Mike Frysinger 6df01ab8ab sim: switch config.h usage to defs.h
The defs.h header will take care of including the various config.h
headers.  For now, it's just config.h, but we'll add more when we
integrate gnulib in.

This header should be used instead of config.h, and should be the
first include in every .c file.  We won't rely on the old behavior
where we expected files to include the port's sim-main.h which then
includes the common sim-basics.h which then includes config.h.  We
have a ton of code that includes things before sim-main.h, and it
sometimes needs to be that way.  Creating a dedicated header avoids
the ordering mess and implicit inclusion that shows up otherwise.
2021-05-16 22:38:41 -04:00

420 lines
17 KiB

/* armdefs.h -- ARMulator common definitions: ARM6 Instruction Emulator.
Copyright (C) 1994 Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <>. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ansidecl.h>
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define LOW 0
#define HIGH 1
#define LOWHIGH 1
#define HIGHLOW 2
typedef uint32_t ARMword;
typedef int32_t ARMsword;
typedef uint64_t ARMdword;
typedef int64_t ARMsdword;
typedef struct ARMul_State ARMul_State;
typedef unsigned ARMul_CPInits (ARMul_State * state);
typedef unsigned ARMul_CPExits (ARMul_State * state);
typedef unsigned ARMul_LDCs (ARMul_State * state, unsigned type,
ARMword instr, ARMword value);
typedef unsigned ARMul_STCs (ARMul_State * state, unsigned type,
ARMword instr, ARMword * value);
typedef unsigned ARMul_MRCs (ARMul_State * state, unsigned type,
ARMword instr, ARMword * value);
typedef unsigned ARMul_MCRs (ARMul_State * state, unsigned type,
ARMword instr, ARMword value);
typedef unsigned ARMul_CDPs (ARMul_State * state, unsigned type,
ARMword instr);
typedef unsigned ARMul_CPReads (ARMul_State * state, unsigned reg,
ARMword * value);
typedef unsigned ARMul_CPWrites (ARMul_State * state, unsigned reg,
ARMword value);
typedef double ARMdval; /* FIXME: Must be a 64-bit floating point type. */
typedef float ARMfval; /* FIXME: Must be a 32-bit floating point type. */
typedef union
ARMword uword[2];
ARMsword sword[2];
ARMfval fval[2];
ARMdword dword;
ARMdval dval;
} ARM_VFP_reg;
#define VFP_fval(N) (state->VFP_Reg[(N)>> 1].fval[(N) & 1])
#define VFP_uword(N) (state->VFP_Reg[(N)>> 1].uword[(N) & 1])
#define VFP_sword(N) (state->VFP_Reg[(N)>> 1].sword[(N) & 1])
#define VFP_dval(N) (state->VFP_Reg[(N)].dval)
#define VFP_dword(N) (state->VFP_Reg[(N)].dword)
struct ARMul_State
ARMword Emulate; /* to start and stop emulation */
unsigned EndCondition; /* reason for stopping */
ARMword Reg[16]; /* the current register file */
ARMword RegBank[7][16]; /* all the registers */
/* 40 bit accumulator. We always keep this 64 bits wide,
and move only 40 bits out of it in an MRA insn. */
ARMdword Accumulator;
ARMword Cpsr; /* the current psr */
ARMword Spsr[7]; /* the exception psr's */
ARMword NFlag, ZFlag, CFlag, VFlag, IFFlags; /* dummy flags for speed */
ARMword SFlag;
#ifdef MODET
ARMword TFlag; /* Thumb state */
ARMword Bank; /* the current register bank */
ARMword Mode; /* the current mode */
ARMword instr, pc, temp; /* saved register state */
ARMword loaded, decoded; /* saved pipeline state */
unsigned long NumScycles, NumNcycles, NumIcycles, NumCcycles, NumFcycles; /* emulated cycles used */
unsigned long NumInstrs; /* the number of instructions executed */
unsigned NextInstr;
unsigned VectorCatch; /* caught exception mask */
unsigned CallDebug; /* set to call the debugger */
unsigned CanWatch; /* set by memory interface if its willing to suffer the
