/* Declarations and definitions of codes relating to the DWARF2 and
   DWARF3 symbolic debugging information formats.
   Copyright (C) 1992-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Written by Gary Funck (gary@intrepid.com) The Ada Joint Program
   Office (AJPO), Florida State University and Silicon Graphics Inc.
   provided support for this effort -- June 21, 1995.

   Derived from the DWARF 1 implementation written by Ron Guilmette
   (rfg@netcom.com), November 1990.

   This file is part of GCC.

   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
   Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later

   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
   License for more details.

   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */

/* This file is derived from the DWARF specification (a public document)
   Revision 2.0.0 (July 27, 1993) developed by the UNIX International
   Programming Languages Special Interest Group (UI/PLSIG) and distributed
   by UNIX International.  Copies of this specification are available from
   UNIX International, 20 Waterview Boulevard, Parsippany, NJ, 07054.

   This file also now contains definitions from the DWARF 3 specification
   published Dec 20, 2005, available from: http://dwarf.freestandards.org.  */

#ifndef _DWARF2_H
#define _DWARF2_H

#define DW_TAG(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_TAG_DUP(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_FORM(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_AT(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_AT_DUP(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_OP(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_OP_DUP(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_ATE(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_ATE_DUP(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_CFA(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_CFA_DUP(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_IDX(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_IDX_DUP(name, value) , name = value
#define DW_UT(name, value) , name = value

#define DW_FIRST_TAG(name, value) enum dwarf_tag { \
  name = value
#define DW_END_TAG };
#define DW_FIRST_FORM(name, value) enum dwarf_form { \
  name = value
#define DW_END_FORM };
#define DW_FIRST_AT(name, value) enum dwarf_attribute { \
  name = value
#define DW_END_AT };
#define DW_FIRST_OP(name, value) enum dwarf_location_atom { \
  name = value
#define DW_END_OP };
#define DW_FIRST_ATE(name, value) enum dwarf_type { \
  name = value
#define DW_END_ATE };
#define DW_FIRST_CFA(name, value) enum dwarf_call_frame_info { \
  name = value
#define DW_END_CFA };
#define DW_FIRST_IDX(name, value) enum dwarf_name_index_attribute { \
  name = value
#define DW_END_IDX };
#define DW_FIRST_UT(name, value) enum dwarf_unit_type { \
  name = value
#define DW_END_UT };

#include "dwarf2.def"

#undef DW_END_TAG
#undef DW_END_FORM
#undef DW_FIRST_AT
#undef DW_END_AT
#undef DW_FIRST_OP
#undef DW_END_OP
#undef DW_END_ATE
#undef DW_END_CFA
#undef DW_END_IDX
#undef DW_FIRST_UT
#undef DW_END_UT

#undef DW_TAG
#undef DW_TAG_DUP
#undef DW_FORM
#undef DW_AT
#undef DW_AT_DUP
#undef DW_OP
#undef DW_OP_DUP
#undef DW_ATE
#undef DW_ATE_DUP
#undef DW_CFA
#undef DW_CFA_DUP
#undef DW_IDX
#undef DW_IDX_DUP
#undef DW_UT

/* Flag that tells whether entry has a child or not.  */
#define DW_children_no   0
#define	DW_children_yes  1

#define DW_AT_stride_size   DW_AT_bit_stride  /* Note: The use of DW_AT_stride_size is deprecated.  */
#define DW_AT_stride   DW_AT_byte_stride  /* Note: The use of DW_AT_stride is deprecated.  */

/* Decimal sign encodings.  */
enum dwarf_decimal_sign_encoding
    /* DWARF 3.  */
    DW_DS_unsigned = 0x01,
    DW_DS_leading_overpunch = 0x02,
    DW_DS_trailing_overpunch = 0x03,
    DW_DS_leading_separate = 0x04,
    DW_DS_trailing_separate = 0x05

/* Endianity encodings.  */
enum dwarf_endianity_encoding
    /* DWARF 3.  */
    DW_END_default = 0x00,
    DW_END_big = 0x01,
    DW_END_little = 0x02,

    DW_END_lo_user = 0x40,
    DW_END_hi_user = 0xff

/* Array ordering names and codes.  */
enum dwarf_array_dim_ordering
    DW_ORD_row_major = 0,
    DW_ORD_col_major = 1

/* Access attribute.  */
enum dwarf_access_attribute
    DW_ACCESS_public = 1,
    DW_ACCESS_protected = 2,
    DW_ACCESS_private = 3

/* Visibility.  */
enum dwarf_visibility_attribute
    DW_VIS_local = 1,
    DW_VIS_exported = 2,
    DW_VIS_qualified = 3

