main memory as
specified in the Cache Coherence Algorithm (CCA) and the sort of
access (IorD) to find the contents of AccessLength memory bytes
starting at physical location pAddr. The data is returned in the
fixed width naturally-aligned memory element (MemElem). The
low-order two (or three) bits of the address and the AccessLength
indicate which of the bytes within MemElem needs to be given to the
processor. If the memory access type of the reference is uncached
then only the referenced bytes are read from memory and valid
within the memory element. If the access type is cached, and the
data is not present in cache, an implementation specific size and
alignment block of memory is read and loaded into the cache to
satisfy a load reference. At a minimum, the block is the entire
memory element. */
static unsigned long long
int CCA;
int AccessLength;
unsigned long long pAddr;
unsigned long long vAddr;
int IorD;
int raw;
unsigned long long value;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (membank == NULL)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"DBG: LoadMemory(%d,%d,0x%08X%08X,0x%08X%08X,%s,%s)\n",CCA,AccessLength,(unsigned int)(pAddr >> 32),(unsigned int)(pAddr & 0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(vAddr >> 32),(unsigned int)(vAddr & 0xFFFFFFFF),(IorD ? "isDATA" : "isINSTRUCTION"),(raw ? "isRAW" : "isREAL"));
#endif /* DEBUG */
#if defined(WARN_MEM)
if (CCA != uncached)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Warning: LoadMemory CCA (%d) is not uncached (currently all accesses treated as cached)\n",CCA);
if (((pAddr & LOADDRMASK) + AccessLength) > LOADDRMASK) {
/* In reality this should be a Bus Error */
sim_error("AccessLength of %d would extend over 64bit aligned boundary for physical address 0x%08X%08X\n",AccessLength,(unsigned int)(pAddr>>32),(unsigned int)(pAddr&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* WARN_MEM */
/* Decide which physical memory locations are being dealt with. At
this point we should be able to split the pAddr bits into the
relevant address map being simulated. If the "raw" variable is
set, the memory read being performed should *NOT* update any I/O
state or affect the CPU state. This also includes avoiding
affecting statistics gathering. */
/* If instruction fetch then we need to check that the two lo-order
bits are zero, otherwise raise a InstructionFetch exception: */
if ((IorD == isINSTRUCTION) && ((pAddr & 0x3) != 0))
else {
unsigned int index;
unsigned char *mem = NULL;
/* TODO: #assert (isRAW) - check that our boolean is the correct way around */
#if defined(TRACE)
if (!raw)
dotrace(tracefh,((IorD == isDATA) ? 0 : 2),(unsigned int)(pAddr&0xFFFFFFFF),(AccessLength + 1),"load%s",((IorD == isDATA) ? "" : " instruction"));
#endif /* TRACE */
/* NOTE: Quicker methods of decoding the address space can be used
when a real memory map is being simulated (i.e. using hi-order
address bits to select device). */
if ((pAddr >= membank_base) && (pAddr < (membank_base + membank_size))) {
index = ((unsigned int)(pAddr - membank_base) & (membank_size - 1));
mem = membank;
} else if ((pAddr >= monitor_base) && (pAddr < (monitor_base + monitor_size))) {
index = ((unsigned int)(pAddr - monitor_base) & (monitor_size - 1));
mem = monitor;
if (mem == NULL)
sim_error("Simulator memory not found for physical address 0x%08X%08X\n",(unsigned int)(pAddr>>32),(unsigned int)(pAddr&0xFFFFFFFF));
else {
/* If we obtained the endianness of the host, and it is the same
as the target memory system we can optimise the memory
accesses. However, without that information we must perform
slow transfer, and hope that the compiler optimisation will
merge successive loads. */
value = 0; /* no data loaded yet */
/* In reality we should always be loading a doubleword value (or
word value in 32bit memory worlds). The external code then
extracts the required bytes. However, to keep performance
high we only load the required bytes into the relevant
slots. */
if (BigEndianMem)
switch (AccessLength) { /* big-endian memory */
case AccessLength_DOUBLEWORD :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[index++] << 56);
case AccessLength_SEPTIBYTE :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[index++] << 48);
case AccessLength_SEXTIBYTE :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[index++] << 40);
case AccessLength_QUINTIBYTE :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[index++] << 32);
case AccessLength_WORD :
value |= ((unsigned int)mem[index++] << 24);
case AccessLength_TRIPLEBYTE :
value |= ((unsigned int)mem[index++] << 16);
case AccessLength_HALFWORD :
value |= ((unsigned int)mem[index++] << 8);
case AccessLength_BYTE :
value |= mem[index];
else {
index += (AccessLength + 1);
switch (AccessLength) { /* little-endian memory */
case AccessLength_DOUBLEWORD :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[--index] << 56);
case AccessLength_SEPTIBYTE :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[--index] << 48);
case AccessLength_SEXTIBYTE :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[--index] << 40);
case AccessLength_QUINTIBYTE :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[--index] << 32);
case AccessLength_WORD :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[--index] << 24);
case AccessLength_TRIPLEBYTE :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[--index] << 16);
case AccessLength_HALFWORD :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[--index] << 8);
case AccessLength_BYTE :
value |= ((unsigned long long)mem[--index] << 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: LoadMemory() : (offset %d) : value = 0x%08X%08X\n",(int)(pAddr & LOADDRMASK),(unsigned int)(value>>32),(unsigned int)(value&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: We could try and avoid the shifts when dealing with raw
memory accesses. This would mean updating the LoadMemory and
StoreMemory routines to avoid shifting the data before
returning or using it. */
if (!raw) { /* do nothing for raw accessess */
if (BigEndianMem)
value <<= (((7 - (pAddr & LOADDRMASK)) - AccessLength) * 8);
else /* little-endian only needs to be shifted up to the correct byte offset */
value <<= ((pAddr & LOADDRMASK) * 8);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: LoadMemory() : shifted value = 0x%08X%08X\n",(unsigned int)(value>>32),(unsigned int)(value&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif DEBUG