overhead of checking for watchpoints on each memory
access */
unsigned MemReadDebug, MemWriteDebug;
unsigned long StopHandle;
unsigned char *MemDataPtr; /* admin data */
unsigned char *MemInPtr; /* the Data In bus */
unsigned char *MemOutPtr; /* the Data Out bus (which you may not need */
unsigned char *MemSparePtr; /* extra space */
ARMword MemSize;
unsigned char *OSptr; /* OS Handle */
char *CommandLine; /* Command Line from ARMsd */
ARMul_CPInits *CPInit[16]; /* coprocessor initialisers */
ARMul_CPExits *CPExit[16]; /* coprocessor finalisers */
ARMul_LDCs *LDC[16]; /* LDC instruction */
ARMul_STCs *STC[16]; /* STC instruction */
ARMul_MRCs *MRC[16]; /* MRC instruction */
ARMul_MCRs *MCR[16]; /* MCR instruction */
ARMul_CDPs *CDP[16]; /* CDP instruction */
ARMul_CPReads *CPRead[16]; /* Read CP register */
ARMul_CPWrites *CPWrite[16]; /* Write CP register */
unsigned char *CPData[16]; /* Coprocessor data */
unsigned char const *CPRegWords[16]; /* map of coprocessor register sizes */
unsigned long LastTime; /* Value of last call to ARMul_Time() */
ARMword CP14R0_CCD; /* used to count 64 clock cycles with CP14 R0 bit
3 set */
unsigned EventSet; /* the number of events in the queue */
unsigned long Now; /* time to the nearest cycle */
struct EventNode **EventPtr; /* the event list */
unsigned Exception; /* enable the next four values */
unsigned Debug; /* show instructions as they are executed */
unsigned NresetSig; /* reset the processor */
unsigned NfiqSig;
unsigned NirqSig;
unsigned abortSig;
unsigned NtransSig;
unsigned bigendSig;
unsigned prog32Sig;
unsigned data32Sig;
unsigned lateabtSig;
ARMword Vector; /* synthesize aborts in cycle modes */
ARMword Aborted; /* sticky flag for aborts */
ARMword Reseted; /* sticky flag for Reset */
ARMword Inted, LastInted; /* sticky flags for interrupts */
ARMword Base; /* extra hand for base writeback */
ARMword AbortAddr; /* to keep track of Prefetch aborts */
const struct Dbg_HostosInterface *hostif;
unsigned is_v4; /* Are we emulating a v4 architecture (or higher) ? */
unsigned is_v5; /* Are we emulating a v5 architecture ? */
unsigned is_v5e; /* Are we emulating a v5e architecture ? */
unsigned is_v6; /* Are we emulating a v6 architecture ? */
unsigned is_XScale; /* Are we emulating an XScale architecture ? */
unsigned is_iWMMXt; /* Are we emulating an iWMMXt co-processor ? */
unsigned is_ep9312; /* Are we emulating a Cirrus Maverick co-processor ? */
unsigned verbose; /* Print various messages like the banner */
ARM_VFP_reg VFP_Reg[32]; /* Advanced SIMD registers. */
ARMword FPSCR; /* Floating Point Status Register. */
* Properties of ARM we know about *
/* The bitflags */
#define ARM_Fix26_Prop 0x01
#define ARM_Nexec_Prop 0x02
#define ARM_Debug_Prop 0x10
#define ARM_Isync_Prop ARM_Debug_Prop
#define ARM_Lock_Prop 0x20
#define ARM_v4_Prop 0x40
#define ARM_v5_Prop 0x80
#define ARM_v5e_Prop 0x100
#define ARM_XScale_Prop 0x200
#define ARM_ep9312_Prop 0x400
#define ARM_iWMMXt_Prop 0x800
#define ARM_v6_Prop 0x1000
* Macros to extract instruction fields *
#define BIT(n) ( (ARMword)(instr>>(n))&1) /* bit n of instruction */
#define BITS(m,n) ( (ARMword)(instr<<(31-(n))) >> ((31-(n))+(m)) ) /* bits m to n of instr */
#define TOPBITS(n) (instr >> (n)) /* bits 31 to n of instr */
* The hardware vector addresses *
#define ARMResetV 0L
#define ARMUndefinedInstrV 4L
#define ARMSWIV 8L
#define ARMPrefetchAbortV 12L
#define ARMDataAbortV 16L
#define ARMAddrExceptnV 20L
#define ARMIRQV 24L
#define ARMFIQV 28L
#define ARMErrorV 32L /* This is an offset, not an address ! */