/* Virtuality.  */
enum dwarf_virtuality_attribute
    DW_VIRTUALITY_none = 0,
    DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual = 1,
    DW_VIRTUALITY_pure_virtual = 2

/* Case sensitivity.  */
enum dwarf_id_case
    DW_ID_case_sensitive = 0,
    DW_ID_up_case = 1,
    DW_ID_down_case = 2,
    DW_ID_case_insensitive = 3

/* Calling convention.  */
enum dwarf_calling_convention
    DW_CC_normal = 0x1,
    DW_CC_program = 0x2,
    DW_CC_nocall = 0x3,

    /* DWARF 5.  */
    DW_CC_pass_by_reference = 0x4,
    DW_CC_pass_by_value = 0x5,

    DW_CC_lo_user = 0x40,
    DW_CC_hi_user = 0xff,

    DW_CC_GNU_renesas_sh = 0x40,
    DW_CC_GNU_borland_fastcall_i386 = 0x41,

    /* This DW_CC_ value is not currently generated by any toolchain.  It is
       used internally to GDB to indicate OpenCL C functions that have been
       compiled with the IBM XL C for OpenCL compiler and use a non-platform
       calling convention for passing OpenCL C vector types.  This value may
       be changed freely as long as it does not conflict with any other DW_CC_
       value defined here.  */
    DW_CC_GDB_IBM_OpenCL = 0xff

/* Inline attribute.  */
enum dwarf_inline_attribute
    DW_INL_not_inlined = 0,
    DW_INL_inlined = 1,
    DW_INL_declared_not_inlined = 2,
    DW_INL_declared_inlined = 3

/* Discriminant lists.  */
enum dwarf_discrim_list
    DW_DSC_label = 0,
    DW_DSC_range = 1

/* Line number opcodes.  */
enum dwarf_line_number_ops
    DW_LNS_extended_op = 0,
    DW_LNS_copy = 1,
    DW_LNS_advance_pc = 2,
    DW_LNS_advance_line = 3,
    DW_LNS_set_file = 4,
    DW_LNS_set_column = 5,
    DW_LNS_negate_stmt = 6,
    DW_LNS_set_basic_block = 7,
    DW_LNS_const_add_pc = 8,
    DW_LNS_fixed_advance_pc = 9,
    /* DWARF 3.  */
    DW_LNS_set_prologue_end = 10,
    DW_LNS_set_epilogue_begin = 11,
    DW_LNS_set_isa = 12

/* Line number extended opcodes.  */
enum dwarf_line_number_x_ops
    DW_LNE_end_sequence = 1,
    DW_LNE_set_address = 2,
    DW_LNE_define_file = 3,
    DW_LNE_set_discriminator = 4,
    /* HP extensions.  */
    DW_LNE_HP_negate_is_UV_update      = 0x11,
    DW_LNE_HP_push_context             = 0x12,
    DW_LNE_HP_pop_context              = 0x13,
    DW_LNE_HP_set_file_line_column     = 0x14,
    DW_LNE_HP_set_routine_name         = 0x15,
    DW_LNE_HP_set_sequence             = 0x16,
    DW_LNE_HP_negate_post_semantics    = 0x17,
    DW_LNE_HP_negate_function_exit     = 0x18,
    DW_LNE_HP_negate_front_end_logical = 0x19,
    DW_LNE_HP_define_proc              = 0x20,
    DW_LNE_HP_source_file_correlation  = 0x80,

    DW_LNE_lo_user = 0x80,
    DW_LNE_hi_user = 0xff

/* Sub-opcodes for DW_LNE_HP_source_file_correlation.  */
enum dwarf_line_number_hp_sfc_ops
    DW_LNE_HP_SFC_formfeed = 1,
    DW_LNE_HP_SFC_set_listing_line = 2,
    DW_LNE_HP_SFC_associate = 3

/* Content type codes in line table directory_entry_format
   and file_name_entry_format sequences.  */
enum dwarf_line_number_content_type
    DW_LNCT_path = 0x1,
    DW_LNCT_directory_index = 0x2,
    DW_LNCT_timestamp = 0x3,
    DW_LNCT_size = 0x4,
    DW_LNCT_MD5 = 0x5,
    DW_LNCT_lo_user = 0x2000,
    DW_LNCT_hi_user = 0x3fff

/* Type codes for location list entries.  */
enum dwarf_location_list_entry_type
    DW_LLE_end_of_list = 0x00,
    DW_LLE_base_addressx = 0x01,
    DW_LLE_startx_endx = 0x02,
    DW_LLE_startx_length = 0x03,
    DW_LLE_offset_pair = 0x04,
    DW_LLE_default_location = 0x05,
    DW_LLE_base_address = 0x06,
    DW_LLE_start_end = 0x07,
    DW_LLE_start_length = 0x08,

    /* <http://lists.dwarfstd.org/private.cgi/dwarf-discuss-dwarfstd.org/2017-April/004347.html>
       has the proposal for now; only available to list members.

