This commit adds the _option_ of having disassembler output syntax highlighted in objdump. This option is _off_ by default. The new command line options are: --disassembler-color=off # The default. --disassembler-color=color --disassembler-color=extended-color I have implemented two colour modes, using the same option names as we use of --visualize-jumps, a basic 8-color mode ("color"), and an extended 8bit color mode ("extended-color"). The syntax highlighting requires that each targets disassembler be updated; each time the disassembler produces some output we now pass through an additional parameter indicating what style should be applied to the text. As updating all target disassemblers is a large task, the old API is maintained. And so, a user of the disassembler (i.e. objdump, gdb) must provide two functions, the current non-styled print function, and a new, styled print function. I don't currently have a plan for converting every single target disassembler, my hope is that interested folk will update the disassemblers they are interested in. But it is possible some might never get updated. In this initial series I intend to convert the RISC-V disassembler completely, and also do a partial conversion of the x86 disassembler. Hopefully having the x86 disassembler at least partial converted will allow more people to try this out easily and provide feedback. In this commit I have focused on objdump. The changes to GDB at this point are the bare minimum required to get things compiling, GDB makes no use of the styling information to provide any colors, that will come later, if this commit is accepted. This first commit in the series doesn't convert any target disassemblers at all (the next two commits will update some targets), so after this commit, the only color you will see in the disassembler output, is that produced from objdump itself, e.g. from objdump_print_addr_with_sym, where we print an address and a symbol name, these are now printed with styling information, and so will have colors applied (if the option is on). Finally, my ability to pick "good" colors is ... well, terrible. I'm in no way committed to the colors I've picked here, so I encourage people to suggest new colors, or wait for this commit to land, and then patch the choice of colors. I do have an idea about using possibly an environment variable to allow the objdump colors to be customised, but I haven't done anything like that in this commit, the color choices are just fixed in the code for now. binutils/ChangeLog: * NEWS: Mention new feature. * doc/binutils.texi (objdump): Describe --disassembler-color option. * objdump.c (disassembler_color): New global. (disassembler_extended_color): Likewise. (disassembler_in_comment): Likewise. (usage): Mention --disassembler-color option. (long_options): Add --disassembler-color option. (objdump_print_value): Use fprintf_styled_func instead of fprintf_func. (objdump_print_symname): Likewise. (objdump_print_addr_with_sym): Likewise. (objdump_color_for_disassembler_style): New function. (objdump_styled_sprintf): New function. (fprintf_styled): New function. (disassemble_jumps): Use disassemble_set_printf, and reset disassembler_in_comment. (null_styled_print): New function. (disassemble_bytes): Use disassemble_set_printf, and reset disassembler_in_comment. (disassemble_data): Update init_disassemble_info call. (main): Handle --disassembler-color option. include/ChangeLog: * dis-asm.h (enum disassembler_style): New enum. (struct disassemble_info): Add fprintf_styled_func field, and created_styled_output field. (disassemble_set_printf): Declare. (init_disassemble_info): Add additional parameter. (INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO): Add additional parameter. opcodes/ChangeLog: * dis-init.c (init_disassemble_info): Take extra parameter, initialize the new fprintf_styled_func and created_styled_output fields. * disassembler.c (disassemble_set_printf): New function definition.
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/* Initialize "struct disassemble_info".
Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU opcodes library.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA. */
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "dis-asm.h"
#include "bfd.h"
init_disassemble_info (struct disassemble_info *info, void *stream,
fprintf_ftype fprintf_func,
fprintf_styled_ftype fprintf_styled_func)
memset (info, 0, sizeof (*info));
info->flavour = bfd_target_unknown_flavour;
info->arch = bfd_arch_unknown;
info->endian = BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN;
info->endian_code = info->endian;
info->octets_per_byte = 1;
info->fprintf_func = fprintf_func;
info->fprintf_styled_func = fprintf_styled_func;
info->stream = stream;
info->read_memory_func = buffer_read_memory;
info->memory_error_func = perror_memory;
info->print_address_func = generic_print_address;
info->symbol_at_address_func = generic_symbol_at_address;
info->symbol_is_valid = generic_symbol_is_valid;
info->display_endian = BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN;
info->created_styled_output = false;