/* Description from page A-23 of the "MIPS IV Instruction Set" manual (revision 3.1) */
/* Store a value to memory. The specified data is stored into the
physical location pAddr using the memory hierarchy (data caches and
main memory) as specified by the Cache Coherence Algorithm
(CCA). The MemElem contains the data for an aligned, fixed-width
memory element (word for 32-bit processors, doubleword for 64-bit
processors), though only the bytes that will actually be stored to
memory need to be valid. The low-order two (or three) bits of pAddr
and the AccessLength field indicates which of the bytes within the
MemElem data should actually be stored; only these bytes in memory
will be changed. */
static void
int CCA;
int AccessLength;
unsigned long long MemElem;
unsigned long long pAddr;
unsigned long long vAddr;
int raw;
#ifdef DEBUG
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"DBG: StoreMemory(%d,%d,0x%08X%08X,0x%08X%08X,0x%08X%08X,%s)\n",CCA,AccessLength,(unsigned int)(MemElem >> 32),(unsigned int)(MemElem & 0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(pAddr >> 32),(unsigned int)(pAddr & 0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(vAddr >> 32),(unsigned int)(vAddr & 0xFFFFFFFF),(raw ? "isRAW" : "isREAL"));
#endif /* DEBUG */
#if defined(WARN_MEM)
if (CCA != uncached)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Warning: StoreMemory CCA (%d) is not uncached (currently all accesses treated as cached)\n",CCA);
if (((pAddr & LOADDRMASK) + AccessLength) > LOADDRMASK)
sim_error("AccessLength of %d would extend over 64bit aligned boundary for physical address 0x%08X%08X\n",AccessLength,(unsigned int)(pAddr>>32),(unsigned int)(pAddr&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* WARN_MEM */
#if defined(TRACE)
if (!raw)
dotrace(tracefh,1,(unsigned int)(pAddr&0xFFFFFFFF),(AccessLength + 1),"store");
#endif /* TRACE */
/* See the comments in the LoadMemory routine about optimising
memory accesses. Also if we wanted to make the simulator smaller,
we could merge a lot of this code with the LoadMemory
routine. However, this would slow the simulator down with
run-time conditionals. */
unsigned int index;
unsigned char *mem = NULL;
if ((pAddr >= membank_base) && (pAddr < (membank_base + membank_size))) {
index = ((unsigned int)(pAddr - membank_base) & (membank_size - 1));
mem = membank;
} else if ((pAddr >= monitor_base) && (pAddr < (monitor_base + monitor_size))) {
index = ((unsigned int)(pAddr - monitor_base) & (monitor_size - 1));
mem = monitor;
if (mem == NULL)
sim_error("Simulator memory not found for physical address 0x%08X%08X\n",(unsigned int)(pAddr>>32),(unsigned int)(pAddr&0xFFFFFFFF));
else {
int shift = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: StoreMemory: offset = %d MemElem = 0x%08X%08X\n",(unsigned int)(pAddr & LOADDRMASK),(unsigned int)(MemElem>>32),(unsigned int)(MemElem&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (BigEndianMem) {
if (raw)
shift = ((7 - AccessLength) * 8);
else /* real memory access */
shift = ((pAddr & LOADDRMASK) * 8);
MemElem <<= shift;
} else {
/* no need to shift raw little-endian data */
if (!raw)
MemElem >>= ((pAddr & LOADDRMASK) * 8);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: StoreMemory: shift = %d MemElem = 0x%08X%08X\n",shift,(unsigned int)(MemElem>>32),(unsigned int)(MemElem&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (BigEndianMem) {
switch (AccessLength) { /* big-endian memory */
case AccessLength_DOUBLEWORD :
mem[index++] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 56);
MemElem <<= 8;
case AccessLength_SEPTIBYTE :
mem[index++] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 56);
MemElem <<= 8;
case AccessLength_SEXTIBYTE :
mem[index++] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 56);
MemElem <<= 8;
case AccessLength_QUINTIBYTE :
mem[index++] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 56);
MemElem <<= 8;
case AccessLength_WORD :
mem[index++] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 56);
MemElem <<= 8;
case AccessLength_TRIPLEBYTE :
mem[index++] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 56);
MemElem <<= 8;
case AccessLength_HALFWORD :
mem[index++] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 56);
MemElem <<= 8;
case AccessLength_BYTE :
mem[index++] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 56);
} else {
index += (AccessLength + 1);
switch (AccessLength) { /* little-endian memory */
case AccessLength_DOUBLEWORD :
mem[--index] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 56);
case AccessLength_SEPTIBYTE :
mem[--index] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 48);
case AccessLength_SEXTIBYTE :
mem[--index] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 40);
case AccessLength_QUINTIBYTE :
mem[--index] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 32);
case AccessLength_WORD :
mem[--index] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 24);
case AccessLength_TRIPLEBYTE :
mem[--index] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 16);
case AccessLength_HALFWORD :
mem[--index] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 8);
case AccessLength_BYTE :
mem[--index] = (unsigned char)(MemElem >> 0);
/* Description from page A-26 of the "MIPS IV Instruction Set" manual (revision 3.1) */
/* Order loads and stores to synchronise shared memory. Perform the
action necessary to make the effects of groups of synchronizable
loads and stores indicated by stype occur in the same order for all
processors. */
static void
int stype;
#ifdef DEBUG
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SyncOperation(%d) : TODO\n",stype);
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* Description from page A-26 of the "MIPS IV Instruction Set" manual (revision 3.1) */
/* Signal an exception condition. This will result in an exception
that aborts the instruction. The instruction operation pseudocode
will never see a return from this function call. */
static void
int exception;
/* Ensure that any active atomic read/modify/write operation will fail: */
LLBIT = 0;
switch (exception) {
/* TODO: For testing purposes I have been ignoring TRAPs. In
reality we should either simulate them, or allow the user to
ignore them at run-time. */
case Trap :