       A (possibly updated) copy of the proposal is available at
       <http://people.redhat.com/aoliva/papers/sfn/dwarf6-sfn-lvu.txt>.  */
    DW_LLE_GNU_view_pair = 0x09,
#define DW_LLE_view_pair DW_LLE_GNU_view_pair

    /* Former extension for Fission.
       See http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/DebugFission.  */
    DW_LLE_GNU_end_of_list_entry = 0x00,
    DW_LLE_GNU_base_address_selection_entry = 0x01,
    DW_LLE_GNU_start_end_entry = 0x02,
    DW_LLE_GNU_start_length_entry = 0x03

#define DW_CIE_ID	  0xffffffff
#define DW64_CIE_ID	  0xffffffffffffffffULL

#define DW_CFA_extended   0

#define DW_CHILDREN_no		     0x00
#define DW_CHILDREN_yes		     0x01

#define DW_ADDR_none		0

/* Source language names and codes.  */
enum dwarf_source_language
    DW_LANG_C89 = 0x0001,
    DW_LANG_C = 0x0002,
    DW_LANG_Ada83 = 0x0003,
    DW_LANG_C_plus_plus = 0x0004,
    DW_LANG_Cobol74 = 0x0005,
    DW_LANG_Cobol85 = 0x0006,
    DW_LANG_Fortran77 = 0x0007,
    DW_LANG_Fortran90 = 0x0008,
    DW_LANG_Pascal83 = 0x0009,
    DW_LANG_Modula2 = 0x000a,
    /* DWARF 3.  */
    DW_LANG_Java = 0x000b,
    DW_LANG_C99 = 0x000c,
    DW_LANG_Ada95 = 0x000d,
    DW_LANG_Fortran95 = 0x000e,
    DW_LANG_PLI = 0x000f,
    DW_LANG_ObjC = 0x0010,
    DW_LANG_ObjC_plus_plus = 0x0011,
    DW_LANG_UPC = 0x0012,
    DW_LANG_D = 0x0013,
    /* DWARF 4.  */
    DW_LANG_Python = 0x0014,
    /* DWARF 5.  */
    DW_LANG_OpenCL = 0x0015,
    DW_LANG_Go = 0x0016,
    DW_LANG_Modula3 = 0x0017,
    DW_LANG_Haskell = 0x0018,
    DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_03 = 0x0019,
    DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_11 = 0x001a,
    DW_LANG_OCaml = 0x001b,
    DW_LANG_Rust = 0x001c,
    DW_LANG_C11 = 0x001d,
    DW_LANG_Swift = 0x001e,
    DW_LANG_Julia = 0x001f,
    DW_LANG_Dylan = 0x0020,
    DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_14 = 0x0021,
    DW_LANG_Fortran03 = 0x0022,
    DW_LANG_Fortran08 = 0x0023,
    DW_LANG_RenderScript = 0x0024,

    DW_LANG_lo_user = 0x8000,	/* Implementation-defined range start.  */
    DW_LANG_hi_user = 0xffff,	/* Implementation-defined range start.  */

    /* MIPS.  */
    DW_LANG_Mips_Assembler = 0x8001,
    /* UPC.  */
    DW_LANG_Upc = 0x8765,
    /* HP extensions.  */
    DW_LANG_HP_Bliss     = 0x8003,
    DW_LANG_HP_Basic91   = 0x8004,
    DW_LANG_HP_Pascal91  = 0x8005,
    DW_LANG_HP_IMacro    = 0x8006,
    DW_LANG_HP_Assembler = 0x8007,

    /* Rust extension, but replaced in DWARF 5.  */
    DW_LANG_Rust_old = 0x9000

/* Names and codes for macro information.  */
enum dwarf_macinfo_record_type
    DW_MACINFO_define = 1,
    DW_MACINFO_undef = 2,
    DW_MACINFO_start_file = 3,
    DW_MACINFO_end_file = 4,
    DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext = 255

/* DW_TAG_defaulted/DW_TAG_GNU_defaulted attributes.  */
enum dwarf_defaulted_attribute
    DW_DEFAULTED_no = 0x00,
    DW_DEFAULTED_in_class = 0x01,
    DW_DEFAULTED_out_of_class = 0x02