#define ARMul_ResetV ARMResetV
#define ARMul_UndefinedInstrV ARMUndefinedInstrV
#define ARMul_PrefetchAbortV ARMPrefetchAbortV
#define ARMul_DataAbortV ARMDataAbortV
#define ARMul_AddrExceptnV ARMAddrExceptnV
* Mode and Bank Constants *
#define USER26MODE 0L
#define FIQ26MODE 1L
#define IRQ26MODE 2L
#define SVC26MODE 3L
#define USER32MODE 16L
#define FIQ32MODE 17L
#define IRQ32MODE 18L
#define SVC32MODE 19L
#define ABORT32MODE 23L
#define UNDEF32MODE 27L
#define SYSTEMMODE 31L
#define ARM32BITMODE (state->Mode > 3)
#define ARM26BITMODE (state->Mode <= 3)
#define ARMMODE (state->Mode)
#define ARMul_MODEBITS 0x1fL
#define USERBANK 0
#define FIQBANK 1
#define IRQBANK 2
#define SVCBANK 3
#define ABORTBANK 4
#define UNDEFBANK 5
#define DUMMYBANK 6
#define BANK_CAN_ACCESS_SPSR(bank) \
((bank) != USERBANK && (bank) != SYSTEMBANK && (bank) != DUMMYBANK)
* Definitons of things in the emulator *
extern void ARMul_EmulateInit (void);
extern ARMul_State *ARMul_NewState (void);
extern void ARMul_Reset (ARMul_State * state);
extern ARMword ARMul_DoProg (ARMul_State * state);
extern ARMword ARMul_DoInstr (ARMul_State * state);
* Definitons of things for event handling *
extern void ARMul_ScheduleEvent (ARMul_State * state, unsigned long delay,
unsigned (*func) ());
extern void ARMul_EnvokeEvent (ARMul_State * state);
extern unsigned long ARMul_Time (ARMul_State * state);
* Useful support routines *
extern ARMword ARMul_GetReg (ARMul_State * state, unsigned mode,
unsigned reg);
extern void ARMul_SetReg (ARMul_State * state, unsigned mode, unsigned reg,
ARMword value);
extern ARMword ARMul_GetPC (ARMul_State * state);
extern ARMword ARMul_GetNextPC (ARMul_State * state);
extern void ARMul_SetPC (ARMul_State * state, ARMword value);
extern ARMword ARMul_GetR15 (ARMul_State * state);
extern void ARMul_SetR15 (ARMul_State * state, ARMword value);
extern ARMword ARMul_GetCPSR (ARMul_State * state);
extern void ARMul_SetCPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword value);
extern ARMword ARMul_GetSPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword mode);
extern void ARMul_SetSPSR (ARMul_State * state, ARMword mode, ARMword value);
* Definitons of things to handle aborts *
extern void ARMul_Abort (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address);
#define ARMul_ABORTWORD 0xefffffff /* SWI -1 */
#define ARMul_PREFETCHABORT(address) if (state->AbortAddr == 1) \
state->AbortAddr = (address & ~3L)
#define ARMul_DATAABORT(address) state->abortSig = HIGH ; \
state->Aborted = ARMul_DataAbortV ;
#define ARMul_CLEARABORT state->abortSig = LOW
* Definitons of things in the memory interface *
extern unsigned ARMul_MemoryInit (ARMul_State * state,
unsigned long initmemsize);
extern void ARMul_MemoryExit (ARMul_State * state);
extern ARMword ARMul_LoadInstrS (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword isize);
extern ARMword ARMul_LoadInstrN (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword isize);
extern ARMword ARMul_ReLoadInstr (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword isize);
extern ARMword ARMul_LoadWordS (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address);
extern ARMword ARMul_LoadWordN (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address);
extern ARMword ARMul_LoadHalfWord (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address);
extern ARMword ARMul_LoadByte (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address);
extern void ARMul_StoreWordS (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword data);