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Ignoring instruction TRAP (PC 0x%08X%08X)\n",(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
case ReservedInstruction :
va_list ap;
unsigned int instruction;
instruction = va_arg(ap,unsigned int);
/* Provide simple monitor support using ReservedInstruction
exceptions. The following code simulates the fixed vector
entry points into the IDT monitor by causing a simulator
trap, performing the monitor operation, and returning to
the address held in the $ra register (standard PCS return
address). This means we only need to pre-load the vector
space with suitable instruction values. For systems were
actual trap instructions are used, we would not need to
perform this magic. */
sim_monitor(instruction & RSVD_INSTRUCTION_AMASK);
PC = RA; /* simulate the return from the vector entry */
/* NOTE: This assumes that a branch-and-link style
instruction was used to enter the vector (which is the
case with the current IDT monitor). */
break; /* out of the switch statement */
} /* else fall through to normal exception processing */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"DBG: ReservedInstruction 0x%08X at IPC = 0x%08X%08X\n",instruction,(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
#if 1 /* def DEBUG */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"DBG: SignalException(%d) IPC = 0x%08X%08X\n",exception,(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* Store exception code into current exception id variable (used
by exit code): */
/* TODO: If not simulating exceptions then stop the simulator
execution. At the moment we always stop the simulation. */
state |= (simSTOP | simEXCEPTION);
CAUSE = (exception << 2);
if (state & simDELAYSLOT) {
CAUSE |= cause_BD;
EPC = (IPC - 4); /* reference the branch instruction */
} else
/* The following is so that the simulator will continue from the
exception address on breakpoint operations. */
case SimulatorFault:
va_list ap;
char *msg;
msg = va_arg(ap,char *);
fprintf(stderr,"FATAL: Simulator error \"%s\"\n",msg);
#if defined(WARN_RESULT)
/* Description from page A-26 of the "MIPS IV Instruction Set" manual (revision 3.1) */
/* This function indicates that the result of the operation is
undefined. However, this should not affect the instruction
stream. All that is meant to happen is that the destination
register is set to an undefined result. To keep the simulator
simple, we just don't bother updating the destination register, so
the overall result will be undefined. If desired we can stop the
simulator by raising a pseudo-exception. */
static void
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"UndefinedResult: IPC = 0x%08X%08X\n",(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
#if 0 /* Disabled for the moment, since it actually happens a lot at the moment. */
state |= simSTOP;
#endif /* WARN_RESULT */
static void
int op;
unsigned long long pAddr;
unsigned long long vAddr;
unsigned int instruction;
/* If CP0 is not useable (User or Supervisor mode) and the CP0
enable bit in the Status Register is clear - a coprocessor
unusable exception is taken. */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"TODO: Cache availability checking (PC = 0x%08X%08X)\n",(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
switch (op & 0x3) {
case 0: /* instruction cache */
switch (op >> 2) {
case 0: /* Index Invalidate */
case 1: /* Index Load Tag */
case 2: /* Index Store Tag */
case 4: /* Hit Invalidate */
case 5: /* Fill */
case 6: /* Hit Writeback */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Warning: Instruction CACHE operation %d to be coded\n",(op >> 2));
case 1: /* data cache */
switch (op >> 2) {
case 0: /* Index Writeback Invalidate */
case 1: /* Index Load Tag */
case 2: /* Index Store Tag */
case 3: /* Create Dirty */
case 4: /* Hit Invalidate */
case 5: /* Hit Writeback Invalidate */
case 6: /* Hit Writeback */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Warning: Data CACHE operation %d to be coded\n",(op >> 2));
default: /* unrecognised cache ID */
/*-- FPU support routines ---------------------------------------------------*/
#if defined(HASFPU) /* Only needed when building FPU aware simulators */
#if 1
#define SizeFGR() (GPRLEN)
/* They depend on the CPU being simulated */
#define SizeFGR() ((PROCESSOR_64BIT && ((SR & status_FR) == 1)) ? 64 : 32)
/* Numbers are held in normalized form. The SINGLE and DOUBLE binary
formats conform to ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985. */
/* SINGLE precision floating:
* seeeeeeeefffffffffffffffffffffff
* s = 1bit = sign
* e = 8bits = exponent
* f = 23bits = fraction
/* SINGLE precision fixed:
* siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
* s = 1bit = sign
* i = 31bits = integer
/* DOUBLE precision floating:
* seeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
* s = 1bit = sign
* e = 11bits = exponent
* f = 52bits = fraction
/* DOUBLE precision fixed:
* siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
* s = 1bit = sign
* i = 63bits = integer
/* Extract sign-bit: */
#define FP_S_s(v) (((v) & ((unsigned)1 << 31)) ? 1 : 0)
#define FP_D_s(v) (((v) & ((unsigned long long)1 << 63)) ? 1 : 0)
/* Extract biased exponent: */
#define FP_S_be(v) (((v) >> 23) & 0xFF)
#define FP_D_be(v) (((v) >> 52) & 0x7FF)
/* Extract unbiased Exponent: */
#define FP_S_e(v) (FP_S_be(v) - 0x7F)
#define FP_D_e(v) (FP_D_be(v) - 0x3FF)
/* Extract complete fraction field: */
#define FP_S_f(v) ((v) & ~((unsigned)0x1FF << 23))
#define FP_D_f(v) ((v) & ~((unsigned long long)0xFFF << 52))
/* Extract numbered fraction bit: */
#define FP_S_fb(b,v) (((v) & (1 << (23 - (b)))) ? 1 : 0)
#define FP_D_fb(b,v) (((v) & (1 << (52 - (b)))) ? 1 : 0)
/* Explicit QNaN values used when value required: */
#define FPQNaN_WORD (0x7FFFFFFF)
#define FPQNaN_DOUBLE (((unsigned long long)0x7FF7FFFF << 32) | 0xFFFFFFFF)
#define FPQNaN_LONG (((unsigned long long)0x7FFFFFFF << 32) | 0xFFFFFFFF)
/* Explicit Infinity values used when required: */
#define FPINF_SINGLE (0x7F800000)
#define FPINF_DOUBLE (((unsigned long long)0x7FF00000 << 32) | 0x00000000)
#if 1 /* def DEBUG */
#define RMMODE(v) (((v) == FP_RM_NEAREST) ? "Round" : (((v) == FP_RM_TOZERO) ? "Trunc" : (((v) == FP_RM_TOPINF) ? "Ceil" : "Floor")))