/* Names and codes for new style macro information.  */
enum dwarf_macro_record_type
    DW_MACRO_define = 0x01,
    DW_MACRO_undef = 0x02,
    DW_MACRO_start_file = 0x03,
    DW_MACRO_end_file = 0x04,
    DW_MACRO_define_strp = 0x05,
    DW_MACRO_undef_strp = 0x06,
    DW_MACRO_import = 0x07,
    DW_MACRO_define_sup = 0x08,
    DW_MACRO_undef_sup = 0x09,
    DW_MACRO_import_sup = 0x0a,
    DW_MACRO_define_strx = 0x0b,
    DW_MACRO_undef_strx = 0x0c,
    DW_MACRO_lo_user = 0xe0,
    DW_MACRO_hi_user = 0xff,

    /* Compatibility macros for the GNU .debug_macro extension.  */
    DW_MACRO_GNU_define = 0x01,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_undef = 0x02,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_start_file = 0x03,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_end_file = 0x04,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_define_indirect = 0x05,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_undef_indirect = 0x06,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_transparent_include = 0x07,
    /* Extensions for DWZ multifile.
       See http://www.dwarfstd.org/ShowIssue.php?issue=120604.1&type=open .  */
    DW_MACRO_GNU_define_indirect_alt = 0x08,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_undef_indirect_alt = 0x09,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_transparent_include_alt = 0x0a,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_lo_user = 0xe0,
    DW_MACRO_GNU_hi_user = 0xff

/* Range list entry kinds in .debug_rnglists* section.  */
enum dwarf_range_list_entry
    DW_RLE_end_of_list = 0x00,
    DW_RLE_base_addressx = 0x01,
    DW_RLE_startx_endx = 0x02,
    DW_RLE_startx_length = 0x03,
    DW_RLE_offset_pair = 0x04,
    DW_RLE_base_address = 0x05,
    DW_RLE_start_end = 0x06,
    DW_RLE_start_length = 0x07
/* @@@ For use with GNU frame unwind information.  */

#define DW_EH_PE_absptr		0x00
#define DW_EH_PE_omit		0xff

#define DW_EH_PE_uleb128	0x01
#define DW_EH_PE_udata2		0x02
#define DW_EH_PE_udata4		0x03
#define DW_EH_PE_udata8		0x04
#define DW_EH_PE_sleb128	0x09
#define DW_EH_PE_sdata2		0x0A
#define DW_EH_PE_sdata4		0x0B
#define DW_EH_PE_sdata8		0x0C
#define DW_EH_PE_signed		0x08

#define DW_EH_PE_pcrel		0x10
#define DW_EH_PE_textrel	0x20
#define DW_EH_PE_datarel	0x30
#define DW_EH_PE_funcrel	0x40
#define DW_EH_PE_aligned	0x50

#define DW_EH_PE_indirect	0x80

/* Codes for the debug sections in a dwarf package (.dwp) file.
   (From the pre-standard formats Extensions for Fission.
   See http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/DebugFissionDWP).  */
enum dwarf_sect
  DW_SECT_LOC = 5,

/* Codes for the debug sections in a dwarf package (.dwp) file.
   (From the official DWARF v5 spec.
   See http://dwarfstd.org/doc/DWARF5.pdf, section 7.3.5).  */
enum dwarf_sect_v5
  DW_SECT_INFO_V5 = 1,
  DW_SECT_LINE_V5 = 4,
  DW_SECT_MAX_V5 = 8

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* Return the name of a DW_TAG_ constant, or NULL if the value is not
   recognized.  */
extern const char *get_DW_TAG_name (unsigned int tag);

/* Return the name of a DW_AT_ constant, or NULL if the value is not
   recognized.  */
extern const char *get_DW_AT_name (unsigned int attr);

/* Return the name of a DW_FORM_ constant, or NULL if the value is not
   recognized.  */
extern const char *get_DW_FORM_name (unsigned int form);

/* Return the name of a DW_OP_ constant, or NULL if the value is not
   recognized.  */
extern const char *get_DW_OP_name (unsigned int op);

/* Return the name of a DW_ATE_ constant, or NULL if the value is not
   recognized.  */
extern const char *get_DW_ATE_name (unsigned int enc);

/* Return the name of a DW_CFA_ constant, or NULL if the value is not
   recognized.  */
extern const char *get_DW_CFA_name (unsigned int opc);

/* Return the name of a DW_IDX_ constant, or NULL if the value is not
   recognized.  */
extern const char *get_DW_IDX_name (unsigned int idx);

/* Return the name of a DW_UT_ constant, or NULL if the value is not
   recognized.  */
extern const char *get_DW_UT_name (unsigned int ut);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* _DWARF2_H */