extern void ARMul_StoreWordN (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword data);
extern void ARMul_StoreHalfWord (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword data);
extern void ARMul_StoreByte (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword data);
extern ARMword ARMul_SwapWord (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword data);
extern ARMword ARMul_SwapByte (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword data);
extern void ARMul_Icycles (ARMul_State * state, unsigned number,
ARMword address);
extern void ARMul_Ccycles (ARMul_State * state, unsigned number,
ARMword address);
extern ARMword ARMul_ReadWord (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address);
extern ARMword ARMul_ReadByte (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address);
extern ARMword ARMul_SafeReadByte (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address);
extern void ARMul_WriteWord (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword data);
extern void ARMul_WriteByte (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword data);
extern void ARMul_SafeWriteByte (ARMul_State * state, ARMword address,
ARMword data);
extern ARMword ARMul_MemAccess (ARMul_State * state, ARMword, ARMword,
ARMword, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword, ARMword,
ARMword, ARMword, ARMword);
* Definitons of things in the co-processor interface *
#define ARMul_FIRST 0
#define ARMul_TRANSFER 1
#define ARMul_BUSY 2
#define ARMul_DATA 3
#define ARMul_INTERRUPT 4
#define ARMul_DONE 0
#define ARMul_CANT 1
#define ARMul_INC 3
#define ARMul_CP13_R0_FIQ 0x1
#define ARMul_CP13_R0_IRQ 0x2
#define ARMul_CP13_R8_PMUS 0x1
#define ARMul_CP14_R0_ENABLE 0x0001
#define ARMul_CP14_R0_CLKRST 0x0004
#define ARMul_CP14_R0_CCD 0x0008
#define ARMul_CP14_R0_INTEN0 0x0010
#define ARMul_CP14_R0_INTEN1 0x0020
#define ARMul_CP14_R0_INTEN2 0x0040
#define ARMul_CP14_R0_FLAG0 0x0100
#define ARMul_CP14_R0_FLAG1 0x0200
#define ARMul_CP14_R0_FLAG2 0x0400
#define ARMul_CP14_R10_MOE_IB 0x0004
#define ARMul_CP14_R10_MOE_DB 0x0008
#define ARMul_CP14_R10_MOE_BT 0x000c
#define ARMul_CP15_R1_ENDIAN 0x0080
#define ARMul_CP15_R1_ALIGN 0x0002
#define ARMul_CP15_R5_X 0x0400
#define ARMul_CP15_R5_ST_ALIGN 0x0001
#define ARMul_CP15_R5_IMPRE 0x0406
#define ARMul_CP15_R5_MMU_EXCPT 0x0400
#define ARMul_CP15_DBCON_M 0x0100
#define ARMul_CP15_DBCON_E1 0x000c
#define ARMul_CP15_DBCON_E0 0x0003
extern unsigned ARMul_CoProInit (ARMul_State * state);
extern void ARMul_CoProExit (ARMul_State * state);
extern void ARMul_CoProAttach (ARMul_State * state, unsigned number,
ARMul_CPInits * init, ARMul_CPExits * exit,
ARMul_LDCs * ldc, ARMul_STCs * stc,
ARMul_MRCs * mrc, ARMul_MCRs * mcr,
ARMul_CDPs * cdp,
ARMul_CPReads * read, ARMul_CPWrites * write);
extern void ARMul_CoProDetach (ARMul_State * state, unsigned number);
extern void XScale_check_memacc (ARMul_State * state, ARMword * address,
int store);
extern void XScale_set_fsr_far (ARMul_State * state, ARMword fsr, ARMword far);
extern int XScale_debug_moe (ARMul_State * state, int moe);
* Definitons of things in the host environment *
extern unsigned ARMul_OSInit (ARMul_State * state);
extern unsigned ARMul_OSHandleSWI (ARMul_State * state, ARMword number);
* Host-dependent stuff *
extern void ARMul_UndefInstr (ARMul_State *, ARMword);
extern void ARMul_FixCPSR (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
extern void ARMul_FixSPSR (ARMul_State *, ARMword, ARMword);
extern void ARMul_ConsolePrint (ARMul_State *, const char *, ...)
extern void ARMul_SelectProcessor (ARMul_State *, unsigned);