#define DOFMT(v) (((v) == fmt_single) ? "single" : (((v) == fmt_double) ? "double" : (((v) == fmt_word) ? "word" : (((v) == fmt_long) ? "long" : (((v) == fmt_unknown) ? "<unknown>" : (((v) == fmt_uninterpreted) ? "<uninterpreted>" : "<format error>"))))))
#endif /* DEBUG */
static unsigned long long
int fpr;
FP_formats fmt;
unsigned long long value;
int err = 0;
/* Treat unused register values, as fixed-point 64bit values: */
if ((fmt == fmt_uninterpreted) || (fmt == fmt_unknown))
#if 1
/* If request to read data as "uninterpreted", then use the current
encoding: */
fmt = fpr_state[fpr];
fmt = fmt_long;
/* For values not yet accessed, set to the desired format: */
if (fpr_state[fpr] == fmt_uninterpreted) {
fpr_state[fpr] = fmt;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Register %d was fmt_uninterpreted. Now %s\n",fpr,DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (fmt != fpr_state[fpr]) {
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: FPR %d (format %s) being accessed with format %s - setting to unknown (PC = 0x%08X%08X)\n",fpr,DOFMT(fpr_state[fpr]),DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
fpr_state[fpr] = fmt_unknown;
if (fpr_state[fpr] == fmt_unknown) {
/* Set QNaN value: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
value = FPQNaN_SINGLE;
case fmt_double:
value = FPQNaN_DOUBLE;
case fmt_word:
value = FPQNaN_WORD;
case fmt_long:
value = FPQNaN_LONG;
err = -1;
} else if (SizeFGR() == 64) {
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
case fmt_word:
value = (FGR[fpr] & 0xFFFFFFFF);
case fmt_uninterpreted:
case fmt_double:
case fmt_long:
value = FGR[fpr];
default :
err = -1;
} else if ((fpr & 1) == 0) { /* even registers only */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
case fmt_word:
value = (FGR[fpr] & 0xFFFFFFFF);
case fmt_uninterpreted:
case fmt_double:
case fmt_long:
value = ((FGR[fpr+1] << 32) | (FGR[fpr] & 0xFFFFFFFF));
default :
err = -1;
if (err)
SignalException(SimulatorFault,"Unrecognised FP format in ValueFPR()");
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: ValueFPR: fpr = %d, fmt = %s, value = 0x%08X%08X : PC = 0x%08X%08X : SizeFGR() = %d\n",fpr,DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(value>>32),(unsigned int)(value&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF),SizeFGR());
#endif /* DEBUG */
static void
int fpr;
FP_formats fmt;
unsigned long long value;
int err = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: StoreFPR: fpr = %d, fmt = %s, value = 0x%08X%08X : PC = 0x%08X%08X : SizeFGR() = %d\n",fpr,DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(value>>32),(unsigned int)(value&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF),SizeFGR());
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (SizeFGR() == 64) {
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single :
case fmt_word :
FGR[fpr] = (((unsigned long long)0xDEADC0DE << 32) | (value & 0xFFFFFFFF));
fpr_state[fpr] = fmt;
case fmt_uninterpreted:
case fmt_double :
case fmt_long :
FGR[fpr] = value;
fpr_state[fpr] = fmt;
default :
fpr_state[fpr] = fmt_unknown;
err = -1;
} else if ((fpr & 1) == 0) { /* even register number only */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single :
case fmt_word :
FGR[fpr+1] = 0xDEADC0DE;
FGR[fpr] = (value & 0xFFFFFFFF);
fpr_state[fpr + 1] = fmt;
fpr_state[fpr] = fmt;
case fmt_uninterpreted:
case fmt_double :
case fmt_long :
FGR[fpr+1] = (value >> 32);
FGR[fpr] = (value & 0xFFFFFFFF);
fpr_state[fpr + 1] = fmt;
fpr_state[fpr] = fmt;
default :
fpr_state[fpr] = fmt_unknown;
err = -1;
} else
if (err)
SignalException(SimulatorFault,"Unrecognised FP format in StoreFPR()");
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: StoreFPR: fpr[%d] = 0x%08X%08X (format %s)\n",fpr,(unsigned int)(FGR[fpr]>>32),(unsigned int)(FGR[fpr]&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static int
unsigned long long op;
FP_formats fmt;
int boolean = 0;
/* Check if (((E - bias) == (E_max + 1)) && (fraction != 0)). We
know that the exponent field is biased... we we cheat and avoid
removing the bias value. */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
boolean = ((FP_S_be(op) == 0xFF) && (FP_S_f(op) != 0));
/* We could use "FP_S_fb(1,op)" to ascertain whether we are
dealing with a SNaN or QNaN */
case fmt_double:
boolean = ((FP_D_be(op) == 0x7FF) && (FP_D_f(op) != 0));
/* We could use "FP_S_fb(1,op)" to ascertain whether we are
dealing with a SNaN or QNaN */
case fmt_word:
boolean = (op == FPQNaN_WORD);
case fmt_long:
boolean = (op == FPQNaN_LONG);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: NaN: returning %d for 0x%08X%08X (format = %s)\n",boolean,(unsigned int)(op>>32),(unsigned int)(op&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static int
unsigned long long op;
FP_formats fmt;
int boolean = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Infinity: format %s 0x%08X%08X (PC = 0x%08X%08X)\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op>>32),(unsigned int)(op&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* Check if (((E - bias) == (E_max + 1)) && (fraction == 0)). We
know that the exponent field is biased... we we cheat and avoid
removing the bias value. */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
boolean = ((FP_S_be(op) == 0xFF) && (FP_S_f(op) == 0));
case fmt_double:
boolean = ((FP_D_be(op) == 0x7FF) && (FP_D_f(op) == 0));
printf("DBG: TODO: unrecognised format (%s) for Infinity check\n",DOFMT(fmt));
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Infinity: returning %d for 0x%08X%08X (format = %s)\n",boolean,(unsigned int)(op>>32),(unsigned int)(op&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static int
unsigned long long op1;
unsigned long long op2;
FP_formats fmt;
int boolean = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Less: %s: op1 = 0x%08X%08X : op2 = 0x%08X%08X\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op1>>32),(unsigned int)(op1&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(op2>>32),(unsigned int)(op2&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: Perform argument error checking */
/* The format type should already have been checked: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop1 = (unsigned int)op1;
unsigned int wop2 = (unsigned int)op2;
boolean = (*(float *)&wop1 < *(float *)&wop2);
case fmt_double:
boolean = (*(double *)&op1 < *(double *)&op2);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Less: returning %d (format = %s)\n",boolean,DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static int
unsigned long long op1;
unsigned long long op2;
FP_formats fmt;
int boolean = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Equal: %s: op1 = 0x%08X%08X : op2 = 0x%08X%08X\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op1>>32),(unsigned int)(op1&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(op2>>32),(unsigned int)(op2&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: Perform argument error checking */
/* The format type should already have been checked: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
boolean = ((op1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) == (op2 & 0xFFFFFFFF));
case fmt_double:
boolean = (op1 == op2);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Equal: returning %d (format = %s)\n",boolean,DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static unsigned long long
unsigned long long op;
FP_formats fmt;
unsigned long long result;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Negate: %s: op = 0x%08X%08X\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op>>32),(unsigned int)(op&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* The format type should already have been checked: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop = (unsigned int)op;
float tmp = ((float)0.0 - *(float *)&wop);
result = (unsigned long long)*(unsigned int *)&tmp;
case fmt_double:
double tmp = ((double)0.0 - *(double *)&op);
result = *(unsigned long long *)&tmp;
static unsigned long long
unsigned long long op1;
unsigned long long op2;
FP_formats fmt;
unsigned long long result;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Add: %s: op1 = 0x%08X%08X : op2 = 0x%08X%08X\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op1>>32),(unsigned int)(op1&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(op2>>32),(unsigned int)(op2&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: Perform argument error checking */
/* The format type should already have been checked: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop1 = (unsigned int)op1;
unsigned int wop2 = (unsigned int)op2;
float tmp = (*(float *)&wop1 + *(float *)&wop2);
result = (unsigned long long)*(unsigned int *)&tmp;
case fmt_double:
double tmp = (*(double *)&op1 + *(double *)&op2);
result = *(unsigned long long *)&tmp;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Add: returning 0x%08X%08X (format = %s)\n",(unsigned int)(result>>32),(unsigned int)(result&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static unsigned long long
unsigned long long op1;
unsigned long long op2;
FP_formats fmt;
unsigned long long result;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Sub: %s: op1 = 0x%08X%08X : op2 = 0x%08X%08X\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op1>>32),(unsigned int)(op1&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(op2>>32),(unsigned int)(op2&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: Perform argument error checking */
/* The format type should already have been checked: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop1 = (unsigned int)op1;
unsigned int wop2 = (unsigned int)op2;
float tmp = (*(float *)&wop1 - *(float *)&wop2);
result = (unsigned long long)*(unsigned int *)&tmp;
case fmt_double:
double tmp = (*(double *)&op1 - *(double *)&op2);
result = *(unsigned long long *)&tmp;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Sub: returning 0x%08X%08X (format = %s)\n",(unsigned int)(result>>32),(unsigned int)(result&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static unsigned long long
unsigned long long op1;
unsigned long long op2;
FP_formats fmt;
unsigned long long result;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Multiply: %s: op1 = 0x%08X%08X : op2 = 0x%08X%08X\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op1>>32),(unsigned int)(op1&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(op2>>32),(unsigned int)(op2&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: Perform argument error checking */
/* The format type should already have been checked: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop1 = (unsigned int)op1;
unsigned int wop2 = (unsigned int)op2;
float tmp = (*(float *)&wop1 * *(float *)&wop2);
result = (unsigned long long)*(unsigned int *)&tmp;
case fmt_double:
double tmp = (*(double *)&op1 * *(double *)&op2);
result = *(unsigned long long *)&tmp;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Multiply: returning 0x%08X%08X (format = %s)\n",(unsigned int)(result>>32),(unsigned int)(result&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static unsigned long long
unsigned long long op1;
unsigned long long op2;
FP_formats fmt;
unsigned long long result;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Divide: %s: op1 = 0x%08X%08X : op2 = 0x%08X%08X\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op1>>32),(unsigned int)(op1&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(op2>>32),(unsigned int)(op2&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: Perform argument error checking */
/* The format type should already have been checked: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop1 = (unsigned int)op1;
unsigned int wop2 = (unsigned int)op2;
float tmp = (*(float *)&wop1 / *(float *)&wop2);
result = (unsigned long long)*(unsigned int *)&tmp;
case fmt_double:
double tmp = (*(double *)&op1 / *(double *)&op2);
result = *(unsigned long long *)&tmp;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Divide: returning 0x%08X%08X (format = %s)\n",(unsigned int)(result>>32),(unsigned int)(result&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static unsigned long long
unsigned long long op;
FP_formats fmt;
unsigned long long result;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Recip: %s: op = 0x%08X%08X\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op>>32),(unsigned int)(op&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: Perform argument error checking */
/* The format type should already have been checked: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop = (unsigned int)op;
float tmp = ((float)1.0 / *(float *)&wop);
result = (unsigned long long)*(unsigned int *)&tmp;
case fmt_double:
double tmp = ((double)1.0 / *(double *)&op);
result = *(unsigned long long *)&tmp;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Recip: returning 0x%08X%08X (format = %s)\n",(unsigned int)(result>>32),(unsigned int)(result&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static unsigned long long
unsigned long long op;
FP_formats fmt;
unsigned long long result;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: SquareRoot: %s: op = 0x%08X%08X\n",DOFMT(fmt),(unsigned int)(op>>32),(unsigned int)(op&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* TODO: Perform argument error checking */
/* The format type should already have been checked: */
switch (fmt) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop = (unsigned int)op;
float tmp = ((float)sqrt((double)*(float *)&wop));
result = (unsigned long long)*(unsigned int *)&tmp;
case fmt_double:
double tmp = (sqrt(*(double *)&op));
result = *(unsigned long long *)&tmp;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: SquareRoot: returning 0x%08X%08X (format = %s)\n",(unsigned int)(result>>32),(unsigned int)(result&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(fmt));
#endif /* DEBUG */
static unsigned long long
int rm;
unsigned long long op;
FP_formats from;
FP_formats to;
unsigned long long result;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Convert: mode %s : op 0x%08X%08X : from %s : to %s : (PC = 0x%08X%08X)\n",RMMODE(rm),(unsigned int)(op>>32),(unsigned int)(op&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(from),DOFMT(to),(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
/* The value "op" is converted to the destination format, rounding
using mode "rm". When the destination is a fixed-point format,
then a source value of Infinity, NaN or one which would round to
an integer outside the fixed point range then an IEEE Invalid
Operation condition is raised. */
switch (to) {
case fmt_single:
float tmp;
switch (from) {
case fmt_double:
tmp = (float)(*(double *)&op);
case fmt_word:
tmp = (float)((int)(op & 0xFFFFFFFF));
case fmt_long:
tmp = (float)((int)op);
switch (rm) {
printf("TODO: FPConvert: round(float)\n");
printf("TODO: FPConvert: trunc(float)\n");
printf("TODO: FPConvert: ceil(float)\n");
printf("TODO: FPConvert: floor(float)\n");
result = (unsigned long long)*(unsigned int *)&tmp;
case fmt_double:
double tmp;
switch (from) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop = (unsigned int)op;
tmp = (double)(*(float *)&wop);
case fmt_word:
tmp = (double)((long long)SIGNEXTEND((op & 0xFFFFFFFF),32));
case fmt_long:
tmp = (double)((long long)op);
switch (rm) {
printf("TODO: FPConvert: round(double)\n");
printf("TODO: FPConvert: trunc(double)\n");
tmp = ceil(*(double *)&tmp);
tmp = floor(*(double *)&tmp);
result = *(unsigned long long *)&tmp;
case fmt_word:
case fmt_long:
if (Infinity(op,from) || NaN(op,from) || (1 == 0/*TODO: check range */)) {
printf("DBG: TODO: update FCSR\n");
} else {
if (to == fmt_word) {
unsigned int tmp;
switch (from) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop = (unsigned int)op;
tmp = (unsigned int)*((float *)&wop);
case fmt_double:
tmp = (unsigned int)*((double *)&op);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: from double %.30f (0x%08X%08X) to word: 0x%08X\n",*((double *)&op),(unsigned int)(op>>32),(unsigned int)(op&0xFFFFFFFF),tmp);
#endif /* DEBUG */
result = (unsigned long long)tmp;
} else { /* fmt_long */
switch (from) {
case fmt_single:
unsigned int wop = (unsigned int)op;
result = (unsigned long long)*((float *)&wop);
case fmt_double:
result = (unsigned long long)*((double *)&op);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: Convert: returning 0x%08X%08X (to format = %s)\n",(unsigned int)(result>>32),(unsigned int)(result&0xFFFFFFFF),DOFMT(to));
#endif /* DEBUG */
#endif /* HASFPU */
/*-- co-processor support routines ------------------------------------------*/
static int
unsigned int coproc_number;
/* Return TRUE if simulator provides a model for the given co-processor number */
static void
int coproc_num, coproc_reg;
unsigned int memword;
switch (coproc_num) {
#if defined(HASFPU)
case 1:
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: COP_LW: memword = 0x%08X (unsigned long long)memword = 0x%08X%08X\n",memword,(unsigned int)(((unsigned long long)memword)>>32),(unsigned int)(((unsigned long long)memword)&0xFFFFFFFF));
StoreFPR(coproc_reg,fmt_uninterpreted,(unsigned long long)memword);
#endif /* HASFPU */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"COP_LW(%d,%d,0x%08X) at IPC = 0x%08X%08X : TODO (architecture specific)\n",coproc_num,coproc_reg,memword,(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
static void
int coproc_num, coproc_reg;
unsigned long long memword;
switch (coproc_num) {
#if defined(HASFPU)
case 1:
#endif /* HASFPU */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"COP_LD(%d,%d,0x%08X%08X) at IPC = 0x%08X%08X : TODO (architecture specific)\n",coproc_num,coproc_reg,(unsigned int)(memword >> 32),(unsigned int)(memword & 0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
static unsigned int
int coproc_num, coproc_reg;
unsigned int value = 0;
switch (coproc_num) {
#if defined(HASFPU)
case 1:
#if 1
value = (unsigned int)ValueFPR(coproc_reg,fmt_uninterpreted);
#if 1
value = (unsigned int)ValueFPR(coproc_reg,fpr_state[coproc_reg]);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: COP_SW: reg in format %s (will be accessing as single)\n",DOFMT(fpr_state[coproc_reg]));
#endif /* DEBUG */
value = (unsigned int)ValueFPR(coproc_reg,fmt_single);
#endif /* HASFPU */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"COP_SW(%d,%d) at IPC = 0x%08X%08X : TODO (architecture specific)\n",coproc_num,coproc_reg,(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
static unsigned long long
int coproc_num, coproc_reg;
unsigned long long value = 0;
switch (coproc_num) {
#if defined(HASFPU)
case 1:
#if 1
value = ValueFPR(coproc_reg,fmt_uninterpreted);
#if 1
value = ValueFPR(coproc_reg,fpr_state[coproc_reg]);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: COP_SD: reg in format %s (will be accessing as double)\n",DOFMT(fpr_state[coproc_reg]));
#endif /* DEBUG */
value = ValueFPR(coproc_reg,fmt_double);
#endif /* HASFPU */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"COP_SD(%d,%d) at IPC = 0x%08X%08X : TODO (architecture specific)\n",coproc_num,coproc_reg,(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
static void
unsigned int instruction;
int coprocnum = ((instruction >> 26) & 3);
switch (coprocnum) {
case 0: /* standard CPU control and cache registers */
/* NOTEs:
Standard CP0 registers
0 = Index R4000 VR4100 VR4300
1 = Random R4000 VR4100 VR4300
2 = EntryLo0 R4000 VR4100 VR4300
3 = EntryLo1 R4000 VR4100 VR4300
4 = Context R4000 VR4100 VR4300
5 = PageMask R4000 VR4100 VR4300
6 = Wired R4000 VR4100 VR4300
8 = BadVAddr R4000 VR4100 VR4300
9 = Count R4000 VR4100 VR4300
10 = EntryHi R4000 VR4100 VR4300
11 = Compare R4000 VR4100 VR4300
12 = SR R4000 VR4100 VR4300
13 = Cause R4000 VR4100 VR4300
14 = EPC R4000 VR4100 VR4300
15 = PRId R4000 VR4100 VR4300
16 = Config R4000 VR4100 VR4300
17 = LLAddr R4000 VR4100 VR4300
18 = WatchLo R4000 VR4100 VR4300
19 = WatchHi R4000 VR4100 VR4300
20 = XContext R4000 VR4100 VR4300
26 = PErr or ECC R4000 VR4100 VR4300
27 = CacheErr R4000 VR4100
28 = TagLo R4000 VR4100 VR4300
29 = TagHi R4000 VR4100 VR4300
30 = ErrorEPC R4000 VR4100 VR4300
int code = ((instruction >> 21) & 0x1F);
/* R4000 Users Manual (second edition) lists the following CP0
DMFC0 Doubleword Move From CP0 (VR4100 = 01000000001tttttddddd00000000000)
DMTC0 Doubleword Move To CP0 (VR4100 = 01000000101tttttddddd00000000000)
MFC0 word Move From CP0 (VR4100 = 01000000000tttttddddd00000000000)
MTC0 word Move To CP0 (VR4100 = 01000000100tttttddddd00000000000)
TLBR Read Indexed TLB Entry (VR4100 = 01000010000000000000000000000001)
TLBWI Write Indexed TLB Entry (VR4100 = 01000010000000000000000000000010)
TLBWR Write Random TLB Entry (VR4100 = 01000010000000000000000000000110)
TLBP Probe TLB for Matching Entry (VR4100 = 01000010000000000000000000001000)
CACHE Cache operation (VR4100 = 101111bbbbbpppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)
ERET Exception return (VR4100 = 01000010000000000000000000011000)
if (((code == 0x00) || (code == 0x04)) && ((instruction & 0x7FF) == 0)) {
int rt = ((instruction >> 16) & 0x1F);
int rd = ((instruction >> 11) & 0x1F);
if (code == 0x00) { /* MF : move from */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: MFC0 %d,%d not handled yet (architecture specific)\n",rt,rd);
GPR[rt] = 0xDEADC0DE; /* CPR[0,rd] */
} else { /* MT : move to */
/* CPR[0,rd] = GPR[rt]; */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: MTC0 %d,%d not handled yet (architecture specific)\n",rt,rd);
} else
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: Unrecognised COP0 instruction 0x%08X at IPC = 0x%08X%08X : No handler present\n",instruction,(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
/* TODO: When executed an ERET or RFE instruction we should
clear LLBIT, to ensure that any out-standing atomic
read/modify/write sequence fails. */
case 2: /* undefined co-processor */
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"Warning: COP2 instruction 0x%08X at IPC = 0x%08X%08X : No handler present\n",instruction,(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
case 1: /* should not occur (FPU co-processor) */
case 3: /* should not occur (FPU co-processor) */
/*-- instruction simulation -------------------------------------------------*/
static void
simulate ()
unsigned int pipeline_count = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (membank == NULL) {
printf("DBG: simulate() entered with no memory\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
#if 0 /* Disabled to check that everything works OK */
/* The VR4300 seems to sign-extend the PC on its first
access. However, this may just be because it is currently
configured in 32bit mode. However... */
/* main controlling loop */
do {
/* Fetch the next instruction from the simulator memory: */
unsigned long long vaddr = (unsigned long long)PC;
unsigned long long paddr;
int cca;
unsigned int instruction;
int dsstate = (state & simDELAYSLOT);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: state = 0x%08X :",state);
if (state & simSTOP) printf(" simSTOP");
if (state & simSTEP) printf(" simSTEP");
if (state & simHALTEX) printf(" simHALTEX");
if (state & simHALTIN) printf(" simHALTIN");
if (state & simBE) printf(" simBE");
#endif /* DEBUG */
#ifdef DEBUG
if (dsstate)
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"DBG: DSPC = 0x%08X%08X\n",(unsigned int)(DSPC>>32),(unsigned int)(DSPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (AddressTranslation(PC,isINSTRUCTION,isLOAD,&paddr,&cca,isTARGET,isREAL)) { /* Copy the action of the LW instruction */
unsigned int reverse = (ReverseEndian ? 1 : 0);
unsigned int bigend = (BigEndianCPU ? 1 : 0);
unsigned long long value;
unsigned int byte;
paddr = ((paddr & ~0x7) | ((paddr & 0x7) ^ (reverse << 2)));
value = LoadMemory(cca,AccessLength_WORD,paddr,vaddr,isINSTRUCTION,isREAL);
byte = ((vaddr & 0x7) ^ (bigend << 2));
instruction = ((value >> (8 * byte)) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot translate address for PC = 0x%08X%08X failed\n",(unsigned int)(PC>>32),(unsigned int)(PC&0xFFFFFFFF));
#ifdef DEBUG
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"DBG: fetched 0x%08X from PC = 0x%08X%08X\n",instruction,(unsigned int)(PC>>32),(unsigned int)(PC&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
#if !defined(FASTSIM) || defined(PROFILE)
#if defined(PROFILE)
if ((state & simPROFILE) && ((instruction_fetches % profile_frequency) == 0) && profile_hist) {
int n = ((unsigned int)(PC - profile_minpc) >> (profile_shift + 2));
if (n < profile_nsamples) {
/* NOTE: The counts for the profiling bins are only 16bits wide */
if (profile_hist[n] != USHRT_MAX)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#endif /* !FASTSIM && PROFILE */
IPC = PC; /* copy PC for this instruction */
/* This is required by exception processing, to ensure that we can
cope with exceptions in the delay slots of branches that may
already have changed the PC. */
PC += 4; /* increment ready for the next fetch */
/* NOTE: If we perform a delay slot change to the PC, this
increment is not requuired. However, it would make the
simulator more complicated to try and avoid this small hit. */
/* Currently this code provides a simple model. For more
complicated models we could perform exception status checks at
this point, and set the simSTOP state as required. This could
also include processing any hardware interrupts raised by any
I/O model attached to the simulator context.
Support for "asynchronous" I/O events within the simulated world
could be providing by managing a counter, and calling a I/O
specific handler when a particular threshold is reached. On most
architectures a decrement and check for zero operation is
usually quicker than an increment and compare. However, the
process of managing a known value decrement to zero, is higher
than the cost of using an explicit value UINT_MAX into the
future. Which system is used will depend on how complicated the
I/O model is, and how much it is likely to affect the simulator
If events need to be scheduled further in the future than
UINT_MAX event ticks, then the I/O model should just provide its
own counter, triggered from the event system. */
/* MIPS pipeline ticks. To allow for future support where the
pipeline hit of individual instructions is known, this control
loop manages a "pipeline_count" variable. It is initialised to
1 (one), and will only be changed by the simulator engine when
executing an instruction. If the engine does not have access to
pipeline cycle count information then all instructions will be
treated as using a single cycle. NOTE: A standard system is not
provided by the default simulator because different MIPS
architectures have different cycle counts for the same
instructions. */
#if defined(HASFPU)
/* Set previous flag, depending on current: */
if (state & simPCOC0)
state |= simPCOC1;
state &= ~simPCOC1;
/* and update the current value: */
if (GETFCC(0))
state |= simPCOC0;
state &= ~simPCOC0;
#endif /* HASFPU */
/* NOTE: For multi-context simulation environments the "instruction"
variable should be local to this routine. */
/* Shorthand accesses for engine. Note: If we wanted to use global
variables (and a single-threaded simulator engine), then we can
create the actual variables with these names. */
if (!(state & simSKIPNEXT)) {
/* Include the simulator engine */
#include "engine.c"
#if ((GPRLEN == 64) && !defined(PROCESSOR_64BIT)) || ((GPRLEN == 32) && defined(PROCESSOR_64BIT))
#error "Mismatch between run-time simulator code and simulation engine"
#if defined(WARN_LOHI)
/* Decrement the HI/LO validity ticks */
if (HIACCESS > 0)
if (LOACCESS > 0)
#endif /* WARN_LOHI */
#if defined(WARN_ZERO)
/* For certain MIPS architectures, GPR[0] is hardwired to zero. We
should check for it being changed. It is better doing it here,
than within the simulator, since it will help keep the simulator
small. */
if (ZERO != 0) {
callback->printf_filtered(callback,"SIM Warning: The ZERO register has been updated with 0x%08X%08X (PC = 0x%08X%08X)\nSIM Warning: Resetting back to zero\n",(unsigned int)(ZERO>>32),(unsigned int)(ZERO&0xFFFFFFFF),(unsigned int)(IPC>>32),(unsigned int)(IPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
ZERO = 0; /* reset back to zero before next instruction */
#endif /* WARN_ZERO */
} else /* simSKIPNEXT check */
state &= ~simSKIPNEXT;
/* If the delay slot was active before the instruction is
executed, then update the PC to its new value: */
if (dsstate) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: dsstate set before instruction execution - updating PC to 0x%08X%08X\n",(unsigned int)(DSPC>>32),(unsigned int)(DSPC&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
state &= ~simDELAYSLOT;
if (MIPSISA < 4) { /* The following is only required on pre MIPS IV processors: */
/* Deal with pending register updates: */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: EMPTY BEFORE pending_in = %d, pending_out = %d, pending_total = %d\n",pending_in,pending_out,pending_total);
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (pending_out != pending_in) {
int loop;
int index = pending_out;
int total = pending_total;
if (pending_total == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"FATAL: Mis-match on pending update pointers\n");
for (loop = 0; (loop < total); loop++) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: BEFORE index = %d, loop = %d\n",index,loop);
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (pending_slot_reg[index] != (LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("pending_slot_count[%d] = %d\n",index,pending_slot_count[index]);
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (--(pending_slot_count[index]) == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("pending_slot_reg[%d] = %d\n",index,pending_slot_reg[index]);
printf("pending_slot_value[%d] = 0x%08X%08X\n",index,(unsigned int)(pending_slot_value[index]>>32),(unsigned int)(pending_slot_value[index]&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (pending_slot_reg[index] == COCIDX) {
SETFCC(0,((FCR31 & (1 << 23)) ? 1 : 0));
} else {
registers[pending_slot_reg[index]] = pending_slot_value[index];
#if defined(HASFPU)
/* The only time we have PENDING updates to FPU
registers, is when performing binary transfers. This
means we should update the register type field. */
if ((pending_slot_reg[index] >= FGRIDX) && (pending_slot_reg[index] < (FGRIDX + 32)))
fpr_state[pending_slot_reg[index]] = fmt_uninterpreted;
#endif /* HASFPU */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("registers[%d] = 0x%08X%08X\n",pending_slot_reg[index],(unsigned int)(registers[pending_slot_reg[index]]>>32),(unsigned int)(registers[pending_slot_reg[index]]&0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif /* DEBUG */
pending_slot_reg[index] = (LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1);
if (pending_out == PSLOTS)
pending_out = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: AFTER index = %d, loop = %d\n",index,loop);
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (index == PSLOTS)
index = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DBG: EMPTY AFTER pending_in = %d, pending_out = %d, pending_total = %d\n",pending_in,pending_out,pending_total);
#endif /* DEBUG */
#if !defined(FASTSIM)
pipeline_ticks += pipeline_count;
#endif /* FASTSIM */
if (state & simSTEP)
state |= simSTOP;
} while (!(state & simSTOP));
#ifdef DEBUG
if (membank == NULL) {
printf("DBG: simulate() LEAVING with no memory\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
/*> EOF interp.c <*/